Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Need some exercise help! Wanna get into a bikini quickly...

Need some exercise help! Wanna get into a bikini quickly...

Please give me advice on some good exercises to do. I also have changed my eating habits. I only eat fruit in the morning and fresh veggies for lunch, then not too big of portions of regular dinner. thanks for the help! Pics of exercises also helpful (I always feel like I dont know what Im doing)

newb thread in archives stickies

are you the same faithless with the pieced boobs? Cause you sure as shit look fine to me

Faithless Pics of exercises also helpful (I always feel like I dont know what Im doing) Pics of you to fully evaluate the situation would be helpful.

dread Pics of you to fully evaluate the situation would be helpful. it's funny cause its true

for pics of exercises check out and as for excercises, check the stickies at the top of the page and in the archives. A good combo of compund exercises and a proper diet (calories ~Body weighth x 12 to start and adjust from there) will be you best bet to losing fat and minimizing muscle loss, though it may take some time.

PurEvl are you the same faithless with the pieced boobs? Cause you sure as shit look fine to me What he said.

hey faith Last time i saw pics of you, you were in a bikini... so I'm not sure what you're looking for exactly improvement-wise. I'm gonna guess abs though, since that's what most women fuss over when it comes to bikinis. I am currently doing these exercises for my belly and it is shrinking fast: edit: otherwise, I'm doing a ton of various exercises, based on what muscle group I'm working for that day, and I do Cardio (elliptical or swimming) 3x a week.

Perplexed None of those exercises are making your belly shrink. no, but the other exercises she does, bench, dip, etc, do help. and once it has shrunk, she'll have abs

Perplexed None of those exercises are making your belly shrink. that's what you think. they are tightening my abs, which were previously quite stretched out from 3 pregnancies.

eat protein

PurEvl Cause you sure as shit look fine to me

Also there is no quick fix it takes time and motivation so if you go out and expect to be super thin in a week quit now otherwise do it and stick with it so that your body stays the way you want it

are you saying the bikini you wore from last year no longer fits? You were doing good on your own with working out. What's going on now?

pics pls

so like, wheres the pics /OT

Girl_Next_Door are you saying the bikini you wore from last year no longer fits? You were doing good on your own with working out. What's going on now? it does, but I wasnt really comfortable in it last year either.

Honestly... Pics would help, because it makes what your problems are more clear. I can understand if you dont' want to post them for this pack of wolves, but it would helpl. What time frame are you looking at here?

trancezj Honestly... Pics would help, because it makes what your problems are more clear. I can understand if you dont' want to post them for this pack of wolves, but it would helpl. What time frame are you looking at here? Definitely get more replies if you post pics. Not that the replies would necesserily all be constructive. 70-80% of them would be ... or Jonno does the latter even in my journal.

trancezj Honestly... Pics would help, because it makes what your problems are more clear. I can understand if you dont' want to post them for this pack of wolves, but it would helpl. What time frame are you looking at here? Amen, I 2nd that.

timberwolf Definitely get more replies if you post pics. Not that the replies would necesserily all be constructive. 70-80% of them would be ... or Jonno does the latter even in my journal.

trancezj Honestly... Pics would help, because it makes what your problems are more clear. I can understand if you dont' want to post them for this pack of wolves, but it would helpl. What time frame are you looking at here? well, in about a month

this was me last year. I have lost a little weight since then, in fact, about 10 lbs, but I still have this weird area under my breasts that pokes out (where my ribs are, and my stomach isnt flat yet either.

You look fine. If anything I'd suggest that you get a new diet, 40/40/20 ratio perhaps, and hit the gym. I like girls with a bit of muscle on them so I'd suggest getting some weight training in. It'll take work but you look great now so any improvements would be a bonus.

If I'm not mistaken I think she's worried more about her abs and glutes.

Need some exercise help! Wanna get into a bikini quickly... 4 Day Split Program.. How many sets? 4 Day Split Program.. How many sets?

So I went and got some advice from some people and I was directed to to design a work out that works for me. Here is what I chose: On the Weight Training Guidelines of, it states "perform one set of 8 to 12 repetitions to the point of volitional fatigue" and I am unsure exactly of how many reps and sets I should actually do because I think that 1 set of exercises isn't very much. Q: How many sets of 8-12 reps do I do for the different exercises?

how many times do you need to be referred to the archives/stickies?

It has been scientifically proven that sets of 3-4 and reps of 12-15 will help you keep your 6 pack.

Look, I don't know how to read the site (ExRx). I am a bit confused and I am just asking for some small help. So, please, answer this question.

