Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Rack Lockouts

Rack Lockouts

How far are the pins supposed to be above your chest? I did it today with ~2-2.5 in gap is that okay or should it be more?

I only moved the weight 5 or so inches today

Mike McDermott you can put the pins anywhere between your chest and your lockout

they also mimic the stroke of a normal bp more that a pin press

Rack Lockouts

Calories in a gram of carbs/protein/fat?

Calories in a gram of carbs/protein/fat?

What are the calories in a gram of protein, fat and carbohydrate? I am setting up my diet and I want to do it right. The numbers I came up with are 4 calories per gram for protein, 3.5 cals per gram for carbs, and 9 calories per gram for fat. I wonder if those are right. Thanks!

4 per carbs. rest of the #'s are right. you can find this on a cereal box

nonplus 4 per carbs. rest of the #'s are right. you can find this on a cereal box Well i'll be damned. Thanks!

Well then lets use this thread for something else. On my diet that I am starting next week, I need to eat around 2250 - 2450 calories a day at the beginning(205 lbs). I am wondering should I eat my bigger meals earlier in the day and tick myself down towards the end and eat my carbs in the morning?

Try to eat a good lump of your carbs before your work out... assuming you are lifting too?

iwishiwascool Try to eat a good lump of your carbs before your work out... assuming you are lifting too? Definatly, I just finished writing up a routine. But I workout at like 10 in the morn after waking up at 8:30 - 9:00 so I will eat a carb breakfast, oatmeal and english muffins Workout Sunday: Boxing/Jump Rope Monday - Back/Biceps Deadlifts - 4 x 8, 4, 4, 6 Chin-ups - 3 x 6, 6, * Row Machine - 3 x 6, 6, 6 Barbell Bicep Curls - 3 x 6, 6, 6 Hammer Curls - 2 x 8, 8 Hanging Leg Raises - 4 x 15, 15, 15, 15 Mon Night: Running Tuesday: Boxing/Jump Rope Wednesday - Legs Squats - 4 x 8, 4, 4, 6 Squat Press - 3 x 6, 6, 4 Leg Curls - 3 x 8, 8, 6 Calf Raises - 4 x 15, 15, 15, 15 Wed Night: Running Thursday: Boxing/Jump Rope Friday - Chest/Shoulders/Triceps Dumbbell Incline - 4 x 8, 4, 4, 6 Dumbbell Bench - 3 x 6, 6, 4 Arnold Presses - 3 x 6, 6, 6 Upright Rows - 2 x 6, 6 Cable Pressdowns - 3 x 8, 8, 6 Crunches - 4 x 15, 15, 15, 15

looks fine, but you should throw some protein in the mix pre work out too.

iwishiwascool looks fine, but you should throw some protein in the mix pre work out too. I know that, I am going to go through and set out when I should eat at what time during the day for my meals. IE: Breakfast: Calories 600, Carbs 60g, protein 40g, fat 20g etc etc... thats not what I am going to use, thats just an example. I always mix 8oz of OJ and a scoop of whey for my preworkout drink.

Calories in a gram of carbs/protein/fat?

I want to put on the LBS

I want to put on the LBS

So in my thread earlier this week I got a new rountine. But I want to put on the LBS. I eat 3-4 meals a day but it is obviusly not enough. I bought some weight gainer 2200 Gold will that stuff even help at all? Or will it just be eating till I want to throw up all the time?

mmm gradually increase your caloric intake every week.

I want to put on the LBS

Gym goers urged to drink beer

Gym goers urged to drink beer

http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...tylehealthbeer Thought it was interesting

Sign me up

Clearly this is a fucking joke -- or prank.:weaksauce:

im a member KEKEEKKE OMGZ

you son of a bitch, i already made this thread http://forums.offtopic.com/showthread.php?t=1756867

I'm in

in a campaign launched by the nation's main association of producers of the alcoholic beverage. heh this isn't biased at all

i'll drink to that

it says it helps prevent dementia not in me it doesn't

I've got a friend of portuguese ethnicity. He works out and eats healthy and is in great shape and still has a 'portuguese' gut

Gym goers urged to drink beer

Creatine Capsules

Creatine Capsules

Im about to buy some creatine soon. I saw some creatine capsules at my gym. It had 90 of them inside. Each capsule has 2000mg I believe. It was 30 bucks for the bottle. Is it worth it to get. Or should I just get the powder instead.

vtectyper Im about to buy some creatine soon. I saw some creatine capsules at my gym. It had 90 of them inside. Each capsule has 2000mg I believe. It was 30 bucks for the bottle. Is it worth it to get. Or should I just get the powder instead. Just buy a tub of monohydrate or ester.. $30 is way too much. 1fast400.com has CEE and monohydrate.

