Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Ex Fatty Crew! Need some advice!

Ex Fatty Crew! Need some advice!

Ok so here is my deal. Former fatty, 255-190.. cutting till 180 or lower depending on how I look.. no less than 165 though, and I am not sure where to go with all this next. Ideally I will most likely get down to my original goal weight of 180 within the next few weeks and then decide if I want to maintain or go lower. The way things are looking I don't think I'll be happy at 180 so I'll most likely keep cutting till 165 or so. After that I guess I'll maintain and then come fall bulk. I want to bulk up to like 180 (if i go down to 165) and then cut again. Now here is my question. Did you guys find it hard to judge your progress when bulking, intentionally, for the first time after a long cut? How long did you wait? I am worried that I'm gonna start to see a gain in weight but not much of a gain when it comes to muscle mass and strength. Any advice? IBMANUPANDSTOPBEINGABITCH!

Only thing about being ex-fat and then bulking that I am concerned about is gauging progress properly. Its hard with loose skin. :-| Not having a flat stomach but being able to see your ribs and 4 abs = lose.

I used to weigh 260. I cutt down to 168 about 2-1/2yrs ago. I bulk in the winter months and start to cutt for summer around February-May, generally about 12-16 weeks. This gives me pleanty of time to get lean for spring/summer. It's not hard if you get over the subconcious feeling that you are going to get fat again. Check your BF% through the bulking process to make sure you are gaining good mass. Just eat clean and carry the discipline it took to lose over to gaining quality mass.

Deezgst - how tall are you? How did you look at 168?

Ex Fatty Crew! Need some advice!

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