Thursday, November 14, 2013

What would you like to see in a web-based training tracker?

What would you like to see in a web-based training tracker?

I'm really considering this project. Basically, it would be a web based app to create, manage, and track your training progress. What would you like to see in it? I'm thinking 1.) Large DB of exercises with decent example how to do them 2.) Automatic rep schemeing depending on the type of training program you want to go after. 3.) DB of supplements 4.) DB of foods w/ nutritional facts 5.) Ability to upload pictures and personal weight/bf data to track progress 6.) Ability to upload how much weight you're doing for every exercise and track progress Anything else that you think you would use on a site like this. It would be a hell of a lot better to use than excel spreadsheets.

perhaps a graphing function that will graph your progress through the weight that you input?

kronik85 perhaps a graphing function that will graph your progress through the weight that you input? I'm thinking of doing that for weight, bf%, and the amount of weight you do per exercise.

is it gonna be free? if not i don't think it can compete w/fitday

mother fuck, im working on something like this right now

It would be nice to have the ability to add a new exercise with description to the database. It would also be interesting to look into an algorithm that could suggest future workout improvements for you and assist in setting new goals based on previous records. I was just talking about this stuff with some other guys in the gym two days ago.

What would you like to see in a web-based training tracker?

massive muscle gainer

massive muscle gainer

its on homepage on sale for 7.99 for 3.3 at any good??

lol are you buying it b/c of the name? give us more details as in what its made up of.

no man im just looking at buying it because it is cheap as hell...i need a good weight gainer how bout that??im looking to be around 190 by end of summer..currently 170 5'11"

I hate you all trying to gain weight, I'm having a hard ass time loosing it

real food is cheaper, and a helluva lot better for you. You're paying a little over a dollar a serving for the first one, actually about 2 after shipping. 18 eggs - 99 cents big tub of oatmeal - 3 dollars flax oil - 5 dollars

what do u think about the second one??

i suck at cooking and shit so id rather just buy something pre made and just blend it...

the second one has a god awful amount of sugar, if you dont mind you should get it.

baseball17c i suck at cooking and shit so id rather just buy something pre made and just blend it... it's just as bad. Chris, I wanna hear you're take on weight gainers - since you say the gi really doesn't mean shit. 250g from "complex carbs/maltodextrin" vs something like oatmeal

yea i would liek his opinion also

I personally don't feel weight gainers are worth it. They are extremely expensive compared to alternatives and personally I would rather just eat a shitload more food. Of course being at school and having an all you can eat caf does help.

ACURA TL-S I personally don't feel weight gainers are worth it. They are extremely expensive compared to alternatives and personally I would rather just eat a shitload more food. Of course being at school and having an all you can eat caf does help. have you ever tried one??results??

if i were you baseball17c i'd listen to acura tl-s in otherwords dont waste your money on weight gainer, you dont need it, its too expensive and solid foods are teh way bettar than that weak ass shit.

thanks guys for the help. always appreciated

I say get the weight gainer. I use Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass post workout. It definitly helped me. I think they are a quick way to get some carbs and calories.

MikeTheVike1 I say get the weight gainer. I use Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass post workout. It definitly helped me. I think they are a quick way to get some carbs and calories. in what ways did it help you,as in how much weight did u gain while on it and also how long does it last?

baseball17c in what ways did it help you,as in how much weight did u gain while on it and also how long does it last? I buy the 12lb bag for like $30. It helped me break the 170lb plateau I had. It helped me reach my 4000+ calories a day.

Inferno69 I hate you all trying to gain weight, I'm having a hard ass time loosing it ill trade ya

baseball17c i suck at cooking and shit so id rather just buy something pre made and just blend it... you just need to heat water to cook eggs and oatmeal.... if you can't do that by this age you should think about marrying a young martha stewart wannabe.

MikeTheVike1 I buy the 12lb bag for like $30. It helped me break the 170lb plateau I had. It helped me reach my 4000+ calories a day. That isn't too bad a price, how long does it last you?

