Wednesday, November 27, 2013

heres the best way to force yourself to run if you want to get into shape:

heres the best way to force yourself to run if you want to get into shape:

if you plan on running or jogging to lose some fat, build cardio, or get into is a great way to force yourself to do it. have a friend drive you a few miles away from your house. then have you friend drop you off, and take your cell phone if you have one. pretty much have no choice but to run your ass home.

tommyortom if you plan on running or jogging to lose some fat, build cardio, or get into is a great way to force yourself to do it. have a friend drive you a few miles away from your house. then have you friend drop you off, and take your cell phone if you have one. pretty much have no choice but to run your ass home. If you don't have the will power to go out and jog around the block a few times, you definately won't have the will power to let your friend drive you that far away and leave you stranded. Or maybe not! I'd do it!

tommyortom if you plan on running or jogging to lose some fat, build cardio, or get into is a great way to force yourself to do it. have a friend drive you a few miles away from your house. then have you friend drop you off, and take your cell phone if you have one. pretty much have no choice but to run your ass home. I say leave the phone at home though, you might be tempted to call a Taxi.

Tell them to drop you off in the projects or some ghetto neighborhood then...(unless you live in one, then I guess you're SOL.)

Jog through the ghetto as a warmup. Run out of the ghetto as high cardio.

I'd probably get raped and killed before I made it home. Next idea?

hah good idea

If your friend drops you off a few miles from home and leaves, you need to reconsider the friendship you guys have LOL

superbri007 ^^ addicted to that smilee

have them drop you off in the african flatlands and then run over a lion's baby cub on the way'll be running all right

This is a good idea.

Or get some friends/make some friends who like to play football/basketball/etc.

superbri007 or spot a mountain lion or bear while hiking, and then have him spot you and then run might wanna start conservatively, like pissing off the neighborhood rottweiler

pokesteve cardio? is that spanish for deadlift? goddamn that was funny... WTF I changed my avy 'cause I thought you were gone.

just stop being a fucking pussy and go run.

I wouldn't run unless pur was chasing me. And that would just be because he smells.

heres the best way to force yourself to run if you want to get into shape:

So I'm putting on weight BUT...

So I'm putting on weight BUT...

it's all going to my gut! what gives?? I'm a skinny guy who just started hitting the gym in an attempt to build up some mass. I'm eating 6 times a day and managed to put on about 10 lbs in 2 wks. Unfortunately most of that weight seems to be loaded in my gut. What am i doing wrong? is this normal??

hit the gym harder too.

Wtf are u eating mang?

cereal and sandwiches before lunch. lunch usually involves chicken, vegetables and white rice afternoon i'll eat some tuna dinner involves more chicken and more white rice (i'm asian). night time is usually just yogurt / light snack. sometimes i'll hit KFC or mcdonalds for lunch though, maybe that's whats doing it?? btw, i have no idea what eating a lot of white rice does to the body, anyone know?

maybe cut back your calories a little and see what happens. some of that 10lbs is probably water weight as well

Thanks, i'll try that. funny thing is i posted two weeks ago sayin that i was skinny as hell (135lbs then, now 145). A lot of people were sayin just eat whatever i can get my hands on. But am i actually over-doing it?? btw how bad is KFC if i dont eat the skin and only eat the meat (breast meat)?

someguy88 Thanks, i'll try that. funny thing is i posted two weeks ago sayin that i was skinny as hell (135lbs then, now 145). A lot of people were sayin just eat whatever i can get my hands on. But am i actually over-doing it?? btw how bad is KFC if i dont eat the skin and only eat the meat (breast meat)? depends on your goals, if you just want to be a fatass PL, then eat away, but if you want to try and minimize fat gain when bulking, just try and keep it cleanish, some extra fat won't kill ya. Just try dropping your calories by a little and see what happens, and continually adjust, more if weigth isnt' coming on quick enough, less if you feel your gaining too much fat.

Dragon depends on your goals, if you just want to be a fatass PL, then eat away, but if you want to try and minimize fat gain when bulking, just try and keep it cleanish, some extra fat won't kill ya. Just try dropping your calories by a little and see what happens, and continually adjust, more if weigth isnt' coming on quick enough, less if you feel your gaining too much fat. Well my goal isnt to be a fatass PL (actually i dont know what a PL is but it doesnt sound good ) I definitely want to gain weight in the form of lean muscle. I'll try eating cleaner and drop the cals a bit. Thanks again!

