Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Adding weight each week

Adding weight each week

Example --- if someone is benching 3 sets of 5 reps each, but fails on the 3rd rep on the last set, should he use lighter weight? If the answer is to not use lighter weight, should he still up his weight 5 pounds the next week?

Socrates Example --- if someone is benching 3 sets of 5 reps each, but fails on the 3rd rep on the last set, should he use lighter weight? If the answer is to not use lighter weight, should he still up his weight 5 pounds the next week? No he should keep the same weight and when he can get up taht last rep by himself move up the weight a bit

Adding weight each week

Things that make you go... what the hell?

Things that make you go... what the hell?

I was doing military press on the smith machine today. I'm 10 seconds into a rest between sets. two relative gym noobs come over, take two plates off my bar. I'm sitting at the machine. There are spare weights on the side of the machine, but they were 3 feet away and toward the ground. The bar on the smith press was about 5 1/2 feet in the air. I was in shock when they took them, like "what the hell just happened?" my reaction went like this: : they were totally oblivious as to what they did. the room was pretty crowded so I didn't feel like making a scene, I just grabbed some other weights and put them on. But, WTF!?

all you had to do was say, im using those

i woulda said, hey, i was using that

you pussyed out

he was on the other end of the weight room by the time I realized he had take MY weights...

WTF?! Go back and slam a barbell thru his chest and use him as the weight next time. Animal Pak, motherfucker!

Fabian Go back and slam a barbell thru his chest and use him as the weight next time.

last weekend i was using the cable curls and some old man came and started using it when i was about 4 feet away...i told him i am using it and eh goes"what do you own this place" pissed me off so i told him not be a fucking dick about it and just use gym courtest and when u see shit laying next to it to ask how many more sets or if u mind working in...he changed my weight and bar height and did not move it back..saw him in their this morning and we exchanged he is not big just older and not knowing what he is doing..i watched him and he did 1 set of about everything as fast as he could

stupid fuckers, sure am glad i dont work out with dicks like that.

baseball17c last weekend i was using the cable curls and some old man came and started using it when i was about 4 feet away...i told him i am using it and eh goes"what do you own this place" pissed me off so i told him not be a fucking dick about it and just use gym courtest and when u see shit laying next to it to ask how many more sets or if u mind working in...he changed my weight and bar height and did not move it back..saw him in their this morning and we exchanged he is not big just older and not knowing what he is doing..i watched him and he did 1 set of about everything as fast as he could whats wrong with cutting in?

Shaolin_sword36 whats wrong with cutting in? Glad you don't workout at my gym.

Fabian WTF?! Go back and slam a barbell thru his chest and use him as the weight next time. Animal Pak, motherfucker! damn straight

Things that make you go... what the hell?

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

trying to gain weight???

trying to gain weight???

I basically need between 4500 and 5000 calories per day to gain weight. I don't want to be eating like 5 meals a day. What would be the easiest way of eating that many calories??? is there some kind of shake I can make myself to eat a bunch of calories?? thanks

man you are lucky.. i get fat on 2500 even if i exercise. eat some very high caloric foods.. nut butters etc. and im sure there are some really high cal weight gainers.

Muscle Milk Protein Shakes have quite a bit of calories in them. 2 scoops Muscle milk + 2 cups of milk + 2 bananas + lots of oats + 2 scoops of ice cream = win (maybe not the ice cream?)

Socrates Muscle Milk Protein Shakes have quite a bit of calories in them. 2 scoops Muscle milk + 2 cups of milk + 2 bananas + lots of oats + 2 scoops of ice cream = win (maybe not the ice cream?) ice cream quark


Two of these a day, plus as many regular meals between as possible: (blended, obviously) 1 cup of steel cut oats (preblended before other ingredients are added) 1.5 cups vitamin D milk 3 scoops whey 2 TBSP olive/flax oil + 1-3 ounces of water depending on the desired fluidity of the shake. Comes out to about 1400 calories. 2800 with two shakes Assuming you eat breakfast, a mid-day meal, and something before you go to bed, that's 4500 cals easy.

steel cut oats

What are steel cut oats?

Benjamin What are steel cut oats?

do steel cuts oats have a lot of calroies in them?

whats the difference between vitamin D milk and regular milk

Benjamin do steel cuts oats have a lot of calroies in them? 600 calories a cup I believe.

5 meals a day is not bad at all. prepare them before hand and bring them to work or whatever

Benjamin whats the difference between vitamin D milk and regular milk if you want really calorie dense, get half and half. vitamin D milk = whole milk = more calories.

Phlab Two of these a day, plus as many regular meals between as possible: (blended, obviously) 1 cup of steel cut oats (preblended before other ingredients are added) 1.5 cups vitamin D milk 3 scoops whey 2 TBSP olive/flax oil + 1-3 ounces of water depending on the desired fluidity of the shake. Comes out to about 1400 calories. 2800 with two shakes Assuming you eat breakfast, a mid-day meal, and something before you go to bed, that's 4500 cals easy. I made one of these shakes today, and holy crap I could barly drink it. Not the tastiest thing. Do you think I could add suger to make it more drinkable?

Benjamin I made one of these shakes today, and holy crap I could barly drink it. Not the tastiest thing. Do you think I could add suger to make it more drinkable? sure, being that you are bulking, add whatever the hell you want in there. I use peanut butter, graham crackers, bananas, granola bars, whatever is around that i think might taste good. If you want to keep it around 1400 cals each, use less of the oil and try some PB instead, that should help with the taste.

