Friday, January 3, 2014

Now I know why everyone tells you to buy quality equipment

Now I know why everyone tells you to buy quality equipment

So I was doing some decline situps on my cheap weider situp board. I'm pumping out reps with 60lb of plates in my arms, and notice the slant board feels bouncier than usual. Just as I'm almost finished my set on my 7th upward movement, I feel a sense of weightlessness followed by a loud thud. The thing collapses in on itself. Apparently the two bolts holding it together ripped apart the steel tubing. I think my $2 knife set uses stronger steel. Good thing it broke early because if i was using a little more weight I might not be able to hang on and the plates would have made a dash for the family jewels. Weird thing is, I've done 130lb on that board without problems before. I've only had it for a year too.

I broke a handle off a machine last week. It was pretty mortifying. It was apparently a bad weld, with the torch way too hot.

good equipment will last you a life time, its just a better option in general

congratulations, you have learned what it is to be animal

KetchupKing So I was doing some decline situps on my cheap weider situp board. I'm pumping out reps with 60lb of plates in my arms, and notice the slant board feels bouncier than usual. Just as I'm almost finished my set on my 7th upward movement, I feel a sense of weightlessness followed by a loud thud. The thing collapses in on itself, so I make a fist and brace for impact. As I continue to finish my 8th and 9th rep, I grab three more 45lb plates and stack it on my chest for the last rep. My arm began to buckle and I could hear my knuckles ripping on the concrete floor, but I sucked up the pain and completed my set. Good thing it broke early because if i was using a little more weight I might not be able to hang on and the plates would have made a dash for the family jewels. Weird thing is, I've done 130lb on that board without problems before. I've only had it for a year too. great story

Shaolin_sword36 great story

Now I know why everyone tells you to buy quality equipment

This is classic.. taken from another board..

This is classic.. taken from another board..

Fagmo There's some powerlifter jackoff that comes in my gym. Dude benches like 600-700 pounds but puts a stack of 3 2X4's on his chest so he only moves that 5hit like 6-7 inches ...

christophers link, im curious It's from an OffTopic part of, so the general public can't view it.

I actually had a guy come up to me a few weeks ago and ask me what the boards were for between sets. When I explained it to him he just said, "Cool. That makes sense."

christophers well tell him he sucks I did.. let me post a pic of him on here.. he was talking some mad shit, so it's interesting that he posted a pic.

Nice chain.

christophers well tell him he sucks Did that already

Ilyusha It's from an OffTopic part of, so the general public can't view it. Who are you on the org?

Jeg1983 Who are you on the org? LithiuMax

Ilyusha I did.. let me post a pic of him on here.. he was talking some mad shit, so it's interesting that he posted a pic. Yea I'm the one he was talking mad shit to

Ilyusha LithiuMax

He told me he put on 8 lbs and lost 2% bf

Jeg1983 He told me he put on 8 lbs and lost 2% bf Yeah I read that.. Dude is a flaming douche.

Ilyusha Yeah I read that.. Dude is a flaming douche. Yea I played nice then no reason to keep arguing espcially after he posted his pic

He doesn't really look all that bad.... ibhesbeenworkingoutfor4yearsanddone3cycles

^^^And as far as you having the right to say anything...all I'm seeing is someone with a big bone structure covered in a layer of fat, so maybe you should kindly STFU. I kinda found humor in that statement by him

KLoWnPR109 ^^^And as far as you having the right to say anything...all I'm seeing is someone with a big bone structure covered in a layer of fat, so maybe you should kindly STFU. I kinda found humor in that statement by him are you talking to me or ilyusha?

He was saying that directed towards Ilyusha

KLoWnPR109 He was saying that directed towards Ilyusha ohhh ok sorry the .org aint working for me so I can't see anything

~stangzorized~ He doesn't really look all that bad.... ibhesbeenworkingoutfor4yearsanddone3cycles He's been working out for 7 years

Jeg1983 He's been working out for 7 years I seriously doubt it's been 7 straight years. Hell, I could count half assing it in the weight room all through high school and say that I've been lifting for the past 6

Jeg1983 He's been working out for 7 years haha..

Doh, Doug only works out chest and bis

here's a follow up post to the 2x4 post.

NickStam Doh, Doug only works out chest and bis Yea I saw that He said running was enough for his legs We need to send a CT F&Ner to help him

This is classic.. taken from another board..

Whats with all this CEE crap?

Whats with all this CEE crap?

