Saturday, November 30, 2013

Is this "normal" when starting out? 2 Questions..

Is this "normal" when starting out? 2 Questions..

Some background info: I am about 5'4 and weight 200 lbs, which I know I'm a tub of lard. But, I'm trying my best to find a good diet and my friend told me this one was not healthy. But I kinda feel like I lost a little weight because my pants seem a bit looser and keep kinda falling off and I've never had that problem before. I haven't even been keeping track of my weight really because I know it fluctuates alot. ANYWAY I've been on an Atkins-like diet for about a month and really have found no problem with it... meaning I haven't felt physically wrong or sick. Basically for 2 meals a day, all you are allowed to eat is protein, like Atkins. However, unlike Atkins, for 1 meal you can eat pretty much whatever you want, but you have to eat it in like an hour, and no snacking or anything after that whatsoever. It's called the Carbohydrate's Addict diet. Does this diet seem effective? Is it healthy? Thats my first question. My second little problem is, I get tired very easily it seems, or out of breath very easily. I run the treadmill's programmed settings (their called trainers' programs- it auto changes the speed and incline every few minutes) and I'm tired in like 5 minutes. Is this normal? Is it just because of my weight? I feel that when I just run 5 minutes it doesn't do crap for me and I really do push my limit here. It's not like if I break a sweat I just hop off and thats all, I really do push on until my heart feels like its about to explode and my legs get all wobbly and I can barely breathe. But I feel like 5 minutes just isn't enough to do anything. Is this normal?

That diet seems shitty. I think you'll stall + plateau soon, then you will want to give up dieting and go back to your original weight. There is no point to that diet aside from trying to limit calorie intake through no carbs, then trying to maintain diet adherance through a free cheat meal a day.... Its because of your weight and because of your diet. Go at a slower pace and work your way up. Probably because you are/were more inactive, you don't know how to pace yourself.

after a month of dieting, I better look in the mirror and know damn sure I lost weight or I'd feel like I wasted my time.

AznRyda after a month of dieting, I better look in the mirror and know damn sure I lost weight or I'd feel like I wasted my time. lol yeah I know the feeling, I'm looking into other diets right now. I just feel kind of discouraged and guilty when I can only do like 5 minutes on the treadmill and I'm like what the hell this isn't going to do anything for me. Then with the diet, I've actually been ok with it... I've like "cheated" once, and that was when I was really hungry and out for the whole day. I just wish I didn't get hungry all the freakin time

superbri007 Those low carb diets will be good short term, for fast results, but over the long run your going to want something more practical. Most likely this carb addicts diet you describe will plateau soon and will not become effective. The key to fat loss is actually eating, eating at regular intervals to keep blood sugar nice and steady instead of off the charts or way up or down Christophers sticky on fatloss other important links from Ilyusha you may wanna try some light cardio for 30-40 mins on an eliptical on like, level 1-5. Or a walking pace on an incline treadmill Thank you very much, I'll try these and hopefully stick to em I'm afraid I get tempted easily because well, my parents buy the food in my house so I generally have little say in what we eat, and they get junk food. But I'll have to make do until I get my own apartment

but the diet itself is cheating incorporated into it. I was fat for a long time and I tried a lot of different things so I know. You just have to man up and eat a normalish diet like the one outlined in the stickys. You will grow to like the taste of healthy foods after awhile. If you need more motivation, then doing something like a PSMF could kick start your drive, but its hard. A regular diet is pretty easy to adhere too, especially at your weight. If you don't succeed on it, then you just don't want to lose weight enough (cheating and not worrying about porportions or making excuses or whatever).

Oh, and another thing. I am pretty healthy and inshape now, but I still hate running. So its not something you have to do. I'd rather do intense incline walking and elliptical or stairs any day. Running sucks balls.

I don't know if that diet is a great idea. If you're only eating twice a day you'll probably eat more than if you were to eat 4-5 modest plates of food. I'd say drop that diet you're on right now because low-carb diets generally don't help you out in the long-run unless you totally change your lifestyle. However, at that point the fat loss will be tapered off and the health side-effects will not be worth it. Just eat cleanly and do some cardio. If you can only do five minutes you need to slow down a little bit. Just pace yourself so you can last 20-30 minutes.

xpinchx If you can only do five minutes you need to slow down a little bit. Just pace yourself so you can last 20-30 minutes. Yea, the intensity is way too high, lower it a little, and ease into it, dont just start running in the beginning, because you'll soon realize you cant keep it up

xpinchx I don't know if that diet is a great idea. If you're only eating twice a day you'll probably eat more than if you were to eat 4-5 modest plates of food. I'd say drop that diet you're on right now because low-carb diets generally don't help you out in the long-run unless you totally change your lifestyle. However, at that point the fat loss will be tapered off and the health side-effects will not be worth it. Just eat cleanly and do some cardio. If you can only do five minutes you need to slow down a little bit. Just pace yourself so you can last 20-30 minutes. ah well the thing is... I heard that you have to keep your heart rate really high and stuff to get any benefit out of it. And when I'm just walking, I don't feel as if it's doing anything much. Is it though?

