Monday, November 25, 2013

some may find this article interesting.

some may find this article interesting.

some may have already read it.

some may find this article interesting.

some may find this article interesting.



just got low carb GROW! chocolate today...tastes great that is all

I hear it tastes like cake batter. Truth?

christophers a lot of products have dumb names. muscle milk should just be called 'add heavy cream and chocolate flavoring to whey and milk, milk' I know you ain't be dissing MM. I don't really mind muscle milk as a name. I find it to be infinitely better than products like JACKED! and SWOLE! and TURBO POWER ANABOLIC BOMB!111

christophers no i like muscle milk i'm just not blind to the fact that the reason why it tastes so damn good is because its got a lot of fat in it. fat tastes awesome. i lovered heavy cream in my shakes when i went 180 220 Hey, there's nothing wrong with fat

I was referring only to product names.

christophers he never goes above 150g/carbs a day now, or when he was GROWING!

and another question, if you don't need to go over 150g of carbs, yet earlier this week it was said that going over 1g of protein/lb isn't good, am I supposed to get all of my calories from fat? too much contradicting shit lately

christophers nah you just use whatever you want as a ballast most people will just do much better eating a bunch of carbs and others with protein?

christophers and just cuz you dont "need" more than 1g/lb protein doesnt mean yo ucant get more cals from it if you want to when gaining weight itll jus be converted to carbs, no big deal yeah, but some people were laughing at the fact that people consume more...

i got the low carb one because people on the site said it wasnt as thick and tasted better i think i get enough carbs anyway with all the bread and rice i eat

Low carb Grow! really is the tastes like quik

ya it does taste damn good

meh, I don't think it's that great

tize elementary biology my friend What is the name of the process in which amino acids are converted to fatty acids?


blam gluconeogensis gluconeogenesis is the conversion of amino acids (or lactic acid or glycerol) to GLUCOSE

I never had low carb grow but I love the regular grow. Good stuff

Ceaze gluconeogenesis is the conversion of amino acids (or lactic acid or glycerol) to GLUCOSE Yar, I read your post wrong. Only a retard would think something that begins in gluco involves converting something to fat.

blam Yar, I read your post wrong. Only a retard would think something that begins in gluco involves converting something to fat. is this sarcasm? or are you trying to diss tize?

is going on?

no I wasnt dissing him, I was more covering up for my own retarded statement due to reading the thread to fast :-|


Help me mazimize my workout efficiency, please

Help me mazimize my workout efficiency, please

I'm 21 5'10'' and about 165. I play basketball 2 or 3 times a week about 1 or 2 hours worth of pickup games each session, depending on the situation. Anyways, I lift weights afterwards and I'm looking to speed up my results. I've been doing this for about 2 or 2.5 months doing 3 sets of 10 for each lift. I've started going to 2 sets of 8 at higher weights now that I'm starting to get some muscle mass back. Am I going about this in the right way, or should I avoid playing so much bball before I lift? Thanks in advance, Mike


ohmike I'm 21 5'10'' and about 165. I play basketball 2 or 3 times a week about 1 or 2 hours worth of pickup games each session, depending on the situation. Anyways, I lift weights afterwards and I'm looking to speed up my results. I've been doing this for about 2 or 2.5 months doing 3 sets of 10 for each lift. I've started going to 2 sets of 8 at higher weights now that I'm starting to get some muscle mass back. Am I going about this in the right way, or should I avoid playing so much bball before I lift? Thanks in advance, Mike Allow forty-eight hours rest for each muscle group before working them again. Example:Day1: tri, chest, abs (if day 1 occurred on a Tuesday, allow till Thursday to train for day 1 again) same with day 2, 3...

what kinda faster results you talking about? one thing about everyone just wanting faster, quick results! are you all entering some kinda competition, events or olympics? thats my job to figure out for the clients i have for their next event! waiting around for 3-6 months is too long to wait and you are only in early 20s.. ?? this whole things is a liftetime marathon, not a sprint! longevity wins at the end, not the short quick burst! i dont' want to sound mean, but you are doing the right thing, just need to learn how to be patient and keeping up your work. and it will come. there is no short cuts..

Well we need to know what kind of lifts you're doing and for what body parts first.

if you tell me your goal in a specific form, i can give you suggestions.

