Sunday, January 5, 2014

My older lady coworker said to me

My older lady coworker said to me

"did you read the paper, they have this new 3 hour diet, you eat every three hours and the right foods, I might try it" I kinda looked at her funny and she said "Have you heard of it before?" I said "well, it isn't really a new concept....." she thought she had discovered fire or something

I eat whatever I want for 5 minutes a day, and I lose tons of weight!

Am I the only one who's noticed some of the solid fundamentals bodybuilders have known for years starting to creep into the "mainstream" diet fad/scene/whateveryouwanttocallit ?

Zaffir Am I the only one who's noticed some of the solid fundamentals bodybuilders have known for years starting to creep into the "mainstream" diet fad/scene/whateveryouwanttocallit ? Some of it. I dunno, there is still a lot of misinformation everywhere though. Some obese girl made fun of me today because I was giving advice to someone else about how working out your "core" was good for various reasons and thats why he should do squats/deads/GM's what not. She muttered under her breath to her boyfriend that "core" was the new buzzword, then argued with me later about how cardio makes you feel so much better and weight lifting guys aren't her type. :-|

if they put it in "women's health" or "Redbook" it must be new and improved!

I'm not sure whether I want to cry or laugh

oh well, at least it's correct and healthy. unlike the other trend garbage you can find.

I only had 4 meals yesterday, I'm fucked.

holy shit, you eat every 3 hours and that means your metabolism stays steady no ups and downs, WHAT A CONCEPT!!!!!!

who said anything about magical numbers? i don't know anything about the "philosophy" they might publish with said diet, but grassroots it's an easy to follow guideline for your average person who would otherwise eat like shit. i think it's a good thing

hey post something about that chris, about the difference between eating all calories in 3 meals as opposed to 6, or eating all calories early in the day as opposed to spreading them out.

christophers yeah.. eating every 3 hours elevates your metabolism/keeps it "steady" .. You know how many people are going to go out there now and eat their normal crap every 3 hours and thereby increase their caloric intake?

ryazbeck hey post something about that chris, about the difference between eating all calories in 3 meals as opposed to 6, or eating all calories early in the day as opposed to spreading them out. the difference isn't that big... important meals are breakfast and pre and post workout. everything else is based on personal preferences.

"You drink protein shakes!?!11!!!?111"

I have a new diet. It's called "Eat Less, Lose More!"

I dont know how many times old women have told me that my kidneys are going to fail become of my high protein diet

I like how they say that you can eat whatever you want. Fast food, etc. yeah right

I am thinking of marketing a new book. On the cover it will say "Calories out>Calories in : The Diet of Millenium". Inside it will be blank. I will make millions.

Ivan I like how they say that you can eat whatever you want. Fast food, etc. yeah right You can, as long as you don't eat more calories than you expend, which is more difficult with fast food.

An older lady coworker of mine last summer tried to convince me of the benefits of the cabbage soup diet. You could eat only cabbage soup and some fruits or something for the week. She was one dumb cunt.

That sounds like a cleansing diet, not weight loss.

therealdeal An older lady coworker of mine last summer tried to convince me of the benefits of the cabbage soup diet. You could eat only cabbage soup and some fruits or something for the week. She was one dumb cunt. Tell her to go to the doctor and get a "weight loss pill". Be Excited, Be Be Excited. (Requiem for a Dream)

Mass I dont know how many times old women have told me that my kidneys are going to fail become of my high protein diet Or a coworker has asked you "Isn't that protein powder stuff illegal"?"

soko , didnt you have a gastric bypass? hows that going

ralyks Tell her to go to the doctor and get a "weight loss pill". Be Excited, Be Be Excited. (Requiem for a Dream) LOL, and I thought I was the only person who saw that movie and loved it.

My older lady coworker said to me

Fat burner / Weight loss powder mix?

Fat burner / Weight loss powder mix?

Is there a powder I can mix with milk or fruit and water (blended) to aid in weight loss in conjunction with working out? thanks



shastaisforwinners meth dot

special K should work too... and it's cheaper than meth

thanks for all the suggestions guys!

Fat burner / Weight loss powder mix?

Why the hell does muscle milk have so much fat?

Why the hell does muscle milk have so much fat?

because dogs need a lot of fat

Why the hell does muscle milk have so much fat?

best whey protein with water?

best whey protein with water?

ON whey obviously isnt going to cut looking for just a basic whey protein that will taste decent w/water...i have muscle milk now, but I'd rather find something without all the calories/fat

Biotest grow but it'll be pricey. $23 for 2lbs but BEST TASTING SHIT EVER.