Seems like everyone is jumping on it...

deznutz Seems like everyone is jumping on it...

its teh new hotness

Just ordered 500g 10 mins ago from 1fast400

what is it?

Bush77 what is it?


GOD I bought a bunch to use when I start bulking next month OMG ITS YOU!

GOD I bought a bunch to use when I start bulking next month we will be practically brothers since we will both be taking CEE

GOD I bought a bunch to use when I start bulking next month why arent you taking it while cutting as well?

GOD I bought a bunch to use when I start bulking next month youre everywhere

FrozynFyre thanks

Opi thanks

its awesome stuff... been taking it about a week and I've had some great gains. If it placebo, I don't care. I'm making gains.

christophers cee is good short but sweet

Someone wanna explain the differences between CEE and creatine monohydrate? I'm making some nice gains just with regular workouts and lots of protein but I may give CEE a shot. I don't like the bloated look of Creatine, do you get it with CEE?

CEE = no loading, no bloating, better mixing

how often is everyone taking CEE? Twice a day? before or after the workout?

Ero how often is everyone taking CEE? Twice a day? before or after the workout? 2-2.5grams pre and another 2-2.5grams post but on offdays I take it all at once (with a meal) Edit- I havent actually gotten my Creatine yet it comes in today but thats what im going to do

I will be teh only one that takes CEE on my team

5g=1tsp? heaping?

I think i'll mix mine with Sunny D

Ero how often is everyone taking CEE? Twice a day? before or after the workout? OT hasn't changed one bit

cee also has a better absorbtion rate than monohydrate. one reason you take less of it than mono. i've also heard of some people who are non responsive to mono respond well to cee. i'm not gaining much water weight, but i am less sore on mono as well as lifting harder. but i dunno if thats because of the placebo effect, real effect, or if i just wasn't lifting hard enough before (prolly lil of the real effect and not lifting hard enough).

Whats with all this CEE crap?

my arms growing much faster than chest and shoulders?

my arms growing much faster than chest and shoulders?

my arms are a good size to where i like it. my chest and shoulder are strong but lack some size. i always go heavy follow up with a superset usually. what do i need to do now to get to that next step and get my chest and shoulder development into high gear? do i need to change up my routine and maybe go light for a few weeks?

work your arms less and your shoulders more /thread

UncleJohn work your arms less and your shoulders more /thread

im the same way, my arms grow faster.

I'm in the opposite boat, my shoulders have always grew faster than my arms, kinda frustrating

its normal for arms to grow faster when you're starting out

swing and a miss

Socrates The chest is a much bigger muscle group than the arms. It would naturally take longer for a much bigger muscle group to grow. This doesn't make sense to me, so your forearms and calves should grow alot quicker than your quads and gluts?

consider yourself lucky...I think it looks better to have large arms, unlike me, my arms are small compared to everything else.

nathanbx I'm in the opposite boat, my shoulders have always grew faster than my arms, kinda frustrating Same....i love my shoulders

arms grow faster than shoulders for me... my shoulders won't budge. upped set's recently and i think its helping. either way, unless it is an extreme case, i dont know if i would ever work my arms less even though they grow faster. i'd take advantage of the muscle gain and have the biggest arms ever rather than just have some proportion.

illmaticnyc my arms are a good size to where i like it. my chest and shoulder are strong but lack some size. i always go heavy follow up with a superset usually. what do i need to do now to get to that next step and get my chest and shoulder development into high gear? do i need to change up my routine and maybe go light for a few weeks? i am the opposite

my arms growing much faster than chest and shoulders?

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Calorie calculator

Calorie calculator put in your weight and duration of activity and it caclulates how many calories burned. My question is how accurate would u guys say it is? Obviously some things are fairly vague but somethings are pretty exact (like running at x mph for ex)

Calorie calculator

Calorie calculator

Book Suggestion?

Book Suggestion?

