Monday, January 6, 2014

Bulk Nutrition Customers

Bulk Nutrition Customers

Is there a possibilty that they threw in a free mixer? I want one

FrozynFyre Is there a possibilty that they threw in a free mixer? I want one yes, i always got free shakers

Always gotten free shakers but I just use them as cups

i usually get free ones and give them to friends because they leak everywhere. Out of the 5 or 6 shakers i have gotten, all of them have leaked

Jeff Coleman i usually get free ones and give them to friends because they leak everywhere. Out of the 5 or 6 shakers i have gotten, all of them have leaked where did you get a good one at look at the first bullet

it works the first time but then the rubber seal usually falls out

man I wanted one taht would work more than once

Just go to wal mart and buy a shaker. I just use an old slim fast one

KLoWnPR109 Just go to wal mart and buy a shaker. I just use an old slim fast one I will just use this special blender shake thing that fits into cups and mixes it there thats if the shaker doesnt last

i actually use the tornado blender when i have to take protein with me

SpeedyGST i actually use the tornado blender when i have to take protein with me are you serious

FrozynFyre are you serious surprisingly? yes.

SpeedyGST surprisingly? yes. does it work?

FrozynFyre does it work? it works perfect for my ON whey, but some of the thicker protein mixes it does struggle a bit.

and how much liquid can it hold?

princess0fdiabl0 and how much liquid can it hold? the one i have holds around 12oz of water and comes with an ac adapter...i got it at walmart for less than 10$

tize i think u gotta get protein powder and put OT in comments No, they just give whenever they have in stock.

hopefully they threw in a t-shirt on my last order

Everyone rips on the shakers... I use them all the time. If you take the rubber seal out and be sure to screw the top on right they don't leak at all. I use 6 of them this way and none of them leak.

just screw on extra tight, always works for me

took me about 15 minutes to get the rubber seal back in mine, since then no problems... /shrug.

am i the only one that figured out u can mix whey easily with a wire wisk in a normal cup? i hate washing shaker cups or the blender so if im at home thats what i do. works like a charm.

Bulk Nutrition Customers

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Best brand of protein to buy for the money... and where?

Best brand of protein to buy for the money... and where?

need to buy more protein... where should i buy it and what type should i buy?

Vitamin world brand is cheap and tastes good. 17g/scoop i do two scoops.

I use ISOXP Chocolate formula, 45g protein/50g scoop, tastes great, average price for protein in my city.

look into optimum nutrition its pretty much the preferred brand on here because it is cheap and has a fair amount of protein per serving 23g if I'm not mistaken. I have the 10lb bag right now

ON 10lb bag>* It tastes so good. Once it hits your lips

ON 100% whey is pretty decent, can't beat the price really has it for the cheapest I've seen, though I prefer to order with

can you get ON stuff at local nutrition stores?

XsLiCk can you get ON stuff at local nutrition stores? Yes but it is a rip off there. I saw the 5lb ON 100% at GNC for $49 You can get a 10lb for cheaper @ 1fast400

I buy my ON 100% at 1fast400 its like $25 or something

5lb ON @ Vitamin Shoppe right now for $30

5lb ON is like $30 at vitamin shoppe. It's good as far as price and protein content but it tastes terrible compared to the Designer that i used to use.

I wish people would listen to me about ABB Pure Pro, it's fucking great, no clumps in a shaker and mixes great with water. 2 scoops = teh win

ON is the best ive ever had

ON is pretty good compared to the rest, price wise and taste wise. I normally buy 2 tubs of protein, one tub is usually Muscle Milk for home. The other tub I keep at work, and I usually try something different.

before black star labs turned all nazi, they were the best deal and had the best whey *sigh

I like "justwhey" but it really isn't cheap comparatively, I'm getting my shipment of ON today so I'll let you know if it sucks

I bought a 5lb tube of EAS Myopro Strawberry for $21 off 2 weeks ago - 22g/scoop

I just switched to Chicago Nutritions protein and really like it and was taking Beverly before that. I buy everything local just because the guy is a really good guy. I pay about 30 bucks for 2.5lbs on average. I know that is really more than I could get online but well I like to support the locals.

Mass before black star labs turned all nazi, they were the best deal and had the best whey *sigh you can just order from with the BSL flavoring

10lb bag ON protein from

For any of you british guys head over too They sell flavourless (no additives, just 100% whey) whey at 70%, 80% or just isolate. You can choose to add additives but I choose not too cos it's healthier (ibGayHomo) plus it really does'nt taste bad at all, like a fairly barky and rough vanilla flavour. They also sell tons of other supplements and if you buy in bulk (over £50) and it's a bulk discount item then you get 10% off. I get all my whey from there (I get 80% cos I'm a cheap bastard) God I sound like a sales clerk

cbrpimp i paid 24.00 for a 5lb at vitamin shoppe as part of their monthly special I saw it on monday at that price. GNC pisses me off. has the best tasting protein shakes EVER. You don't even know. They are thick and omg goodness. Unfortunately my gym stopped saling them, so until my debit card comes, I am using Muscle Milk. I can order things online with a debit card, right?