ACURA TL-S That isn't too bad a price, how long does it last you? I only take 1 scoop, which is pretty big, and it lasts like a month

Opi ill trade ya i wish

Ive been using the "serious mass" tastes ok, sticky as shit. seems to be working

massive muscle gainer

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I came to a horrible conclusion

I came to a horrible conclusion

I don't work my arms enough... Give me some ideas to bulk up my arms I see people in the gym on the bench and I put up 30-60% more than them, yet their arms are bigger than mine. I think I just get preoccupied working chest/back. I just recently started working shoulders seriously a few monthes ago - I'm a noob lifter(1.5-2 years serious lifting, after losing 60 lbs of fat) and neglected my shoulders compared to chest/back, but I'm about caught up. as an idea of what kind of weight I put up with dumbells dumbells I can curl, with proper form, up to about 45 in 30/40/45 sets of 10 first two, 6-8 on 45. flat bench with dumbells 90/95/100 - per arm. sets of 10/8/6 (been 10/10/10 in the past but I'm coming of a one month slump) incline - 80/90/95 - per arm ( sets of 10/8/6 (been 10/10/10 in the recent past) decline 80/85/90 - per arm. (sets of 10) this is just a general idea of the weights I do with DBs. Do I seem well balanced? tear me apart

rows, chinups, bicep curls, tate press, JM press, CG bench press, skull crusher

gain weight

hammer curls, pull ups, tate press, tricep rope pulldowns

I didn't see a damn thing about legs in there.

KLoWnPR109 gain weight I weigh 195 I work legs to. Thats not my complete workout I posted, just an example of weights I can do to see if I'm relatively balanced.

tize Maybe you just have baby dick syndrome Nah, you've got that covered for both of us

ManinCamo Nah, you've got that covered for both of us

I came to a horrible conclusion

Best Picture Gallery

Best Picture Gallery

Where can I find the largest and best picture gallery of muscular males? From body builders to lean and six pack. No I am not gay I just want to have a "reference guide" as to how I want my body to look. Thanks


evi1eddie big time

evi1eddie no shit

I wouldnt say so, he's just looking for inspiration

Found this website by accident Have fun

this is the gayest thread in F&N! It's alright to compare...just...try to keep it heterosexual. who would have thought

Grouch who would have thought Whoa, did not see that one coming


Grouch who would have thought

Grouch who would have thought


Best Picture Gallery

has anyone used a combo of Nature's Best Isopure Protein and Creatine?

has anyone used a combo of Nature's Best Isopure Protein and Creatine?

I've been using the Isopure protein powder in my coffee drinks vs. chocolate (just use a little milk and a half serving = 25 grams of protein in my mocha ) ... is there any advantage to adding some of their creatine on a daily basis or is it best for pre-workout basis only?

I dont think that creatine and caffine mix well.

Grouch I dont think that creatine and caffine mix well. probably not, but i'm not going to use it with creatine, I think i just ran my questions into one another. is creatine ok daily or just for workout? i had a jumble of thoughts and i see it came out just as jumbled however i believe smoothie king has offered creatine in one of their smoothies that has caffiene (maybe not nearly as much though, since they use a powder caffiene and not concentrated espresso )

has anyone used a combo of Nature's Best Isopure Protein and Creatine?

Whos got pictures of that Girl with the nice Thighs, She use to post here

Whos got pictures of that Girl with the nice Thighs, She use to post here

She was blond, where are the pics, i wanna show them to seomone

TheChosen She was blond, where are the pics, i wanna show them to seomone show them to yourself while you jack off.

ryazbeck show them to yourself while you jack off. good one




I know this girl didn't post here but here's a pic of nice legs

tofu I know this girl didn't post here but here's a pic of nice legs more

This thread started out pretty shitty, but I fully approve of the direction its taking

That's a fat ass.

