Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I can't gain weight

I can't gain weight

I'm 5'10 130ish but i've lost 20 pounds since the summer. I can't put on weight. My waist is size 28 and my figure is enviable by some females. I've tried supplements and they have worked but i'm now somewhat intolerant to milk, so that rules out my old stash. Is it something to do with my weird metabolism? I'm 23, Asian, everyone in my family is not overweight. My diet has a decent amount of carbs as we rotate western/eastern style meals on a daily basis. I can binge eat like a mad man and gain next to nothing. See nutrition specialist?

meet or beat this everyday for a month. You'll gain at least 5 lb by the end of the month. Do it for a year and you'll be at 200lb this time 2006.

if you want it bad enough, you'll eat enough to meet your goals

You'd be surprised what you can put in a blender, but whatever you do, don't try to put a Powerbar in there. I swear to god the blender was about to explode.

I'm 5'8 and i started at 130...(Last fall) I started working out maybe 2 months ago. And if anything (im 145 now.) The best way to gain weight is to eat a LOT. Eat eat eat. And Lift. LIFT HEAVY WEIGHTS. Try to limit cardio as much as possible.

how in the shitfuck did you lose 20 lbs from 150 at 5'10?

If *I* can gain weight, anyone can. 6'2 135 - 6'2 170 in 5 months. Granted I lost it all when I got mono, that's still a lot of weight. If you want a mental image, I looked like a holocaust victim before I manned up and started eating (in addition to the lifting that wasnt doing me any good until i hit a caloric surplus)

you can gain weight /thread and possibly yourself

sr20wop you can gain wight /thread and possibly yourself

KetchupKing meet or beat this everyday for a month. You'll gain at least 5 lb by the end of the month. Do it for a year and you'll be at 200lb this time 2006. It'll take a while to get to this, but eat slightly more every day and you'll work your way up to being able to eat that much.

you saying if you eat quarter pounders with supersized french fries 3 times a day with a large milk shake on the side you won't gain any weight? I'd fucking kill to be in your position.

SpicyMcVoodoo you saying if you eat quarter pounders with supersized french fries 3 times a day with a large milk shake on the side you won't gain any weight? I'd fucking kill to be in your position. i'd fucking kill to not be in my position

eat a 5 pound plate you'll gain 5 pounds

I've eaten 4 pounds of food in one sitting before... weight did not change in the morning

i know how he's feeling. but still gotta eat. eat lots, lift big, get big.

When I was in HS (all 4 years) I weighed a steady 110 pounds. I HATED it, I was painfully skinny and it actually would get me into trouble (they thought I had an eating disorder ) I tried everything, even that weight gainer powder drink and drinking ensure Unfortunately I never managed to gain any weight by these methods. I eventually gained weight when I was married and got knocked up My metabolism just finally slowed down. (funny thing is, that's how I knew i was preg- I gained 10 pounds in the first month and it tipped me off that something was going on) I honestly worried that I had a mild thyroid disorder and my doctor had even suggested it at one time. I certainly hope this isn't the case but you may want to have it looked into. Good luck and don't get knocked up!

Phlab If you want a mental image, I looked like a holocaust victim that sums up what I looked like at 110 pounds and 5'8". I don't look healthy under 125.

oh, and you sound just like my little brother. he looks like noXens before pic If you figure out how to do it, let me know so I can pass the info along

yogfx seems to be the only person to have said it... Eat more, and then eat more after that, do this consistently and you will gain weight.

I know this is not a popular choice, and rightfully so... But have you looked into weight gainers? They aren't the healthiest thing out there for you but they certainly do work. Being a slave of corporate America when bulking I resort to those (along with other stuff) to help me put on weight. Just recently I went from about 134 to 150 in about 2 month using heavyweight 900 instead of protein.

