Tuesday, December 17, 2013

What is wrong with my lungs?

What is wrong with my lungs?

background info: I jogged every other day from about may '04 - october '04 fine. I gradually jogged more and more, and by the end of october i was running 3x more/day than i was at the begining. The only problems i experienced were mild shin splints during the first couple weeks which went away and never returned. I started running again about 2-3 weeks ago and already run as much as i did in october (although i did next to no running all winter). The only problems ive been experiencing is with my lungs/breathing. I'll be running well at a good pace, and just start coughing and hacking randomly, it's brutal. I was doing HIIT in my gym class doing 400m runs and i would have to stop sometimes because it got so bad. I just cough and cough and cough... I don't know what it is. i'm not sick at all, i have no other symptoms at all. I dont smoke. It doesn't really hurt as much, it's just a nuisance and fucks up my routine. anyone know what i could do to prevent this? or what's causing it? thanks

Mike McDermott See a doc. ^^^ Do you have bad allergies?

exercise induced asthma

Sounds like acute asthma problems. I get the same thing from long runs.

Peal exercise induced asthma ^

How exactly were you doing HIIT? 400m is way too long. Try doing 100m at 50-70% (roughly 8-10mph), then jog or walk the next 100m.

I'd also guess a form of asthma, get it checked out

You might have what I had. I ran for a couple months. On a warmer day, I was at about mile 3 when i started slightly coughing/wheezing.. then it felt like my throat was closing up. I started freakin out, and it went away after 10 minutes. Went to the doc, and ends up I have "exercise induced asthma".. Got an inhaler, use it extremely rarely.

What is wrong with my lungs?

Fast Food for Bulking

Fast Food for Bulking

I don't spend enough time at home to be making all of this food, but in between classes I have time to stop by McDonalds (chicken selects), Chick-Fil-A (12 nuggets), Burger King (Chicken tenders), etc Cost of fast food aside, is this good for bulking. 160 right now up from 155, looking to get to around 165-170ish. I'm 5'10.

why not aim a little higher like 190, it shouldnt take you much time to hit 165-170

Fast Food for Bulking

Why soy protein supplementation is bad for you

Why soy protein supplementation is bad for you

a lot of girls love a guy with big tits

are you saying that soy protein gives you bitchies... never heard that.

keep feeding the propaganda, and ill keep munching on soy patties while looking at my bulging chest

Soy patties?

GilgaMesH Soy patties? whats wrong with soy products?

inspired keep feeding the propaganda, and ill keep munching on soy patties while looking at my bulging chest who needs girls when you've got your own nice pair of bulging tittays

It is a shitty, incomplete protein. And: http://getbuf.com/articles/soyestrogen.shtml

Even if you don't believe that article, it really is a shitty protein. Go eat some fucking meat.

GilgaMesH Even if you don't believe that article, it really is a shitty protein. Go eat some fucking meat. im not going to read the article but lemme guess, theyre talking about phyto-estrogen? and its not a shitty protien, try mixing soy with animal or even whey for a more complete protien source. the most 'complete' protien source doesnt even come from an animal, although that might be hard for you to swallow

Food Source Protein digestibility (%) Egg 97 Milk and cheese 97 Mixed US diet 96 Peanut butter 95 Meat and fish 94 Whole wheat 86 Oatmeal 86 Soybeans 78 Rice 76 Btw, pics of your "bulging" chest?

well isnt this nice to know. not that i eat much of it.

I've heard the whole eating soy and estrogen is a bunch of bs.

I love soybean milk in a can by Yeoh's.Asian stuff.But I rarely drink it so...

Mystery Guest I've heard the whole eating soy and estrogen is a bunch of bs. and ive heard that jessica alba wants my nuts, but until that happens, ill be staying away from any real amount of soy.

