Sunday, January 5, 2014

so my piss smells like tuna and my farts burnt rubber

so my piss smells like tuna and my farts burnt rubber

and i feel like shit most of the day, cutting rules.

aenz and i feel like shit most of the day, cutting rules. you better get that shit checked out

lol i'm just eating very clean no carbs, i know why i feel like shit and im ok with it for the time being

so my piss smells like tuna and my farts burnt rubber

Idiot Myspace Muscle & Fitness members

Idiot Myspace Muscle & Fitness members is this the forum you guy bust these dumbasses on?

Mmmmmmmmmmmk, Man Hands.

Ilyusha Mmmmmmmmmmmk, Man Hands. you know you love it.

Grouch you know you love it. Them, you mean?

that forum sucks.

i back you up ;x

Dunken i back you up ;x haha nice.

I did too..

someone should make a OT Broly Crew for myspace (since it didnt work for facebook)

No the one I am on is but I will have to start frequenting this one also. It is the addiction I love to hate.

I'm up in that shit too holla

@ manhands

it never fucking ends....

kisses for ceaze

Grouch kisses for ceaze What about me you son of a bitch?

Oh man, I got a headache just reading that shit. wow ceaze is a very sessy sessy man any recent pics of him, he looks like 170lbs in his myspace pics

ACURA TL-S What about me you son of a bitch? you look just like Billy Zane

ACURA TL-S What about me you son of a bitch? went and took a little look around that form and you own shit there

i just joined the OT Broly Crew group. im kevin

Grouch kisses for ceaze flowers for algernon

I swear to god I want to crunk the little faggot emo head of this Jack aka Akop little bitch. ohhhhhhhh he is soooo fucking stupid

christophers god damn theres a lot of retards on that forum maybe christophers will make a myspace acct I am just waiting for it. There is a guy named christopher that I though might be you...then I read what he wrote.

Grouch I swear to god I want to crunk the little faggot emo head of this Jack aka Akop little bitch. ohhhhhhhh he is soooo fucking stupid I know, but not as bad as the bitch that emailed me earlier.

ACURA TL-S I know, but not as bad as the bitch that emailed me earlier. what? some little bitch emailed you.

Grouch what? some little bitch emailed you. A girl too. There is a thread about it.

Idiot Myspace Muscle & Fitness members

High rep presses fucking own my delts.

High rep presses fucking own my delts.

Today I had 5x15 bench and 3x8 incline. Was supposed to do 3x15 flys but my front delts were burning like crazy.. I couldn't even raise my arms, really. Pretty

damn dude 5x15 bench? that is getting up there with volume, you must train bodyparts once a week?

Twice a week actually I seem to respond well to high volume.

GilgaMesH Today I had 5x15 bench and 3x8 incline. Was supposed to do 3x15 flys but my front delts were burning like crazy.. I couldn't even raise my arms, really. Pretty whoa your training styles lives up to your av

Peal whoa your training styles lives up to your av Last fall I actually trained using his split given in his book. Now there was some volume

i remember when i was a teenager we used to do high volume benching to the point where i could hardly shift my datsun 280zx

KingGargantuan i remember when i was a teenager we used to do high volume benching to the point where i could hardly shift my datsun 280zx Stop bragging...

deznutz Stop bragging... i loved that car

I get hard core burning in my delts also. I just thought that it was lactic acid. Am i wrong or does anybody know what it is?

GilgaMesH Last fall I actually trained using his split given in his book. Now there was some volume wow thats completely opposite. whats ur body type?

size18boarder wow thats completely opposite. whats ur body type? I'd say either ecto-meso or mesomorph.

High rep presses fucking own my delts.

is glutamine worth buying? (sp)

is glutamine worth buying? (sp)

heard a lot about it... any one that takes it in here that can explain to me what exactly it does... and if its actually worth buying? and how much does it cost?


see the thing is i have a friend that body builds and he takes it... says it just basically helps something with protein synthesis... or something like that cant exactly remember...

