Monday, January 6, 2014

What to take after creatine?

What to take after creatine?

I am curious about what supplement I should take after my 3 months of creatine. Should I just continue taking it or should I take something else?


blue-streak m1t Isn't that a steriod?


tize every 6 weeks take a 2 week break Alright. And when I start again I should go through the reloading period.

test injections

Nothing. Can't you just stop for a week or two then repeat?

Gutrat Nothing. Can't you just stop for a week or two then repeat? I have read a couple different things. But I was wondering if anyone can recommend something that works better.

HMB+pyruvate just stay off it once you're done

SpeedyGST HMB+pyruvate just stay off it once you're done I think I will pass.

clomid to get rid of the bitch tits

Soularis clomid to get rid of the bitch tits




A shit

CEE maybe?

cavefish CEE maybe? I have been looking into this. Should I take it right after finishing Creatine Monohydrate?

What to take after creatine?

so I started christophers routine...

so I started christophers routine...

Hey what's up guys, Been a long time lurker on the F&N forums...been lifting on/off for the past 4-5 years. When I started out I was 150ish at 6'. Bulked up to about 200 at one point about two years ago, but right now I'm at 180ish. I started christophers routine last night and let me tell you it was INTENSE. Squats, deads, bench, incline really kicked my a$$ and I almost puked when walking out of the gym. Good times! Will try to post some pics soon.

gat damn boyeeeeee

the first week killed me, now doing all 3 in one day is not as big a deal

how long were you in the gym for?

the day after the first routine really burned, but i've jacked up my bench by 50 pounds, my squats by 80 or so, and my dead lift by 50 since that first day (i'd never really done the 3 so i started out with 135 for each.) now it doesn't hurt as much the next day, kinda makes me sad. any reason why? my body adapts to the new weight? i'm doing the same 5x5 routine as christopher's posted.

Probably about an hour or so...I started off kinda light because I didn't want to jump into super heavy...didn't really know what to expect. Squats 95 x 5 135 x 5 155 x 5 185 x 5 205 x 5 Deads 95 x 5 135 x 5 155 x 5 185 x 5 225 x 5 Bench 95 x 5 115 x 5 135 x 5 155 x 5 185 x 5 Incline DB press 35's x 15 40's x 15 45's x 12

I'm also enjoying this program a lot, I"m in my 4th week and have been seeing really good gains.

I'm doing this program as well, its going really well.

Hope to start this on Monday. Did he mention anything about eating? Im trying to lose fat in the belly and am following his sticky thread on fat loss. 5'4, 150lbs.

I have been doing it for about a month and a half going really well so far.

johnson Hope to start this on Monday. Did he mention anything about eating? Im trying to lose fat in the belly and am following his sticky thread on fat loss. 5'4, 150lbs. eat.

where is the routine posted?

chris, I'd really like to know if you have something else to replace squats? my hips just aren't cut for it. I didn't workout today because the pain came back. Deads never seem to bother me, it's something about all that weight on my back. I see myself in the mirror and form looks dead on.

Is this routine in the stickies?

Kozzy McKoz Is this routine in the stickies? no

deznutz where is the routine posted?

vettedude no Then where may I view this routine?

Chris, i am putting my lil bro on this routine he is 18, 6'2 and weighs 135 and needs to GFH, u think it would be k for me to have him do box squats after a few weeks, and maybee switch up the DL's from luiek sumo to SLDL, whatr about GHR's could i get those in there too for him? Monday Squats-5x5(Do four progressively heavier sets of 5 with the 5th set being your 5RM.) Deadlifts-5x5(Do the same) Bench Press-5x5(Do the same) Incline DB Press-2x12-20 Wednesday Light Squats or Lunges-4x8 each leg Good Mornings-3x8-12 Shoulder Press-5x5 or Dips-4xmax until you get 12 each time. then add weight. Pullups-4xmax Friday Squats-warmup to a 3 reps with 5 more lbs than you used on Monday. On the following monday use this weight for your 5th set. Bent Over Row-5x5 Incline Bench-5x5 Tricep Extensions-2x12-20

vettedude Monday Skittles-5x5(Do four progressively heavier sets of 5 with the 5th set being your 5RM.) Hohos-5x5(Do the same) Steak Press-5x5(Do the same) Incline Pepsi Press-2x12-20 Wednesday Light Pancakes or Waffles-4x8 each leg Good eatings-3x8-12 Donut Press-5x5 or Dips-4xmax until you get 12 each time. then add weight. Sweet rolls-4xmax Friday Skittles-warmup to a 3 reps with 5 more lbs than you used on Monday. On the following monday use this weight for your 5th set. Bent Over Vomiting-5x5 Incline All you can eat-5x5 Buffet line Extensions-2x12-20

christophers what's wrong with your hips? just pain? sharp pain, radiates to (or possibly coming from?) lower back, and sometimes to groin. I had a long post on it when it occured, and surprise - it came from SQUATS! Put me out for 2 months

