Thursday, November 28, 2013

quick question v.dl/squat

quick question v.dl/squat

ideally, should your squat and d/l 1RM be the same/close to the same. or should the DL be significantly greater than your squat?

from the numbers ive seen, usually the DL is about 10-20% greater than the squat. but numbers dont scale down well to newbies, not saying you are, but like i DL 260ish and squat 200.

princess0fdiabl0 from the numbers ive seen, usually the DL is about 10-20% greater than the squat. but numbers dont scale down well to newbies, not saying you are, but like i DL 260ish and squat 200. yeah i've noticed that too but for some reason i DL 275 and squat 275 maybe it's my grip thats preventing me from DLing more

sr20wop yeah i've noticed that too but for some reason i DL 275 and squat 275 maybe it's my grip thats preventing me from DLing more no, you should be able to squat mroe than u DL

vettedude no, you should be able to squat mroe than u DL orly

depends on your weight...lighter lifters tend to have their deadlift approach their squat weight but no matter what your squat should always be higher. The heavier you are the lower your deadlift will be in comparisson to your squat but i doubt thats something you need to worry about

GOGZILLA depends on your weight...lighter lifters tend to have their deadlift approach their squat weight but no matter what your squat should always be higher. The heavier you are the lower your deadlift will be in comparisson to your squat but i doubt thats something you need to worry about oh alright thanks broly

Ignore my post.

GOGZILLA depends on your weight...lighter lifters tend to have their deadlift approach their squat weight but no matter what your squat should always be higher. The heavier you are the lower your deadlift will be in comparisson to your squat but i doubt thats something you need to worry about Damn, when I lifted for football I must not have done something right... I was deadlifting 405 and Squatting 340ish Ooops

GOGZILLA depends on your weight...lighter lifters tend to have their deadlift approach their squat weight but no matter what your squat should always be higher. The heavier you are the lower your deadlift will be in comparisson to your squat but i doubt thats something you need to worry about that makes no sense. how can you say that when its a matter of fact that many people do deadlift more than they squat?

quick question v.dl/squat

Getting a few things cleared up...

Getting a few things cleared up...

Alright, I'm going to be really dedicated to loosing weight.... I'll buy myself a CrossTrainer and some sets of dumbells for now. I'll be eating as much protien as I can, I'll cut down on the fatty shit. I'll stop going to McDonalds (don't really like it, jsut convienient) and other fast food places and I'll pack my own lunches. I stopped drinking soda a few months ago and I haven't had any regular pepsi in like a month Tomorrow I plan on going shoppin for some food Heres my list on what to get so far, feel free to make any changes/additions. Eggs Peanut Butter Low Fat/No Fat Mayo Tuna Chicken Breasts 1% Milk Protien Shakes (if theres any at my grocerie store) Bananns Apples Oranges Carrots Lettuce Oatmeal Cereal No Fat Yogurt Steak Green Tea Brown Bread Okay, so starting tuesday my day will go like this, although I'm not sure if I should do 20-30 minutes of cardio in the morning when I wake up or after in the evening. Breakfast ~ Oatmeal or Eggs or Cereal and a protien shake Lunch ~ Tuna Sandwich w/ Brown Bread Dinner ~ Chicken Breasts w/ Potatoes or something Plz give me some suggestions on my daily meals.... Also, what are some excersizes that are effective with just dumbells? Sorry for all the stupid questions


*sigh* grocery list looks ok. cottage cheese is agreat source of protein as well. just get the low fat kind. i mix mine with some low fat yogurt and that way i get some carbs and protein in one easy snack. I eat about 5 small meals a day because I find that it works best for me. It keeps me from getting really hungry and wanting to binge. also get sirloin or a lean type of steak. you want natural peanut butter, not jif or peter pan or any of that stuff. you don't need cereal. you can eat oatmeal, eggs, lean ham, wheat toast, and so much more for breakfast, don't eat cereal. mustard is better than mayo. also you can get sugarfree applesauce that is good. it's a little tart because it' made out of granny smith apples, but its better than a hard apple, at least to me. when you go shopping, look at cals/fat/carb/ and protein content of the stuff you buy. the more protein the better, the less cals the better. also since you are dieting, i would get the 100% myoplex whey from EAS. it has very low carbs and cals and fat. with 22 g of protien. eat some strawberries or an orange with your shake, thats a snack.