ChosenGSR I know this is not a popular choice, and rightfully so... But have you looked into weight gainers? They aren't the healthiest thing out there for you but they certainly do work. Being a slave of corporate America when bulking I resort to those (along with other stuff) to help me put on weight. Just recently I went from about 134 to 150 in about 2 month using heavyweight 900 instead of protein. Weight gainers aren't necessary IMO. From ALL the threads in F&N, I'm surprised not many people just post here and just say EAT. That's all he has to do. The #2 piece of advice here (#1 being DL and Squat) is to fucking EAT. SO JUST EAT. Thats ALL. EAT EAT EAT BABIES, CHICKENS, DOGS, CATS, anything that you can possibly eat. (But try to eat clean...) edit: you say you can binge eat. Well binge eat 5 times a day. Hit the weights 4 times a week. Do little to NO Cardio. And stay disciplined and motivated. Stick to your schedule and don't cheat. There is no easy way to bulk if youre like a super ectomorph....

y0gfx Weight gainers aren't necessary IMO. From ALL the threads in F&N, I'm surprised not many people just post here and just say EAT. That's all he has to do. The #2 piece of advice here (#1 being DL and Squat) is to fucking EAT. SO JUST EAT. Thats ALL. EAT EAT EAT BABIES, CHICKENS, DOGS, CATS, anything that you can possibly eat. (But try to eat clean...) edit: you say you can binge eat. Well binge eat 5 times a day. Hit the weights 4 times a week. Do little to NO Cardio. And stay disciplined and motivated. Stick to your schedule and don't cheat. There is no easy way to bulk if youre like a super ectomorph.... I completely agree with you, however certain schedules do not give you the ability to eat 24/7 as required when bulking I spend 8-9 hours at work and about 2-3 hours on the road each day, so having a shake with me helped me big time to pack on some weight. Again, I am not pushing the idea of weight gainers. Just give him some food for thought. I know I wouldn't of been able to do without, not with my schedule

superbri007 anyone advocating the use of N02 can suck my wang

I've also had a very tough time gaining weight. fOr while I thought if I just took steroids I could gain. But really it just takes willpower to be dedicated. I eat till I am completely full. wait an hour or something then lift heavy. WAit a day or again. In the meantime I take Enlarge2 shakes in between meals, meal replacement shakes as snacks, and I eat huge portions. when you get that totally stuffed feeling your metabolism actually slows down a bit. Mine is always through the roof. Try to eat a few big meals instead of many small meals. many small meals keeps your metabo up. And do less reps, more weight for muscle gain. Im fairly new to lifting but IVe found that this method really helps me to gain weight. My jeans are almost too tight to wear now, which is crazy, a few months ago they would fall off me.

KetchupKing meet or beat this everyday for a month. You'll gain at least 5 lb by the end of the month. Do it for a year and you'll be at 200lb this time 2006. Very, very true. If you're lifting to gain muscle, your diet should contain: 59% Carbs, 28% fats, and 13% proteins. KetchupKing is pretty much correct. Also, try drinking half a gallon of whole milk per day. (I have heard GREAT things from this.)

I can't gain weight

dammit f&n v. :mad:

dammit f&n v. :mad:

my gym is closed for the rest of the semester now i have to take a week off but i already have a membership lined up at gold's for when i get home edit: can i get a sticky for support?

tize snoot shigga why u quittin already mang hows hst

tize da bomb diggity yo; u shoulda did that shit, im actually getting stronger on it with how im doing it fa sho nigra shit was gay though

tize nah its just hard, you dont wanna be broly like me 8) plllz me > *.lilbrolys

Mike McDermott is SWRC open still? i heard they closed too

Mike McDermott ugh

Mike McDermott swrc is open right now ohwerd i guess i'll have to suck up my pride and go there

dammit f&n v. :mad:

