Friday, January 3, 2014

recent progress pics

recent progress pics

Unfortunately i don't have my last pics for comparison anymore. these were taken after cutting for about 6 weeks. I went from 198lbs down to 188lbs. I wasn't really happy with what was happening so I quit cutting and I'm trying to 'clean bulk' now.

Looking good!

Socrates Looking good!

i just found these pics on my comp, they are from February of last year, so this is roughly a years progress.

Chest had much improvement. Good job so far.

eh, it would help if you did it in the same lighting. eitherway, great gains.

nice progress, how much weight did you put on over that year?

SteveO nice progress, how much weight did you put on over that year? i weighed 174 the day those first pics were taken. I got up to about 198 around October, and then the top pictures I was 188...So in total I guess I gained almost 25lbs and then lost ten of them.

damn nice progress

recent progress pics

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