Saturday, January 4, 2014

new routine - FEEDBACK plz =)

new routine - FEEDBACK plz =)

hey quick info: bulking Ecto weak spots: chest, shoulders, forearms i checked out several routines but none seemed right so i made this one. chest & shoulders twice a week, back once and another light day. legs once a week plus soccer practice My only concern really is that i might be overdoing it on friday since i don't have a day off afterwards... what do you guys think?

way to much shit, your a noob trying to gain a base, christophers routine, It'll give you what you need.

Peal way to much shit ^

well, fuck...i guess i'm gonna go for chris' routine then...not really feeling it but since everybody seems so convinced

FredBull well, fuck...i guess i'm gonna go for chris' routine then...not really feeling it but since everybody seems so convinced it works good, you might be a bit sore for soccer the first couple weeks though

FredBull well, fuck...i guess i'm gonna go for chris' routine then...not really feeling it but since everybody seems so convinced oh trust me you're going to 'feel' the first day

go_duke21 it works good, you might be a bit sore for soccer the first couple weeks though well see, that's a problem. it's not just for fun, it's actually a sports class in school, i get grades etc. it's awesome but if you do squats 3 times a week that's pretty rough any other decent routines? HST and all that stuff is too complicated, i don't really want to to that! too much # and planning, i just wanna go into the gym and get at it I've been working out for >6 months, wanna gain mass, focus on chest and shoulders

the second squat day is light... more for recovery/reducing soreness

i took christopher's routine, and added some stuff i'd like to work on on tuesday (i've got abs, forearms, bi's, calves).

kronik85 i took christopher's routine, and added some stuff i'd like to work on on tuesday (i've got abs, forearms, bi's, calves). after Monday's DL, Bench and Squat?! no way man!

new routine - FEEDBACK plz =)

What should i do

What should i do

What would you guys do to lose somefat around the abs? I atleast wanna see my six pack a little bit but i kinda got a belly. . Any advice my friend?

did the thought of possibly browsing some of the existing threads in this forum even enter your mind before making this post?

its so obvious when people come in here without even attempting to find out something for themselves, shit even reading just one thread in this forum should discourage that question...god damn.

this shit is really starting to fucking piss me off. why can't get we bans for this?

What should i do

handicapped athletes *vid*

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Well my diet went to complete shit for the past couple days :hsugh:

Well my diet went to complete shit for the past couple days :hsugh:

It seems whenever I go over to my girlfriend's they have a shit load of junk food/candy. I don't know why, but whenever I'm over there I lose like all inhibitions. We have all sorts of junk food at my house, but I never eat any of it. Anyway, I've been eating lots of peanut butter M&M's, and last night I had like 5 oatmeal/raisin cookies. Then today I ate like 3-4 pieces of pizza for dinner, then another 3 as a late night snack. I feel so fucking fat now. I've already lost like 9 lbs. I don't want to gain this shit back already . I'm going to start doing cardio soon. I'm not worried about losing muscle anymore, I just want to get this fucking huge layer of fat around my gut gone.

a few days wont hurt man!

i binge whenever i go home for some reason. i always go places with my friends and i eat everything in sight. it freaks me out because i'm going home for the summer.

xpinchx It seems whenever I go over to my girlfriend's they have a shit load of junk food/candy. I don't know why, but whenever I'm over there I lose like all inhibitions. We have all sorts of junk food at my house, but I never eat any of it. Anyway, I've been eating lots of peanut butter M&M's, and last night I had like 5 oatmeal/raisin cookies. Then today I ate like 3-4 pieces of pizza for dinner, then another 3 as a late night snack. I feel so fucking fat now. I've already lost like 9 lbs. I don't want to gain this shit back already . I'm going to start doing cardio soon. I'm not worried about losing muscle anymore, I just want to get this fucking huge layer of fat around my gut gone. i'm in the same boat. weekends are so tough

ACURA TL-S Kick that bitch to the curb .

it's nothing to worry about. The amount of carbs you ate just added some water weight

i'm in the same goddamn boat, during the week i have amazing discipline, then the weekend comes and i eat like there's no tomorrow

im injuried so my boat is even worst! i feel myself getting fatter =o

If you're eating spot on during the week and not planning for the weekend, you need to start. Plan in a "cheat" or a "free" meal on the weekend so you stop just gorging without planning.