Help me mazimize my workout efficiency, please



How well do pull ups work your biceps?

Well, it works for me. I barely train my biceps and they grow from all my pulling exercises. Pullups, bent over rows...ect Just do it, and you'll see. If you start to see your biceps lacking then start adding exercises.

Lets say you have twin brothers. One only does pull ups and the other only does curls to build their biceps. Will each have the same results? Assuming that both use maximum resistance or what not.

When I say pull ups I am referring to palms away grip.

tommybilt When I say pull ups I am referring to palms away grip. Yes, that would be a pull up. Chin up is the palms facing you. Both actually hit the bicep.

tommybilt Lets say you have twin brothers. One only does pull ups and the other only does curls to build their biceps. Will each have the same results? Assuming that both use maximum resistance or what not. What kind of hypothetical question is that?

Gutrat What kind of hypothetical question is that? Flex your bicep with your fist facing you then flex with your fist facing away. Do you see a difference?

tize mr curls will have slightly better biceps; mr pullup will look better alltogether what he said and that's why both should be done

tommybilt Flex your bicep with your fist facing you then flex with your fist facing away. Do you see a difference? one looks like a hotdog, the other looks like a mountain!

SteveO one looks like a hotdog, the other looks like a mountain! :grouch:

I think you might have better functional strength in your biceps if you do pullups. Everyone I know who can do a lot of pullups are just very strong overall

I would venture to guess that pullups would work the bicep in a similar fashion to hammer curls while chinups or supinated bentover bb rows would be likened to a bb curl.

tize fuck a supinated bb row I will stab you with an ezcurl bar.

tommybilt Lets say you have twin brothers. One only does pull ups and the other only does curls to build their biceps. Will each have the same results? Assuming that both use maximum resistance or what not. whichever one uses AAS


microwaving eggs

microwaving eggs

are there any problems doing this? it's so much faster and easier, there's gotta be a catch to it

nuke the whales

They just don't taste as good to me. But who cares about taste anyway.

They get rubbery if you over-nuke them. PLus they don't taste so good. dont need an egg wave to do that?

2 eggs, a margarine container, 90seconds, and bread. the fastest breakfast in a jam.

no catch, just taste different. I actually enjoy the taste

1 whole egg + 5 whites every morning. Nuke it for 1 minute, mix, nuke for another minute and done.

What does nuke mean?

Captain Amazing What does nuke mean? duh, we throw em out in the back yard and bomb them with nuclear warheads edit: someone beat me with the correct answer

They taste "alright" to me for a quick fix just add some pepper and salt and stir every once in a while. 2 eggs probably like 2 to 2 1/2 min.

kills the nutrients

sweetcheeks They get rubbery if you over-nuke them. PLus they don't taste so good. .

eliktronix kills the nutrients Don't forget your tinfoil hat.... it prevents the government from controlling your dreams

KetchupKing Don't forget your tinfoil hat.... it prevents the government from controlling your dreams

eliktronix awesome site. i had this for awhile. worked pretty well.

put cheese on them when u microwave and the difference in taste goes away.. also stop them while micrawaving once or twice and stir it up and add some pepper each time.. i do hate trying to clean up the damn bowl.. eggs and cheese stick like a mother and dishwasher is an asswhole

Erik_sr20 I usually just cook up a huge motherload of scrambled eggs on the weekend and put em in the fridge. Then weekdays before work i just take a couple big scoops and heat those up in the micro. great idea.

it takes less time for me to make a 6 egg scrembled egg deal (1 whole, 5 white) in a pan tastes a lot better...I guess you have to stand there for 20 seconds with a spoon moving it aroudn so it doesn't get burnt.

microwaving eggs

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Good mornings form? v. back pain?

Good mornings form? v. back pain?

