Friday, November 29, 2013

i'm 6'2 170 lbs ... need some advice

i'm 6'2 170 lbs ... need some advice

i would like to know is there any thing i can intake that will allow me to increase my weight but not fat wise i know working out is key but i work 8-6 monday~saturday i come home and i'm exhausted but i do manage to do 100 pushups/25lb 4 sets of 12 bicep/tricep curls so that my body can stay in shape would a protein supplement(whey) in any way benefit me or is it only necessary for full time gym people ?

stupid noobs do 500pushups a night and you'll be hitting 300s on the bench in no time.

knucks stupid noobs do 500pushups a night and you'll be hitting 300s on the bench in no time. ethug

Read the stickies. And dont make faggot excuses. I work from 6:30-5 everyday. I still go. You have to want it. PERIOD

Fabian Read the stickies. And dont make faggot excuses. I work from 6:30-5 everyday. I still go. You have to want it. PERIOD thx for link fabian

my job is very physically demanding.. me and my dad run a remodeling co.. work itself is a workout and at the end of the day.. you are literally exhausted

stickies > you



run of the mill response


creatine will increase your weight if taken correctly, and strength too. but kinda pointless if you're not actualy gonna really lift. research it more for info. instead of doing 100 pushups and curls, take 45 minutes and go to the gym (that's all it takes, i promise) and get a good real workout. read the stickies as advised, they really are useful though it is a ton of reading.

here's a link to the stickies, they're at the top of the page or hell, just hit back on your browser. they're the threads saying "Sticky : thread topic"

Frisco crew holla.

China i would like to know is there any thing i can intake that will allow me to increase my weight but not fat wise i know working out is key but i work 8-6 monday~saturday my thoughts..................... 1) i'm 6'2" and 179.5 lbs... was 184 lbs a couple weeks ago, got real sick, dropped to 174 and now i'm almost at 180 again. started workin out a few years ago i was 145 lbs and 6'2"... THAT sucked. 2) EAT - like a mother fuck. drink protein shakes between meals w/ an apple or banana. 3) DRINK - tons and tons of h20. me and the bathroom are GOOD friends. 4) i work 8-4:30 M-F on my "9-5" job, go to class mon, tue, wed, thur, and sun for 1.5 hrs during the week and 3 hours on the sunday class. i workout tue, thur, sat in the morning before going to work for 1 hr. i do cardio on the alt days for 30-35 mins and rest on sunday. good luck... it takes TONS of work.. and if you want to gain weight you have to EAT.

China my job is very physically demanding.. me and my dad run a remodeling co.. work itself is a workout and at the end of the day.. you are literally exhausted If you want it bad enough there is always time. I worked as a Diesel Mechanic last summer and came home dirty and tired but still made it a point to lift. Truck parts are heavy as are the tools needed to work on them. Id spend 8 hrs running an impact gun the size of my leg and barely be able to hold onto the steering wheel on the way home because my forearms were blasted but still lifted. I was increadably tired for a week or so but adapted and the gains show it. Lifting after work will be a drain on you but if you eat properly your body will adapt. Basically, stop making excuses and make time if you really want it, also read the stickies, the information is there for a reason.

since ur work is so exhausting, you're probably burning a shitload of calories thus you are more. and if you're too exhausted to lift, then your sol. lift on your days off from work even if its only 2 days a week, better than nothing. focus on heavy compound movements, squat, dead, bench, row, chin. do that and eat a lot, you shall gain weight.

[QUOTE=GTPBR] Id spend 8 hrs running an impact gun the size of my leg and barely be able to hold onto the steering wheel on the way home because my forearms were blasted but still lifted. QUOTE] damn that sounds like it'd give you huge forearms pics?

[QUOTE=Undefined] GTPBR Id spend 8 hrs running an impact gun the size of my leg and barely be able to hold onto the steering wheel on the way home because my forearms were blasted but still lifted. QUOTE] damn that sounds like it'd give you huge forearms pics? Thats whatd I figured but it didnt happen. And by leg I mean the size of my thigh, that thing was heavy as shit. Wasnt eating enough to pack on a lot of muscle but by the end of the summer I was stronger then I had ever been and had a crazy grip (not Grouch level but I was impressed). I started college in August and I've gotten soft but got back in the weightroom in January so I'm back on track.

