Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Dumbell vs. Barbell press

Dumbell vs. Barbell press

Which one do you prefer? How does one translate into another? ie. 100lb dumbells = ___lb on there a rule of thumb?

this has been covered extensively - probably every other week do a search

i swear by the DB, and i think im the only one...but alternate db and bb

DB myself, but every 3 workouts i'm on the BB

I can't control my lifts as well as I'd like so the bigger weights are usually BB, lever or smith.. But I prefer DB for certain exercises

Filmboy44 DB myself, but every 3 workouts i'm on the BB me too

Perplexed This forum is starting to get annoying it's the boobs, isnt it? i told them to stay at home

Perplexed This forum is starting to get annoying Blasphemy.

db press fucks up my left shoulder. i prolly bring the dumbells too low. i do bb

I prefer DB because i like to go to failure and i rarely have a spot and it's easier than searching the gym for someone who can spot me everytime i want to do a set but if I have a spot I like BB because I can move more weight and i feel better about myself How does one translate into another? ie. 100lb dumbells = ___lb on there a rule of thumb? Generally people DB press less than they can BB press, but there's no general rule of thumb for how much...

I do bofe. Barbell for teh power, dumbbell to fill in the blanks.

i stick to db's because bb hurts my shoulder, but i'll screw around on it every once in a while with really light weight for old times sake.

Dumbell vs. Barbell press

F&N for women in a nutshell

F&N for women in a nutshell

when i was reading pretty muched sumed up what i've learned on this forum so far.

good read

mtnbike4522 good read are you female?

No. But its nice to be informed when females come asking about fitness tips

u forgot to mention that it's essential to post pics so we can give personally tailored advice

KetchupKing u forgot to mention that it's essential to post pics so we can give personally tailored advice i'll edit that...if you look your pic. if your a 300 , 80 yr old woman with tits down to your knees and are wanting to lose weight because youve dont nothing but eat fast food..then please dont

Heh Nic's post reminded me of a joke. An 80 year old woman after loseing her husband decides to end her own life. After much thought she decided shooting herself in the heart would be the most clean and least painful. The woman got her husbands gun and ready to do the deed realizes she needs to know the exact location of her heart so as not to inflict more pain then necissary. The woman places a call to her doctor and asks him where her heart would be located. He asks why she needs to know and she tells him its for her nephews science project. The doctor tells her it is pretty close to 1 inch below your left nipple. The woman thanks the doctor and hangs up the phone. The doctor sees the old woman in the hospital the next day and inquires as to why she was there. The little old lady in a rather bitter mood states to the doctor " I shot myself in the knee. "

good read but i'm annoyed at the suppliment pushing that I tend to find at alot of "women friendly" forums. I intend on losing my fat and toning up without suppliments beyond your average every day vitamins. I had a doctor suggest Phen-fen back in the 90's and I was only 130. edit: and I find it amusing that they talk about testosterone in women. I think i have more than your average chick

nic379 i'll edit that...if you look your pic. if your a 300 , 80 yr old woman with tits down to your knees and are wanting to lose weight because youve dont nothing but eat fast food..then please dont Actually there's a women at my gym who looks really good for 80. She must do 2-3 aerobic classes per day including the spinning class and must be at the gym 3-4 hours per day. Thing is I just recently found out she was only 69. Possibly from all the tanning her face looks like she's 80. In fact she used to workout when I got my first personal training job in 1991. She already looked this old.

timberwolf Actually there's a women at my gym who looks really good for 80. She must do 2-3 aerobic classes per day including the spinning class and must be at the gym 3-4 hours per day. Thing is I just recently found out she was only 69. Possibly from all the tanning her face looks like she's 80. In fact she used to workout when I got my first personal training job in 1991. She already looked this old. and this, boys and girls is why Pogo will be pale until the day she dies... that and I couldn't tan if my life depended on it

You'd think I'd learn from that. I still go for fake and bake once in awhile though I usually put a towel over my face for half the session. Still, I rationalize that I'm already a little darker genetically so should take it better. Most though consider me really pale for a flip.

timberwolf You'd think I'd learn from that. I still go for fake and bake once in awhile though I usually put a towel over my face for half the session. Still, I rationalize that I'm already a little darker genetically so should take it better. Most though consider me really pale for a flip. I had no idea you were a flip I thought you were aZn I'd actually like a little color to my skin and I can get a light tan...but my freckles get out of hand at that point and i get darker spots where they merge

~*Pogovina*~ good read but i'm annoyed at the suppliment pushing that I tend to find at alot of "women friendly" forums. I intend on losing my fat and toning up without suppliments beyond your average every day vitamins. I had a doctor suggest Phen-fen back in the 90's and I was only 130. edit: and I find it amusing that they talk about testosterone in women. I think i have more than your average chick i don tthink he was pushing supplements..just basically giving advice on them