grandgirl *sigh* grocery list looks ok. cottage cheese is agreat source of protein as well. just get the low fat kind. i mix mine with some low fat yogurt and that way i get some carbs and protein in one easy snack. I eat about 5 small meals a day because I find that it works best for me. It keeps me from getting really hungry and wanting to binge. also get sirloin or a lean type of steak. you want natural peanut butter, not jif or peter pan or any of that stuff. you don't need cereal. you can eat oatmeal, eggs, lean ham, wheat toast, and so much more for breakfast, don't eat cereal. mustard is better than mayo. also you can get sugarfree applesauce that is good. it's a little tart because it' made out of granny smith apples, but its better than a hard apple, at least to me. when you go shopping, look at cals/fat/carb/ and protein content of the stuff you buy. the more protein the better, the less cals the better. also since you are dieting, i would get the 100% myoplex whey from EAS. it has very low carbs and cals and fat. with 22 g of protien. eat some strawberries or an orange with your shake, thats a snack. I can't stand cottage cheese, and mustard with tuna is a nono I'll get the apple sauce and that kind of steak, whats the myoplex whey? Protien shake? how much is it? I've noticed that I used to never have the time for breakfast before and I'd get REALLY hungry at lunch so I would over eat I'll take your suggestion and not buy any cereal Also, what about the dumbell question, what excersizes should I do on what days? Thanks for your great response

Inferno69 I can't stand cottage cheese, and mustard with tuna is a nono I'll get the apple sauce and that kind of steak, whats the myoplex whey? Protien shake? how much is it? I've noticed that I used to never have the time for breakfast before and I'd get REALLY hungry at lunch so I would over eat I'll take your suggestion and not buy any cereal Also, what about the dumbell question, what excersizes should I do on what days? Thanks for your great response I can't stand cottage cheese either, that's why I mix it with yogurt. It;s so much easier than cooking a chicken breast or steak or eggs. I can take it with me already mixed up. It tasted just like yogurt, just with clumps in it. this sis the one i got. a 5lb jug of chocolate. but i've heard good things about the first link, it's just kinda expensive.

Inferno69 Sorry for all the stupid questions they aren't stupid, they've just been discussed over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over..... and over. Seriously, at least 25% of the posts in F&N are almost IDENTICAL to yours. Please read them.

shastaisforwinners they aren't stupid, they've just been discussed over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over..... and over. Seriously, at least 25% of the posts in F&N are almost IDENTICAL to yours. Please read them. hey everyone is new at some point. i was. i like dit when people actually talked to ME and not another poster.

grandgirl hey everyone is new at some point. i was. i like dit when people actually talked to ME and not another poster. I understand what your saying, I'm just pointing out that he's not asking for anything specific to his needs. What he wants to know is the same thing that's already covered in the stickies and a billion other posts That's hy I wasn't mean to him, just trying to get the point across that this forum + the archives have way more/better information than he's going to be able to get from a single post.

I found the other day that cottage cheese with some jelly is really good. Keep in mind it doesn't take much at all so don't overdo it.

is it even possible to get into really good shape with just dumbells and a cross trainer?

why get a crosstrainer? I hope you accomplish you goals man, it'll be tough, don't give up. I would seriously read a lot more posts around this forum tho...

Do you not have transportation? Joining a gym will be the best idea...