China my job is very physically demanding.. me and my dad run a remodeling co.. work itself is a workout and at the end of the day.. you are literally exhausted Mine is probably moreso than yours. I work 40 hours a week doing freight/recieving. We generally move at about 2000 pieces every 2 hours for 8 hours straight. So every shift I pick up and move roughly 8,000 boxes that weigh anywhere from 15-70 lbs. And I still work out about three times a week. BTW, read the stickies and the F&N archives.

great advice guys i'm now more motivated than ever before

China thx for link fabian No problem at all man. Most here will also help you, but some can act like jerkoffs at times if they feel like joking....only when your new to lifting, you sometimes can't distinguish

Good luck on not putting on any fat. I bulked from 145 to 170 with virtually ZERO fat gain, but as soon as I even tipped over 171, my stomach started slowly getting unscrawny.

China my job is very physically demanding..[ ] me and my dad run a remodeling co.. work itself is a workout and at the end of the day.. you are literally exhausted [ ] Oh.....muffin.....are you gonna be okay? Whatsssamatta? Sand where there shouldn't be sand? Man up and lift. It's not tricky. Plenty of people (me included) have had 10+ hour days of physical labor every day and have still gone to the gym.

i'm 6'2 170 lbs ... need some advice

Anyone have experience with creatine fuel by twinlabs?

Anyone have experience with creatine fuel by twinlabs?

I just bought some at GNC for $11....60 capsules...I figure it's easier than mixing it in a drink...


quickone I just bought some at GNC for $11....60 capsules...I figure it's easier than mixing it in a drink... I bet you have to take like 5 capsules in order to get the same amount as a teaspoon would give you for mixing in water. EDIT: if not, those must be some huge caps

yea i was curious, how much per cap?

A year or two ago I lifted with somebody who took creatine in caps and he had to take 5 caps before and 5 caps after... dunno how much was in each though.

that better not be liquid form -- is it?

no not liquid I dont think....take 6 caps per says 3 caps before workout and 3 caps afterwards I just opened it's clear capsules in powder form.

So you get 10 days worth for 11 bucks Powder, you'll get like half a years worth for 20.

Yeah...I guess I didnt really think about that...seemed easier this mixing. but I got a container of the powder form as well.

quickone Yeah...I guess I didnt really think about that...seemed easier this mixing. but I got a container of the powder form as well. You know you could cap powders yourself?

where do I get the stuff for that? and dont you have to mix the reg powder in stuff like grape juice or somethin to help it get absorbed into the body better? These capsuls say just take a full glass of water... Ingredients: Gelatin, Potato Starch, Cellulose, Purified Water, MCT, Magnesium Stearate, and Silica.

quickone where do I get the stuff for that? and dont you have to mix the reg powder in stuff like grape juice or somethin to help it get absorbed into the body better? These capsuls say just take a full glass of water... Ingredients: Gelatin, Potato Starch, Cellulose, Purified Water, MCT, Magnesium Stearate, and Silica.

Thanks...any advice on a good scale to use? and whats the diff between "0" and "00" capping kits? I may get the deluxe capping kit that comes with the "my weigh 200-z scale" unless anyone thinks theres a better scale out there for around the same price...

Anyone have experience with creatine fuel by twinlabs?

My three months 30 pound loss pics.

My three months 30 pound loss pics.

and the before pics

Any before pics? And are you actually lifting? Genuine question...

before pics so we can see the difference?

I just started lifting like 2 weeks ago, before that I was just biking 20 - 30 miles a day.

killerZees I just started lifting like 2 weeks ago, before that I was just biking 20 - 30 miles a day. 20-30 miles a day? How do you find the time?