Carbohydrates Questions and Oats

Carbohydrates Questions and Oats

Here is the information for 1 cup (80 g) of Natural Rolled Oats _____________________ 300 calories Fat 6g Saturated Fat 1 g Polyun 2 g Monoun 2 g Cholestrol 0 mg Total Carbohydrates 54 g Dietary Fibre 8g Soluble 4 g Insoluble 4 g Sugars 2 g Protein 10 g ______________________ Questions: 1. There are 54 g of carbs here, 8 g of which are dietary fibre. Of that 8 g of dietary fibre, 4 g is soluble and 4 g is insoluble. Why is dietary fibre important and what is the difference between soluble and insoluble? 2. Excluding the 2 g of sugar carbs, there are 44 g of other carbs. What kind of carbs are these? Are they starch/complex carbs? 3. When trying to eat foods with lots of carbs, it is important to try and get the foods with the least amount of sugar carbs and the most amount of starch/complex carbs, correct? Thanks for your answers.

dude, just eat it

cunninglinguist dude, just eat it second that

1. It makes you poop 2. complex 3. no

Carbohydrates Questions and Oats

Im so friggin tired of eating chicken and tuna

Im so friggin tired of eating chicken and tuna

Been dieting/cutting since january 5th. Im so tired of chicken breast/tuna/ and salmon

Eating steak wont kill you, there are many alternatives that you might consider a "cheat" that could bust your morale and are quite tasty.

eat beef

as long as you are below your maintenance calories, i thought it really didn't matter what you ate?? This is what I hear/read on here.

DCyamaha as long as you are below your maintenance calories, i thought it really didn't matter what you ate?? This is what I hear/read on here. indeed

Learn to cook it in differen ways to spics up your love life

turkey burgers are ok, i cant stand them for more than a week. But after eating turkey burgers you will miss your chicken and fish

i had a sirloin steak last night with a salad.

have you had a break from your cutting routine? If not, take one.

steak never gets old. Steak smothered in A1, baked potato creamed in ranch and garlic, and a couple tbsp of flax oil to top it all off

pokesteve yeah, thats a great way to lose WEIGHT not fat

reminds me last year I looked at all the chicken I was eating and and got disgusted. I am slowly building myself up to eat it all the time again.

I still like chicken and tuna, but I'm starting to get sick of mac and cheese and eggs every day.

mac and cheese?

pokesteve you laugh, but eat 1500 calories of ice cream a day and nothing else, you will sure lose alot of WEIGHT alright.... not so much of it will be fat You could as long as you took another 700 calories or so and filled them with protein and essential fats

aw man i can each chicken 6 times a day, ill never get tired of it

eat eggs, u can cook them a million different ways

SteveO steak never gets old. Steak smothered in A1, baked potato creamed in ranch and garlic, and a couple tbsp of flax oil to top it all off christ that sounds perfect right about now

Try venison or buffalo.

tize eggs are awesome omgajsmgomsomgmosgmosmgomsgm i always eat my eggs with 1/2lb burger i thought i was the only one who did that lately i've been putting a couple eggs on top of everything i eat.

Im so friggin tired of eating chicken and tuna

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A great meal is cottage cheese + nonfat plain yogurt + splenda

A great meal is cottage cheese + nonfat plain yogurt + splenda

Dairy calcium is good. Good protein. Carbs aren't bad either. Wish someone told me sooner.

The cottage cheese and the yogurt sounds good, btu Splenda gives me cramps and diarrhea.

I like how cottage cheese tastes . And yogurt is good too.

I've been eating that since x-mas, minus the splenda. I find the yogurt is sweet enough

turkey sandwhiches

Dragon I've been eating that since x-mas, minus the splenda. I find the yogurt is sweet enough the nonfat plain yogurt isn't sweet though. At least not the kind I get.

splenda is bad for you

tize cottage cheese isnt worth it

tize ??? What's not worth it about cottage cheese?

tize price, taste, spoilage Boooourns.

tize price, taste, spoilage $/g of protein, I find it pretty good, taste, its not great but it can be avoided (in eggs, with yogurt & splenda), spoilage, never had a problem and I buy 1-1.5kg at a time

today, i made this sandwich which consisted of multigrain bread, cottage cheese, tuna, mustard, mayo, garlic powder, cheyenne pepper and some regular black pepper. i thought it was gonna taste funny but it was surprisingly good.