MSUSpartan why get a crosstrainer? I hope you accomplish you goals man, it'll be tough, don't give up. I would seriously read a lot more posts around this forum tho... This is a crosstrainer: yeah, I won't give up

MSUSpartan Do you not have transportation? Joining a gym will be the best idea... thats my problem, I'm low on teh monies and the gym is pretty far away...

that crosstrainer gotta cost more than a year's membership fee to the gym! I joined the local YMCA... 20 bucks a month

MSUSpartan that crosstrainer gotta cost more than a year's membership fee to the gym! I joined the local YMCA... 20 bucks a month yeah, its a good deal for a YMCA membership, but the closest one is downtown and I'm all the way on the outskirts of the city, with no car.

instead of spending $400 on the cross trainer why not get a power rack, barbel and bench, and run outside instead?

evi1eddie instead of spending $400 on the cross trainer why not get a power rack, barbel and bench, and run outside instead? And for protein i'd reccommend a 10lb bag of ON whey ( i like chocolate)

evi1eddie instead of spending $400 on the cross trainer why not get a power rack, barbel and bench, and run outside instead? cause for some reason I run longer on a cross trainer [and I don't know what to do with the barbell and the bench, etc. ]

Inferno69 cause for some reason I run longer on a cross trainer [and I don't know what to do with the barbell and the bench, etc. ] if it's harder running outside it probably means you'd burn more calories and be done faster that way. and if you're not sure what to do with free weights, don't make it so hard for us to help you. you ask for good advice and when you get it, you come up with excuses to not follow it. if you were REALLY serious about this, right now we'd be telling you to slow down, that you were working too hard and going to extremes, but instead, everyone's telling you that you aren't even *planning* to do enough. doesn't that tell you something?

Excersizes evi1eddie if it's harder running outside it probably means you'd burn more calories and be done faster that way. and if you're not sure what to do with free weights, don't make it so hard for us to help you. you ask for good advice and when you get it, you come up with excuses to not follow it. if you were REALLY serious about this, right now we'd be telling you to slow down, that you were working too hard and going to extremes, but instead, everyone's telling you that you aren't even *planning* to do enough. doesn't that tell you something? don't get your panites all up in a bunch anyways, thanks for the link, I appreciate it does running burn more fat then walkin the same distance? by the way, for the link you gave me what are some you recommend that I do and on what days? I'm not coming up with excuses not to follow it, cause' trust me... I wanna loose weight I'm reading the South Beach Diet right now... says that I shouldnt eat ANY carbs for 2 weeks, even the good carbs (fruit) and I'll loose like 7-14 lbs, then I add more carbs into my diet, etc. I'm strugglin with thinking up meal ideas for my day without eating the same shit everyday: Chicken Breasts, Steak, Apples, Oranges, Banannas, Eggs, Tuna and Oatmeal I'll probably get a log in teh subform set up so I can track my progress Thanks for your help man, and trust me... I'm dedicated to loosing weight

diet honestly i think its just easier to go by calories than keeping track of what you can and can't eat like with south beach etc. maintenance calories are how many cals you should eat to keep your body weight as it is, therefore if you consume less calories, you'll lose weight. if you consume more, they are stored as body fat and you gain weight... but i guess you already know all about that that excel spreadsheet should tell you how many calories to aim for everyday to lose weight. losing anything more than 2-3 lbs a week is not generally considered healthy. diet alone, without cardio or lifting, is sufficient on its own to induce weight loss. is free to register and will help you keep track of every calorie you eat, and the nutrition split between protein/fats/carbs. the calorie calculator spreadsheet will tell you how many grams of each you should be aiming for. cardio you don't need to go overboard. burning 500 calories doing cardio 3x a week is enough. for a rough estimate of how much physical activity it would take to burn 500 calories: does running burn more fat then walkin the same distance? first of all, cardio is mostly about increasing the deficit between calories you are taking in and your maintenance calories, the deficit which you create through your diet. increasing your calorie deficit by doing cardio 3x a week for 500 cals a pop should be sufficient. secondly, don't think about running vs. walking in terms of distance, but time spent doing it. 30 mins of running will burn more calories than 30 mins of walking. weight lifting for the purposes of losing weight, this is much better than cardio because not only are you burning calories while actually performing the activity, but you're also burning more calories over the next two days as your muscles rebuild. this doesn't really occur with cardio. also, a significant portion of weight being lost from dieting is from muscle. weightlifting during this caloric deficit may not cause an increase in muscle mass, but it will help to minimize muscle loss. christophers' base routine: ^ you'd definitely need a power rack for that. and for god's sake it's "losing" not "loosing!" gym time, later