Silver85327 20-30 miles a day? How do you find the time? to and from work 15 miles each way.

killerZees to and from work 15 miles each way. Wow I'm sure your coworkers love working with you

Boomer Wow I'm sure your coworkers love working with you We have a shower.

killerZees I just started lifting like 2 weeks ago, before that I was just biking 20 - 30 miles a day. Good job on the weight loss

Good work

Before pics!

Yea we need some before pics. I am probably going to be buying a bike so I can get some more cardio cause I turn into a prune when I spend 40 minutes in the pool.

woowee, good job

Yeah baby! Yeaah! Groovy!

before pics posted.

Damn, that belly went away!

sweet man.. keep hitting those weights

great work man, now hit the weights hard!

you lost all your belly hair

Silver85327 you lost all your belly hair

holy cow! great job!!! Did you alter your diet in any way? Take any pills? Or just do the bike riding?

nic379 holy cow! great job!!! Did you alter your diet in any way? Take any pills? Or just do the bike riding? Well I stopped eating fast food, and I started eating regular portions. No pills although I have an ecy stack I just haven't taken any. Oh I drink about 8 waters a day.

omg theres a squirrel on yur chest.... KILL EEET!!!! edit:

nice work, but you need to hit the weights. can't have tats without muscles. that's just wrong

good job man.

My three months 30 pound loss pics.

Is it normal to bloat up a little bit while losing weight?

Is it normal to bloat up a little bit while losing weight?

I've been losing weight at a fairly steady pace of 2-3 lbs per week for the past 4 weeks. I've lost roughly 10 lbs total. I feel a lot healther, and I can tell my pants are fitting better. I can comfortably move up to the next notch on my belt, which I couldn't previously do. However the fat I still have seems to be a lot softer and squishier, and my love handles appear to be sticking out quite a bit more than they were the past couple weeks from my initial slimming down. Is this normal? Here's the rate I've been losing weight : 3/30/05 - 226 lbs 4/6/05 - 222 lbs 4/13/05 - 219 lbs 4/20/05 - 216.5 lbs

what does your diet look like? Just wondering because you are losing weight but is it fat? Makes me wonder because of what you said.

jaymode what does your diet look like? Just wondering because you are losing weight but is it fat? Makes me wonder because of what you said. Main things: Chicken breast (with seasoning, sometimes with a tbs of BBQ sauce, but most of the time I just eat it plain) Deli sandwich (shaved turkey breast with swiss cheese on whole wheat bread. Sometimes a thin slice of hard solami) Oatmeal Yogurt Cottage cheese Peanuts Raw fruits+veggies And I drink nothing but water and propell fitness water. I've been eating pretty clean.

love handles are the usually the last to go! how i hate thee!

AmCo love handles are the usually the last to go! how i hate thee! hell yeah.

It seems you might be losing weight a little too fast. You could be burning some muscle along with the fat, which is why you feel a little more squishy and 'soft'. Also, don't let your mind think you are thinner than you really are because you've lost some weight.

Davo It seems you might be losing weight a little too fast. You could be burning some muscle along with the fat, which is why you feel a little more squishy and 'soft'. Also, don't let your mind think you are thinner than you really are because you've lost some weight. Yup, I am thinking you are losing a little to fast also. What do your calories and protein intake look like? How many cals below maintenance?

how do you figure out mainenance calories? is it 12X your body weight??

Could be retaining some water weight. How much are you drinking?

its normal to retain more water when you begin cardio. Water volume in plasma increases.

Fucker Could be retaining some water weight. How much are you drinking? A shit load. I don't know exactly how many ounces, but I fill up my Gatorade water bottle about 6 times a day or so.

jaymode Yup, I am thinking you are losing a little to fast also. What do your calories and protein intake look like? How many cals below maintenance? My maintenance calories are about 3844 and I consume anywhere from 2000-3000 a day. A large majority of this is proetin (chicken, cottage cheese, peanuts, turkey breast, etc.)

xpinchx A shit load. I don't know exactly how many ounces, but I fill up my Gatorade water bottle about 6 times a day or so. You're probably a little swolen from all the water. I usually drink a 1.5 Ltr bottle on weight days at the gym. A little less on cardio days. Anyway, I get a little swolen after.

