Saturday, June 8, 2013

How get nice looking Six pack?

How get nice looking Six pack

I want to get a nice looking six pack where the abs are even and not where one is lower and one is a bit higher when they're both supposed to be at the same level, I already have like a 2 pack, that came in like 2-3 weeks of a few side-bends, cruches, kick-ups, scissors, and leg raises.
I have been doing that lil' work out for a bout 2-3 weeks about 4-5x each week for about 10 minutes.
So that's my question how can I get abs that are even..

How To Get In Shape? Gain Muscle and Lose Fat

How To Get In Shape? Gain Muscle and Lose Fat

I'm 18, and I'm 5' 9" and weigh roughly around 135. I used to play soccer all through high school, grade school, etc. I'm now a full time student at college, and I'm looking to try out for the club team. The tryouts aren't until next year at some point, but I have to be in top shape for it or I won't have a shot. When a senior at high school last year, my playing weight was 128 consistently. I had little fat anywhere, pure muscle and I could run forever without getting tired. But I had always had games or practices to keep me in shape. At college there's so much work to do, and it can be hard to try and train. However, I'm really going to put my heart into working out as much as possible.
I am trying to gain muscle and lose fat, as well as gain stamina and possibly a little more agility.

if i get skinny, will my man boobs still be flopping around?

if i get skinny, will my man boobs still be flopping down and out?

People who lost LOTS of weight and had their boobs still hanging, some went down a bit but not a single person lost them. Don't believe me, Google it and you will see...Since "gyne" is composed of a gland, breast tissue, that you cant burn off.
Man boobs don't always stay. In fact, there is small ball of fat that hardens after time which needs to be surgically removed. However, you mention flopping around. You can get lean enough that your man boobs won't flop around, unless you are very heavy and have loose skin - then they only flop around when you are bent over but not standing. It sounds confusing.

First thing is to burn off all that excess fat and see what happens afterwards.
As you lose weight, you access fat in your face is going to get burned as well...thats the only way.... you cant target the fat on a specific body part, if you are losing weight it will be decreasing everywhere... Cant make your fat in the face only decrease and everything stay the same....our body and mind is not that advanced.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Muscles disappeared after quitting sports

Muscles disappeared after quitting sports

I've quit tennis and volleyball about a year ago and well, I've noticed my muscles are disappearing (normal I assume). Anyway, I'm not gaining any weight, but I can see my 6 pack disappear, I used to have tight abs, but well I quit sports for a while and it's gone now. I was wondering if you know any good exercises I can do at home or in the yard or something,

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Man Boobs How to reduce Tips and Tricks

Man Boobs How to reduce naturally?

Just to let you know my friend, the man boobs that you have are not going to disappear even if you lose weight. You more then likely have gynecomastia, which caused either by hormonal imbalance, overweight or a combination of both. Gynecomastia is a gland that forms on the male chest, and its similar to the female gland, boobs start growing and then stop at a certain point. The only way to treat gynecomastia is through surgery. I myself have it, I just dont have Boobs, when you look at mine you can notice I have extra fat on my chest. I am having my surgery sometime this winter coming up since it has been a huge impact on my life, Im sure you know what I mean. Also gynecomastia tends to give you puffy nipples, so your nipples wont be stiff but puffy much like a females nipple after pregnancy. If you want to know more about this condition and stuff PM me I got some cool site I can share that helped me out a lot. But remember working out or losing 110% body fat is NOT going to get rid of man boobs (gynecomastia) sadly lots of people with this condition think the way you did or are thinking now, that if they work out they can close it but sadly that's not the case. In face if you do chest exercises you will build muscle under the gynecomastia and push your boobs out even more.

As for getting into shape, I suggest you start your diet first in the kitchen, eliminate all the bad stuff you are eating now. Like white bread, white rice, fried chicken, friend foods, foods cooked on oil, sodas, sugar drinks, energy bars filled with sugar and switch to whole wheat bread, rice, water, vegetable meals, fruit salads and protein rich foods. SInce you want to lose weight first, I suggest you go on a diet, and eat 5 times a day but small and non fat meals. Things like whole wheat rice with boiled chicken breast, a tuna sandwich but without the mayonnaise. Join the gym, start doing cardio, at least 45 min a day of mixed exercises like running, jump rope, bicycle. Once you lose the amount of fat you wanted start you weight training, and then once you are about to start like I told many guys here download the ebook "The Truth Behind Muscles

Man Boobs How to reduce Tips and Tricks

Man Boobs How to reduce naturally?

Man Boobs How to reduce naturally?

I am 16 and i am pretty big, I am like 1.85 m tall and probably over 120kg (last time i checked my weight i was 80kg but i think i was 12) yea 80kg 12 year old D:. i have man boobs (im very ashamed of it). I used to play sports when i was younger(a lot younger). I don't know why i put off going to the gym for a long time, but i have decided to go (My brother is going to pay for me because hes starting to go). Im the only fat person in my family, my brothers are (in my opinion) very fit, but i probably ate a lot more then them growing up. What kinda exercises do you think i should do. i have a big belly. I want to get rid of my belly and man boobs. Im open to all suggestions. (please explain how to do exercises).

 I haven't ever been on a diet, i buy energy drinks every time i go to the shopping centers. Sometimes i buy a 2.25litre of fizzy drink (coke or sprite etc..) and it will be gone very quickly. My friends have inspired me to get into shape, because when ever im with them all they talk about is how much they can bench and how big their muscles are, but im too embarrased to join in because im full on lard. Can u give me a diet that would help me alot with my fat problem. 2 years ago i used to walk to and from school, should i start back up? How much time a day/week should i be exercising for the actual exercise to be effective. Any help is good help.

Man Boobs How to reduce Tips and Tricks

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

How to do push-ups properly

How to do push-ups properly

The proper way to do a pushup is to start off of your hands and knees and then go into the full upper plank position. From there you will be as straight as a board - and superstiff. The width of your feet determines the difficulty of the pushup - i.e. the wider apart the easier it is because of the base distribution (it's all engineering in the end). Now, to get the most out of the pushup you don't just come down and up like a buoy in the ocean. You "spiral" the shoulders back and down to engage the latissimus dorsi - AHA!! You see that's the key to getting a bigger bench or dumbbell press too!! That's the McGill factor. Right off of his new video (which features Shane Carwin and GSP). So, you spiral the shoulders back and down to engage the lats and then you superstiffen (keep the abs braced like someone is going to punch you) the entire body as you rapidly ascend. That's a push-up.

How to do push-ups properly

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