~*Pogovina*~ I had no idea you were a flip I thought you were aZn I'd actually like a little color to my skin and I can get a light tan...but my freckles get out of hand at that point and i get darker spots where they merge i'm irirsh so i have freckles and so does my bro..... he used to go tanning when he was working out...i heard him tell my mom once that he hoped all of his freckles would merge into one giant tan

nic379 i don tthink he was pushing supplements..just basically giving advice on them i didnt think they were pushing them so much as advising on which ones to take if someone was gonna... but a lot of sites make it sound as though you'll never reach your goals without them

nic379 i'm irirsh so i have freckles and so does my bro..... he used to go tanning when he was working out...i heard him tell my mom once that he hoped all of his freckles would merge into one giant tan German-Irish here

~*Pogovina*~ i didnt think they were pushing them so much as advising on which ones to take if someone was gonna... but a lot of sites make it sound as though you'll never reach your goals without them i'm taking lipo 6

nic379 i'm taking lipo 6 i know i'm just stubborn about them, I don't like to take suppliments to help me do what I can do on my own. Hell, I didn't even like getting pain meds while in labor

that's crazy. I must say that I'm a product of the generation that thinks everything should be easy and there should be a magic pill that will make me lose weight and gain muscle. I realized a year ago that this wasn't ever going to I finally joined a gym a couple months ago. Started really going a week ago. I use to work out all the time in HS because I was a I know I can look good. I've just let myself go this last couple of years

christophers this is a pretty good article and its true. more owmen would get more out of reading the some stickies here and some other bb/performance forums than you will reading the vast majority of "female" forums i agree 100%. I'm just being pissy because some things will NEVER apply to me

F&N for women in a nutshell

Shoulder press with the high seat or the low one?

Shoulder press with the high seat or the low one?

Which would be better? It seems like the high back seat (the reclining one) gives better support, where as the fixed low seat makes you bend your back.

I feel the same way.

I can lift more with a higher seat....its because your putting more of your back and chest into the exercise.....with the lower seat, your restricting only your shoulders to push the weight up. Lower the weight and use the lower seat.

tize i like to stand so i can bend with my knees and really kick the weight up Push Press

I occasionally do shoulder press sitting on the floor. It is *impossible* to cheat in this position..just be prepared to get some dumb looks

Elfling I occasionally do shoulder press sitting on the floor. It is *impossible* to cheat in this position..just be prepared to get some dumb looks never thought about doing that I'd probably fall over or something stupid

i like the low seat

the low seat at my gym has foot bars on it, so I can press up against those and dig myself into the seat. the others do not. I like to low back seat

shastaisforwinners Push Press I love push presses, I just incorporated them into my shoulder workout to switch things up.

I like a low back.

Shoulder press with the high seat or the low one?

Clothes worn during Weightlifting/Running or Jogging

Clothes worn during Weightlifting/Running or Jogging

anyone know if it's good better to workout in sweatpants and sweatshirts compared to say a wife beater (aka a-shirt) and shorts? you sweat more. your body temperature is higher so your muscles are warmer. does this help lose fat? or does it also help lose muscle? do you lose more calories this way? i imagine it would be better to wear warm clothes if your trying to lose weight, but how about if your just trying to tone your abs, and stay cut, but add muscle mass?

oh my. yeah the ONLY way to TONE your abs is to do around 500-890 crunches a day, otherwise you will just have a flabby tummy all the time. You can also spot reduce fat, like in your love handles, by using special massage oils. But be careful, if you eat too much protein your muscles will eat away and you will be left with nothing but bone and fat. Muscles can be eaten away and grown really easily but its really a fine line. watch out for that- check the noob sticky on how to turn FAT right into MUSCLE!

No, you don't lose more calories by bundling up or wearing anything to help you sweat more. All you're doing is sweating off water weight which will come RIGHT back and you risk dehydrating yourself or making yourself pass out or worse. The reason you DO see people doing this at all is they're wrestlers/boxers trying to make a weight cut; they sweat off a lot of weight very quickly, do their fight, and it comes right back the next day. They do this *hopefully* under supervision with their coaches though. Dress for the weather/gym..shorts, tshirt, pants and tshirt, whatever; clean up your diet and lift heavy.

joy division oh my. yeah the ONLY way to TONE your abs is to do around 500-890 crunches a day, otherwise you will just have a flabby tummy all the time. You can also spot reduce fat, like in your love handles, by using special massage oils. But be careful, if you eat too much protein your muscles will eat away and you will be left with nothing but bone and fat. Muscles can be eaten away and grown really easily but its really a fine line. watch out for that- check the noob sticky on how to turn FAT right into MUSCLE! If you're going to be sarcastic, at least give some sort of hint. Noobs get confused easily.


