Friday, January 3, 2014

Whats with all this CEE crap?

Whats with all this CEE crap?

Seems like everyone is jumping on it...

deznutz Seems like everyone is jumping on it...

its teh new hotness

Just ordered 500g 10 mins ago from 1fast400

what is it?

Bush77 what is it?


GOD I bought a bunch to use when I start bulking next month OMG ITS YOU!

GOD I bought a bunch to use when I start bulking next month we will be practically brothers since we will both be taking CEE

GOD I bought a bunch to use when I start bulking next month why arent you taking it while cutting as well?

GOD I bought a bunch to use when I start bulking next month youre everywhere

FrozynFyre thanks

Opi thanks

its awesome stuff... been taking it about a week and I've had some great gains. If it placebo, I don't care. I'm making gains.

christophers cee is good short but sweet

Someone wanna explain the differences between CEE and creatine monohydrate? I'm making some nice gains just with regular workouts and lots of protein but I may give CEE a shot. I don't like the bloated look of Creatine, do you get it with CEE?

CEE = no loading, no bloating, better mixing

how often is everyone taking CEE? Twice a day? before or after the workout?

Ero how often is everyone taking CEE? Twice a day? before or after the workout? 2-2.5grams pre and another 2-2.5grams post but on offdays I take it all at once (with a meal) Edit- I havent actually gotten my Creatine yet it comes in today but thats what im going to do

I will be teh only one that takes CEE on my team

5g=1tsp? heaping?

I think i'll mix mine with Sunny D

Ero how often is everyone taking CEE? Twice a day? before or after the workout? OT hasn't changed one bit

cee also has a better absorbtion rate than monohydrate. one reason you take less of it than mono. i've also heard of some people who are non responsive to mono respond well to cee. i'm not gaining much water weight, but i am less sore on mono as well as lifting harder. but i dunno if thats because of the placebo effect, real effect, or if i just wasn't lifting hard enough before (prolly lil of the real effect and not lifting hard enough).

Whats with all this CEE crap?

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