I notice the same thing and even posted it a few days ago except I notice that my love handles sometimes appear bigger and then go back down. I do drink about a 1.5 gallons of water a day. My clothes feel alot looser so I must be doing something right . I'm down to a 34 from the 36 when I started. I'm on week 5 of my excercise and diet.

xpinchx My maintenance calories are about 3844 and I consume anywhere from 2000-3000 a day. A large majority of this is proetin (chicken, cottage cheese, peanuts, turkey breast, etc.) Going down to 2000 from 3844 is not gonna be good for retaining muscle mass. Even going down to 3000 is pushing it. If your goal is to lose fat and not weight I am pretty sure you only want to eat about 500 or so calories below maintenance. It is good however that most of them come from protein sources as that will help retain muscle.

jaymode Going down to 2000 from 3844 is not gonna be good for retaining muscle mass. Even going down to 3000 is pushing it. If your goal is to lose fat and not weight I am pretty sure you only want to eat about 500 or so calories below maintenance. It is good however that most of them come from protein sources as that will help retain muscle. Honestly, I usually eat on the upper end of 2000 calories depending on the day. I'd say an average of 3,000, plus I'm lifting 3-4 times a week. Muscle loss isn't a huge issue for me, but the less I lose the merrier.

xpinchx My maintenance calories are about 3844 and I consume anywhere from 2000-3000 a day. A large majority of this is proetin (chicken, cottage cheese, peanuts, turkey breast, etc.) Your maintenance should be no where near 3844. It should be like 2500-2800

Grouch Your maintenance should be no where near 3844. It should be like 2500-2800 Baseline calorie needs then? It's the number I got from the Harris-Benedict formula + activity factor.

xpinchx Baseline calorie needs then? It's the number I got from the Harris-Benedict formula + activity factor. I thought it was body weight x 11. maybe I'm wrong for one.

i always lose a shitload of water when i begin to cut. i hold alot when i bulk

Grouch I thought it was body weight x 11. maybe I'm wrong for one. Find your BMR: Women: BMR = 655 + ( 4.35 x weight in pounds ) + ( 4.7 x height in inches ) - ( 4.7 x age in years ) Men: BMR = 66 + ( 6.23 x weight in pounds ) + ( 12.7 x height in inches ) - ( 6.8 x age in year ) Then multiply that by your daily fitness level: If you are sedentary (little or no exercise) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.2 If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.375 If you are moderatetely active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55 If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.725 If you are extra active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.9 I come up with about 3.8k. This is your baseline calorie needs, in other words, that's about how many calories you will burn in a day by just sitting around breathing, chewing food, walking to your car, shopping, etc. Body weight x 11 would give you about the amount of calories you need to eat to lose weight healthily.

xpinchx Find your BMR: Then multiply that by your daily fitness level: I come up with about 3.8k. This is your baseline calorie needs, in other words, that's about how many calories you will burn in a day by just sitting around breathing, chewing food, walking to your car, shopping, etc. Body weight x 11 would give you about the amount of calories you need to eat to lose weight healthily. [/list] by those calculations, im around 800 cals in deficit, yet havent lost a pound in 2 weeks

yo nizzle by those calculations, im around 800 cals in deficit, yet havent lost a pound in 2 weeks The number you get is sort of a ball park figure. There's a lot more variables such as metabolism, how often you're eating, how clean you're eating, etc.

xpinchx The number you get is sort of a ball park figure. There's a lot more variables such as metabolism, how often you're eating, how clean you're eating, etc. eat 3 times a day, eating pretty clean wheat bread, turkey slices, chicken breast, white rice, protein shakes

xpinchx The number you get is sort of a ball park figure. There's a lot more variables such as metabolism, how often you're eating, how clean you're eating, etc. I soaped down my fries twice before I ate them last night, is that clean enough?

Is it normal to bloat up a little bit while losing weight?