Mistich her body is amazing

Mistich holy god... that is ... amazing...

tofu I know this girl didn't post here but here's a pic of nice legs Yum!

tofu I know this girl didn't post here but here's a pic of nice legs that's fucking hot

Mistich not a very good photoshop.. wtfshadow


sorry none of those are it

This girl

i need a side shot

TheChosen This girl

disblohs more


Whos got pictures of that Girl with the nice Thighs, She use to post here

Tuna Fish Cans and Can Openers

Tuna Fish Cans and Can Openers

One thing that I noticed while opening my tuna fish this morning was that my can opener was cutting into the side of the can on the inside, shaving away some of the metal and this metal is getting into the fish. When I saw this I immediately threw the tuna out and am now going to buy a new can opener. I am planning on getting one of those smooth edge things. I am going to go ahead and make the assumption that these little shavings are not good for you. Anyways, my reaction =

Steel is made from iron and carbon. Muscles are made almost exclusively from iron and carbon. Clearly, eating steel shavings can only help you. If anything, the fact that you are only 135 is proof that avoid steel shavings will hurt your progress. Christopher only got to where he is by eating canned foods whole, and snacking on plates in between sets.

KetchupKing Steel is made from iron and carbon. Muscles are made almost exclusively from iron and carbon. Clearly, eating steel shavings can only help you. If anything, the fact that you are only 135 is proof that avoid steel shavings will hurt your progress. Christopher only got to where he is by eating canned foods whole, and snacking on plates in between sets. Haha. Seriously though.. I ordered some of those smooth edge can openers before I came to school today.

you ordered more than one of the same can opener? i've never had a can opener wear out on me, maybe get a lil dull but ordering multiple openers is a lil overkill imo. esp if they're all the same.

I use this every morning by Good Cook: It is the best can opener I have ever used. It does not leave an sharp metal edges, nor does the top fall into the can. It cuts the lid off instead of opening the can. You can pick it up at Wal*Mart for about $7. I keep one in my gym bag, one at home.

denial i use a metal $2 can opener from walmart me too. never had any problems.

dexterium Haha. Seriously though.. I ordered some of those smooth edge can openers before I came to school today. why did you order more than one?

I mean, I only ordered one. Some is misinterpreted in this sentence.

those 'smooth edge' cutters are not good for tuna because then you cant drain the can by sqeezing the tuna with the lid

god of smog those 'smooth edge' cutters are not good for tuna because then you cant drain the can by sqeezing the tuna with the lid However, that is better than having metal shavings in your tuna

dexterium I mean, I only ordered one. Some is misinterpreted in this sentence. Actually, "some", in your sentence, is bad grammar on your behalf if you are referrring to only 1 object.

dexterium However, that is better than having metal shavings in your tuna ive never, ever gotten metal shavings in my tuna and i eat 520 cans a year. i think you just need to learn how to use a simple tool

god of smog ive never, ever gotten metal shavings in my tuna and i eat 520 cans a year. i think you just need to learn how to use a simple tool I am pretty sure I know how to use a can opener...

god of smog ive never, ever gotten metal shavings in my tuna and i eat 520 cans a year. i think you just need to learn how to use a simple tool i bet i know what your semen tastes like

7th Ninjai I use this every morning by Good Cook: It is the best can opener I have ever used. It does not leave an sharp metal edges, nor does the top fall into the can. It cuts the lid off instead of opening the can. You can pick it up at Wal*Mart for about $7. I keep one in my gym bag, one at home. i fucking hate that can opener, mainly because it doens't cut it just removes the seal. I need to hear metal being cut open

dexterium I am pretty sure I know how to use a can opener... im pretty sure you need to eat a fucking steak and some potatoes instead of worrying about opening a can of tuna.

nic379 im pretty sure you need to eat a fucking steak and some potatoes instead of worrying about opening a can of tuna. Mother fucking . Quit eating like a pussy you girly-man.

now i just buy these


Tuna Fish Cans and Can Openers

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