Thursday, September 19, 2013

These guys still have 1-AD if anyone is interested...

These guys still have 1-AD if anyone is interested...

We have over 40 cases still in stock as of February 16th. WE ARE THE ONLY STORE WITH STOCK LEFT. BUY FROM SOMEWHERE ELSE AND IT WILL NOT SHIP.

poke already bought all of them


1ad isnt even worth the risk of getting busted for buying a controlled substance

i dont plan on buying any, but is it better than M1T?

How is this legal?

How is this legal?
i dont think it is

way too risky, especially from an unknown place like that

way too risky, especially from an unknown place like that
They don't seem unknown to me.. I ordered some shit from them today in fact and the transaction went very smoothly. They even have a "Click to Talk" feature which calls your phone and then directly connects you to a CS rep.

Definitely not the sort of features you'd find on a cheap thrown together website.

I didn't order the 1-AD btw... Don't need it right now. Just sharing with others in case they were interested.

I hope they have fun when the feds raid their ass.

Originally Posted by Fishbait
They don't seem unknown to me.. I ordered some shit from them today in fact and the transaction went very smoothly. They even have a "Click to Talk" feature which calls your phone and then directly connects you to a CS rep.

Definitely not the sort of features you'd find on a cheap thrown together website.

oh I've never heard anyone recommend this site, well that's a good thing to know

Originally Posted by denial
taken off now
well that sux... i wonder which jackfucker made that happen.

was only trying to help peeps out.

well that sux... i wonder which jackfucker made that happen.

was only trying to help peeps out.

What part about ILLEGAL didn't you understand?

Not 1-ad but isn't this a prohormone too?

Not 1-ad but isn't this a prohormone too?

Boldione isn't on the ban list

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Best power lifting techniques

Best power lifting techniques 

Best power lifting techniques

To train for speed and power you should train like a sprinter. They do a lot of power lifting techniques and plyometrics in the offseason.

Cleans and jerks
Bench press
Military press
Box jumps
Depth jumps

For endurance I employ what's known as power endurance. I do this with the mma fighter that I trained. It's a form of Tabata cardio on the treadmill. There are 5, 3 minute rounds in mma. So we train with 3 minutes on, 1 minute off at 80% power in the sprint. Most humans just can't handle this.

You can also do 1 minute on at 90% intensity and 1 minute off.

Making use of speed ladders, mini hurdles, shuttle sprints and plyoball slams are all great too.

Having big muscles isn't great for functional sports. Look at American Gladiators - they were always outsmarted by real athletes. 

Best power lifting techniques

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Get in shape at work/home during a computer break

Quick way to get in shape at work/home during a computer break

Get in shape at work/home during a computer break

I can be found most of the time behind a computer screen, for my study as well as for my job. What would you recommend as (an) exercise(s) to perform daily to keep fit and healthy? Something special for the back? A diet?

Here's a quick way to get in shape at work/home during a computer break. get in shape at work

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Big Calf muscles- Is it natural ?

Big Calf muscles- Is it natural

Big Calf muscles- Is it natural ?

#1. Is it natural to have unnaturally large calf muscles? My friends keep saying my calf muscles are like major big but i haven't exercised in awhile, and i only noticed them like years ago. Is it just a natural thing or maybe due to physical activity from when i was a pee-wee? Just a wondering question.
#2: I am kinda flabby on my arms and stomach/abs. i kinda am weak seeing how girls can beat me at arm wrestling (maybe cause the bone in elbow gets pushed into table) but moving on, what are some good exercise routines i could do? i have been doing continuous pushups of 30 per day and situps/crunches 30 per day too. Any other things i can do? I am 5'3"- 5'4" weighing around 110 lb. 17 years old. should i watch my diet since i kinda am just a "eat whatever I'm given kid"

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Body building FAQ's

Body building FAQ's


Q. I'm 15, 5' 10'', weigh 9 1/2 stone (sorry for the imperial measurements) and i do alot of Dirt Jumping (push bike) and motocross, would you say i was and Ecto, Endo or Mesomorph?

A. Ectomorphic (9.5 stone is 130 pounds US and 60 kg - and you're tall)

Q. I am currently on the mend from a serious ankle injury, and cannot weight bear on one leg, i am using crutches so one leg is losing strength. My physio said muscle loss was 5% a day, is this true?

Monday, July 15, 2013

Great body without using any chemical substances

How to have a great body without using any chemical substances

Great body without using any chemical substances

To get the body you dream of you need dedication and determination. You need to be open-minded and accept that the greatest things in life, like a great physique, take a lot of time and a lot of effort. To be honest, it usually takes a year to 2 years of really hard training, eating, sleeping and cardio to get a chiseled physique if you're starting from nothing.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Easy Fat Burning Tips

Easy Fat Burning Tips

Easy Fat Burning Tips

Please do NOT follow this tip if you: suffer from depression and/or taking anti-depressants; diagnosed with ADHD; or have any heart aliments.

Before I do my workout I take:
48 mg of Ephedrine (4, 8 mg tabs)
200 mg of Caffeine
1 A.L.A. (Alpha Lipoic Acid) capsule, 100 mg
1 teaspoon of L-Glutamine powder

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