Having done squats and SLDLs for some time, I thought good mornings would be neat to try out and substitute for SLDLs as I've noticed my lower back giving out for heavier squats. Reading and watching various animations, GMs seem rather similar in form to SLDLs, with bending of the knees on the way down, then straightening back up as the bar is pulled up. I feel some pull in the hamstrings, a la the SLDL, but more emphasis in the lower back, as expected. A few hours after the workout, however, I notice some soreness/pain that I usually never experience unless by accident (occasionally I'll perform a standing shoulder press incorrectly and tweak the lower back for a few hours of joyful pain, but I'm relatively free of any back problems). I'm assuming there's something in the form I'm missing, as this pain doesn't feel like soreness or super early DOMS. I warm up with the bar for a solid 10 reps, make sure the back is flat (a la squats and SLDLs), and my head is forward/facing upward throughout the lift... what might I be doing wrong? Although the pain goes away in a few hours after a night's sleep, it repeats every time I'm doing GMs (once each last 2 weeks). My working reps are only 75lbs or so, for 3x8-10s

man I love that feeling... sorry can't help though

too much weight?

Good mornings form? v. back pain?

Help with goals

Help with goals

I'm 6'2", about 175 lbs. I want to get stronger and look better. Cut abs, bigger arms, legs. Lose some fat and add some muscle. Maybe a goal of 190 lbs? I'm planning on a 3 days/week weight lifting routine with chest/tri, back/bi, and legs/shoulders days. And then some cardio in between. I'm thinking about using the diet thread sticky as a guide. I don't have much time for all this and I'm not sure I'll be able to make it to the gym even 3 times a week. I do have some of those resistance bands lying around here and might use them as a substitute. Anyone had experience with these at all? I'm just trying to figure out if this is the best way to get to my goal and get some other people's ideas/opinions.

Good luck gaining 15lbs and cutting simultaneously.

ralyks Good luck gaining 15lbs and cutting simultaneously. Yea... that's why I'm posting here. If I knew what I was doing, why would I bother? I understand that's supposed to be a hard thing to do. So how about a better way?

You most likely have very little muscle to cut down to, so my suggestion would be to bulk for a while.. maybe to 210lbs or so, and then cut. Remember, you're 6'2", so 210lbs wouldn't be bad at all on you (most people here would consider that fairly average, if not small, but I'm telling you 210 so you don't freak out).

Ilyusha You most likely have very little muscle to cut down to, so my suggestion would be to bulk for a while.. maybe to 210lbs or so, and then cut. Remember, you're 6'2", so 210lbs wouldn't be bad at all on you (most people here would consider that fairly average, if not small, but I'm telling you 210 so you don't freak out). That was my thought. What is a good bulking diet... and workout?

SLO2 That was my thought. What is a good bulking diet... and workout? Search for Christophers' "here's what built me a base" routine.. or you can use this one: day 1: upper body 1) flat bench- 4-6 sets of 4-6 reps 2) heavy triceps - 4-6 sets of 5-8 reps 3) barbell rows-4-6 sets of 8-10 reps 4) rear/side/front raises-4-5 sets of 10-15 reps 5) biceps - pick a movement and do 4 sets of whatever reps day 2: lower body 1) full squats-4-6 sets of 4-6 reps 2) romanian deadlift-4-5 sets of 8-10 reps 3) reverse hypers, pull through's, or back raises-4-5 sets of 8-12 reps 4) heavy ab work 5) optional extra quad movement if you want "burn", but 100% not neccesary day 3: upper body #2 1) dumbell bench-4-5 sets of 8-12 reps 2) volume triceps-pick an extention, 1/4 dips, etc-4-5 sets of 10-12 reps 3) chin ups/pullups-4-5 sets of 8-10 reps, weighted or not 4) overhead pressing once every 2 weeks-3-5 sets of 6-10 reps 5) biceps, pick one movement for 4-5 sets day 4: lower body #2 1) deadlifts or sumo deadlifts - 5-6 sets of singles, or triples. dont deadlift every single week. for those weeks you don't, take it easy. 2) step ups, single leg squats, lunges-3-5 sets of 8-12 reps 3) leg curls-3-6 sets of 10-12 reps 4) heavy abs A good diet would be eat a shit ton of food and then eat some more. I don't have experience in bulking, so other people may suggest something else; however, I would just eat A LOT.

Ilyusha A good diet would be eat a shit ton of food and then eat some more. I don't have experience in bulking, so other people may suggest something else; however, I would just eat A LOT. hahaha, thanks man.

And I'm not really trying to get huge... just stronger and more cut.

Help with goals

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