3-4 sets discluding warm-ups for compound movements (squat,bench,deads)

 4 Day Split Program.. How many sets?

Being overweight

Being overweight

I think that I'm overweight, but all my friends disagree. At one point, I was near anorexic. I've tried all methods of losing weight from exercising like a fucking animal to dieting. I even stopped eating for three days and only started again when I was so weak that I couldn't get out of bed. All of these were of no avail, and I still remain the same weight. I don't know what to do, and I need some advice.

Well, the vets on this board can be a huge help, but they need a little info. Height Weight BF% Age eating habits exercise habits. All of this stuff filled out will probably give them a starting point.

picture too

First of all "weight" is relative, what you should be more concernend with is you percentage fo body-fat. Also, not eating for extended periods of time is really bad for you it actually causes your body to store more fat when you do eat. If you posted your stats and goals it would be easier for us to determine how to help you.

theres stickies at the top of the forum that tell you how to lose weight, you shouldnt have to ask any questions if you read them.

thread must be a joke

Pope_in_power I think that I'm overweight, but all my friends disagree. At one point, I was near anorexic. I've tried all methods of losing weight from exercising like a fucking animal to dieting. I even stopped eating for three days and only started again when I was so weak that I couldn't get out of bed. All of these were of no avail, and I still remain the same weight. I don't know what to do, and I need some advice.

Have you gotten checked out by your doctor? My sister had problems losing weight even though she dieted and exercised religiously. Turns out she had a few medical problems that explained everything.

mase2k sounds like you have some physicological problems, not weight problems. dot


read fatloss sticky

just try only eating every other week. you'll be totally ripped in time for the beach.

Being overweight

Went all out on grippers

Went all out on grippers

Got the trainer about a month ago, could do like 2 reps the first day . The other night I just picked it up and whipped out 40 so I figure i should go for the #1 COC- bougth the #2 along with it, shipping was only an extra buck Grouch have you closed #3?

joy division Got the trainer about a month ago, could do like 2 reps the first day . The other night I just picked it up and whipped out 40 so I figure i should go for the #1 COC- bougth the #2 along with it, shipping was only an extra buck Grouch have you closed #3? Good job my broly in crunk. I'm a ways off from the #3. I'd say like 6 months before I can really set my sites on it. I'm about an inch away no a good day. I'm upping my workouts with my #2 and trying to build a better overall hand strenght base. That and my HG300 is being a fucking cunt and not getting any easier.

i think you've reached a crunking plateau grouch

Dunken i think you've reached a crunking plateau grouch Thats why I'm working on getting my base up. Doing a more wrist and finger work. Plate curls are the new hand strengh hotness, mark my words. I also like those dumb bell twisty things I posted in the Grip thread in the archives.

i want to see you crush a beer bottle p.s. that 45lb plate hub pick up is amazing.

Dunken i want to see you crush a beer bottle p.s. that 45lb plate hub pick up is amazing. haha yeah I saw a vid of a guy putting a thumb through a beer can then shotgunning it. I havn't attempted blowing up a can though since that day i did it.

joy division if you can close a trainer 40x you'll definitely mash the 1. You might even be pretty close to the 2.

beer bottle grouch... bottle. still shotgunning a beer that way rules.

Dunken beer bottle grouch... bottle. still shotgunning a beer that way rules. Thats from fucking ninja ass shit though.

I cant wait till i get my grippers.. hopefuly this week

I'm getting into the other realms of grip as well, started some wrist stuff last night which was fun...unfortunately the new fancy weights at my rec center here at school don't have the kind of hubs you normally have But I've been checking out different stuff at iron and the thread you posted in the stickied archive Grippers here by the end of the week yay....

Went all out on grippers

anyone here works out at PLANET FITNESS? (they have alot in East Coast)

anyone here works out at PLANET FITNESS? (they have alot in East Coast)

theres one in my area and i have yet to visit it... sounds good too.... $50 intial fee..and $10 a contract. i havent seen the facility yet hopefully they have db more than 130lbs this time

i remember hearing of planet fitness taking over a gym and them getting rid of all dumbbells over 50lbs

LS Boy theres one in my area and i have yet to visit it... sounds good too.... $50 intial fee..and $10 a contract. i havent seen the facility yet hopefully they have db more than 130lbs this time yes there's a lot in CT. really good deal. most of them are HUGE and when you sign up, you can usually go to like the other 6 that are part of the same franchise or something.

Dunken i remember hearing of planet fitness taking over a gym and them getting rid of all dumbbells over 50lbs are you serious? may be ill check it out tomorrow

search for lunk alarm

Isn't monday night pizza night?

NoXeN search for lunk alarm 7th Ninjai Isn't monday night pizza night?

stop looking at franchises if you want to find a real gym

Ceaze stop looking at franchises if you want to find a real gym damn, I thought world gym was good.

