Monday, January 6, 2014

Bad Time

Bad Time

I feel like shit. My shoulder is bothering me again, i have pain in my lower back and my right knee is acting up on me. I haven't been to the gym in 2 weeks, I feel like complete garbage. Anyone else every feel really down like this sometimes? I'm so discouraged.

superbri007 just rest man, it gets better. I've been sick on and off for 2 months, and when everything gets better... (i even got a new mp3 player i wanted to try out monday) I pull a back muscle pretty much limiting me to breathe in 3/4ths of the way to avoid the pain because I've gone to teh chiropractor, put heat on it, took aleve, and rested, I think its recovering quite nicely, but I'm hesitant to go to the gym just yet and ruin all that time resting, or hurt myself further you goto the 'chiropractor'... arn't they bullshit? oh and by the way, A.R.T failed me...(i'm pretty sure that the god damn ripoff artist didn't do it properly.

quit your bitchin, suck it up and get back to working out. ive got some severe sciatica and i still pull and squat religiously....sometimes you just need to out focus the pain...

there are way too many threads made by people with nagging injuries/chronic pain I assume most of you are between 18-25, when you should be at your physical peaks, and youre getting hurt. I think some of you need to reassess the volume and/or form of your exercises.

Injuries can happen to anyone, at any time.

Bad Time

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