i've been told that spot reduction does not work. u cant lose weight or fat in one area of the body by targeting them. fat comes off evenly from all the fat stores in the body. 500-800 crunches seems excessive. i do about 50 ab rolls, 50 crunches, and 50 leg lifts (roman candles), a day. i hope this will work, do you other guys agree? along with running a mile or two a day. PS: im not fat or nearly overweight at all. im 5'11" and i weight 160lbs. i do have a 6 pac, but its not as defined as i want. and it only appears when i flex. otherwise its really faint. my top 4 pacs are alright, I need to shave that fat from the bottom two pacs located right below my belly button. anyone have suggestions.

Elfling No, you don't lose more calories by bundling up or wearing anything to help you sweat more. All you're doing is sweating off water weight which will come RIGHT back and you risk dehydrating yourself or making yourself pass out or worse. The reason you DO see people doing this at all is they're wrestlers/boxers trying to make a weight cut; they sweat off a lot of weight very quickly, do their fight, and it comes right back the next day. They do this *hopefully* under supervision with their coaches though. Dress for the weather/gym..shorts, tshirt, pants and tshirt, whatever; clean up your diet and lift heavy. thus why boxers usually gain 8-15lbs between the time of the weigh in and the time of the fight.

BlissWitMyBlizz! i've been told that spot reduction does not work. u cant lose weight or fat in one area of the body by targeting them. fat comes off evenly from all the fat stores in the body. 500-800 crunches seems excessive. i do about 50 ab rolls, 50 crunches, and 50 leg lifts (roman candles), a day. i hope this will work, do you other guys agree? along with running a mile or two a day. PS: im not fat or nearly overweight at all. im 5'11" and i weight 160lbs. i do have a 6 pac, but its not as defined as i want. and it only appears when i flex. otherwise its really faint. my top 4 pacs are alright, I need to shave that fat from the bottom two pacs located right below my belly button. anyone have suggestions. have lots of sex

scrawny guys who wear wife beaters in the gym make me sad actually, any guy that wears a wife beater out in public makes me sad....

Alt+F4 If you're going to be sarcastic, at least give some sort of hint. Noobs get confused easily. What's the problem with that

Your shoelaces matter more than your clothes when working out.

Clothes worn during Weightlifting/Running or Jogging

protein shake and the liver

protein shake and the liver

my friend keeps telling me that its bad for your liver. could he be right? discuss.

Joser could he be right? no

i drink on average 3 shakes a day, 2 scoops each. Ive done this for about the past 2 years. I just got my liver/kidney/cholesterol/blood lipids/blood pressure checked from the doctor, and everything is perfect. Tell your friend not to get his news from the media

Jeff Coleman i drink on average 3 shakes a day, 2 scoops each. Ive done this for about the past 2 years. I just got my liver/kidney/cholesterol/blood lipids/blood pressure checked from the doctor, and everything is perfect. Tell your friend not to get his news from the media ai ai captain

wow i thought my friends were dumb

deznutz wow i thought my friends were dumb probably the same type of kid who gets wasted every week

Joser my friend keeps telling me that its bad for your liver. could he be right? discuss. what is there to discuss? your friend is a fucking idiot.

Ceaze probably the same type of kid who gets wasted every week i get wasted 4 times a week and my liver is fine

mike i get wasted 4 times a week and my liver is fine how do you know? And i wonder why you have low test

mike i get wasted 4 times a week and my liver is fine Liver transplant patients < * They are in the worst condition out of anyone in the hospital. Don't drink 4 times/week dude.

I think alcohol lowers testosteron production. Don't get wasted 4 times a week. What's the point really?

Ilyusha Liver transplant patients < * They are in the worst condition out of anyone in the hospital. Don't drink 4 times/week dude. meh, if that were the case than 50% of college would need a transplant by graduation =p

mike meh, if that were the case than 50% of college would need a transplant by graduation =p Most are white males in their 40's who come from small towns in the northern part of California. Mostly Redding and the areas around there.. it sucks man. Liver transplants are a bitch, and most can thank alcoholism for them.

mike meh, if that were the case than 50% of college would need a transplant by graduation =p i'll be in teh hospital next to you broly

whats with F&N broly's drinking....