Gutrat damn, I thought world gym was good. they're not all the same, depends on the owner....i was just generalizing

anyone here works out at PLANET FITNESS? (they have alot in East Coast)

About to place an order to 1Fast400 and have some questions

About to place an order to 1Fast400 and have some questions

I'm currently in a brazilian jiu jitsu class, and we meet Tues-Thurs-Sun and go for 2-3 hours (stop and go learning on Tue/Thurs, and all out free grappling on Sunday). I'm trying to lose weight and gain/keep muscle, so will everything I have listed be good for that? I'm 6'2" and fluctuate around 253-255 lbs. I've been eating better and after this spring semester lets out i'll be lifting and riding a bike around the neighborhood. CLA 180 Softgels/800 mg $16.99 Yohimbe 1111 50 Capsules/1.111 grams $11.00 Muscle Milk 2.48 lb Chocolate $23.99 Vitamin C w/ Rose Hips 250 Tablets/1000 mg $8.00

get SesaThin instead of CLA get Yohimbine HCl instead of Yohimbe 1111

Ceaze get SesaThin instead of CLA get Yohimbine HCl instead of Yohimbe 1111 Thanks for the reply. Anything else I should add to this? Currently i'm just taking a multivitamin and fish oil I bought locally. I read that Yohimbe 1111 cannot be used by females, same case with the Yohimbine HCl?

dingo I read that Yohimbe 1111 cannot be used by females, same case with the Yohimbine HCl? that's not true at all. other things you could take are: ephedrine hcl + caffeine lean xtreme by designer supplements fish oil

Ceaze that's not true at all. other things you could take are: ephedrine hcl + caffeine lean xtreme by designer supplements fish oil Ahh... hrm, according to this review, it states on the label not to be used by females, but, that's also going by somone who could have potentially read it wrong? None the less thanks again. I'll be placing an order this weekend

I went through 2 bottles of sesathin, and I wasn't sure how good the results were. My sex drive was down too.

Why does it matter if you women can't take it anyways (they can). Are you a 6'2 230+ girl? I wouldn't take yohimbine until later to try to get of stubborn fat anyways. Proper dosing is harder, and you won't feel the effects as much as an EC stack. I heard great things about Lean Xtreme. It all boils down to your diet though, basically.

superbri007 Go with some ON 100% Whey Actually on my list of things to buy, I did change to that, simply because it's 155 servings. I *can* use the whey as a meal supplement right? Is this a bad diet: 7am: Whey drink 9am: Apple, orange, or banana (only 1) 11am: lunch time (I try to eat clean here, doesn't always work), can I substitute this for a whey drink as well? 3pm: Another apple, orange, or banana (only 1) 5-6pm: Dinner typically consisiting of baked pork chops, baked chicken, brown rice, diet drinks, anything along these lines 10pm (or right before bed): Whey drink

a slower digesting protein blend would be better

I wouldn't go with muscle milk. it's like 350 cals

It may not be good for females (ie. people who can get pregnant while taking it), but that doesn't mean they can't take it.

About to place an order to 1Fast400 and have some questions

Anyone tried NO2?

Anyone tried NO2?

anyone here tried NO2 yet? i just finished my first bottle of nitrixx by bsn , did see results in my vascularity. NO2 is sposed to do the same, wanted to know , for those taking NO2, hows it workin for you guys?

i heard it just allows more blood flow to your muscles causing you to only look bigger... i mean im not on it and it helps with more reps? so essentially just seems like a more expensive version of creatine...

save your money, dont buy it.

N02 is pretty much the best supplement ever made.

my workout buddy was on it for a while, it didnt seem to do anything

its pretty much like steroids but without the side effects of roids.

ryazbeck its pretty much like steroids but without the side effects of roids.

ryazbeck its pretty much like steroids but without the side effects of roids. We aren't talking about steel cut oats here...

joy division We aren't talking about steel cut oats here...

... Don't buy that shit. It doesn't do anything. NOTHING replaces hard work in the gym.

It does very little, money would be much better spent on creatine.

That shit is fucking stupid. You could spend the money on food and get way better gains.

first post is about no2....

Firstly I hope nobody on this forum buys NO products... But I hate it when I see idiots posting on other places asking for the best NO product, spending like 100$+ on them when they do nothing. did you miss that post?

from A colorless, poisonous gas, NO, produced as an intermediate during the manufacture of nitric acid from ammonia or atmospheric nitrogen and as a product of cellular metabolism. In the body, nitric oxide is involved in oxygen transport to the tissues, the transmission of nerve impulses, and other physiological activities. that is what nitric oxide is. that is what scuba divers get when they are underwater for too long. and if you want expanded veins as well go head and try it!

Anyone tried NO2?

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