What's your gym routine like??

You have to gain some fat to gain muscle as well. Are you working out hard enough?

Well the key to gaining weight is to add muscle not fat. I would just eat healthier. Or if you can't do that try to lose more calories than you bring in and eat higher protein foods. Buy a supplement that is designed to add lean mass. Whey protien, Creatine, or that stuff that GNC puts out. They will all help add.

KFC, McDonalds, and Cereal are most likely your problem.

Mike4831 Well the key to gaining weight is to add muscle not fat. I would just eat healthier. Or if you can't do that try to lose more calories than you bring in and eat higher protein foods. Buy a supplement that is designed to add lean mass. Whey protien, Creatine, or that stuff that GNC puts out. They will all help add. if he uses more cal than he eats, we will lose weight and not gain any muscle, creatine doesn't add lean mass and GNC blows.

I'm asian and i eat white rice too. But I've been trying to cut down on it since it is starchy carbs.And eating too much of that isnt' too good i think.

Dragon if he uses more cal than he eats, we will lose weight and not gain any muscle, creatine doesn't add lean mass and GNC blows. Hmm.

gstrdr1 What's your gym routine like?? 3 days a week day1 : chest, biceps bench press (machine) incline DB press incline fly (machine) preacher curls DB curl concentration curls day2 : legs, shoulders Leg press Leg curls Leg extensions Shrugs Lateral DB raises Shoulder press (machine) day3 : back, triceps front pull down cable rows DB bent over row Dips skull crushers i do 3 sets of everything, 8-12 reps (to muscle failure) i realize i'm using a lot of machine stuff... i know it's no good but at my gym all the free weights and benches are used by all these massive dudes and i'm scared to move in and embarass myself with puny weights also i want to do squats and DL's but i dont have a training partner and i have no idea what the technique is. dont wanna be breaking my back trying...

5.10-Crux You have to gain some fat to gain muscle as well. Are you working out hard enough? not sure, how can i figure out what is "hard enough"?

t3nchi I'm asian and i eat white rice too. But I've been trying to cut down on it since it is starchy carbs.And eating too much of that isnt' too good i think. ya i figure white rice isnt good either but i dont know why. what's bad about starchy carbs, does it make u fat?

KingGargantuan KFC, McDonalds, and Cereal are most likely your problem. i hear ya, i'll try to avoid those foods from now on. i guess i AM gaining a bit of mass in other areas besides my gut. like my friends say they notice i'm gaining weight (and they arent pointing to my stomach while saying that). its just that i noticed my stomach is starting to stick out and at this rate, there's no way in hell i'm ever gonna get the 6 pack i've always wanted

someguy88 3 days a week day1 : chest, biceps bench press (machine) incline DB press incline fly (machine) preacher curls DB curl concentration curls day2 : legs, shoulders Leg press Leg curls Leg extensions Shrugs Lateral DB raises Shoulder press (machine) day3 : back, triceps front pull down cable rows DB bent over row Dips skull crushers i do 3 sets of everything, 8-12 reps (to muscle failure) i realize i'm using a lot of machine stuff... i know it's no good but at my gym all the free weights and benches are used by all these massive dudes and i'm scared to move in and embarass myself with puny weights also i want to do squats and DL's but i dont have a training partner and i have no idea what the technique is. dont wanna be breaking my back trying... might want to add a bit more back (ie. deadlifts) and drop one of the bicep movements, but otherwise looks fine. Oh ya, and maybe sub squats in for leg press. as for the free weights, just leave the ego at the door and do what ya can, remember, all those massive guys were once small too.

and on leg day, Squats SLDL leg press

ok thanks for the help guys! appreciate it!

someguy88 not sure, how can i figure out what is "hard enough"? bring lots of water and lift till you're sore. don't just go thru the motions

cut out the machine stuff, hit the weights

ideeosinkruhcee bring lots of water and lift till you're sore. don't just go thru the motions soreness isn't a good thing to base your workouts on.

So I'm putting on weight BUT...