Malt o Meal

Malt o Meal

Is it just as good as oatmeal for breakfast??

isnt that just a company...

Sgt. Ownage isnt that just a company... no its a type of breafast stuff. i dont know how to explain it. its this shit

its like instant grits aint it?

gsteclipse97 its like instant grits aint it? it is "wheat farina, malted barley, calcium carbonate, iron phosphate, niacin, vit b6, folate, vit b1 and vit b2." cals 120 total fat .5 sat fat 0 cholesterol 0 sodium 0 potassium 40 carbs 26 dietary fiber 1 sugars 0 protein 5

It tastes like shit to me unless I dump syrup and butter into it

ibRonniecomments Mix it with some egg whites and your good to go!

I like it with milk. But I like cream of wheat better.

I mix it with oats every night before I go to bed. Great tasting shit.

i just put some cinnamon on it. then eat my scrambeled egg whites. i bought oatmeal as well, but i grew up on malt o i like it better.

superbri007 Cream of Wheat and brown sugar > that shit i dont think i can have brown sugar

Malt o Meal

Name Some Must Have Exercises in your Workout Plan Ver. 2.0

Name Some Must Have Exercises in your Workout Plan Ver. 2.0

What are some must have exercises in a workout schedule besides the obvious squats, deads, bench...

I train with a medicine ball...if you haven't done this's quite a treat. I'll warm up first by doing 2x5min. rounds of skipping/30 sec. rest interval.

shoulder press, lat pull ups, db flys, calf raises

chin ups, bentover rows

my current workout plan doesnt have squats, deads, or bench

it does have some 1 arm med ball presses though, those are interesting

reverse hypers and rotator cuff shiet

christophers bad workout plan its a compromise w/ my partner. we do leg press instead of squats, and 1 arm med ball press and decline bench press instead of flat bench. we have a plenty of back excersizes, but no real lower back stuff When summer hits we'll change back to a more conventional routine.

dank its a compromise w/ my partner. we do leg press instead of squats, and 1 arm med ball press and decline bench press instead of flat bench. we have a plenty of back excersizes, but no real lower back stuff When summer hits we'll change back to a more conventional routine. You have a shitty partner then.

tize Power jelq

dank its a compromise w/ my partner. we do leg press instead of squats, and 1 arm med ball press and decline bench press instead of flat bench. we have a plenty of back excersizes, but no real lower back stuff When summer hits we'll change back to a more conventional routine. Unless your partner is your siamese twin, you should be able to do your own workout

Prison/Upright barbell row.

Tate Press.

rows(any form), chin ups(any grip)

Dips, Wide Grip Pullups, Rows, Shoulder Press, Flyes

Name Some Must Have Exercises in your Workout Plan Ver. 2.0

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Got me some new crunkers!!! v. crunkersofdeath

Got me some new crunkers!!! v. crunkersofdeath

don't fuck with my kung fu grip!!

mine > yours

fuck you guys, this was funny shit.

I laughed.

Grouch has a very strong grip and a large hand gripper collection. Those grippers are cheap and crappy. It's really not funny at all if you have to explain it.

superbri007 they look like shit. I'll give you shit

i think you need some professional help for your gripper addiction.

how much money did you waste on those? They looked pretty hardcore, almost more intimidating than the CoCs

SteveO how much money did you waste on those? They looked pretty hardcore, almost more intimidating than the CoCs $1.08

superbri007 you into scat also? I have been known to shit on a chest or two.

some people need those yellow 2 pound ones to work up to the trainer I guess #2 still owning me...

joy division some people need those yellow 2 pound ones to work up to the trainer I guess #2 still owning me... I put my HG300 in a hose clamp choker. Yesterday after a hard day of crunking and pinching. I couldn't even budge it from like an inch way. usually i get it to 1/4 inch.

ugh yeah i need to take a few days off then come back and destroy


Grouch I have been known to shit on a chest or two. chili dog it?

do you guys do grip work on the days when you lift?

Got me some new crunkers!!! v. crunkersofdeath

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