Monday, January 13, 2014

metabolism question

metabolism question

when you change your diet (amount of food you intake basically), how long does it take your metabolism to adjust? ie. get used to the new amount of food intake and disappear that hungry feeling, because i used to overeat, and now that i've lowered it to the amount i should be eating i get hungry

How many calories are you getting a day and what's your bodyweight

about 2300 and i'm 180lbs

learn to like feeling hungry. when i wanted to lose weight i dropped my cals to prolly 1500 or lower a day (too low). i was always hungry and i just liked it. i didnt really know what i was doing, but i lost 30lbs in a 3-4 months.

i dont know too much, but i know enough to know thats not a good method. you must've lost a lot of muscle i started dropping my cals gradually and coupled it with excersise (a bit of cardio and weights). i've got some upper body fat i wanna get rid of (see: man tits)

ChillerTwist i dont know too much, but i know enough to know thats not a good method. you must've lost a lot of muscle i started dropping my cals gradually and coupled it with excersise (a bit of cardio and weights). i've got some upper body fat i wanna get rid of (see: man tits) 30lbs in 3-4 months is pretty normal actually

try some hoodia ( or nicotine (gum or patches). If you want major appetite suppression then get ahold of some bromocriptine.

nathanbx 30lbs in 3-4 months is pretty normal actually I have lost 20 in two with minimal muscle loss.

BTW, you just have to wait for your stomach to shrink. Your metabolism doesn't have as much to do with the hungry feeling as the stretch receptors in your stomach. You will get used to it. It is weird, when I cut and I eat I feel fat, when I bulk and I don't eat I feel skinny.

Ceaze try some hoodia ( or nicotine (gum or patches). If you want major appetite suppression then get ahold of some bromocriptine. yeah hoodia works really good as long as you take it with a full glass of water

awesome! thanks for all the replies guys, they've been very helpful. i will look into those products if it becomes unbearable, but i'd rather let nature take its course

metabolism question



Whats With The Maeds??

I Don't Know, What Is With The Maeds? Get An AV

Get back on the short bus, dumbfuck.


Sunday, January 12, 2014

Wrist weakness/pain

Wrist weakness/pain

I'm finding with bench pressing, skull crushers and BB curls that I can handle the weight fine but after the fact my wrists are sore. My right wrist is worse than my left. I feel like I could lift more if it werent for my wrists hurting Any suggestions or ways to stop/lessen this problem? IBpostnudes

if you were a guy, I'd suggest but since your obviously not, wrist curls, rev wrist curls

I'd suggest wearing some kind of wrist brace to take some of pressure away from the spot that it's hurting you now.

Dragon if you were a guy, I'd suggest but since your obviously not, wrist curls, rev wrist curls hrm, ok.

Davo I'd suggest wearing some kind of wrist brace to take some of pressure away from the spot that it's hurting you now. looking into that already, but I'd prefer to fix/prevent without having to use braces

i have that too if im doing heavy dbs like over 75-80 pounds each when i use them for shoulder military press i can feel soreness in the wrists after in done

~*Pogovina*~ looking into that already, but I'd prefer to fix/prevent without having to use braces If you use them for a couple months, it should take care of the source of the pain as well.

Wrist weakness/pain

Trail/ Long Distance Runners?

Trail/ Long Distance Runners?

What are your training routines and daily mile totals? I'm thinking about a 5K but since I'm in Engineering I don't exactly have the time to train except for the weekends.

lol yes you have the time. just go out in the morning and run 5 miles every day. 5k training isnt particularly rigorous. now if you want to actually do well, youll need to integrate speed work, tempo runs and long distance, but judging by your question, i think youll improve if you simply run.

I ran 7 miles yesterday. today my foot hurts.

JGatz914 lol yes you have the time. just go out in the morning and run 5 miles every day. 5k training isnt particularly rigorous. now if you want to actually do well, youll need to integrate speed work, tempo runs and long distance, but judging by your question, i think youll improve if you simply run. it shouldnt take you more than 20-30 mins for a noob to make a 5k run. (I was running 17-18 mins at meets and I sucked )As you get better you should up your training. Time yourself each time so that you can try beating your time, also add in longer runs and things like sprints, hills, stairs, etc.

I wouldn't consider the 5k a long distance run. It's fairly easy to train for though. As some mentioned, work in speed drills, and run 4-6 miles for conditioning. A 3.1 mile run is more of a dash than anything though.

Trail/ Long Distance Runners?

I got my new T shirt today

I got my new T shirt today


damn that's tight.. but you really don't need a shirt to say it, it's clear.

parodies dont work in F&N

johnson parodies dont work in F&N yes they do.

superbri007 I can't see it, no sub

no subscription no care

Oh fuck that's gold

remember that WUSSIES => WEIGHTS Tattoo some guy got on his arm a few months back?

That's funny shit right thur..

holy shit, nice.

Ilyusha That's funny shit right thur.. only done out of love...not hate

FredBull remember that WUSSIES => WEIGHTS Tattoo some guy got on his arm a few months back? My god, someone needs to show that. WOST.TATTOO.EVER

your face looks all swirly ilyusha, is that some kind of birth defect?

ryazbeck your face looks all swirly ilyusha yeah, he looks a lot better like that, doesn't he? I'm really diggin the new look

oh, is it some kind of plastic surgery? yeah he does look way better

I got my new T shirt today

Where did the term BROLY come from?

Where did the term BROLY come from?



all i know is that i use it in everyday situations now

GilgaMesH all i know is that i use it in everyday situations now

oh god it is DBZ... i feel like a big fag now

Where did the term BROLY come from?

soooo, i was sexxing some bitch last night

soooo, i was sexxing some bitch last night

i havent seen her in 9 months so she hadnt seen teh broly till now... and while im sessin her, shes all, "omgz greg yur so broly, what have you been doing at college?" and im all, "ward ho, broly crew 4life holllla" it's actually a true story, with dialouge changed f&n

I would be skurred if somebody used OT lingo in one of our sex sessions.

b-stevens I would be skurred if somebody used OT lingo in one of our sex sessions. lol i think i would too

sr20wop i havent seen him in 9 months it's actually a true story, with genders changed fixed

Alt+F4 fixed

holy crap i shouldn't have read this thread at work. i think i just bit through my tongue trying not to laugh


Alt+F4 fixed


The dialouge is making me "ward ho" ?

mike you should talk

in before lock!

My gf just read this thread and cracked up. Then I was like "ward ho."


soooo, i was sexxing some bitch last night

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