The 'Light & Fit' ones from Dannon are excellent. I wouldn't eat yogurt for the protein, but rather for a good-tasting, nutritional snack or side meal. Plus the acidolphus culture has innumerable health benefits.

jeckWiLdeR today, i made this sandwich which consisted of multigrain bread, cottage cheese, tuna, mustard, mayo, garlic powder, cheyenne pepper and some regular black pepper. i thought it was gonna taste funny but it was surprisingly good. That is fucking disgusting.

thats why u ea a carton of the cottage cheese at a time so it doesnt spoil.. good stuff pepper and a little salt and game on

quickone splenda is bad for you There is definitely a lot of negative information coming out about Splenda right now, so I'm trying to avoid it. The rest of the meal sounds good though.

PatrickSparks There is definitely a lot of negative information coming out about Splenda right now, so I'm trying to avoid it. The rest of the meal sounds good though. the only thing negative is their "truth in advertising". saying it's made from real sugar when it's not.

tize price, taste, spoilage It's like under 2 dollars, tastes amazing, and takes like forever to spoil.

christophers OK LIKE WHAT? I hear it gives people who eat skittles serious aneurysms.

diabetics love skittles

christophers OK LIKE WHAT? I was just talking about the lawsuits with regards to their marketing. Plus, there's been some information about phosgene and chlorine being used to make it.

PatrickSparks I was just talking about the lawsuits with regards to their marketing. Plus, there's been some information about phosgene and chlorine being used to make it. who cares about the problems with the marketing, it's not hurting the product any. The chlorine is so minimal that is has no effect on your body. There is nothing wrong with splenda.

I love cottage cheese. Am I the only one who eats it plain?

xpinchx I love cottage cheese. Am I the only one who eats it plain? Its gets boring after a while though. I sometimes throw some museli or low fat granola on it. Its not bad.

isn't splenda like a synthetic butter?

A great meal is cottage cheese + nonfat plain yogurt + splenda

Stiff leggs vs regular deadlifts?

Stiff leggs vs regular deadlifts?

Which one is better for the nube? How much should i start out with, I have no spot.

killerZees Which one is better for the nube? How much should i start out with, I have no spot. Why would you need a spot on either of those?

Make sure you get someone knowledgeable to show you good form. My lower back joints hurt like crazy until I realized my form was shitty.

both.. and wtfspot

So whats a good weight to start with?

killerZees So whats a good weight to start with? Start with the bar to get the form right.

sldl's twice a week. deads maybe twice every other month.

Its hard to get good form with just the bar though. He should start with a weight that feels somewhat heavy, but not too heavy. Something like half of what you think your 1 rep max might be. Erroring on the side of too light is better than too heavy of course, but I wouldn't use just teh bar for more very long

KetchupKing Its hard to get good form with just the bar though. He should start with a weight that feels somewhat heavy, but not too heavy. Something like half of what you think your 1 rep max might be. Erroring on the side of too light is better than too heavy of course, but I wouldn't use just teh bar for more very long I was saying just the bar for sldl's.

SickLife sldl's twice a week. . NO

tize why not? im doing them 3x a week I do them two times a week as well. I don't see why not.

i do sumo dead lifts... high weight low reps .. anyone got beef with doing those?

Hip Hippo I do them two times a week as well. I don't see why not. What is the purpose of doing them twice a week? Your legs are how big?

Neo22 What is the purpose of doing them twice a week? Your legs are how big? Well stiff leg deadlifts normally work my back more than my legs.