Diet: Don't do any nocarb/lowcarb/nofat/lowfat trendy diet shit. It's all bullshit and after you stop the diet, the weight will come back on. Just eat clean. I know it can be hard and frustrating, but just do it and you wil benefit in the long run. You won't lose any weight by eating no carbs for 2 weeks. Any water weight that you do lose will come right back on after you stop. Eat 5 small meals throughout the day. Stick to clean protein sources (boneless skinless chicken breast, cottage cheese, lean beef, tuna, salmon, eggs, etc. Simple carbs: whole wheat/wholegrain bread products, fruits, veggies, veggies, and more veggies. fats: keep your fat intake from food low. You'll want most of your fat from supplements (fish oil, flax seed oil) to benefit you the most. This is a lifestyle change, not a diet. If you eat clean foods like I listed above, you will lose weight. Also, you seem confused about protein shakes. You make protein shakes, you don't buy them. Go to and get some ON 100% Whey. 5 lbs should be fine to get you started off and find a good flavor. Chocolate seems to be everyone's favorite. Mix in 2 cups of your whey, 1 1/2 cups fat free skim milk, 1/2 a bannana, 1 tbs or more of natural peanut butter. Blend that shit up, add some ice, and chug the motherfucker down. Protein bars can be okay if you're on the go or don't have time to prepare one. For exercising, don't bother with the cross trainer - it will be a complete waste of your money. If you're going to throw that much money out there - get a real olympic barbell, an olympic bench, a set of dumbells, and of course a weight set. If you have money left over, get a power rack. These 5 items will do much more good for you than any AS-SEEN-ON-TV contraption ever will. If someone here will help you put a routine together, and you follow it strictly, you will burn fat 5x faster than any cardio can, and you'll be putton on muscle at the same time. It's just better. If you have any more quesetions I can probably point you in the right direction.

xpinchx Diet: Don't do any nocarb/lowcarb/nofat/lowfat trendy diet shit. It's all bullshit and after you stop the diet, the weight will come back on. Just eat clean. I know it can be hard and frustrating, but just do it and you wil benefit in the long run. You won't lose any weight by eating no carbs for 2 weeks. Any water weight that you do lose will come right back on after you stop. Eat 5 small meals throughout the day. Stick to clean protein sources (boneless skinless chicken breast, cottage cheese, lean beef, tuna, salmon, eggs, etc. Simple carbs: whole wheat/wholegrain bread products, fruits, veggies, veggies, and more veggies. fats: keep your fat intake from food low. You'll want most of your fat from supplements (fish oil, flax seed oil) to benefit you the most. This is a lifestyle change, not a diet. If you eat clean foods like I listed above, you will lose weight. Also, you seem confused about protein shakes. You make protein shakes, you don't buy them. Go to and get some ON 100% Whey. 5 lbs should be fine to get you started off and find a good flavor. Chocolate seems to be everyone's favorite. Mix in 2 cups of your whey, 1 1/2 cups fat free skim milk, 1/2 a bannana, 1 tbs or more of natural peanut butter. Blend that shit up, add some ice, and chug the motherfucker down. Protein bars can be okay if you're on the go or don't have time to prepare one. For exercising, don't bother with the cross trainer - it will be a complete waste of your money. If you're going to throw that much money out there - get a real olympic barbell, an olympic bench, a set of dumbells, and of course a weight set. If you have money left over, get a power rack. These 5 items will do much more good for you than any AS-SEEN-ON-TV contraption ever will. If someone here will help you put a routine together, and you follow it strictly, you will burn fat 5x faster than any cardio can, and you'll be putton on muscle at the same time. It's just better. If you have any more quesetions I can probably point you in the right direction. You guys are soo much helpful then the folks in the main OT Anyways, you said chug that mofo down... well is that cause' it's nasty? It sounds pretty good Now you've got me thinkin to get that other stuff instead of a cross trainer.