Ilyusha :r ofl:

christophers this routine is too hard for ya buddy btw: What does this mean... Incline DB Press-2x12-20 2 sets, 12 reps? whats the 20?

deznutz btw: What does this mean... Incline DB Press-2x12-20 2 sets, 12 reps? whats the 20? maybee 12-20 reps depending on how u feel

deznutz btw: What does this mean... Incline DB Press-2x12-20 2 sets, 12 reps? whats the 20? 12-20 reps

deznutz btw: What does this mean... Incline DB Press-2x12-20 2 sets, 12 reps? whats the 20? between 12 and 20 reps

so I started christophers routine...

What are ME and DE moves?

What are ME and DE moves?

Can someone explain? It's impossible to search for.

The Eight Keys, Part 1 The Eight Keys, Part 2 The Eight Keys, Part 3 The Eight Keys, Part 4

yes, very impossible.

Ceaze The Eight Keys, Part 1 The Eight Keys, Part 2 The Eight Keys, Part 3 The Eight Keys, Part 4 Thanks.

b-stevens yes, very impossible. plug in this thread title and tell me what you get Read everything on the site, specifically the articles and the Q&A.

Soularis plug in this thread title and tell me what you get You search with full sentences?

here's a key, if it's too small for the search query, just add * to it.. you'll come up with a lot of bullshit, but you'll get your 2 and 3 letter searches done

b-stevens You search with full sentences? You can. It can get you better results. I searched for "DE bench" and stuff like that a billion times and all I came up with was routines, not wtf it was. Had I known it stood for dynamic effort, it would've been a piece of cake. See the problem?

What are ME and DE moves?

Bad Time

Bad Time

I feel like shit. My shoulder is bothering me again, i have pain in my lower back and my right knee is acting up on me. I haven't been to the gym in 2 weeks, I feel like complete garbage. Anyone else every feel really down like this sometimes? I'm so discouraged.

superbri007 just rest man, it gets better. I've been sick on and off for 2 months, and when everything gets better... (i even got a new mp3 player i wanted to try out monday) I pull a back muscle pretty much limiting me to breathe in 3/4ths of the way to avoid the pain because I've gone to teh chiropractor, put heat on it, took aleve, and rested, I think its recovering quite nicely, but I'm hesitant to go to the gym just yet and ruin all that time resting, or hurt myself further you goto the 'chiropractor'... arn't they bullshit? oh and by the way, A.R.T failed me...(i'm pretty sure that the god damn ripoff artist didn't do it properly.

quit your bitchin, suck it up and get back to working out. ive got some severe sciatica and i still pull and squat religiously....sometimes you just need to out focus the pain...

there are way too many threads made by people with nagging injuries/chronic pain I assume most of you are between 18-25, when you should be at your physical peaks, and youre getting hurt. I think some of you need to reassess the volume and/or form of your exercises.

Injuries can happen to anyone, at any time.

Bad Time

Bulk Nutrition Customers

Bulk Nutrition Customers

Is there a possibilty that they threw in a free mixer? I want one

FrozynFyre Is there a possibilty that they threw in a free mixer? I want one yes, i always got free shakers

Always gotten free shakers but I just use them as cups

i usually get free ones and give them to friends because they leak everywhere. Out of the 5 or 6 shakers i have gotten, all of them have leaked

Jeff Coleman i usually get free ones and give them to friends because they leak everywhere. Out of the 5 or 6 shakers i have gotten, all of them have leaked where did you get a good one at look at the first bullet

it works the first time but then the rubber seal usually falls out

man I wanted one taht would work more than once

Just go to wal mart and buy a shaker. I just use an old slim fast one

KLoWnPR109 Just go to wal mart and buy a shaker. I just use an old slim fast one I will just use this special blender shake thing that fits into cups and mixes it there thats if the shaker doesnt last

i actually use the tornado blender when i have to take protein with me

SpeedyGST i actually use the tornado blender when i have to take protein with me are you serious

FrozynFyre are you serious surprisingly? yes.