Appetite explosion. Broly is good.

Appetite explosion. Broly is good.

A few months ago I decided to get very serious about lifting. I have a high metabolism and its been hard to gain weight, but enough excuses. Ive been forcing myself to eat more and more and I go the gym religiously now. Now, if I miss a scheduled day at the gym I feel horrible, it just doesnt seem right. I check F&N constantly to see new tips and read the daily logs of Broly OTrs. The before and after pics are definately inspiration. IVe noticed that every day I get ravenous, like Ive never felt before. I get super hungry and have to eat large portions to be satisfied. In between meals I have shakes and other snacks. The post workout feeling is addictive and awesome. I already am seeing gains, although minimal right now, they are coming. Im 5'9" 140 pounds. yesterday I benched 205 pounds, 5 times. A personal best so far. I know its not much but Im proud of it. I read about some OTers that have motivation folders with pics and stuff, what a great idea. IVe started one too. Everything is in your mind, there are no excuses. Broly is Good. Thanks OT.

superbri007 205 lbs for bench, not bad im 5'8, 165 and my best bench is 185 Thanks man.

That is good, for 5 reps too damn. Congrats broly, I'm going to work my ass of now too. Its worth it in the end.

Betta than me!

yea it def felt good.

Sounds like you're on the right path. I love the post workout rush and how great it feels to see the difference in pictures instead of just on paper.

im 150 and cant even do 205

superbri007 205 lbs for bench, not bad im 5'8, 165 and my best bench is 185 funny im 5'11 weigh 170... and my best bench is 215... yet you were just telling me what to do... odd?

That's a great bench @ 140lbs

7th Ninjai That's a great bench @ 140lbs TY

Appetite explosion. Broly is good.

psmf question

psmf question

While on this fasting do i still do cardio? Ill probably still do weight training. Im probably going to try this fast for around 2-3 weeks to see how it goes.

AmCo While on this fasting do i still do cardio? Ill probably still do weight training. Im probably going to try this fast for around 2-3 weeks to see how it goes. 1. cardio will generally quicken metabolic slowdown on a psmf. Besides, as Chris said, the deficit is so great that another 200 calories isn't really going to do shit. 2. probably do some weight training? No. You NEED to be doing some maintenance training if you want to keep as much lbm as possible.

psmf question

Hockey = best and funnest cardio

Hockey = best and funnest cardio

Played a full game today of intramural...I haven't played in a few months, but it was the best cardio I've done for a while. The most important part of cardio is having fun. Running, swimming, elliptical, rowing, just don't do it for me

i agree. are you playing road hockey or like shinny? i love hockey and play alot during the year. I have 2 games a week and it is good cardio for sure. High intensity, and alot of fun. i always get off the ice drenched in sweat i have a passion for the sport i just love stepping onto the rink and dropping the shoulder into a few guys... ugh this is making me want to play

yeah shinny, basically helmet, gloves, and shins no hitting though. which is okay because I wouldn't want to crack skulls and break people in half

Shaolin_sword36 yeah shinny, basically helmet, gloves, and shins no hitting though. which is okay because I wouldn't want to crack skulls and break people in half yea i obviously dont deck guys in shinny either. i was referring to real hockey, full pads, in a competitive league. both are fun


I start summer league next month woohooo!

rollerhockey in a few more weeks. maybe i'll register this year

i have 2 hockey classes this semester and i'm also gonna be playing a lot of roller hockey during the is definitely badass

yeah. i had a game tonite. its the only sport i play other than raquetball.

Its pretty much the only physical activity that I enjoy. My season ended 3 weeks ago and I'm starting to go insane from missing it.


surfing is better cardio

hockey is definatly fun, but fullcourt basketball wins for cardio

roller hockey is my cardio. it rules. a couple games a week. i would do ice, but its kinda hard down South.

whatever sport you like is best. basketball is my cardio twice a week, i force myself to do elliptical for 20 minutes two other days just so i dont burn out from all the ball while im cutting since its more intense than anything else the way i play(imagine ron artest on defense with rip hamilton on offense, not that good but thats how i play, always in someones face and always moving/cutting/setting screens).

it might just be me but i find hockey to be more anarobic than traditional cardio I find im fighting my lactic acid system more than the CV system when i play hockey..

with all the eqipnment and shit it kicks your ass (hockey) I played on friday, by 3rd period I felt like I was being held down by the weight of the equipment...summer league starts in 2 weeks...woohoo

false sex>*

I used to play roller hockey, haven't played in years. probably slow and clumsy as hell now.

