Friday, January 3, 2014

Now I know why everyone tells you to buy quality equipment

Now I know why everyone tells you to buy quality equipment

So I was doing some decline situps on my cheap weider situp board. I'm pumping out reps with 60lb of plates in my arms, and notice the slant board feels bouncier than usual. Just as I'm almost finished my set on my 7th upward movement, I feel a sense of weightlessness followed by a loud thud. The thing collapses in on itself. Apparently the two bolts holding it together ripped apart the steel tubing. I think my $2 knife set uses stronger steel. Good thing it broke early because if i was using a little more weight I might not be able to hang on and the plates would have made a dash for the family jewels. Weird thing is, I've done 130lb on that board without problems before. I've only had it for a year too.

I broke a handle off a machine last week. It was pretty mortifying. It was apparently a bad weld, with the torch way too hot.

good equipment will last you a life time, its just a better option in general

congratulations, you have learned what it is to be animal

KetchupKing So I was doing some decline situps on my cheap weider situp board. I'm pumping out reps with 60lb of plates in my arms, and notice the slant board feels bouncier than usual. Just as I'm almost finished my set on my 7th upward movement, I feel a sense of weightlessness followed by a loud thud. The thing collapses in on itself, so I make a fist and brace for impact. As I continue to finish my 8th and 9th rep, I grab three more 45lb plates and stack it on my chest for the last rep. My arm began to buckle and I could hear my knuckles ripping on the concrete floor, but I sucked up the pain and completed my set. Good thing it broke early because if i was using a little more weight I might not be able to hang on and the plates would have made a dash for the family jewels. Weird thing is, I've done 130lb on that board without problems before. I've only had it for a year too. great story

Shaolin_sword36 great story

Now I know why everyone tells you to buy quality equipment

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