I like ON 100% with water.

size18boarder bsl do they still make any whey protein? i cant find any on their site

mtnbike4522 I like ON 100% with water. I definetely dont and nice av

superbri007 Muscle Milk chocolate milk too many calories ON 100% Whey double rich chocolate tastes too meh Substance WPI grape splash (whey isolate) tastes too meh .

velamint do they still make any whey protein? i cant find any on their site

are there any differences for isolate vs concentrate in amount of gastric distress caused?

velamint are there any differences for isolate vs concentrate in amount of gastric distress caused? Don't get concentrate. It gives me insane amounts of gas. Hydrolyzed whey is best.

i think designer tastes pretty decent.

velamint I definetely dont and nice av thanks. I just changed it when i noticed it was the same as yours

WPI tastes like kool aid grow tastes like cake mix batter bother taste good IMO

man this has been discussed like 838393 times... but here goes again Ive tried chocolate, chocolate mint, orange, and banana. all are realy good and inexpensive.

AllTheWhey banana is awesome with water. Too bad their customer service sucks.

i like ON chocolate with water

stop being such a pussy, whey isn't supposed to taste good with water, just chug it like a man, nancy

edmang .

superbri007 Substance WPI grape splash (whey isolate) Fucking Too bad its twice as expensive as ON whey. I'll stick to drinking that and just put up with the bad taste.

t3nchi Biotest grow but it'll be pricey. $23 for 2lbs but BEST TASTING SHIT EVER. quoted for complete truth.

i don't think Grow is that spectacular

i think ON vanilla is good in water the strawberry not so much

christophers 1) grow is retard expensive 2) he asked for a WHEY, not a casein mix. a lot of casein mixes taste great. its easy to make them taste great. Like he knows the dif between whey and casein He did mention muscle milk as his current "whey". No offense mr thread-starter. Most guys just use the word whey when they mean "protein powder" in general.

i like ON strawberry

PHOBOPHILEE stop being such a pussy, whey isn't supposed to taste good with water, just chug it like a man, nancy

best whey protein with water?

Markus Ruhl Made In Germany

Markus Ruhl Made In Germany

Has anyone seen this DVD? From the little snippet I have seen it looks pretty good. He seems like a funny guy. Is it worth the $35 or so its gonna cost for the dvd?

is that the one he where he smokes pot oh and its probably not worth $35

he smokes a cigarette on there. I got it and I found it pretty entertaining. Not quite ronnie coleman entertaining, but it's fun. Too bad I don't speak german, cause a bunch of the things are in german and it doesn't have subtitles for that part. He goes over it again in english but I feel I'm missing something. Problem is he uses alot of machines now(injuries), so I guess I was a little disapointed. His dvd before made in germany had him doing more crazy weight/traditional exercises.

Does it have any actual contest footage? How is the pacing? Is it paced like Ronnie's films or like Cutler's films? I like the whole pro bb lifestyle side of things that Ronnie tries to show while still being a badass and lifting 11ty billion pounds.

there is no way in hell his g/f n the video has only been training for 2 years naturally

ooSpankyoo there is no way in hell his g/f n the video has only been training for 2 years naturally Wait thats a woman?

cavefish Wait thats a woman? Bullshit.

LOL.. It is a woman, but in the very first scene i just thought it was some guy with the gayest shirt i have ever seen... but nope it was a woman.. Aye Caramba

who has this dvd? rip it, i'll host it!!!

I'm down for that! I think D-guy has it.

I have the dvd, but I can't rip it, if someone wants to I can get my friend to make a copy at his video shop and I can send it to someone to rip, overall it's an ok dvd. As for the chick, that is ruhl's wife, I'd like to have arms like hers almost over markus's honestly . She's one of the reasons ruhl isn't competing this year. Marriage and getting a new house built, so he's focusing on his life right now instead of BBing. Oh well, can't wait to see him next year.

i downloaded this movie and its insane. that girl he works out with is huge and soooo strong. i think he says its his girlfriend.

nice bump. D-GUy I have the dvd, but I can't rip it, if someone wants to I can get my friend to make a copy at his video shop and I can send it to someone to rip dooo eeeettt not me though since i live in Germany...somebody else. i'll host.

I still want this....

you can get it from bittorrent really easy, i got the whole thing in like 3 hours.

