Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Im so friggin tired of eating chicken and tuna

Im so friggin tired of eating chicken and tuna

Been dieting/cutting since january 5th. Im so tired of chicken breast/tuna/ and salmon

Eating steak wont kill you, there are many alternatives that you might consider a "cheat" that could bust your morale and are quite tasty.

eat beef

as long as you are below your maintenance calories, i thought it really didn't matter what you ate?? This is what I hear/read on here.

DCyamaha as long as you are below your maintenance calories, i thought it really didn't matter what you ate?? This is what I hear/read on here. indeed

Learn to cook it in differen ways to spics up your love life

turkey burgers are ok, i cant stand them for more than a week. But after eating turkey burgers you will miss your chicken and fish

i had a sirloin steak last night with a salad.

have you had a break from your cutting routine? If not, take one.

steak never gets old. Steak smothered in A1, baked potato creamed in ranch and garlic, and a couple tbsp of flax oil to top it all off

pokesteve yeah, thats a great way to lose WEIGHT not fat

reminds me last year I looked at all the chicken I was eating and and got disgusted. I am slowly building myself up to eat it all the time again.

I still like chicken and tuna, but I'm starting to get sick of mac and cheese and eggs every day.

mac and cheese?

pokesteve you laugh, but eat 1500 calories of ice cream a day and nothing else, you will sure lose alot of WEIGHT alright.... not so much of it will be fat You could as long as you took another 700 calories or so and filled them with protein and essential fats

aw man i can each chicken 6 times a day, ill never get tired of it

eat eggs, u can cook them a million different ways

SteveO steak never gets old. Steak smothered in A1, baked potato creamed in ranch and garlic, and a couple tbsp of flax oil to top it all off christ that sounds perfect right about now

Try venison or buffalo.

tize eggs are awesome omgajsmgomsomgmosgmosmgomsgm i always eat my eggs with 1/2lb burger i thought i was the only one who did that lately i've been putting a couple eggs on top of everything i eat.

Im so friggin tired of eating chicken and tuna

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