Getting a few things cleared up...

CEE Loading are you supposed to do it?

CEE Loading are you supposed to do it?

I know you dont have to on any Creatine but with CEE is it even needed I was going to load for the first few days but I heard otherwise anyone know?

so I dont load

tize just kidding load sucka damnit stop confusing me

tize well it depends on your goals fuck it im loading for 3 days fuck it I dont care if I waste creatine damn

Theres absolutely no need to load it.

cavefish Theres absolutely no need to load it. fine no loading then

I reload every time.

god damnit! im confused

dont worry about loading

Don't listen to anything tize says, and don't load CEE. And for the record I am using CEE, fucknaut.

tize ive partied out in colleyville before, house fool of fags wanted to beat me up by the time i was done 8)

tize just kidding load sucka i'll take a load on your chest

jonno i'll take a load on your chest in for PICS

FrozynFyre in for PICS you want some too? you are the person who bought me my first av

jonno you want some too? you are the person who bought me my first av I bought so many back in the day I kind of remember

tize wanna buy me one maybe

tize i like this one too much and you know, its me man. i wont let anyone take that from me I was gonna do it to Im not even joking but you said it fucking owned yourself

stupid tize

tize but i need to wait until i find the perfect av ever ya know? like mine? well it's perfect if you know who is in the av

tize yeah urs is good, but i need something perfect to me like my current one...something timeless your current one is holy shit.. dude use the hat pic as your av

CEE Loading are you supposed to do it?

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

heres the best way to force yourself to run if you want to get into shape:

heres the best way to force yourself to run if you want to get into shape:

if you plan on running or jogging to lose some fat, build cardio, or get into is a great way to force yourself to do it. have a friend drive you a few miles away from your house. then have you friend drop you off, and take your cell phone if you have one. pretty much have no choice but to run your ass home.

tommyortom if you plan on running or jogging to lose some fat, build cardio, or get into is a great way to force yourself to do it. have a friend drive you a few miles away from your house. then have you friend drop you off, and take your cell phone if you have one. pretty much have no choice but to run your ass home. If you don't have the will power to go out and jog around the block a few times, you definately won't have the will power to let your friend drive you that far away and leave you stranded. Or maybe not! I'd do it!

tommyortom if you plan on running or jogging to lose some fat, build cardio, or get into is a great way to force yourself to do it. have a friend drive you a few miles away from your house. then have you friend drop you off, and take your cell phone if you have one. pretty much have no choice but to run your ass home. I say leave the phone at home though, you might be tempted to call a Taxi.

Tell them to drop you off in the projects or some ghetto neighborhood then...(unless you live in one, then I guess you're SOL.)

Jog through the ghetto as a warmup. Run out of the ghetto as high cardio.

I'd probably get raped and killed before I made it home. Next idea?

hah good idea

If your friend drops you off a few miles from home and leaves, you need to reconsider the friendship you guys have LOL

superbri007 ^^ addicted to that smilee

have them drop you off in the african flatlands and then run over a lion's baby cub on the way'll be running all right

This is a good idea.

Or get some friends/make some friends who like to play football/basketball/etc.

superbri007 or spot a mountain lion or bear while hiking, and then have him spot you and then run might wanna start conservatively, like pissing off the neighborhood rottweiler

pokesteve cardio? is that spanish for deadlift? goddamn that was funny... WTF I changed my avy 'cause I thought you were gone.

just stop being a fucking pussy and go run.

I wouldn't run unless pur was chasing me. And that would just be because he smells.

heres the best way to force yourself to run if you want to get into shape:

So I'm putting on weight BUT...

So I'm putting on weight BUT...

it's all going to my gut! what gives?? I'm a skinny guy who just started hitting the gym in an attempt to build up some mass. I'm eating 6 times a day and managed to put on about 10 lbs in 2 wks. Unfortunately most of that weight seems to be loaded in my gut. What am i doing wrong? is this normal??

hit the gym harder too.

