Saturday, January 4, 2014

new routine - FEEDBACK plz =)

new routine - FEEDBACK plz =)

hey quick info: bulking Ecto weak spots: chest, shoulders, forearms i checked out several routines but none seemed right so i made this one. chest & shoulders twice a week, back once and another light day. legs once a week plus soccer practice My only concern really is that i might be overdoing it on friday since i don't have a day off afterwards... what do you guys think?

way to much shit, your a noob trying to gain a base, christophers routine, It'll give you what you need.

Peal way to much shit ^

well, fuck...i guess i'm gonna go for chris' routine then...not really feeling it but since everybody seems so convinced

FredBull well, fuck...i guess i'm gonna go for chris' routine then...not really feeling it but since everybody seems so convinced it works good, you might be a bit sore for soccer the first couple weeks though

FredBull well, fuck...i guess i'm gonna go for chris' routine then...not really feeling it but since everybody seems so convinced oh trust me you're going to 'feel' the first day

go_duke21 it works good, you might be a bit sore for soccer the first couple weeks though well see, that's a problem. it's not just for fun, it's actually a sports class in school, i get grades etc. it's awesome but if you do squats 3 times a week that's pretty rough any other decent routines? HST and all that stuff is too complicated, i don't really want to to that! too much # and planning, i just wanna go into the gym and get at it I've been working out for >6 months, wanna gain mass, focus on chest and shoulders

the second squat day is light... more for recovery/reducing soreness

i took christopher's routine, and added some stuff i'd like to work on on tuesday (i've got abs, forearms, bi's, calves).

kronik85 i took christopher's routine, and added some stuff i'd like to work on on tuesday (i've got abs, forearms, bi's, calves). after Monday's DL, Bench and Squat?! no way man!

new routine - FEEDBACK plz =)

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