SpeedyGST surprisingly? yes. does it work?

FrozynFyre does it work? it works perfect for my ON whey, but some of the thicker protein mixes it does struggle a bit.

and how much liquid can it hold?

princess0fdiabl0 and how much liquid can it hold? the one i have holds around 12oz of water and comes with an ac adapter...i got it at walmart for less than 10$

tize i think u gotta get protein powder and put OT in comments No, they just give whenever they have in stock.

hopefully they threw in a t-shirt on my last order

Everyone rips on the shakers... I use them all the time. If you take the rubber seal out and be sure to screw the top on right they don't leak at all. I use 6 of them this way and none of them leak.

just screw on extra tight, always works for me

took me about 15 minutes to get the rubber seal back in mine, since then no problems... /shrug.

am i the only one that figured out u can mix whey easily with a wire wisk in a normal cup? i hate washing shaker cups or the blender so if im at home thats what i do. works like a charm.

Bulk Nutrition Customers

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Best brand of protein to buy for the money... and where?

Best brand of protein to buy for the money... and where?

need to buy more protein... where should i buy it and what type should i buy?

Vitamin world brand is cheap and tastes good. 17g/scoop i do two scoops.

I use ISOXP Chocolate formula, 45g protein/50g scoop, tastes great, average price for protein in my city.

look into optimum nutrition its pretty much the preferred brand on here because it is cheap and has a fair amount of protein per serving 23g if I'm not mistaken. I have the 10lb bag right now

ON 10lb bag>* It tastes so good. Once it hits your lips

ON 100% whey is pretty decent, can't beat the price really has it for the cheapest I've seen, though I prefer to order with

can you get ON stuff at local nutrition stores?

XsLiCk can you get ON stuff at local nutrition stores? Yes but it is a rip off there. I saw the 5lb ON 100% at GNC for $49 You can get a 10lb for cheaper @ 1fast400

I buy my ON 100% at 1fast400 its like $25 or something

5lb ON @ Vitamin Shoppe right now for $30

5lb ON is like $30 at vitamin shoppe. It's good as far as price and protein content but it tastes terrible compared to the Designer that i used to use.

I wish people would listen to me about ABB Pure Pro, it's fucking great, no clumps in a shaker and mixes great with water. 2 scoops = teh win

ON is the best ive ever had

ON is pretty good compared to the rest, price wise and taste wise. I normally buy 2 tubs of protein, one tub is usually Muscle Milk for home. The other tub I keep at work, and I usually try something different.

before black star labs turned all nazi, they were the best deal and had the best whey *sigh

I like "justwhey" but it really isn't cheap comparatively, I'm getting my shipment of ON today so I'll let you know if it sucks

I bought a 5lb tube of EAS Myopro Strawberry for $21 off 2 weeks ago - 22g/scoop

I just switched to Chicago Nutritions protein and really like it and was taking Beverly before that. I buy everything local just because the guy is a really good guy. I pay about 30 bucks for 2.5lbs on average. I know that is really more than I could get online but well I like to support the locals.

Mass before black star labs turned all nazi, they were the best deal and had the best whey *sigh you can just order from with the BSL flavoring

10lb bag ON protein from

For any of you british guys head over too They sell flavourless (no additives, just 100% whey) whey at 70%, 80% or just isolate. You can choose to add additives but I choose not too cos it's healthier (ibGayHomo) plus it really does'nt taste bad at all, like a fairly barky and rough vanilla flavour. They also sell tons of other supplements and if you buy in bulk (over £50) and it's a bulk discount item then you get 10% off. I get all my whey from there (I get 80% cos I'm a cheap bastard) God I sound like a sales clerk

cbrpimp i paid 24.00 for a 5lb at vitamin shoppe as part of their monthly special I saw it on monday at that price. GNC pisses me off. has the best tasting protein shakes EVER. You don't even know. They are thick and omg goodness. Unfortunately my gym stopped saling them, so until my debit card comes, I am using Muscle Milk. I can order things online with a debit card, right?

Ceaze you can just order from with the BSL flavoring hollaaaaaaaa i dont use any other protein

Best brand of protein to buy for the money... and where?

Muscle strength imbalance?

Muscle strength imbalance?

I notice my right side is stonger than my left, specifically chest and arms. Which is the recomended methods to effectively correct this?

mmm use dbs... just focus on evening everything out

During situps my I feel it more in my left abs..and left lower back for deadlift

Muscle strength imbalance?

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