Friday, January 3, 2014

Oh noes, a popular media article that actually makes good points...

Oh noes, a popular media article that actually makes good points...

Werdna wow thats a first! good article

That last myth was a pretty valid point for all the n00bs starting out

Carnifex 13342x

Oh noes, a popular media article that actually makes good points...

ATTN: Preemo

ATTN: Preemo

you got any pict0rs? i need some short broly inspiration and yur pm box is full

sr20wop you got any pict0rs? i need some short broly inspiration and yur pm box is full well since the prowler has not been around, i figured i would take up his position..

damn hes exactly what i want to look like

does he workout?

SteveO does he workout? doubtful.. prolly just takes alot of creatine

Are those underoos stuffed too?

jonno doubtful.. prolly just takes alot of creatine anyone know if hr ever did a steroid or ph cycle?

sr20wop anyone know if hr ever did a steroid or ph cycle? i dont believe so

sr20wop anyone know if hr ever did a steroid or ph cycle? no actually, he is 100% natural...

vettedude no actually, he is 100% natural... damn good for him now hes 100% my inspiration (minus pen0r size )

he can be your inspiration for a long time, it's doubtful anyone will look near as good as him at his weight. I still don't understand why you don't compete

someone post that pic of his back, that shit is inspiration

SteveO he can be your inspiration for a long time, it's doubtful anyone will look near as good as him at his weight. I still don't understand why you don't compete i got some work cut out for me i've been makin some good progress though, ill post pics in a week or so when i get a new digicam

What is his height/weight?

Great symmetry.

some one PMed me why i take maltodextrin. it's a complex carb thats absorbed faster than glucose. insulin spike to heighten the anabolic response of whey.

here u go (from teh other thread)

Captain Amazing meh that's killer.

...still amazed every time I see pics

CrackSeed ...still amazed every time I see pics same here

ATTN: Preemo

Whats with TriMax getting such good reviews?

Whats with TriMax getting such good reviews?

Looks dangerous

Lots of things are dangerous if misused.

And it gets good reviews because it evidently works.

Whats with TriMax getting such good reviews?

recent progress pics

recent progress pics

Unfortunately i don't have my last pics for comparison anymore. these were taken after cutting for about 6 weeks. I went from 198lbs down to 188lbs. I wasn't really happy with what was happening so I quit cutting and I'm trying to 'clean bulk' now.

Looking good!

Socrates Looking good!

i just found these pics on my comp, they are from February of last year, so this is roughly a years progress.

Chest had much improvement. Good job so far.

eh, it would help if you did it in the same lighting. eitherway, great gains.

nice progress, how much weight did you put on over that year?

SteveO nice progress, how much weight did you put on over that year? i weighed 174 the day those first pics were taken. I got up to about 198 around October, and then the top pictures I was 188...So in total I guess I gained almost 25lbs and then lost ten of them.

damn nice progress

recent progress pics

Now I know why everyone tells you to buy quality equipment

Now I know why everyone tells you to buy quality equipment

So I was doing some decline situps on my cheap weider situp board. I'm pumping out reps with 60lb of plates in my arms, and notice the slant board feels bouncier than usual. Just as I'm almost finished my set on my 7th upward movement, I feel a sense of weightlessness followed by a loud thud. The thing collapses in on itself. Apparently the two bolts holding it together ripped apart the steel tubing. I think my $2 knife set uses stronger steel. Good thing it broke early because if i was using a little more weight I might not be able to hang on and the plates would have made a dash for the family jewels. Weird thing is, I've done 130lb on that board without problems before. I've only had it for a year too.

I broke a handle off a machine last week. It was pretty mortifying. It was apparently a bad weld, with the torch way too hot.

good equipment will last you a life time, its just a better option in general

congratulations, you have learned what it is to be animal

KetchupKing So I was doing some decline situps on my cheap weider situp board. I'm pumping out reps with 60lb of plates in my arms, and notice the slant board feels bouncier than usual. Just as I'm almost finished my set on my 7th upward movement, I feel a sense of weightlessness followed by a loud thud. The thing collapses in on itself, so I make a fist and brace for impact. As I continue to finish my 8th and 9th rep, I grab three more 45lb plates and stack it on my chest for the last rep. My arm began to buckle and I could hear my knuckles ripping on the concrete floor, but I sucked up the pain and completed my set. Good thing it broke early because if i was using a little more weight I might not be able to hang on and the plates would have made a dash for the family jewels. Weird thing is, I've done 130lb on that board without problems before. I've only had it for a year too. great story

Shaolin_sword36 great story

Now I know why everyone tells you to buy quality equipment

This is classic.. taken from another board..