C4 it might just be me but i find hockey to be more anarobic than traditional cardio I find im fighting my lactic acid system more than the CV system when i play hockey.. You don't go hard enough when you are on the ice then. Let's be honest, you're an Australian, you don't know anything about hockey.

C4 it might just be me but i find hockey to be more anarobic than traditional cardio I find im fighting my lactic acid system more than the CV system when i play hockey.. it's both...just like many sports its a mix of all 3 systems

Shaolin_sword36 yeah shinny, basically helmet, gloves, and shins Why did this make me crack up... shinny The name is derived from the Irish game shinty. Shinny hockey, a primarily Canadian term, is usually called Scrimmage or Pick-up Hockey in the United States. Has nothing to do with your shins haha...

DCCapen running> exactly...and don't edit that

DCCapen running> I thought the criteria was "fun". I'd rather shave my asshair with a lawnmower blade than run for pleasure.

DCCapen Thats because you suck at it. Much the same way that someone who plays hockey and sucks is going to hate getting pummled

Hockey = best and funnest cardio

eating before bed

eating before bed

we were at ruby tuesdays and this girl says she wants the salad because "its too late for the carbs in pasta; i dont want to get gain fat" do people store calories differently depending on when you eat them? ex: if i eat dinner at 8pm and my friend eats at 11pm every night and we both go to sleep at 11:30pm, is he going to gain more fat? i argued that it didnt matter but i really didnt have any science to back it up, and it was interesting that i didnt know so i just argued what i whats the deal?

yeah but like her friend was arguing that the carbs are stored as fat overnight...and i said fat loss depended more on total number of calories

when you sleep you burn A LOT less calories than when you are awake. so if you eat a lot, then go to bed.. the chances increase greatly of your food being turned to fat instead of being used to fuel your body.

Moonwalker when you sleep you burn A LOT less calories than when you are awake. so if you eat a lot, then go to bed.. the chances increase greatly of your food being turned to fat instead of being used to fuel your body. but if you expend 3000 cals a day, and eat 3000 every night before bed, you are saying you would gain weight more than someone who eats the 3000 cals in the morning or at lunch?

size18boarder but if you expend 3000 cals a day, and eat 3000 every night before bed, you are saying you would gain weight more than someone who eats the 3000 cals in the morning or at lunch? no, its the same

can we get someone respected in here to clean this up ceaze? christophers?

holy fuck, people. thermodynamics are thermodynamics. if you both eat the same number of cals, it doesn't matter what time you consume. that girl was an idiot.

Werdna holy fuck, people. thermodynamics are thermodynamics. if you both eat the same number of cals, it doesn't matter what time you consume. that girl was an idiot. .

Moonwalker when you sleep you burn A LOT less calories than when you are awake. so if you eat a lot, then go to bed.. the chances increase greatly of your food being turned to fat instead of being used to fuel your body. stop posting

i usually have a protein/carb mix meal before i go to bed

i've always had my biggest meal before bed. even when cutting

ff cottage cheese and protein shake before bed = win

Meh. It's not going to make a huge difference unless you're binging before bed, which is what a lot of people do. People who lose weight by not eating before bed, lose because they are generally the type to starve all day and pig out at night; therefore when they set a limit, they lose weight because they are cutting back on calories.

i usually have a shake or steak before bed so i keep protein in my system all day.

i eat my fish oil and cottage cheese + whey before bed every night.