Doing a south beach/adkins/fad low carb high protein diet is FINE to get you kick started and to boost your motivation. You WILL lose some weight within the first few weeks of doing this tied in with lifting and exercise. HOWEVER, your progress will slow to a crawl and this is where you have 2 options: 1. get discouraged, give up and blow right back up to your original weight, if not bigger -OR- 2. eat clean and healthy on a good schedule, continue to exercise and lift, and continue to lose weight at a reasonable pace. If you're going to low-carb, do it right. Your progess *won't* slow with proper refeeds, etc. Look at Lyle's stuff on the Ketogenic Diet which is >atkins.

hi chief I've been on an Atkins-like diet for about a month and really have found no problem with it... meaning I haven't felt physically wrong or sick. Basically for 2 meals a day, all you are allowed to eat is protein, like Atkins. However, unlike Atkins, for 1 meal you can eat pretty much whatever you want, but you have to eat it in like an hour, and no snacking or anything after that whatsoever. It's called the Carbohydrate's Addict diet. Does this diet seem effective? Is it healthy? Thats my first question. Have you ever been on a "diet" before? The Atkins diet wants your body to go into a state of Ketosis. Low carb diets can cause your body to go into this dangerous metabolic state. During ketosis, the body forms substances called ketones, which can cause organs to fail and result in gout, kidney stones or kidney failure. Ketones can also dull a person's appetite, cause nausea and bad breath. Ketosis is prevented by eating at least 100 grams of carbohydrate per day. Fat makes you fat...I'd be more worried about that right now. My second little problem is, I get tired very easily it seems, or out of breath very easily. I run the treadmill's programmed settings (their called trainers' programs- it auto changes the speed and incline every few minutes) and I'm tired in like 5 minutes. Is this normal? Is it just because of my weight? Is this normal? To burn fat there are two states...aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic basically means "living in oxygen". You are using your lungs to supply the oxygen your body needs to burn fuel(fat is the first to go because your body requires less "fuel" to burn it. In order to achieve this you must be "in oxygen" for twenty minutes or more for any real benefit. Anaerobic basically means "without oxygen". You are requiring your lean muscle mass to engage in a highly intense short term activity such as sprinting or weighlifting. Your body gasps for air and you will feel a fatiguing sensation as you reach this state. This is caused because the oxygen supply in your body has been used up. Having said that, Both are necessary if you wish to see any healthy results. The second you are out of breath on that treadmill, you are no longer in an aerobic state...SLOW DOWN. you have to build a fitness level...Like lifting weights, you aren't going to start with the 200lb. set right? You have to build up to it...

Is this "normal" when starting out? 2 Questions..

Should I involve Caffeine in my diet?

Should I involve Caffeine in my diet?

I have heard that caffeine helps to boost metabolism. What are some reasons to add caffeine to a diet?

Should I involve Caffeine in my diet?

Should I involve Caffeine in my diet?

how to get rid of bruises?

how to get rid of bruises?

as quickly as possible?

haemaroid cream yes I am serious, this is what a physio would recommend.

Doesn't potassium help heal them?

^ more details? are you talking about foods with potassium?

Wait a week for them to go away and use cover-up in the meantime


Knock his ass out before he can land any hits that bruise you

@ last two replies

but in all honesty, arnica

deadlift. the solution to all of your pussy needs.

who? ^ more details? are you talking about foods with potassium? Bananas?


how to get rid of bruises?

Eating before or after a workout? or both?

Eating before or after a workout? or both?

Should I be eating before a gym work-out to supply my body with carbs, and then eat afterwards to supply protein? I've been doing this so far, but is this the best method?

carbs+protein before and after

that's fine if you want to get techincal, eat some carbs and protein an hour or so before working out. Drink whey protein + malto immediately after working out. Eat protien + carbs + minimal fat an hour or so later. Honestly it won't make much, if any, difference what the sources are for all but competiton bodybuilders.

Eating before or after a workout? or both?

How do you get your 1g of protein per lb of mass?

