Tuesday, November 26, 2013



are peanuts good for you? i know they are fatty but isn't it a good fat? and they have protein

Yes, they are very good for you just try and get sodium free ones(won't hold water and I think they taste better)

thank you

are you wanting ot bulk or cut? if youre wanting to cut..you prolly want to stay away from them.....they have alot of cals and fat


waffles post workout?

waffles post workout?

they're easy to make! good, bad or what? 2 eggo whole grain waffles nutrition facts (per two waffle serving) calories 170 calories from fat 45 total fat 5g 8% saturated fat 1g 5% polyunsaturated fat 1g monounsaturated fat 3g cholesterol 0 sodium 420mg 18% potassium 135mg 4% carbohydrate 28g 9% dietery fiber 3g 11% sugars 3g other carbohydrate 22g protien 5g with a shake.

waffles post workout?

waffles post workout?

Good website(s) with good visual aids on how to perform various exercises?

Good website(s) with good visual aids on how to perform various exercises?

I need to start incorperating more leg and abdominal exercises to my routine. Does anyone know of a good website that has good visuals that will aid my learning on performing various leg and abdominal exercises? Thanks


Ceaze http://www.bsu.edu/webapps/strengthlab/home.htm wow thanks... can anyone give tips on some of the more effective exercises to do when working out legs and abs? thanks


legs:squat leg press stiff-leg/romanian deadlift good mornings (more low back, but still good hamstring/glute activation) glute-ham raise abs:decline situps/crunches dragon flags hanging leg raises standing/kneeling cable crunches


Good website(s) with good visual aids on how to perform various exercises?

does anyone do yoga?

does anyone do yoga?

I really like streching, ive heard of a kind of yoga, but you are in a steam room and its like 105 degrees and very muggy Is this a real type of yoga?

yes, that is a real type of yoga

its only yoga if the balls touch

It's called Bikram Yoga. It's performed in a hot room which allows the muscles to stretch further. This not only allows you to better get into each asana (pose) but it also makes it easier to switch from one asana to another. I've never done any yoga before, but I've been reading up on it and I'm considering it. I heard it's probably best to start with Hatha Yoga first since it's the easiest and most widespread. Don't let anybody fool you, this is supposed to be some pretty physically taxing stuff, even though it has a stigma of being very female-oriented. When you think about it, it sorta makes sense. Men have no real advantage in something like yoga which is heavily based on flexibility. If anything a bigger body that can't stretch as far is a hindrance. And a lot of guys might be threatened by any physical activity where they go in and are likely to be shown up by women. There is an upside to it though. The guy to girl ratio is very favorable for guys looking to meet lots of hot girls.

i'm going to start soon once i drop some more pounds... i need to learn to stretch and I figure, why the hell not. my body really needs it, considering I'm not too flexable at all where the legs are concerned... but i want to learn the balance and aspects of yoga to begin with, even if I have to just start doing it at home.

im going to take a class next semester. I took three in highschool. Also once took a hatha yoga class but didnt like it due to the strict breathing regimens.

I've tried hatha yoga before. Fell asleep in one portion of it and gf had to elbow me. Ashtanga is also pretty popular. It also really depends on the teacher. I think Bikram does 10 or 20 hatha poses but repetitively.

if you can fall asleep that must mean your pretty relaxed

its actually really good to do if you lift weights


I used to go yoga at my old gym. I was pretty much the only 20 year old dude who lifted weights there. Needless to say the room is packed with woman who bend over right in your face. Anyway, yoga for me was very beneficial. Before I felt really tense and stiff. After doing yoga a few times I felt much more limber and relaxed. It also helped with breating when I lift. I highly reocommend for the benefits and the woman!

it is great shit, fantastic for your body- you will feel very loose and relaxed...less injuries... and the best part? TONS OF HOT BITCHES!

does anyone do yoga?

ok so im doing a new workout schedule

ok so im doing a new workout schedule

instead of doing strength training which was upper one day then lower the next i've started to do a full workout schedule which focuses on one body group a day... for ex... my workout consists of monday - chest tuesday - bis and tris wednesday - shoulders thursday - legs friday - back every other day is abs and inbetween those days are calves and that rotates every week. i workout hardcore to the pt of exhaustion where i can barely push open a door. i take protein and creatine and i'm getting noticeably bigger but why is it that my body parts feel like they are getting weaker as the week progresses... i mean when it comes to lifting i am doing more if not the same... i dunno if this makes sense at all but at least when i did strength training i actually felt somewhat strong. btw im also bulking right now...