Anyone know some decent F&N related reading? I am also looking for a decent book or two about AAS, with actual information not just bullshit myths and speculation. The topic interests me and I have some money on a borders gift card. It's more about the legality of steroids than how to use them.

fuck, 80 dollars. ebay = 45

The Black Book of Training Secrets by Christian Thibadeau Supertraining by Mel Siff Strength and Power in Sport The Science and Practice of Strength Training by Zatsiorsky

Book Suggestion?

some max attemtp vid clips and pics *NWS*

some max attemtp vid clips and pics *NWS*

did a lecture today on PLing for my class, and had me and my co-facilitators max out in class. make sure you have a divx codec to play these clips. 405 squat by my friend Jason. sure it's not textbook perfect, but still a strong guy nonetheless: 315 bench by me. got stapled by 335 it's pathetic that i'm repping 285 but can't max 335 bench. 205 x 6 seated military press:ibcrosseyed: and lastly...NWS pic of me in briefs

leave your damn head on the bench preemo

jesus you're ripped

christophers jason needs to: 1) have one of you watch him from the side, and call depth when he hits it. he didn't hit depth, atleast from that angle 2) place the bar lower, if hes squatting with that stance the bar should be placed lower. all around he looks loose, too, you can tell his shoulder blades arent retracted and he chest isn't up lol same exact words of advice i would give to him after watching the clip

You're a strong dude..

BTW, i need some advice on my freakin lockout. during my attempt today, my elbows started shaking, thats a first for me. and also lockout has been my sticking point lately. i've tried 3 & 4 board presses, DE with 60% band tension, and tricep lockouts, and 335 is still eluding me

PreemO BTW, i need some advice on my freakin lockout. during my attempt today, my elbows started shaking, thats a first for me. and also lockout has been my sticking point lately. i've tried 3 & 4 board presses, DE with 60% band tension, and tricep lockouts, and 335 is still eluding me Slow cheat negatives with 335?

look at what my spotter does at 5 secs when i'm doing my set

PreemO BTW, i need some advice on my freakin lockout. during my attempt today, my elbows started shaking, thats a first for me. and also lockout has been my sticking point lately. i've tried 3 & 4 board presses, DE with 60% band tension, and tricep lockouts, and 335 is still eluding me leave your head down, and learn to drive with your feet more, some arch is needed when going full bore. Drive through the weight

PurEvl leave your head down, and learn to drive with your feet more, some arch is needed when going full bore. Drive through the weight Check out this artice, Preemo:

yeah i used to have a better arch but my lower back is still an issue

the asian chick is yawning as you bench

Also, maybe you should widen your grip a bit..

AngryGuy the asian chick is yawning as you bench she looks like shes got something wrong with her ear or something. speaking of which, the class is like 75% wimmen. and quite a good amount of hotties too

PreemO she looks like shes got something wrong with her ear or something. speaking of which, the class is like 75% wimmen. and quite a good amount of hotties too It'd be funny if she told you to move over and proceeded to rep 400. what class is it?

although impressive, i think the prob is more at the beginning of the bench.. you didnt have a clean start, so that may have caused the arm wobble. like pur said, drive through it. start controlled then blast, not the other way also should your arms be that angled? id think a bit more in line with shoulders, but im not sure about that.. :/

AngryGuy It'd be funny if she told you to move over and proceeded to rep 400. what class is it? heh funny you ask. at Cal we have a program called Decal, which stands for democratic education at Cal, and basically undergraduates can teach interest-specific classes to other undergrads for a non-letter grades. In the squat vid clip, the other two guys you see including myself are facilitators of the course. i'm the head facilitator (instructor). i also named the course after this forum: Fitness & Nutrition. I figure if i have an opportunity pass on the knowledge of what I've acquired throught my experience, this forum, my classes, and help them out, i should make the most of it. everytime i hit the gym i see guys who looked like me when i first started lifting, and it's rewarding for me to duplicate my results in another individual. i taught this class last semester which was really fun. but this semester, for one reason or another, there's such a disparity in male:female enrollment its krazy.

MCB: molecular and cellular biology

Bio major, eh? Me too.. not pre-med though..

yup hopefully early next year

holy. fucking. shit. are you natural?

transistor holy. fucking. shit. are you natural? yes. and to those who believe otherwise, if i was on gear, i'd be MUCH bigger. i'm pretty lucky to have a small waist and joints, allowing for greater taper for all my muscle groups. its all an illusion. proof? current stats: 5'6.5" ( ), 152lbs

Damn, PreemO. What did you start out at? How long did it take you to progress to where you are today?

started at 110lbs, 3.5 years experience now. this should provide some inspiration to all the lightweights who label themselves as "hardgainers": you can never eat enough. and never use your "fast metabolism" as an excuse for not being able to gain weight.

PreemO started at 110lbs, 3.5 years experience now. this should provide some inspiration to all the lightweights who label themselves as "hardgainers":[img][img] you can never eat enough. and never use your "fast metabolism" as an excuse for not being able to gain weight. Very awesome.

some max attemtp vid clips and pics *NWS*

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