I thought you were small and bulking

I do the same thing when I go to my gfs. It doesn't matter though because I am bulking.

Last night I consumed : entire large dominos pizza, 6 pack beer, ice cream, large cinamon roll probably set myself back a good week or so

the best thing to do is have your weekend meal prepared! i like to have baked potato, chicken breast, and veggies ready for me to eat. So if im always full i cant eat bad food =p

Grouch I thought you were small and bulking I'm not really "small" at 226 lbs (218 now). My priority is to lose enough body fat to fit into some of my old pants so I don't have to buy new ones, then from there I'll probably clean bulk until July.

SilverJettaGLX Last night I consumed : entire large dominos pizza, 6 pack beer, ice cream, large cinamon roll probably set myself back a good week or so Unless the rest of your diet is pretty bad, I don't think you would've hurt yourself too much. You definately hurt your progress by binging that much, though. I know it's hard as hell.

I'm ~230lbs and I have never eaten an entire pizza, or something of that sort and size, by myself. I don't know how you guys do that shit...

xpinchx I'm not really "small" at 226 lbs (218 now). My priority is to lose enough body fat to fit into some of my old pants so I don't have to buy new ones, then from there I'll probably clean bulk until July. oh my bad. I though you said you were in that thread where you posted your weigth set.

I ate bad all weekend too, I had a friend come from NJ, so we went drinking all day yesterday, and then today I had a california burrito, and 5 dominoe slices, and a couple beers.

this weekend killed me too, went to vegas. Nothing but fast food and beer. Time to get back on track tomorrow morning.

Nothing beats what I ate a while ago... 10 burgers, 2 frys, 2 cokes. But I'm bulking

oatmeal cream pies>* junk food

GilgaMesH Nothing beats what I ate a while ago... 10 burgers, 2 frys, 2 cokes. But I'm bulking whitecastle!

ive been living off subs and burritos for the past month

yeah, i feel your guys' pain, i cheated this weekend, i had almost two handfulls of cheezits on sunday before dinner. but on a serious note, drinking like 20 beers over the course of the weekend cant be good for anything.

my fiancee is skinny, abs showing, very low BF. She was very athletic in high school, and has maintained a high metabolism through college with minimal effort. She loves chocolate and cookies. Usually one small peice of chocolate throughout the day, and a few cookies a week. Its always around the house. Well - I'm a former fat kid with a horrible sweet tooth. She tries to get me to eat cookies and stuff its like offering a recovering alcoholic a drink. I lost weight by eating healthy, cutting all snacking, and 2 hours of cardio + 1 hour lifting a day, spread over two workouts. I was able to do this b/c I removed all sweets and snacks from my place. Once a week I would get a small about of candy. Dropped 60 lbs in 3 monthes. 75% of the time I do good at my fiancee's place. My excuse right now is bulking. This summer, second half - I'm going to cut. Then maintain, then wedding in december. I'd like to be <10% BF @ 185 lbs. Right now I'm 200lbs and ~16%bf. I've been as low as 12% but I wasn't strong enough. Now I'm getting some great strength, but a gut as well

Well my diet went to complete shit for the past couple days :hsugh:



I would post my "sex muscle" but I don't want to get banned for NWS images.

cavefish I would post my "sex muscle" but I don't want to get banned for NWS images. post it up, link. I'll post my other sex muscle too

it's too hot for OT

tize heres a pic of me at 4 1/2 months

tize heres a pic of me 4 1/2 months ago .

tize heres a pic of me at 4 1/2 months what the picture doesn't show, is that the duck had a small 1" hole in it. and tize never outgrew that toy until he was seventeen.