I would make sure that you're not over-training, which could explain the "weakness" feeling. Also, make sure you throw traps with shoulders and possibly cut back on Abs to every third day (they need rest too). Looks good though... Mine is similar (no, that's not the only reason why your schedule looks good) but I do Back/Bis on the same day and Shoulders/Tris on the same day.

ok so im doing a new workout schedule

what exactly do fish oil pills do?

what exactly do fish oil pills do?

mmm i have no idea what they do... ive been told they are good for skin thats about it...

XsLiCk mmm i have no idea what they do... ive been told they are good for skin thats about it... http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&l...fish+oil+do%3F

Good fats.


XsLiCk mmm i have no idea what they do... ive been told they are good for skin thats about it... they deal with the god damn customers so the engineers dont have to...

superbri007 how does it become Extra virgin hymen repair kit -----> olive repair kit hahahahahhhhhah

what exactly do fish oil pills do?

compared to highschool numbers

compared to highschool numbers

Those of you that played sports in highschool and had to max out regularly on off season (baseball, football, rugby, track, etc...) how have your numbers changed since then? Have you improved or not? I know some people that actually get worse after highschool sports once they go to college or start working and some get better. I played football and rugby. numbers are as follows: Senior Year: Bench = 325 Squat = 425 Deadlift = 505 200lbs/5' 7" Now (ending freshman year of college) 1 year later: Bench = 405 Squat = No longer max on squat Deadlift = 550 210lbs/5' 10"

either show pics or nobody cares

I don't place much stock in high school numbers because most people do them with absolutely horrible form and the coaches don't seem to give a shit. But I'll play along: Senior Year, about halfway through (never maxed after that really then I got hurt) Bench: 275 Squat: 435 Dead: I didn't dead until late that year on my own but the first time ever I worked up to 355 before I started losing grip. I was 6'1 240 during the season which is when I did all this. Now:Bench: 365 Squat: I don't go heavy because of groin/hamstring injuries Dead: 525 but I havn't maxed in forever

Socrates either show pics or nobody cares How are pictures of me doing the weight relavent? eh, if you guys dont believe my numbers, thats cool... I will live. I was more interested in other peoples results anyways.

5'8 162lbs in HS and now I'm back down to that weight Totals: 605 Now: 855

HS: Bench 155 Squat: awfull, i did nto go low enough 265 would be a guess DL: i did not know what a DL was Now bench: 275 DL: 405 Squat 345X3 low box

I'm a sophmore in HS right now. We max tommorrow... O noes IbshittyformnocareHScoaches....

tize ur one of the strongest people here 8) chris's bench sucks he's doing like 435 unequipped, how does that suck?

DaWARW I'm a sophmore in HS right now. We max tommorrow... O noes IbshittyformnocareHScoaches.... where in texas do u live?

dude I was 112lbs in highschool, talk about numbers.

tize im pretty sure he hasn't broken 400 raw...could be wrong tho no he posted about 405 raw, a while back.

DTR, pics of yourself?

SENIOR YEAR(Football & Wrestling) 150lbs @ 5'7 Bench 205 Dead: 225 Squat: 225 Fast forward 4yrs 170 @ 5'7 Bench: 310 Dead: 365 Squat: 320

Drudge SENIOR YEAR(Football & Wrestling) 150lbs @ 5'7 Bench 205 Dead: 225 Squat: 225 Fast forward 4yrs 170 @ 5'7 Bench: 310 Dead: 365 Squat: 320 those are some kickass numbers

compared to highschool numbers

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