Ceaze you can just order from with the BSL flavoring hollaaaaaaaa i dont use any other protein

Best brand of protein to buy for the money... and where?

Muscle strength imbalance?

Muscle strength imbalance?

I notice my right side is stonger than my left, specifically chest and arms. Which is the recomended methods to effectively correct this?

mmm use dbs... just focus on evening everything out

During situps my I feel it more in my left abs..and left lower back for deadlift

Muscle strength imbalance?

I care about strength more than size *CREW SIGN IN*

I care about strength more than size *CREW SIGN IN*

I don't care about how big I am just as long as I'm strong. What good is it having size if you don't have strength.

I'm stronger than many people much larger than me... but often I wish I was bigger

im a bodybuilder so i care more about how i look than how strong i am. not saying i dont care about strength, it comes with the size ;x

DCCapen Looks> strength>size you keep telling yourself that little man

once i get past a certain point size wise, ill be with you. right now, i really would take 10 lbs of added muscle with no strength gain than a 15% increase to all my lifts with no size gain.

power > strength > looks >....*crickets* > size

christophers you cannot be powerful without strength. strength is the precursor my point was I'd rather be able to clean X than deadlift Y

christophers i can power clean 300+ and never power clean, ever FREAK

Size+Strength+Looks = win

I can get to incredible levels of strength without gaining size and I have a harder time putting on size but thankfully I don't want to. That's life when you are a giant in a forum of midgets.

What are some good routines for strength only? Westside?

Mike McDermott Yeah, that works the stabilizers! Surfs up, bro. that first picture almost looke like an Inch dumbell. if so.

Incog91 I can get to incredible levels of strength without gaining size and I have a harder time putting on size but thankfully I don't want to. That's life when you are a giant in a forum of midgets. shut the fuck up douche bag

at some point in my life i want to compete at under 150 pounds. right now im at 225 bench 315 squat and 365 deadlift but theyve gone down since im workin 16 hours a day between 2 jobs.

Mike McDermott no it isn't still looks like a thick handled db

i care about strength more than size until i can deadlift/squat at least 400. Then ill probly go the BB route

princess0fdiabl0 i care about strength more than size until i can deadlift/squat at least 400. Then ill probly go the BB route those numbers are soo unimpressive

Strength is #1 in my book. I don't care how I look. It's like Christian Thibadaeu said: "Train for power, everything else is just gay porn." GFH motherfuckers. Read Christopher's user text.

i have a hard time losing weight, so i am concentrating on upping the weight i can lift!

Blue=Gay I don't care about how big I am just as long as I'm strong. What good is it having size if you don't have strength. if your 180 benching 500 and im 240 benching 300 im still gonna bitch slap you right off the planet. You think otherwise then find someone alot bigger then you but weaker in the gym and start a wrestling match with him. And saying what you said is just an excuse, cause you cant get big you just say "I would rather be strong" Well 99% of the time its not one without the other so you must still be weak.

christophers people who dont think you can achieve both at a decent rate are people i honestly feel sorry for. fucking chris....amen

you're seriously only benching 300?

tize not really for a bber really tize, my training partner is 179 right now at 5% and deaded 405 for 7 last night then followed it with 315 BB rows and weighted pullups with a 45. Hes a pretty weak BB"er Point is hes doing his first show this year, hes an average joe in my world, hes not a genetic god yet he will out lift 99% on here easily

SteveO you're seriously only benching 300? me I use 300 for behind the head presses for 6-8, I wasnt using me as an example. I would make a better powerlifter then BB'er to be honest. Just no one around here thats any good to teach me.

superbri007 Brandon is 179 he was 184 when you were there, thats what a properly built person looks like, you saw him repping 225 for 12 at that weight on the incline

I care about strength more than size *CREW SIGN IN*

Im on abcbodybuilding forums V. CEE

Im on abcbodybuilding forums V. CEE

They say that CEE is teh lose and I should of got mono whateva

The forums there have gone to hell ever since the jesus freaks took over. Almost all of the really knowledgable people got the hell out of there when swearing became a bannable offense.

FrozynFyre They say that CEE is teh lose and I should of got mono whateva because CEE isn't really backed by science is what they say

Zaffir The forums there have gone to hell ever since the jesus freaks took over. Almost all of the really knowledgable people got the hell out of there when swearing became a bannable offense. yeah that is why I don't really care for the forums anymore. It's all people stressing 2g of sugar, "I put too much whey in my shake, oh no!"