That's fucking hot And my sex muscle is in pretty bad shape right now, I need to start working out my core more so no pics

the eff is a sex muscle

Opi the eff is a sex muscle inguinal crease i beleive is what it's actually called. it's that little V thing that runs down, everyone around here calls them devil's horns? wtf

i have stubborn fat in that area

tize you never fail to amuse me

oh.. and looking good chris

fucking gayness. go to body mods or something. damn.

Dragon . what's with naked pictures and stuff covering your penis? First a hat, now a duck?

inset gut here --| |----

fat boy

Carnifex Oh shit, they're on to us: i bet they are watching me right now.... ...

sorry for the blur, but you get the idea.

christophers i dont give a holy fuck if it's linked. keep cock pics out of F&N. seriously. if you don't define what a "sex muscle" is, that's what you're gonna get.

sure, why not. taken about 6 months ago


Is this multivitamin any good?

Is this multivitamin any good?

Since I'm starting a new diet any everything I told my mom to pick me up a multiviatmin. She went shopping at Costco and she picked up these multivitamins. It's like 8 different little pills that cover pretty much every vitamin/mineral you could ever need. My question is if it's really healthy to be taking in 3000+% daily value of certain nutrients. Also, are they missing anything important?

Any multi will do, seriously. I don't even worry about it anymore, I buy whatever generic multi is on sale at Wal-Mart; they're just a catch-all, cover all your bases thing.

I wonder if it's okay to just mix all this shit in together with my morning shake. It's a fucking pain in the ass popping 8 pills.

xpinchx I wonder if it's okay to just mix all this shit in together with my morning shake. It's a fucking pain in the ass popping 8 pills. If you're using a lot of protein powder already, you probably don't NEED a multi..most of those powders have a shitton of fortified vitamins and minerals thrown in, check the label for percents.

superbri007 throw that fucking vitamin E capsule out the window That's what I was thinking, that's a very high amount of Vit. E.

Why because out of no where, vitamin E is suddenly bad? I read article on vitamin E also -- it was something like "Vitamin E causes Premature Death". I don't believe it.

Man, these things are fucking hard to down. They all taste like shit. I think I'll just ditch these and get the gummy bear ones. I'll just throw away all the supplemental ones and eat the multi pill.

xpinchx Man, these things are fucking hard to down. They all taste like shit. I think I'll just ditch these and get the gummy bear ones. I'll just throw away all the supplemental ones and eat the multi pill. Seriously, get a one-a-day or something, that's probably all you need. Most of your nutrients should be coming from your diet anyways, multi is just a CYA.

Is this multivitamin any good?

Post your stats (height, weight & bf %)

Post your stats (height, weight & bf %)

I will start Height: 5' 7" Weight: 150lbs Bf: 17% Who goes next

5'11" 230 11ty

6'1 165 unsure, but pretty low i'd say... 11 - 12 % at most!

6-1 ~233 11tybillion

Well right now on my bulk? 6'3 225 15 or 16%

5'6" 145 10-11%

6'3" 224 high

5'10" 250 fat

5'4" 187 ~15%

5'7.5 ~165 10% maybe little less?

6'1" 210 About 14%

5'11 ~180 ~15%

5'6 ~185 15%-20% probably

5'9" 177 low

6" 220 38%

6"0 195lb (cutting to 180-185) unsure

6'1 220, 8-10

6'2 191 14-17% guestimating

6'2 258lbs 17%

6'2 200lbs, 8%

Grouch 6-1 ~233 11tybillion .

5'11 161 13%

anyone got good pics as ref for bf guesstimate?

5'11" 196lbs >15%...not sure really.

5'6 150 I have no fucking idea. Damn loose skin makes me feel horrible.

Post your stats (height, weight & bf %)

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