Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Designer Whey and cutting FAT

Designer Whey and cutting FAT

Just wondering if something like Designer Whey would be ok to take after weight training workouts. I'm trying to cut fat plus build muscle, so I have my cardio and weight days....would whey protein be ok after my weight workouts? thanks

Why wouldnt it? Would you ask the same about eating a piece of chicken after a work out?

yes, but cutting fat and building muscle is not going to happen. You'll have to pick one.

Chris3G yes, but cutting fat and building muscle is not going to happen. You'll have to pick one. so you're saying the informationin 'christophers' sticky threads are false? i'm not trying to become a body builder here.

eliktronix so you're saying the informationin 'christophers' sticky threads are false? i'm not trying to become a body builder here. show me where christophers has EVER said you can cut fat and build muscle at the same time, unless you are complelely new to lifting and working out, or on steroids.

Chris3G show me where christophers has EVER said you can cut fat and build muscle at the same time, unless you are complelely new to lifting and working out, or on steroids. Those are the only ways that can be accomplished.

eliktronix so you're saying the informationin 'christophers' sticky threads are false? i'm not trying to become a body builder here. its more about maintaining lbm through lifting and a little more calorie usage through epoc. no one said not to lift weights though.

christophers i am getting annoyed at the ever so increasing suggestions to lose fat first through aerobic exercise and THEN begin weight training. this is so backwards. so. very. backwards. high intensity weight lifting will: build muscle mass build strength increase fat loss improve metabolism make you look a fuck of a lot better than waiting until you're done losing fat will. just following what he said since his advice has worked for me so far and yes i'm still new to a lot of this

Designer Whey and cutting FAT

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