SteveO because CEE isn't really backed by science is what they say Hm...kinda like religion! The irony is delicious.

cavefish Hm...kinda like religion! The irony is delicious. True Story.

cavefish Hm...kinda like religion! The irony is delicious. yeah to a point. It's kinda funny how they say it's a site based on science and they completely disagree with the scientist about religion. I still like all their articles and exercise tabs, but the forums have gone to shit

SteveO yeah to a point. It's kinda funny how they say it's a site based on science and they completely disagree with the scientist about religion. I still like all their articles and exercise tabs, but the forums have gone to shit Think you'd get banned for bringing that up?

nathanbx Think you'd get banned for bringing that up? probably

nathanbx Think you'd get banned for bringing that up? Absolutely. Someone asked if wanking regularly helped/hurt his bodybuilding goals. He was banned for it.

Zaffir Absolutely. Someone asked if wanking regularly helped/hurt his bodybuilding goals. He was banned for it.

Zaffir Absolutely. Someone asked if wanking regularly helped/hurt his bodybuilding goals. He was banned for it. that's sad

Zaffir Absolutely. Someone asked if wanking regularly helped/hurt his bodybuilding goals. He was banned for it.

christophers abcbodybuildings articles are not backed by a dicks worth of science, especially the nutrition ones, at least from what i've looked at as mentioned before, mosto f their articles resort to "well arnold/insert bb'r did it, so..!" where do you read most of your articles at?

Did ABCBODYBUILDING have the "online training log" before OT? Or did we copy it from them?

Gutrat Did ABCBODYBUILDING have the "online training log" before OT? Or did we copy it from them? a lot of sites had it before OT did, though I dont know which of the two had it first

Gutrat Did ABCBODYBUILDING have the "online training log" before OT? Or did we copy it from them? it's not really a crazy new idea.. i'm sure lots of forums have that

Im on abcbodybuilding forums V. CEE

whats so good about oatmeal?

whats so good about oatmeal?

why is it part of almost everyone's bulking diet?

Clean carbs? Nutritious at the same time. Ok,I don't know. I just eat what ppl recommend.

StoneCold why is it part of almost everyone's bulking diet? (low gi), cheap, can be mixed in shakes

SteveO (low gi), cheap, can be mixed in shakes Also, pretty calorie dense.

pt used it

ACURA TL-S Also, pretty calorie dense. not really

Ceaze not really Ya, your right, I thought it was something like 600 calories a cup. Thatll teach me to think.

i eat oatmeal frequently, but i'm cutting fat


whats the trick to keeping oatmeal from settleing at the bottom of my protein shake? the last two drinks are always full of oatmeal and it makes me gag.

I can eat a lot of it for 300 calories.

not part of mine

It should be a part of your diet bulking or not

Ero whats the trick to keeping oatmeal from settleing at the bottom of my protein shake? the last two drinks are always full of oatmeal and it makes me gag. Blend the oats into a powder first then add everything else.

its got oats, and its a meal. nice combo in my book! also, unrefined. hard to find that these days.

Oats + Mouth = win. I just eat them raw.

Ero whats the trick to keeping oatmeal from settleing at the bottom of my protein shake? the last two drinks are always full of oatmeal and it makes me gag. Keep shakin it. No matter how fine you blend it, it will eventually settle because it doesn't dissolve. I usually uise 0.5-1 cup of oatmeal per 1.5-2 scoops of protein

i just bought some i'll be eating them in the morning for breafast now with some egg whites.

I use it when cutting as well

Ero whats the trick to keeping oatmeal from settleing at the bottom of my protein shake? the last two drinks are always full of oatmeal and it makes me gag. thicker shakes. IE = more solid stuffs. but i make fruit shakes, most people round here make milkshakes and shit so i dont know what solids you would add other than peanut butter or more oats.

PurEvl I use it when cutting as well

fiber and it also lowers your cholesterol.. but not those quick instant oatmeals tho(too much sugar), it has to be the old fashioned one..

PurEvl I use it when cutting as well same

1) Very low GI 2) Good for calories 3) Contains GLA 3) Good source of soluble fiber 4) Contains more minerals then many other grains 5) Has atleast a little protein 6) Damn tasty is prepaired right 7) Can be very filling when dieting(a good thing)

whats so good about oatmeal?

So is there any physiologic benefit to a cheat day every week or so?

So is there any physiologic benefit to a cheat day every week or so?

Anything at all? Glycogen refill? Trcik your body into thinking you're in a surplus?

depends on how long the cheat day/refeed is, as well as how long/hard you've been dieting, how long since your last refeed, how low your bodyfat is, etc

theres psychological benefits, like sanity. ha

Perplexed is that a westside bodybuilding routine or what? no i think it would be defined as more of what most uf us less strong people should be doing. That is almost exactly how i do it

So is there any physiologic benefit to a cheat day every week or so?

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