Wtf are u eating mang?

cereal and sandwiches before lunch. lunch usually involves chicken, vegetables and white rice afternoon i'll eat some tuna dinner involves more chicken and more white rice (i'm asian). night time is usually just yogurt / light snack. sometimes i'll hit KFC or mcdonalds for lunch though, maybe that's whats doing it?? btw, i have no idea what eating a lot of white rice does to the body, anyone know?

maybe cut back your calories a little and see what happens. some of that 10lbs is probably water weight as well

Thanks, i'll try that. funny thing is i posted two weeks ago sayin that i was skinny as hell (135lbs then, now 145). A lot of people were sayin just eat whatever i can get my hands on. But am i actually over-doing it?? btw how bad is KFC if i dont eat the skin and only eat the meat (breast meat)?

someguy88 Thanks, i'll try that. funny thing is i posted two weeks ago sayin that i was skinny as hell (135lbs then, now 145). A lot of people were sayin just eat whatever i can get my hands on. But am i actually over-doing it?? btw how bad is KFC if i dont eat the skin and only eat the meat (breast meat)? depends on your goals, if you just want to be a fatass PL, then eat away, but if you want to try and minimize fat gain when bulking, just try and keep it cleanish, some extra fat won't kill ya. Just try dropping your calories by a little and see what happens, and continually adjust, more if weigth isnt' coming on quick enough, less if you feel your gaining too much fat.

Dragon depends on your goals, if you just want to be a fatass PL, then eat away, but if you want to try and minimize fat gain when bulking, just try and keep it cleanish, some extra fat won't kill ya. Just try dropping your calories by a little and see what happens, and continually adjust, more if weigth isnt' coming on quick enough, less if you feel your gaining too much fat. Well my goal isnt to be a fatass PL (actually i dont know what a PL is but it doesnt sound good ) I definitely want to gain weight in the form of lean muscle. I'll try eating cleaner and drop the cals a bit. Thanks again!

What's your gym routine like??

You have to gain some fat to gain muscle as well. Are you working out hard enough?

Well the key to gaining weight is to add muscle not fat. I would just eat healthier. Or if you can't do that try to lose more calories than you bring in and eat higher protein foods. Buy a supplement that is designed to add lean mass. Whey protien, Creatine, or that stuff that GNC puts out. They will all help add.

KFC, McDonalds, and Cereal are most likely your problem.

Mike4831 Well the key to gaining weight is to add muscle not fat. I would just eat healthier. Or if you can't do that try to lose more calories than you bring in and eat higher protein foods. Buy a supplement that is designed to add lean mass. Whey protien, Creatine, or that stuff that GNC puts out. They will all help add. if he uses more cal than he eats, we will lose weight and not gain any muscle, creatine doesn't add lean mass and GNC blows.

I'm asian and i eat white rice too. But I've been trying to cut down on it since it is starchy carbs.And eating too much of that isnt' too good i think.

Dragon if he uses more cal than he eats, we will lose weight and not gain any muscle, creatine doesn't add lean mass and GNC blows. Hmm.

gstrdr1 What's your gym routine like?? 3 days a week day1 : chest, biceps bench press (machine) incline DB press incline fly (machine) preacher curls DB curl concentration curls day2 : legs, shoulders Leg press Leg curls Leg extensions Shrugs Lateral DB raises Shoulder press (machine) day3 : back, triceps front pull down cable rows DB bent over row Dips skull crushers i do 3 sets of everything, 8-12 reps (to muscle failure) i realize i'm using a lot of machine stuff... i know it's no good but at my gym all the free weights and benches are used by all these massive dudes and i'm scared to move in and embarass myself with puny weights also i want to do squats and DL's but i dont have a training partner and i have no idea what the technique is. dont wanna be breaking my back trying...

5.10-Crux You have to gain some fat to gain muscle as well. Are you working out hard enough? not sure, how can i figure out what is "hard enough"?

t3nchi I'm asian and i eat white rice too. But I've been trying to cut down on it since it is starchy carbs.And eating too much of that isnt' too good i think. ya i figure white rice isnt good either but i dont know why. what's bad about starchy carbs, does it make u fat?