KetchupKing a lot of girls love a guy with big tits explains a lot for you

wow, there are some extreme misconceptions about soy in here. first, it is a complete protein that is high in BCAAs and glutamine. second, it is a superior protein as far as digestibility and utilization than whey or milk. third, i have reviewed studies done on older men and babies and both cases found NO hormonal differences in test levels with soy protein diet supplementation.

quasar wow, there are some extreme misconceptions about soy in here. first, it is a complete protein that is high in BCAAs and glutamine. second, it is a superior protein as far as digestibility and utilization than whey or milk. third, i have reviewed studies done on older men and babies and both cases found NO hormonal differences in test levels with soy protein diet supplementation. According to the National Research Council's "Recommended Dietary Allowances", 10th ed. National Academy Press, 1989, Soybeans have a Protein digestibility (%) of 78 while milk is at 97. Is there a difference between the protein digestibility of whole soybeans to soy protein powder?

quasar second, it is a superior protein as far as digestibility and utilization than whey or milk. PDCAAS and BV suggest otherwise

ok, the digestability stuff was from a page i was reading about the isolate. if only i could find a reputable company that makes the isolate, i would try it. ibfemalesteroidsarefoundinsoy

check this out, this actually describes the trend i'm seeing in recent studies, that soy may actually increase testosterone by lowering levels of SHBG (serum hormone binding globulin). the isoflavones in soy are converted to phytoestrogens which can block the estrogen receptors! http://www.maxsportsmag.com/science/issue12/12s3.htm

quasar older men and babies

from this page:http://www.bodybuildingforyou.com/he...fits-use-2.htm "From this and other data it seems the phyto-estrogens can lower cholesterol and improve heart disease risk without systemic estrogenic effects (i.e. gyno, bodyfat increases, etc.) that would normally be seen if say the bodybuilder took estrogen pills or from the normal conversion of certain steroids to estrogen. This study is a little more relevant to us humans being it was done with male monkeys which are far more similar animals to people than rats." it also goes on to say it has been shown to raise thyroid output which accounts for the increased weight loss.

i hate to look like a jackass here but i've read enough studies to be convinced it lowers dht...(idiot)

if soy was as great as you guys seem to think it is i think all asians would be jacked. /thread

Why soy protein supplementation is bad for you

I want a sexier ass!

I want a sexier ass!

I want to know what I can do to make my cheeks sexier. I want to know what exercises help to increase the size of my butt. Im kinda confused because right now I am also trying to loose weight and I do not want to increase the muscle tone of my entire body, just my butt. How do I loose weight all over without my behind getting smaller? Please help.

mofuckin' deadlifts and squats.

squats box lunges walking lunges sumo deadlifts wide stance goodmornings wide stance pullthroughs 45° back extensions

I dunno what a dead lift is...I know what squats are thought.

Ceaze...your in Orlando...come over and show mee

naked, to show us your muscle tone

I have one uploaded


can I see yoou first?

I dont like your avatar...

vXSevenXv Ceaze...your in Orlando...come over and show mee show you what?

Ceaze show you what? THe mooves...

vXSevenXv THe mooves... these ones?

whats that

Do It Ceaze Do It!

Ceaze these ones? Damn you ceaze for taking hump3 off your webspace.

mmmmmm HOT!

Ceaze these ones?

What are all you fags doing home on a Friday night?

Ilyusha What are all you fags doing home on a Friday night? Making new gifs. You?

Ceaze Making new gifs. You? T minus 20 minutes before I head out to a lounge.

christophers have to be somewhere tomorrow at 7, dotn want to chance it Go out, you'll be fine.

Im talking to my pimp on the phone.

vXSevenXv Im talking to my pimp on the phone. Waiting on her to post ass pics

I want a sexier ass!

Anyone have the link to the 100 rep squat?

Anyone have the link to the 100 rep squat?

and the routine that went with it.

Holy Crap! Did he faint afterwards?