Benjamin I basically need between 4500 and 5000 calories per day to gain weight. I don't want to be eating like 5 meals a day. What would be the easiest way of eating that many calories??? is there some kind of shake I can make myself to eat a bunch of calories?? thanks why dont you want to be eating 5 meals a day? its the easiest way to eat enough food if you have trouble getting it all down in 3.

Benjamin I made one of these shakes today, and holy crap I could barly drink it. Not the tastiest thing. Do you think I could add suger to make it more drinkable? Sure, if you want to. Of course it doesn't taste great, but you get accustomed to it.. Then again, I don't mind the taste of plain oats at all. The way I do it: Pour it into a glass 4 cup measuring cup thing (mine comes out to a little under 3 cups, IIRC) Take a good breath, and start chugging I run out of breath about 3/4 of the way through. Don't breath through your nose at all the entire time, breath through your mouth. That way you won't taste it. Chug the remaining 1/4, then rinse all your shit out. You can either chase it with some OJ, or be a man and savor the bitter, oily aftertaste

trying to gain weight???

Anyone make their own cottage cheese?

Anyone make their own cottage cheese?

Seems simple enough... BARE BONES The following recipe represents the ultimate in simplicity in cheese making. It will produce a delicious cottage cheese that resembles ricotta and is excellent fresh or used in cooking Italian dishes such as lasagna. We recommend that beginners start with a cottage cheese to get the feel for the basics and for the instant gratification of being able to enjoy the product immediately. Ingredients: 1 gallon 2% milk 1/2 cup vinegar 1 tsp salt 1. Heat the milk to 190F. You will need a thermometer for other cheeses but you can get by here turning off the heat just before the milk begins to boil. 2. Add the vinegar and allow the mixture to cool. 3. When cool, pour the mixture, (which now consists of curds and whey as in Miss Muffet food) into a colander and drain off the whey. 4. Pour the curds into a bowl and sprinkle on the salt and mix well. You may wish to use less salt or more. It is simply a matter of taste which is the next step. You can add a little cream for a silky texture. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMENTS:What we have just made is really cheese but short circuits the process in several ways. The vinegar provides the acid that causes the milk to curdle and produces the acid flavor. The traditional method of producing the acid is to use a culture of acid producing bacteria. This is more complicated and takes longer but as it is alive, the cheese will continue to improve in flavor with age. This is of little consequence in a cheese made for immediate consumption. More on cultures later. We have also made small curd cottage cheese because we left out another ingredient called rennet. This is an enzyme the produces a harder curd. It was originally made from calf stomachs but is now synthesized and available in liquid or tablet form. I believe the cottage cheese sold in supermarkets as large and small curd is a fiction because the ingredients on the label for the two products are exactly the same. More on rennet later. Because both the bacteria and rennet can be destroyed by temperature, the traditional process requires several ripening steps at lower temperatures and a curd cooking step at a higher temperature. Because vinegar is inactive, we went immediately to the cooking stage and saved a lot of time. Finally, the difference between soft cheese and hard cheese is that the latter requires pressing the drained curds in a cheese press, drying the pressed cheese and then aging for several months.

I'll try this tomorrow.

I'll try it after someone else does. How much cc does this leave you with?

I tried it. it tastes alright and it was simple enough.


i always thought cottage cheese was simply expired milk

Works the same for skim milk?

I used skim milk. I used a little less than half a gallon and I got over a cup of cottage cheese.

DCCapen ok so if i do the math.....thats not cost efficient I just wanted to try it out.

Cottage cheese curds are best made from skim milk. One gallon of skim milk makes about 1 pound of cottage cheese. found on another site.

Anyone make their own cottage cheese?



are peanuts good for you? i know they are fatty but isn't it a good fat? and they have protein

Yes, they are very good for you just try and get sodium free ones(won't hold water and I think they taste better)

thank you

are you wanting ot bulk or cut? if youre wanting to prolly want to stay away from them.....they have alot of cals and fat


waffles post workout?

waffles post workout?

they're easy to make! good, bad or what? 2 eggo whole grain waffles nutrition facts (per two waffle serving) calories 170 calories from fat 45 total fat 5g 8% saturated fat 1g 5% polyunsaturated fat 1g monounsaturated fat 3g cholesterol 0 sodium 420mg 18% potassium 135mg 4% carbohydrate 28g 9% dietery fiber 3g 11% sugars 3g other carbohydrate 22g protien 5g with a shake.

waffles post workout?

waffles post workout?

Good website(s) with good visual aids on how to perform various exercises?

Good website(s) with good visual aids on how to perform various exercises?

I need to start incorperating more leg and abdominal exercises to my routine. Does anyone know of a good website that has good visuals that will aid my learning on performing various leg and abdominal exercises? Thanks

Ceaze wow thanks... can anyone give tips on some of the more effective exercises to do when working out legs and abs? thanks

legs:squat leg press stiff-leg/romanian deadlift good mornings (more low back, but still good hamstring/glute activation) glute-ham raise abs:decline situps/crunches dragon flags hanging leg raises standing/kneeling cable crunches

Good website(s) with good visual aids on how to perform various exercises?

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