Markus Ruhl Made In Germany

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Being white sucks

Being white sucks

I am sunburnt as hell from bein outside all day today. hurts like hell. today is leg day, there is know way i am gonna be able to do squats, my back and neck is candy apple red. i wish i fuckin tanned instead of burning

I'm black... wanna switch bodies?

werd tize, ever since i started tennis back up this semester my face has been bright red till i remembered that sunblock existed

i got fried because of my neighbor-drama I need someone to rub aloe on my back, STAT!

tize use sunscreen, i got burnt yesterday playing tennis at 3:00. i was only out there for like an hour 1/2 and i got burnt wtf i usually do i didnt plan on being out all day was spur of the moment

in, was outside playing basketball and just sitting around and I got nice and pink

I went down to the track today (drag strip), and I didnt wear sunblock, my face/neck/arms are as red as a ripe tomato They hurt like a fucking bitch too superbri007 back in the 1700's they didn't complain back in the 1700's the atmosphere didnt let it as much shit through as it does now, which will burn your skin even more now

i'd kill to be black, 99% of them are genetic freaks of nature. They can eat what they want, drink what they want, and still manage to grow and stay lean

I thought this was about penis size.

SteveO i'd kill to be black, 99% of them are genetic freaks of nature. They can eat what they want, drink what they want, and still manage to grow and stay lean

black people sunburn too. I was proof of this about 4 or 5yrs ago.

Girl_Next_Door black people sunburn too. I was proof of this about 4 or 5yrs ago.

Ilyusha Burgundy isn't a bad color on me

Girl_Next_Door black people sunburn too. I was proof of this about 4 or 5yrs ago. this is true i have seen my friend sunburn, it drives me crazy my whole family tans except me i fry

or you could be mediterranean area white and just tan well...score

Sgt. Ownage or you could be mediterranean area white and just tan well...score i would be happy with that, but after i am in the sun all day i look redneck white. i have a fuckin farmers burn right now

gsteclipse97 i would be happy with that, but after i am in the sun all day i look redneck white. i have a fuckin farmers burn right now hit up mystic tan for a luxurious fake

Sgt. Ownage hit up mystic tan for a luxurious fake a couple of friends have told me to go to the tanning booth and just start out on real short times and work up real slow. they used to burn but after goin for a while they dont now

gsteclipse97 a couple of friends have told me to go to the tanning booth and just start out on real short times and work up real slow. they used to burn but after goin for a while they dont now cant help you there...never tanned before

Wear sunblock christ, your all going to get skin cancer.

asian with natural tan

here comes the sackriders hollering

christophers pale and proud holla in

tize that's only because you're asian PreemO = asian SteveO = white

just ration out how much you're in the sun, build it up. once you have a decent base tan you can go outside for about as long as you want. that's what i did last year and got nice and bronze.

Being white sucks

new routine - FEEDBACK plz =)

new routine - FEEDBACK plz =)

hey quick info: bulking Ecto weak spots: chest, shoulders, forearms i checked out several routines but none seemed right so i made this one. chest & shoulders twice a week, back once and another light day. legs once a week plus soccer practice My only concern really is that i might be overdoing it on friday since i don't have a day off afterwards... what do you guys think?

way to much shit, your a noob trying to gain a base, christophers routine, It'll give you what you need.

Peal way to much shit ^

well, fuck...i guess i'm gonna go for chris' routine then...not really feeling it but since everybody seems so convinced

FredBull well, fuck...i guess i'm gonna go for chris' routine then...not really feeling it but since everybody seems so convinced it works good, you might be a bit sore for soccer the first couple weeks though

FredBull well, fuck...i guess i'm gonna go for chris' routine then...not really feeling it but since everybody seems so convinced oh trust me you're going to 'feel' the first day

go_duke21 it works good, you might be a bit sore for soccer the first couple weeks though well see, that's a problem. it's not just for fun, it's actually a sports class in school, i get grades etc. it's awesome but if you do squats 3 times a week that's pretty rough any other decent routines? HST and all that stuff is too complicated, i don't really want to to that! too much # and planning, i just wanna go into the gym and get at it I've been working out for >6 months, wanna gain mass, focus on chest and shoulders

the second squat day is light... more for recovery/reducing soreness

i took christopher's routine, and added some stuff i'd like to work on on tuesday (i've got abs, forearms, bi's, calves).

kronik85 i took christopher's routine, and added some stuff i'd like to work on on tuesday (i've got abs, forearms, bi's, calves). after Monday's DL, Bench and Squat?! no way man!

new routine - FEEDBACK plz =)

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