Uh, 100 rep squat? Insane endurance. In for link

superbri007 http://www.marunde-muscle.com/videos...uatX98reps.wmv my nigga

christophers plan to do that when dieting away into nothing? Well the less I weigh the eaiser it will be right.

superbri007 denzelwashington.jpg

A guy at my gym did a 100 rep benchpress with 60kg yesterday, he just pumped them out at about 1.5-2 per second

That vid makes me wanna barf.

tize is that a gay ass tin cup quote in your user text? No you motherfucking cum guzzler... it's about deadlifting. Please kill yourself.

tize quit talking like ur black Shut up.

I highly doubt I could do that with the bar, 218lbs is fucking amazing. BTW, isn't that the same gym as that the guy did clapping pullups in?

tize quit talking like ur black I'd fuck you till you love me, bitch.

you guys know that I repped 315 52 times? my best friend was standing right there when I did...I beat Tom Platz

Please stop quoting tize. He's on my ignore list but when you quote him I see his stupid fuck posts.

I can't do 500 for 23. But I can do 315 for 52 ...on the smith machine

My god. I have done 125 reps on bench but that was just with the bar. Haha.

Where the hell is Platz's penis in that pic?

Filmboy44 you guys know that I repped 315 52 times? my best friend was standing right there when I did...I beat Tom Platz You guys know that I repped 1005 on bench 11ty billion times? my best friend was standing right there when I did...he will vouch for me Oh, BTW, no pics, I don't want you guys to faint when you see me.

Ilyusha Where the hell is Platz's penis in that pic? No penis after all of the roids.

Anyone have the link to the 100 rep squat?

Monday, December 16, 2013

Detrimental to lift when hungry?

Detrimental to lift when hungry?


yeah you'll implode.

dmaestro yeah you'll implode.

why would you want to?

eliktronix why would you want to? The only time I really have to lift is before dinner.

Any serious answers?

pokesteve you need to at LEAST eat right away afterwards.... I usually eat within 30 minutes after working out.

I prefer lifting on a slightly-empty stomach, honestly. I can't function if I'm full, I get pukey. Ditto for running. I usually have a piece of fruit and a bit of string cheese an hour or so before I workout, just so I don't crash.

My numbers go to shit if I don't have enough food before working out

im horrible if im even remotely hungry

Elfling I prefer lifting on a slightly-empty stomach, honestly. I can't function if I'm full, I get pukey. Ditto for running. I usually have a piece of fruit and a bit of string cheese an hour or so before I workout, just so I don't crash. I have to be kinda hungry but not starving to be ok. If I am to full I feel bloated and like I am gonna puke while doing anything

christophers "Bloated? Bloated helps my squat" -Owner of Diablo Barbell I try to bloat up when I am gonna wear my shirt to get it to fit as tight as possible

I ate a large pizza before training today, around 2000 cals. Just after doing lunges I had to bolt upstairs and hang a turd, the cleaner had just finished cleaner the cubicle and he was in the one next door. I could just imagine him hanging himself after hearing what I did in there. personally I like having something to eat before hand, just not tha large.

Detrimental to lift when hungry?

Spring break is over back to the gym v. 11ty billion

Spring break is over back to the gym v. 11ty billion

Ive been splirging for the last week and a half. Now that shit is over. Today I had cottage cheese for breakfast, am about to eat some Seafood Pho, then a bannana and some cheese at like 330. Work out, shake, and swordfish steak with brocolli for dinner.

You mean Springbreak is over, time to stop going to the gym til next year!

nathanbx You mean Springbreak is over, time to stop going to the gym til next year! no way...summer is coming...that's like spring break x11ty billion! Man I wish High School and College

nathanbx You mean Springbreak is over, time to stop going to the gym til next year!

nic379 no way...summer is coming...that's like spring break x11ty billion! Man I wish High School and College I work in a school.

nathanbx You mean Springbreak is over, time to stop going to the gym til next year!

Spring break is over back to the gym v. 11ty billion

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