How do you get your 1g of protein per lb of mass?

Just wondering how you all get your supply of protein per day. I weigh 12 stones (i assume the US system of 1 stone = 14 lbs applies, hence me being 170 lbs?) How can I eat 170g of protein a day? A 140g can of tuna has 35g of protein.. which is merely 20% of what i need in a day..

170 grams is easy as fuck, I just chow on meat all day and shit and take a protein shake after i lift and then I like reeses peanut butter cups and those pack like 3 grams holla

100% whey shakes on top of everything else

If I'm eating a decent amount of calories a day, it's hard not to get 170+ grams. Almost everything has protein in it.. I drink a lot of milk, there's a bunch right there. Even bread has a little protein in it.

Phlab If I'm eating a decent amount of calories a day, it's hard not to get 170+ grams. Almost everything has protein in it.. I drink a lot of milk, there's a bunch right there. Even bread has a little protein in it. I got this 12 grain bread that has 4 grams of protein PER slice

quickone I got this 12 grain bread that has 4 grams of protein PER slice

I dont, I still make gains.

peanut butter sandwiches...chicken...protein shakes..yummyy

i shit more than 170g of protein, it's not hard to consume

I'm probably under-estimating general food that we eat that has protein in it..


chicken, tuna, whey protein, casein protein, veges, oatmeal, wheat bread

Cottage cheese, chicken breasts, and tuna > * Then protein shakes to make up the difference, if there is one.

kingfaz Just wondering how you all get your supply of protein per day. I weigh 12 stones (i assume the US system of 1 stone = 14 lbs applies, hence me being 170 lbs?) How can I eat 170g of protein a day? A 140g can of tuna has 35g of protein.. which is merely 20% of what i need in a day.. 170g of protein a day isn't needed. Consuming more protein doesn't effect how much protein your body will absorb. It only takes what it needs and rids it's self of the rest. It's impossible for a body to add that much muscle mass in a day's time. If you ate that much protein, you will shit out about 110g of it. Try 0.36g of protein per pound of bodyweight you have. If you're 170lbs, you should take in only 62g.

I really try to go for around .02g of protein per 10 pounds htat I weigh, especially when I'm trying to make serious gains. chicken, tuna (staring at an emptry can right now), supps if you aren't hungry...

i consume 3-5 protein shakes daily, each with 45g of protein. rest of my daily protein comes from chicken, salmon, tuna, turkey, beef, and eggs.

joy division I really try to go for around .02g of protein per 10 pounds htat I weigh, especially when I'm trying to make serious gains. chicken, tuna (staring at an emptry can right now), supps if you aren't hungry... Try 0.36g per lb of bodyweight you have. This is the amount a body, that is building muscle, needs.

cbrpimp ?

infinite loop i consume 3-5 protein shakes daily, each with 45g of protein. rest of my daily protein comes from chicken, salmon, tuna, turkey, beef, and eggs. Why so much?

JuggetEQ Why so much? So I'm a big fat turd who weighs 400lbs should I eat 400g of protein a day? Or do I figure out my rough lean mass underneath all the shit and eat only 200g of protein a day?

JuggetEQ Why so much? i weight more than you, i'm at ~195. here's my typical meal breakdown. protein in parthens. meal 1: oatmeal (5g) meal 2: protein shake (45g) meal 3: lunch (30-50g) meal 4: protein shake (45g) meal 5: dinner (30-50g) meal 6: protein shake (45g) meals 2 and 4 serve as snacks, meal 6 is right before bed. the above diet is for a non-workout day. if i'm workign out, i'll add a pre and post workout shake (another 90g protien). so at 195lbs, i fluctuate between 200-250g and on a workout day between 200-300g. if i don't eat meals 2 and 4, i end up eating like shit the rest of the day. they pretty much help curb my appetite and keep my diet in check.

christophers jesus.. where do you get your info? that is extremely off base. much research shows athletes do well with 1g/lbm and as high as 1.5g/lbm. a lot of people like 1.5g/lb in protein. one of the dumbest things to do is under consume protein, which is what .36g of protein is. please stop stating stuff as fact. I get my information from Nautilus. The things I state are proven facts. The 0.36g diet was followed by such bodybuilders as: Frank Zane, Casey Viator, Sergio Oliva, Arnold Sch, Vince Anello and many others. Athletes do more cardio than muscle building, by the way. Except for, of course, the sport of Weightlifting. In addition to your criticism, athletes try to sharpen a skill more than build muscle. You're correct, sir, this diet would suck for an althete. That's why I didn't prescribe this diet to an althete; to my knowledge, the person I gave this advise to is a weightlifter.