I dont drink like that anymore but first, the gains ive seen by stopping have been less then spectacular, and two, I'd be lying bad if i said i don't miss those days.

smoke weed!!!1! no calories+no side effects+no addiction+much better, non hungover feeling-the price(for non growers)=teh win.

incubimmer smoke weed!!!1! no calories+no side effects+no addiction+much better, non hungover feeling-the price(for non growers)=teh win.

mike i get wasted 4 times a week and my liver is fine why would you drink that much if your were truly serious about training, especially when compounded with low test?

incubimmer smoke weed!!!1! no calories+no side effects+no addiction+much better, non hungover feeling-the price(for non growers)=teh win. not too mention, its a great aid for bulking

HYEEEEYEYEYYEYEYE smoke weed every day.

Dragon not too mention, its a great aid for bulking and it makes you stupid as fuck (no offense)

SteveO and it makes you stupid as fuck (no offense) For.. like.. 2 hours bro.

Ilyusha For.. like.. 2 hours bro. right.. everyone I know that smokes is stupid as shit. Most people will say the same except for the ones that smoke it, and don't actually see the handicap setting in because it's a slow process

SteveO right.. everyone I know that smokes is stupid as shit. Most people will say the same except for the ones that smoke it, and don't actually see the handicap setting in because it's a slow process I got my best best marks at university the last 2 years when I smoked regularly, and I'd now consider my sucessful engineer doing what I love. I've also know engineers who were 'A' students through HS and university who were regular smokers. So please don't generalize just because you know a couple of people who got stupid

protein shake and the liver

last call for selling a bench shirt

last call for selling a bench shirt

before i put it on ebay. its a brand new inzer. size 46. sizing here: also have a new size 3 groove briefs, if anyone's skinny enough for them $35 shipped for the shirt. $15 shipped for the briefs. thanks

You must be swimming in that shirt

Jeg1983 You must be swimming in that shirt no. actually, it's too small. it fits my arms ok, but my lats are too big.

SickLife no. actually, it's too small. it fits my arms ok, but my lats are too big. Then you are not trying hard enough to get it on I am 220 and I can fit into a 46

damn, i wish u where bigger, i ended up with a 52 sirt

Jeg1983 Then you are not trying hard enough to get it on I am 220 and I can fit into a 46 i can get it on. with 15 minutes & 2 people helping. but it cuts off my circulation real bad. & i can't lift my arms out in front of me at all.

Thats how its supposed to fit

You just need to break it in, put it on wear it let it warm up and then bench a bit with it. Just go as low as you can with the shirt on, you will eventually break it in.

Jeg1983 You just need to break it in, put it on wear it let it warm up and then bench a bit with it. Just go as low as you can with the shirt on, you will eventually break it in. it's not a matter of going low. i literally can't even pull my arms out in front of me. they just hang at my sides.

You just need to play with it. The shirt is not to small

vettedude damn, i wish u where bigger, i ended up with a 52 sirt Bro do you have any pics? I just get the impression that you are this massive dude. I dunno measurments if you dont want to do pics and numbers would be awsome.

Jeg1983 You just need to play with it. The shirt is not to small well, regardless. i already have a 48. so i'm selling the 46.

Silver85327 Bro do you have any pics? I just get the impression that you are this massive dude. I dunno measurments if you dont want to do pics and numbers would be awsome. i am tiny.. look in my log...

vettedude i am tiny.. look in my log... K then. That puts my curiousness to ease. I just pictured a Christophers JR when I thought about your posts.

last call for selling a bench shirt

curiosity has me of what christophers looks like...

curiosity has me of what christophers looks like...

he is always giving advice... saying what to do and what not to do... a pic of christophers so we can see if it is legit or not?

/ib hislatpicturesmakeyoufaintanddiscourageyoufromever liftingeveragainbecausethatiswhathappenedtohalfoft hisforum

he knows what hes talking about, believe it. /thread

lol...wasnt there an official F&N post your pics thread? we should make a new one, im sure everyones got newer pics. sticky it?


seriously... i mean i trust that he knows what he is talking about... just wanna see if he uses his own advice...

did someone say drama?

Ceaze are you serious?

Mike McDermott He is a powerlifter, not a bodybuilder. But I'm sure that he is very sexy. Where do you work out at in gville?

XsLiCk are you serious? almost as serious as your obesity.

interesting... im not being a dick about this either i really was curious...

cus he has given me a lot of advice...

Ceaze hahahahahahahaha, thats me in the offseason, I diet pretty hard for shows

christophers edit: I call bullshit.

christophers Lies even for a fat body hes fucking enormous. You could advertise on that thing

christophers wow.


right, that guy easily looks 300 lbs

404 mohawk not found.

hmmm, in for more pics

If that's Chris then sweet..

wouldn't it be better to not know what he looks like? the advice is all more than helpful for me personally.

i've seen 2 pics of him and i've talked to him on the phone i just need his e-autograph

curiosity has me of what christophers looks like...

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