Q: Is it really true that calories eaten at night are more easily stored as fat, or that I shouldn't eat anything after 6pm if I want to lose weight? A: This is another one of those common ideas and the answer is that it depends. A lot of diet authors give the 6pm (or even 4 pm) rule for weight loss without ever really explaining why. In my mind, this is just a simple trick to get people to eat less, which of course causes them to lose weight (pretty simple trick too - get people to eat less and they lose weight. Wow!) The common reason given is that since you're less active at night, the calories are more likely to be stored as fat. Other authors have commented that insulin resistance is higher in the evening and eating carbs will more likely be stored as fat. But is it true? Again, it depends. Now, if eating a big meal at night (which is quite common in the US) causes you to eat more calories than normal, of course you will gain fat from it. But it's not from eating it at night, it's from eating too much overall (the same thing would happen if you ate too much earlier in the day too). That is, it still comes down to calories. But, overall, assuming the same daily caloric intake, there's no real reason to assume that eating a larger meal at night compared to in the morning will lead to more being stored as fat. Think about it this way. Say you're the same person from the previous question eating 2000 calories per day. If you eat more of your calories at night, that means that you're eating less earlier in the day. So even if you did store more of those calories eaten at night, your body would be mobilizing more stored fuel earlier in the day when you were eating less. End result: no difference. As a side note, one study of dieting and exercising women found that eating more calories at night caused less muscle loss, but no difference in fat loss. Presumably more nutrients were available during the night to avoid muscle breakdown. The women who ate more in the morning did lose more total weight, but the entire difference was because they lost more muscle. Basically, the old bodybuilder idea that you should eat fewer calories at night appears to be counterproductive to keeping muscle on a diet. What really matters in the big scheme of things for weight and fat loss is total calories in versus total calories out. But assuming you eat the same number of calories, whether you eat more of them earlier in the day, or more of them later in the day, it doesn't seem to matter. In fact, eating a larger meal at dinner (or a small bedtime snack) may spare more muscle. The only way eating a lot at night will make you fat is if it causes you to eat more overall. by Lyle McDonald, CSCS

eating before bed

a couple new pics

a couple new pics

I guess I'll add some more since arms just keep on exploding and I don't even train them anymore. Weight 229 today and getting fat. Lower back has some rolls hanging over my shorts, no pics. Continuous bulk until 250, test E cycle starts in 2 months.

Nice. Wish I had some test E You doing test only or you going to throw in some dbol as well? Hey, aren't you on S1 right now? How's that going?

Anyone ever tell you look like Brett Favre? Looking good.

GilgaMesH Nice. Wish I had some test E You doing test only or you going to throw in some dbol as well? Hey, aren't you on S1 right now? How's that going? put on 10 lbs so far, nothing great.. hope to maintain half of it. Still have one bottle left (3 bottle cycle). Not doing orals or anything else with the test, just a straight test cycle

Draco Anyone ever tell you look like Brett Favre? Looking good. no but that's a good thing, farve gets all the woman

lookin good

holy farmers tan lookin swole brudda


aenz holy farmers tan lookin swole brudda I was expecting that. Work in the sun all day and HAVE to wear a shirt.

get some proviron

throughout the whole cycle? is 1 tab enough?

this makes me depressed....

looking great man! you will be a monster at 250! I would concentrate on the traps and upper chest, you seem swole there, but not as swole as the rest of ya!

IT'S THE ANGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! lc traps are actually one of my strongest points. It's hard to get a good shot in beacause the camera basically has to be above me

steveo, what does ur routine look like....with exercises if possible... how many cal's are u taking in daily?

deznutz steveo, what does ur routine look like....with exercises if possible... how many cal's are u taking in daily? I just started chris' routine, was doing a simple 5 day split for the last 2 years. ~8000 calories

Arms look amazing. I'm kinda suprised though that your lats arent bigger. They seem disproportionately small.

therealdeal Arms look amazing. I'm kinda suprised though that your lats arent bigger. They seem disproportionately small. I can't do that pose right, been working on it old pic of a pose I can do halfway decent


damn i hate my tiny triceps

[QUOTE=SteveO]throughout the whole cycle? is 1 tab enough?[/QUOTE most people would say take 50mgs, but I found proviron to be rockin and rollin at 100mg's a day.

SteveO I can't do that pose right, been working on it old pic of a pose I can do halfway decent Even so though, from the front, on that first pic, they don't look as developed as some other parts of your body. Its probably less that your lats arent huge while the rest of you is. Youre still looking pretty damn decent all around though.

Biggest improvement are the arms, no doubt about it. Any leg pics?

awesome gains do you have a guess at your bf% you don't look like you have a lot

why the recommendation of proviron??

a couple new pics

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