JuggetEQ I get my information from Nautilus. The things I state are proven facts. The 0.36g diet was followed by such bodybuilders as: Frank Zane, Casey Viator, Sergio Oliva, Arnold Sch, Vince Anello and many others. Athletes do more cardio than muscle building, by the way. Except for, of course, the sport of Weightlifting. In addition to your criticism, athletes try to sharpen a skill more than build muscle. You're correct, sir, this diet would suck for an althete. That's why I didn't prescribe this diet to an althete; to my knowledge, the person I gave this advise to is a weightlifter. arnold in his book specifically states that you shoudl eat at least 1g of protien per lb of body weight on non-training days, and a bit more on days you train.

christophers what in the FUCK are you talking about? you have got to be an AE. or the stupidest fuck i've ever encountered ? I'd like to see your references on these claims that you need 1g/lb a day. If they are from a protein shake company, than, it's a marketing tool. Moron.

christophers what in the FUCK are you talking about? you have got to be an AE. or the stupidest fuck i've ever encountered yeah, he's got to be an AE. i feel retarded for typing out a reply

How do you get your 1g of protein per lb of mass?

I am starting the Christophers base routine tomorrow.....

I am starting the Christophers base routine tomorrow.....

Thats right, you heard it...#'s will probably start out small, but i dont give a damn more f'n around! Time to get big.

Hate to jump on the bandwagon, but I think I'm going to try it too....Although my numbers are already around 250/400/400...hmph who knows what I'll do.

keep us updated, i wanna know if its good for everyone else, i may try it.

on week 2 so far, numbers are steadily increasing from what they used to be. Or maybe i just wasn't pushing myself as hard as i could?

I am starting the Christophers base routine tomorrow.....

Chest sore after back+biceps day.. here is my log, what am I doing wrong?

Chest sore after back+biceps day.. here is my log, what am I doing wrong?

I'm guessing my form is screwed up on one of these excersies. This has never happened before. Also note that I just added the pullups this week I've never done them before (cant see how this could be it though). ---- Back, Biceps Heavy Weights 3 second negative on work sets 2 warmup sets 5 min warmup (running) Assisted Pull-Ups, wide grip - 4 sets of 6 Bent Over Rows, Barbell - 2 WU sets 8x30, 5 sets 8x65 6x80 4x90 2x100 12x30(burnout set) Bicep Curls, DBs standing - 2 WU sets 8x10, 4 sets of 8x15 8x15 8x15 4x20 +3 Supersets of EZ-bar curls 8x35 8x35 8x35 Crunches - 4x15xbw ---- One thing is the weight for my bent over rows needs to come down big time next week.. at 90lbs my form is terrible I can't bring it all the way up.. (you bring it up to your waist not your chest, right?) Thanks

The exrx guy's form isn't great on a lot of his gif demonstrations. Your chest probably hurts because of pullups.

Ilyusha Your chest probably hurts because of pullups. OK the more I think about it this is probably it.. this is the first time this has happened and its the first time I've done pullups. Thanks

one more question... my abs are never sore the next day or just plain ever. Not even a little bit. Is this not good or is it accecptable? I know soreness doesn't = good workout but I'm just wondering if I am working them hard enough. I do 4 sets of 15 cruches 3 times a week.

sometimes my chest only gets sore 2 days after maybe yur just gettin sore from chest day?

NormanNormal one more question... my abs are never sore the next day or just plain ever. Not even a little bit. Is this not good or is it accecptable? I know soreness doesn't = good workout but I'm just wondering if I am working them hard enough. I do 4 sets of 15 cruches 3 times a week. my abs never get sore... im pretty sure they recoup really quick

sr20wop sometimes my chest only gets sore 2 days after maybe yur just gettin sore from chest day? nope thats definitely not it

sr20wop my abs never get sore... im pretty sure they recoup really quick ok cool.. thanks

Lets see have never had a specific muscle group hurt from a specific set of exercises. You add in another exercise, and another muscle group hurts...odds are this exercise is the culprit :duh: Just messing around, it was probably the pullups broly. Never complain when your muscles are sore, that means they are getting stronger

Z PYRATE Never complain when your muscles are sore, that means they are getting stronger But don't think that just because they aren't sore that you can go ahead and keep working them and overtraining them...

if your abs don't hurt, you're not doing enough

my abs always hurt after a big ab session

weighted decline crunches = sore abs

Chest sore after back+biceps day.. here is my log, what am I doing wrong?

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