Waste of money?

you can get caps, just not at that price.

buy the powder and cap'em yourself

90 * 2 grams = 180 grams of creatine @ 30 bucks is wayyyy over priced. i just bought 1000 grams (1 kilogram) of creatine mono powder for 21 bucks or so. that's the equivelent of 500 of your size caps for 2/3 the price. dont bother capping it. you can get 1000 grams (basically a year supply) of cee for 34 bucks, which is worth way more than those 180 grams of creatine mono for 30. CEE - http://www.1fast400.com/?products_id=1533 Creatine Mono - http://www.1fast400.com/?products_id=1153 they also have smaller sizes of cee/creatine mono if you dont wanna buy a whole bunch (cee works on most people, creatine mono is a hit and miss it seems).

wood buy the powder and cap'em yourself more info on capping? im interested in putting a handful in caps for convenience

Creatine Capsules

What time do you go to the gym?

What time do you go to the gym?

Im thinking of going at 8, but dont want to wait for weights, and benches.

2pm on tues and thurs 3pm on mon and wed

tize gosh darn, why not make it 9 9 isnt too late?


killerZees 9 isnt too late? nevar too late


I usually go @ 8PM. I wish I could go right after work @ 4 but its busy as fuck and a 1 hour workout will take 2 hours.

Usually hittin' the racks by 5:45am

either 9:30 am or 4:30 pm generally


5pm ninja, right after work.

mondays around 2:30pm but since I don't have class it's going to be like 9-10am.

If I'm to meet my workout partner... around 9:30am, if alone... around 8am.




7pm but tomorrow i am going at 10am

2pm more or less depending on when i meet for tea with pharrell williams

around 10-11pm so that I don't have to wait to use anything

after work on sundays (12am ish depending on overtime) after school on tuesdays (2pm) right before bed on thursdays (10-11, aka right now, bye!)

best times at my gym are: 5am-6am. by 6 everyone starts coming in. 12pm-1pm. lunch time is great. 3pm-4pm. 2nd lunch time? it's almost completely empty at this time, not sure why 9pm-10pm. this time kind of sucks because my shows are on, but i tape them. 8pm-10pm on fridays all other times it's really busy

sometime between 4 and 6...right during peak hours. i'm a fucking idiot.

10pm-2am hate it when its busy

kimchi picante 10pm-2am hate it when its busy that's fricken late. I hear ya though. When I was in college I used to go in at 10, so I wouldn't have to wait for anything and the place wouldn't be full of idiots using the mirrors more than the weights

I got at 10:30 to lift. That's when it's not too crowded at my gym.

What time do you go to the gym?

is the Squat an all-in-one?

is the Squat an all-in-one?

All-in-one leg exercise? meaning targets all the muscle groups in the leg? also.... for good mornings, do you position the bb where you would if you squat?

For GMs I place it slightly lower than where I do for squats.

i was wondering this also, since i don't really do any calve work at all...i do deads and squats

it doesnt work out your groin like those SWEEET ass groin machines that all the fat girls do.

tize actually a wide stance squat with knees out will hit those particular muscles

tize what kinda routine do you do? for legs? hack squats, leg press, plate loaded squat machine thing. i switch those up every week, then quad extensions, hamstrings, calves. i do squats occassionally

tize i thought you knew more than this i dont know EVERYTHING

tize actually a wide stance squat with knees out will hit those particular muscles which is why I don't do heavy squats with wide stance in socks on a smooth floor anymore

deznutz i dont know EVERYTHING You post alot, you should know THAT. Think about the joints involved in squating, and the muscles that move those joints. That is your answer.

is the Squat an all-in-one?

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