Hip Hippo Well stiff leg deadlifts normally work my back more than my legs. then your lower back is weak and/or your form is incorrect

Hip Hippo Well stiff leg deadlifts normally work my back more than my legs. YOu need to work on your form then. More then likely you arn't keeping your chest out with an arc in your back like you should.

SLDLs are a hamstring movement primarily

Neo22 YOu need to work on your form then. More then likely you arn't keeping your chest out with an arc in your back like you should. I guess I have been doing them wrong all along.

knees should be slighty bent too

What are some other good lower back exercises?

cbrpimp good mornings edit: Those are mainly for your hamstrings and glutes, I thought.

Hip Hippo Those are mainly for your hamstrings and glutes, I thought. is this a joke?

Hip Hippo Those are mainly for your hamstrings and glutes, I thought. no, the SLDLs worked my back alot when i first started doinng em, and they still work it some. Pullthroughs are another back exercise that are verry nice. AND WTF at only once per week...

SLDL's and DL's are two different movements. One is primarily for legs, other is primarily for [lower] back, so don't just do one, do both since they are working two different muscle groups. I do each once a week... or maybe SLDL's twice a week (one heavy, a few days later I lift lighter)

both, SLDL's on leg day, DL's every 2 weeks

Stiff leggs vs regular deadlifts?

TEH BROLYZ ROCK!!!!!1111 :love: I love you guys, fo real

TEH BROLYZ ROCK!!!!!1111 :love: I love you guys, fo real

Zachary loves you guys, my whole family loves you guys. someone sent me that picture of teh mystery card. It hasnt come in the mail yet but the cat's outta the bag. I can't wait to get the real thing so I can take pics of it and frame it and put it in the baby's room. Maybe it'll get here in time for his 1st birthday in 3 months.

It's a good thing some really smart guy who shall remain nameless scanned that fucker. Must be a God of man.

why didnt i get this

How come I wasn't asked to sign this? : overwhelmingsadness:

This fucker is OLD

fuckers have had it forever, I had it one day an it was gone, whoever held it up should be killed...slowly

PurEvl fuckers have had it forever, I had it one day an it was gone, whoever held it up should be killed...slowly I know who has it

werd :in: glad to see its on its way to making it there... @ Gogz... Happy Birthday ???

I signed it. A year ago...

taht's awesome, really. I'm going to frame it.

jonno why didnt i get this it's still in the mail, i guess. I didn't take this picture, someone else did. maybe it's coming to you

jonno why didnt i get this

mymilkexpired werd :in: glad to see its on its way to making it there... @ Gogz... Happy Birthday ??? ??????

there is still ONE person that has it...I have emailed that person time and time again...he "said" it was sent out when I get it I'll put our "stuff"in it and mail it to broly king

Fazle signed too

wait a sec... gilgamesh, jonno and jeg are all on it, over on the right. hard to see the first time around.

for you asshats that want in now...I only rounded up the ones that King knows either personally or for a long time on the board shit if it were the case of getting everyone on there, it would reach his son when he turned 18

KingGargantuan wait a sec... gilgamesh, jonno and jeg are all on it, over on the right. hard to see the first time around. I am very uncreative, but I have nice handwriting

I was wondering what happened to that dang card. Cool

Buckaroo Banzai2 I was wondering what happened to that dang card. Cool that's just a scan someone sent me. i dont have the actual card yet. i see you on it though

KingGargantuan that's just a scan someone sent me. i dont have the actual card yet. i see you on it though yep, Filmy was kind enough to include me yeah I noticed you hadnt gotten it but I was afraid to post and find out what happened to it. I am glad at least someone took a scan of part of it.

jonno why didnt i get this

Filmy writes like a girl

Filmboy44 for you asshats that want in now...I only rounded up the ones that King knows either personally or for a long time on the board shit if it were the case of getting everyone on there, it would reach his son when he turned 18

MikeTheVike1 Filmy writes like a girl

TEH BROLYZ ROCK!!!!!1111 :love: I love you guys, fo real

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