Friday, December 6, 2013

First day of Cutting

First day of Cutting

Plus/minus a few calories here or there. Very low calorie intake...and I'm still going to have a shake before I go to bed.

bulking?!?!? how much do u weight like 100 pounds?

what in the fuck

edited the title

ok nm i thought it said bulking


5'6 @ 148. Gained 15pounds since end of wrestling. I'm hoping to cut for a month-month and a half and then bulk again.

hehe @ the raw lettuce

made myself a salad with the chicken breasts + lettuce i need to find more foods to eat tho..that pear really pissed me off

DCCapen GOD DAMN YOU FRESH HEALTHY FRUITS!!!!!!! lol. stupid carbs. oh well..i guess i can tak eit

whats that website? that helps you keep track of contents etc?

chlywly whats that website? that helps you keep track of contents etc?

I would try to eat as much lean protein as you can to reduce muscle loss.

im at about 750 give or take a couple something about how sick and twisted psmf gets me off

I had 1/2cup of cottage cheese and a banana now as well. I'm @ 1318 total cals. 22 fat, 98 carb, 184protein. I will most likely have another shake tonight which will put me at ~ 1500, 24, 98, 230. what's my ratio lookin like?

you guys are starving yourself. Nerds

drunknmunky im at about 750 give or take a couple something about how sick and twisted psmf gets me off how long have you been doing that?

nic379 how long have you been doing that? I did a psmf for 5 weeks and like 5 days.

AznRyda I did a psmf for 5 weeks and like 5 days. how much weight did you lose?

nic379 how long have you been doing that? day 1 Today wasnt bad couple chicken breasts celery and spinach. Im probably gonna be on it for atleast 5 weeks. Just an estimate I say he lost probably close to 40 pounds.

nic379 how much weight did you lose? I think about 30-35 lbs or so. Didn't measure exactly.

AznRyda I think about 30-35 lbs or so. Didn't measure exactly. wow, did you feel like shit? did you still work out? did you put the weight right back on afterwards?

drunknmunky day 1 Today wasnt bad couple chicken breasts celery and spinach. Im probably gonna be on it for atleast 5 weeks. Just an estimate I say he lost probably close to 40 pounds. What are you supplementing with? Are you doing full body work out twice a week? I did an ass amount of cardio (which some people don't recommend) but it worked for me.

nic379 wow, did you feel like shit? did you still work out? did you put the weight right back on afterwards? Yes I still work out. I gained water weight during my 2 week maintenance. After that I started cutting again, and I weigh less than before and my strength/energy levels are outrageously improved.

AznRyda Yes I still work out. I gained water weight during my 2 week maintenance. After that I started cutting again, and I weigh less than before and my strength/energy levels are outrageously improved. hmm, i dunno. i'm scared about doing something that drastic because I just started lifting a couple weeks ago and I can already tell that if I don't eat well the day before, i feel soo weak at the gym the next day. I don't want to get weaker..i want to be stronger. but with a much lower bf%

First day of Cutting

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