Thursday, December 5, 2013

CEE > *!!!!!!!

CEE > *!!!!!!!

Ive been on it for 4 days now This is less then loading time on Monohydrate and aparently my body absorbed it pretty damn well im not seeing much increase in weight DUH! But my muscle are all swoled up and I can tell for fucking sure they are bigger looking and I seem to have more energy when lifting


Its psychological

if it is psychological, I had my first dose yesterday and started my free trial at Gold's gym. Worked out hard and did cardio, bicep measured 17.75" after the workout i was like "WTF." (normally bicep is ~17). Just saying it was a good pump and i was excited.

it'a all in your head btw link to cee product ?

talksick it'a all in your head btw link to cee product ?

I got my CEE on Tues (3 days ago) and have been taking it. I have noticed a differance between it and the mono. I have more stamina. I have some "before" pics, I will get some "after" in a couple weeks to see if I see significant gains.

I think it fucked my stomach up

4 days

What the goddamn fuck is with the single smiley posts?

cavefish What the goddamn fuck is with the single smiley posts? People want to get their post count up so they can be ub3r k001 ?

I am buying some this weekend.

I will be trying some of that in the fall.

how much do you take at a time??when do u take it??before or after workout??

2 grams before and 2 grams after

alright thanks...also is it supposed to dissolve in water??

What about BSN's Cell Mass? Is it legit ?

baseball17c alright thanks...also is it supposed to dissolve in water?? I got mine from Bulknutrition, put a 2 grams in a shot glass dump in the water and its gone

yea mine just came in the mail today from there so im wondering...i put it in water and it dissolved and i was just wondering because regular creatine you could still tell it was there...taste awful but its all good

timberwolf What about BSN's Cell Mass? Is it legit ? Expensive very tasty too

SilverJettaGLX Expensive very tasty too I know ... 60 Can. But I have a 25$ discount coming to me so I'll use it on that.

You're all a bunch of fucking comedians.

I'lll be trying cee after i finish up my monohydrate

I am a main forum moron who likes to postcount++ by posting smilies at every possible opportunity. omgz who also loves cavefish

baseball17c alright thanks...also is it supposed to dissolve in water??

CEE > *!!!!!!!

proper form for legpress & squats

proper form for legpress & squats

what i've been taught: Squats:-slightly larger stance than shoulder width -let your knees go in the same direction as your toes -keep your toes pointed out a little bit less than 45 degrees -shoulders should be aligned with heels -keep core tight -chest & chin should be up -push with heels -when you go down, knees shouldn't go over your toes, or just a tiny bit, and thighs should be parallel to floor or a little below if you do ass2grass Legpress:-shoulder width apart -push with heels -hips in back of seat all the way please correct me if i'm wrong, i think i might be doing squats wrong and i was never too sure on legpress.... thanks


proper form for legpress & squats

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Question about Gatorade

Question about Gatorade

Im on an Air Force Base and at the chow hall I drink about 4-5 Pints of Gatorade every day. I've heard its high in sugar content. I was just wondering if this is too much gatorade. Im thinking I might cut it down to 1-2 glasses a day instead because I wwant to get cut.

tize dont worry about it it'll depend on his diet. but that's really not much anyways

Question about Gatorade

Moby on Soy...

Moby on Soy... Pop star Moby, known for his political statements as well as his music, says he'd do everything he could to make his future child homosexual should the singer ever have a family. He's also blasting conservatives Tom DeLay, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity and Newt Gingrich as "amoral/immoral" right wingers. In an interview with Planet Out, a publication geared toward homosexuals, the musician, who is not "gay," was lamenting so-called homophobia in society when he suggested his future child should be raised to be a homosexual. "As a matter of fact, I was talking to my friend Laura, who sings on [my latest] record, and we're both getting to the point where we want to start families," Moby said. "We're convinced that if we have children, we're going to do everything in our power to make them gay. Like maybe drinking a lot of extra soy milk while she's pregnant, or anything that would work to make that happen. I'd just rather have a really sharp, interesting, smart gay son than some big dumb hetero meathead."

wtf???? moby is a fag

that is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Since when has there been any proof that you can influence the sexuality of your unborn child inutero. Are gay people the only ones that are smart and interesting?

i hate moby "its uncool to be gay so lets raise our kids that way" ultimate backlash at society, i suppose

I just threw up.

what a piece of shit faggot loser geek

Moby can eat a fat ass cock.


i like his old old club stuff, but i always thought he was a bit of a nutter

Moby is a fag and his music sucks.

christophers fuck moby bald fucker hey now, bald has nothing to do with it.

gsteclipse97 wtf???? moby is a fag and this comes as a surprize to you?

he needs to deadlift. it'll make him feel better.