A pt at my gym said to take it if "you don't want to use something as unresearched and unknown as creatine ,but still want to pack on 5-10 lbs of muscle per month"

Up All Night A pt at my gym said to take it if "you don't want to use something as unresearched and unknown as creatine ,but still want to pack on 5-10 lbs of muscle per month" eh he takes creatine and glutamine... so the two together... wheres christophers when i need him lol

waste of $$$

jonno waste of $$$ can you back it up? i mean like explain to me why...

There was a (recent?) study that basicly said it was worthless. Ill try to find the link but Im sure one of the experts will link it first.

whatever shows me proof of it

In conclusion, few studies have demonstrated any sort of conclusive benefit from L-glutamine supplementation in athletes, although the existing evidence does support a small benefit. The most promising effect is a reduced incidence of infection after exhausting exercise, and in this case 5-10 g preworkout and/or postworkout may be effective. It may be especially useful during times of overtraining or high stress, such as on a diet, but this is only in theory. There is little evidence for a direct anabolic or performance enhancing effect of glutamine. References at the bottom. They sell the stuff and dont endorse its effectiveness... that might say something.

guess oyu got me on that one then... wasnt gonna buy it just wondering what it does...

if you drink protein shakes you dont need that shit

well i do... guess that means i dont need it...

it was only proven to help recovery and such when used intraveinously, so unless you plan on hooking up an iv after a workout skip it.

i take creatine and now i am kinda scared.... hows creatine "something unresearched and unknown "

not helping dude

christophers sigh.. creatine is the most researched sports supplement in the entire world. once again, pt's showing why the reputation of them is nothing short of fucking awful. thank u very much

go with Scivation Xtend instead... BCAA's + citrulline malate

Ceaze go with Scivation Xtend instead... BCAA's + citrulline malate agreed...only supplement I havent tried worth trying...

The guy at the gym told me it helps repair muscles faster/better or something..... I like it because it makes my protein shakes really thick .

Socrates The guy at the gym told me it helps repair muscles faster/better or something..... except, it doesn't

Ceaze except, it doesn't Heh, I didn't take their word for it too much.

is glutamine worth buying? (sp)

was hungry and only had tuna...

was hungry and only had tuna...

and eggs and a few other things around so I searched for some simple recipes and came across a tuna patty recipe from Natezilla in a post he made a few months ago. I never thought some tuna, fresh garlic, an egg, and some pepper that was made into a patty and cooked would make such a good alternative to just plain canned tuna. Just thought I'd share if anyone else wanted to try it.

ya thats good in a sandwhich

Whats the recipe?

I used 1 can tuna (6 oz) 1 egg although I used egg beaters 1 clove fresh garlic finely chopped add some pepper and garlic powder if you dont have garlic cloves and I added a little bit of parmesan cheese in the batter just for a little flavoring. Just heat up a pan and plop it on there in patty form Its simple and just something easy to make if you dont have much to work with and want a little change in flavor. Natezilla's recipe had oats in it but I didnt have any.

i just ate 2 cans of tuna with hot sauce cause im fucking wasted alnd everything is closed so its all I got left

I just used 3 eggs with a 120g can of tuna...didn't quite work out. It didn't stay as a patty and the egg started burning

joy division i just ate 2 cans of tuna with hot sauce cause im fucking wasted alnd everything is closed so its all I got left

that actually sounds kinda good I think i'll try it sometime

I tried this tonight, and it wasn't bad, a little bland perhaps. It mostly just had a generic fish taste, except with a different texture. I might try the oats next time, and maybe Worchestershire sauce...

was hungry and only had tuna...

My older lady coworker said to me

My older lady coworker said to me

"did you read the paper, they have this new 3 hour diet, you eat every three hours and the right foods, I might try it" I kinda looked at her funny and she said "Have you heard of it before?" I said "well, it isn't really a new concept....." she thought she had discovered fire or something

I eat whatever I want for 5 minutes a day, and I lose tons of weight!