This is classic.. taken from another board..

Fagmo There's some powerlifter jackoff that comes in my gym. Dude benches like 600-700 pounds but puts a stack of 3 2X4's on his chest so he only moves that 5hit like 6-7 inches ...

christophers link, im curious It's from an OffTopic part of, so the general public can't view it.

I actually had a guy come up to me a few weeks ago and ask me what the boards were for between sets. When I explained it to him he just said, "Cool. That makes sense."

christophers well tell him he sucks I did.. let me post a pic of him on here.. he was talking some mad shit, so it's interesting that he posted a pic.

Nice chain.

christophers well tell him he sucks Did that already

Ilyusha It's from an OffTopic part of, so the general public can't view it. Who are you on the org?

Jeg1983 Who are you on the org? LithiuMax

Ilyusha I did.. let me post a pic of him on here.. he was talking some mad shit, so it's interesting that he posted a pic. Yea I'm the one he was talking mad shit to

Ilyusha LithiuMax

He told me he put on 8 lbs and lost 2% bf

Jeg1983 He told me he put on 8 lbs and lost 2% bf Yeah I read that.. Dude is a flaming douche.

Ilyusha Yeah I read that.. Dude is a flaming douche. Yea I played nice then no reason to keep arguing espcially after he posted his pic

He doesn't really look all that bad.... ibhesbeenworkingoutfor4yearsanddone3cycles

^^^And as far as you having the right to say anything...all I'm seeing is someone with a big bone structure covered in a layer of fat, so maybe you should kindly STFU. I kinda found humor in that statement by him

KLoWnPR109 ^^^And as far as you having the right to say anything...all I'm seeing is someone with a big bone structure covered in a layer of fat, so maybe you should kindly STFU. I kinda found humor in that statement by him are you talking to me or ilyusha?

He was saying that directed towards Ilyusha

KLoWnPR109 He was saying that directed towards Ilyusha ohhh ok sorry the .org aint working for me so I can't see anything

~stangzorized~ He doesn't really look all that bad.... ibhesbeenworkingoutfor4yearsanddone3cycles He's been working out for 7 years

Jeg1983 He's been working out for 7 years I seriously doubt it's been 7 straight years. Hell, I could count half assing it in the weight room all through high school and say that I've been lifting for the past 6

Jeg1983 He's been working out for 7 years haha..

Doh, Doug only works out chest and bis

here's a follow up post to the 2x4 post.

NickStam Doh, Doug only works out chest and bis Yea I saw that He said running was enough for his legs We need to send a CT F&Ner to help him

This is classic.. taken from another board..

Whats with all this CEE crap?

Whats with all this CEE crap?

Seems like everyone is jumping on it...

deznutz Seems like everyone is jumping on it...

its teh new hotness

Just ordered 500g 10 mins ago from 1fast400

what is it?

Bush77 what is it?


GOD I bought a bunch to use when I start bulking next month OMG ITS YOU!

GOD I bought a bunch to use when I start bulking next month we will be practically brothers since we will both be taking CEE

GOD I bought a bunch to use when I start bulking next month why arent you taking it while cutting as well?

GOD I bought a bunch to use when I start bulking next month youre everywhere

FrozynFyre thanks

Opi thanks

its awesome stuff... been taking it about a week and I've had some great gains. If it placebo, I don't care. I'm making gains.

christophers cee is good short but sweet

Someone wanna explain the differences between CEE and creatine monohydrate? I'm making some nice gains just with regular workouts and lots of protein but I may give CEE a shot. I don't like the bloated look of Creatine, do you get it with CEE?

CEE = no loading, no bloating, better mixing

how often is everyone taking CEE? Twice a day? before or after the workout?

Ero how often is everyone taking CEE? Twice a day? before or after the workout? 2-2.5grams pre and another 2-2.5grams post but on offdays I take it all at once (with a meal) Edit- I havent actually gotten my Creatine yet it comes in today but thats what im going to do

I will be teh only one that takes CEE on my team

5g=1tsp? heaping?

I think i'll mix mine with Sunny D

Ero how often is everyone taking CEE? Twice a day? before or after the workout? OT hasn't changed one bit

cee also has a better absorbtion rate than monohydrate. one reason you take less of it than mono. i've also heard of some people who are non responsive to mono respond well to cee. i'm not gaining much water weight, but i am less sore on mono as well as lifting harder. but i dunno if thats because of the placebo effect, real effect, or if i just wasn't lifting hard enough before (prolly lil of the real effect and not lifting hard enough).

Whats with all this CEE crap?

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