KingGargantuan KFC, McDonalds, and Cereal are most likely your problem. i hear ya, i'll try to avoid those foods from now on. i guess i AM gaining a bit of mass in other areas besides my gut. like my friends say they notice i'm gaining weight (and they arent pointing to my stomach while saying that). its just that i noticed my stomach is starting to stick out and at this rate, there's no way in hell i'm ever gonna get the 6 pack i've always wanted

someguy88 3 days a week day1 : chest, biceps bench press (machine) incline DB press incline fly (machine) preacher curls DB curl concentration curls day2 : legs, shoulders Leg press Leg curls Leg extensions Shrugs Lateral DB raises Shoulder press (machine) day3 : back, triceps front pull down cable rows DB bent over row Dips skull crushers i do 3 sets of everything, 8-12 reps (to muscle failure) i realize i'm using a lot of machine stuff... i know it's no good but at my gym all the free weights and benches are used by all these massive dudes and i'm scared to move in and embarass myself with puny weights also i want to do squats and DL's but i dont have a training partner and i have no idea what the technique is. dont wanna be breaking my back trying... might want to add a bit more back (ie. deadlifts) and drop one of the bicep movements, but otherwise looks fine. Oh ya, and maybe sub squats in for leg press. as for the free weights, just leave the ego at the door and do what ya can, remember, all those massive guys were once small too.

and on leg day, Squats SLDL leg press

ok thanks for the help guys! appreciate it!

someguy88 not sure, how can i figure out what is "hard enough"? bring lots of water and lift till you're sore. don't just go thru the motions

cut out the machine stuff, hit the weights

ideeosinkruhcee bring lots of water and lift till you're sore. don't just go thru the motions soreness isn't a good thing to base your workouts on.

So I'm putting on weight BUT...

Appetite explosion. Broly is good.

Appetite explosion. Broly is good.

A few months ago I decided to get very serious about lifting. I have a high metabolism and its been hard to gain weight, but enough excuses. Ive been forcing myself to eat more and more and I go the gym religiously now. Now, if I miss a scheduled day at the gym I feel horrible, it just doesnt seem right. I check F&N constantly to see new tips and read the daily logs of Broly OTrs. The before and after pics are definately inspiration. IVe noticed that every day I get ravenous, like Ive never felt before. I get super hungry and have to eat large portions to be satisfied. In between meals I have shakes and other snacks. The post workout feeling is addictive and awesome. I already am seeing gains, although minimal right now, they are coming. Im 5'9" 140 pounds. yesterday I benched 205 pounds, 5 times. A personal best so far. I know its not much but Im proud of it. I read about some OTers that have motivation folders with pics and stuff, what a great idea. IVe started one too. Everything is in your mind, there are no excuses. Broly is Good. Thanks OT.

superbri007 205 lbs for bench, not bad im 5'8, 165 and my best bench is 185 Thanks man.

That is good, for 5 reps too damn. Congrats broly, I'm going to work my ass of now too. Its worth it in the end.

Betta than me!

yea it def felt good.

Sounds like you're on the right path. I love the post workout rush and how great it feels to see the difference in pictures instead of just on paper.

im 150 and cant even do 205

superbri007 205 lbs for bench, not bad im 5'8, 165 and my best bench is 185 funny im 5'11 weigh 170... and my best bench is 215... yet you were just telling me what to do... odd?

That's a great bench @ 140lbs

7th Ninjai That's a great bench @ 140lbs TY

Appetite explosion. Broly is good.

psmf question

psmf question

While on this fasting do i still do cardio? Ill probably still do weight training. Im probably going to try this fast for around 2-3 weeks to see how it goes.

AmCo While on this fasting do i still do cardio? Ill probably still do weight training. Im probably going to try this fast for around 2-3 weeks to see how it goes. 1. cardio will generally quicken metabolic slowdown on a psmf. Besides, as Chris said, the deficit is so great that another 200 calories isn't really going to do shit. 2. probably do some weight training? No. You NEED to be doing some maintenance training if you want to keep as much lbm as possible.

psmf question

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