Am I the only one who's noticed some of the solid fundamentals bodybuilders have known for years starting to creep into the "mainstream" diet fad/scene/whateveryouwanttocallit ?

Zaffir Am I the only one who's noticed some of the solid fundamentals bodybuilders have known for years starting to creep into the "mainstream" diet fad/scene/whateveryouwanttocallit ? Some of it. I dunno, there is still a lot of misinformation everywhere though. Some obese girl made fun of me today because I was giving advice to someone else about how working out your "core" was good for various reasons and thats why he should do squats/deads/GM's what not. She muttered under her breath to her boyfriend that "core" was the new buzzword, then argued with me later about how cardio makes you feel so much better and weight lifting guys aren't her type. :-|

if they put it in "women's health" or "Redbook" it must be new and improved!

I'm not sure whether I want to cry or laugh

oh well, at least it's correct and healthy. unlike the other trend garbage you can find.

I only had 4 meals yesterday, I'm fucked.

holy shit, you eat every 3 hours and that means your metabolism stays steady no ups and downs, WHAT A CONCEPT!!!!!!

who said anything about magical numbers? i don't know anything about the "philosophy" they might publish with said diet, but grassroots it's an easy to follow guideline for your average person who would otherwise eat like shit. i think it's a good thing

hey post something about that chris, about the difference between eating all calories in 3 meals as opposed to 6, or eating all calories early in the day as opposed to spreading them out.

christophers yeah.. eating every 3 hours elevates your metabolism/keeps it "steady" .. You know how many people are going to go out there now and eat their normal crap every 3 hours and thereby increase their caloric intake?

ryazbeck hey post something about that chris, about the difference between eating all calories in 3 meals as opposed to 6, or eating all calories early in the day as opposed to spreading them out. the difference isn't that big... important meals are breakfast and pre and post workout. everything else is based on personal preferences.

"You drink protein shakes!?!11!!!?111"

I have a new diet. It's called "Eat Less, Lose More!"

I dont know how many times old women have told me that my kidneys are going to fail become of my high protein diet

I like how they say that you can eat whatever you want. Fast food, etc. yeah right

I am thinking of marketing a new book. On the cover it will say "Calories out>Calories in : The Diet of Millenium". Inside it will be blank. I will make millions.

Ivan I like how they say that you can eat whatever you want. Fast food, etc. yeah right You can, as long as you don't eat more calories than you expend, which is more difficult with fast food.

An older lady coworker of mine last summer tried to convince me of the benefits of the cabbage soup diet. You could eat only cabbage soup and some fruits or something for the week. She was one dumb cunt.

That sounds like a cleansing diet, not weight loss.

therealdeal An older lady coworker of mine last summer tried to convince me of the benefits of the cabbage soup diet. You could eat only cabbage soup and some fruits or something for the week. She was one dumb cunt. Tell her to go to the doctor and get a "weight loss pill". Be Excited, Be Be Excited. (Requiem for a Dream)

Mass I dont know how many times old women have told me that my kidneys are going to fail become of my high protein diet Or a coworker has asked you "Isn't that protein powder stuff illegal"?"

soko , didnt you have a gastric bypass? hows that going

ralyks Tell her to go to the doctor and get a "weight loss pill". Be Excited, Be Be Excited. (Requiem for a Dream) LOL, and I thought I was the only person who saw that movie and loved it.

My older lady coworker said to me

Fat burner / Weight loss powder mix?

Fat burner / Weight loss powder mix?

Is there a powder I can mix with milk or fruit and water (blended) to aid in weight loss in conjunction with working out? thanks



shastaisforwinners meth dot

special K should work too... and it's cheaper than meth

thanks for all the suggestions guys!

Fat burner / Weight loss powder mix?

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