Seriously, what the hell, that's gotta violate some human rights law.

hasnt moby been wearing braces for like 9 years or some shit?

i dont understand what is wrong with anything he said besides the generalizations

2nd time this week i got to use that smilie

what kind of shitty father WANTS to condemn his own kid to a lifetime of ridicule and scorn? if he happens to be born gay, great. accept it and love him. but wanting your own child to be born into that.

Moby on Soy...

Where should I start?

Where should I start?

I'm 5'11/180, 75% of my diet is bacon cheeseburgers. Has been for years, and strangely my cholesterol is low as of my last measurement. Im a picky eater, but I just wanna bulk up a little, and get the 8pack back.(I can get 6 when I flex, but my desk job and diet are taking their toll). I'm gonna start working out 2 nights a week and increase when possible, but this is at an apartment complex gym, so I need some basic suggestions for my simple goals. Thx, brolys

What are your goals? That diet is gross by the way.

Do people think they are so special and unique that the stickies won't apply to them? God.... The only worthy question on this is the part about your limited gym resources. Does your gym have mostly free weights or machine weights?

gym has mostly free weights. 2 treadmills, a crosstrainer machine, stepper, bike, then it has the pull down machine and that other one where you have your arms @ 90 degrees and squeeze them towards each other, in front of you. I tried a salad yesterday but I had french dressing on it. I wish I had a more diverse diet.

Where should I start?

Anyone ever ordered from these people? Bought this protein before?

Anyone ever ordered from these people? Bought this protein before?

haven't ordered from there, but I have tried the protein. The strawberry flavour wasn't bad but it was a lot more clumpy than ON

Dragon haven't ordered from there, but I have tried the protein. The strawberry flavour wasn't bad but it was a lot more clumpy than ON hmm, i ordered the choc and the straw

Anyone ever ordered from these people? Bought this protein before?

Too much volume for one day?

Too much volume for one day?

For the past month and a half I have been working out twice a day on fridays. Around midday I do:Squats 3x8 Box Squat 1x20 Bench Press 5x5 Deadlift 5x5 About 6hrs later I go and do. Calf Thinger 3x20 weighted wide grip chins 3x10 DB Press 5x5 and then finish w/2 or 3 sets of tate presses or curls () It hasn't been a problem, I only feel it on Sundays. I get 5k+ calories (1 shake after each workout, rest is whole foods). And I'll get about 10hrs of sleep tonight. Too much for my CNS or no? Like I said I only "hurt" (just slightly sore) on Sundays.

the way i see it (and i know il be disputed on this) everyone is different and you need to find what works for you, last summer before i knew what i was doing, id work out 3 times a day an hour each, 2 times lifting and 1 hour of cardio (and i ate hardly anything, what i did eat was protein and well below maintenance cals). that was definitely what would be on this board or anywhere considered over training, but i gained significant muscle strength durring this time as well as i lost 40 lbs of mostly fat. i wouldnt be as strict as i was but it all has to do w/ your metabolism and your body's predisposition to make gains, and of course what you eat. id personally suggest taking a month or so eating where you think your maintenace cals are and see if you gain or lose weight, then tweak your food as needed. im no expert but i would venture to say thats a little excessive for one day. il let christophers feild that one.

whats the rest of your week look like?

Undefined whats the rest of your week look like? Have the whole weekend off, usually just lounge around the house. I don't lift again til Monday afternoon.

you're just doing the same workout once a week?

dmaestro Have the whole weekend off, usually just lounge around the house. I don't lift again til Monday afternoon. youre dedicated arent u.

Shaolin_sword36 you're just doing the same workout once a week? no, i workout mon, tues, wed, and fridays. thurs and the weekend i have off. fridays I workout twice though

Undefined youre dedicated arent u. yeah im obsessed.

Too much volume for one day?

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