Tuesday, November 12, 2013

All my freinds think that running is the best excercise to gain muscle.

All my freinds think that running is the best excercise to gain muscle.

I try to tell them the truth, but they have a fucking thick head. Anyone else have to deal with dumb people like I have to.

Your friend couldn't find his asshole with both hands and a funnel.

my boss is like 42 and he runs half marathons. Hes now training for full marathons and he keeps saying how his legs are getting bigger. I"m like WTF??

well some muscle MUST be gained right? if you are running for years and years, or cycling, shouldnt you have at least moderately larger calves etc than someone who doesnt (and doesnt weight train)? I had to bike every day to school starting in junior high and i noticed my legs grew far more than my puny arms

princess0fdiabl0 well some muscle MUST be gained right? if you are running for years and years, or cycling, shouldnt you have at least moderately larger calves etc than someone who doesnt (and doesnt weight train)? I had to bike every day to school starting in junior high and i noticed my legs grew far more than my puny arms i think the idea behind this thread is that these fools think that running builds more leg muscle than say goodmorning squats.

BlinginAssRims i think the idea behind this thread is that these fools think that running builds more leg muscle than say goodmorning squats. well yes, they would obviously be stronger and possibly larger compared to somebody who doesn't do any physical activity besides sitting on his/her ass all day.

depends, maybe he means sprints. In that case he could be right?


jonno wow What?

All my freinds think that running is the best excercise to gain muscle.

Monday, November 11, 2013



any reason not to take these together?

I think its recommended to take ECY and things of that nature off your cycle of clen, not during.

AznRyda I think its recommended to take ECY and things of that nature off your cycle of clen, not during. It is, theres a thread in the archives, saying to cycle ecy after each clen cycle.

SpeedyGST any reason not to take these together? your heart?

AznRyda I think its recommended to take ECY and things of that nature off your cycle of clen, not during. i'd still take caffeine


First day back after 3 months

First day back after 3 months

Wow, I'm a weak fuck all over again. I'm down to 188 as of today. I was up to almost 215 over the Christmas break

i know your pain man =(

KLoWnPR109 Wow, I'm a weak fuck all over again. I'm down to 188 as of today. I was up to almost 215 over the Christmas break why'd you stop going?

I strained my lower back playing bball in January. It's been pretty good for a month or so now, just been waiting for basketball intramurals to be over w/

First day back after 3 months

iron mikes.. they hurt

iron mikes.. they hurt

if you ever join the army, make sure you stay motivated

superbri007 no USMC no care

I was in the Army and never heard of such a thing


PlayingGod lunges well why didn't you just call them that.

Grouch well why didn't you just call them that. because it doesn't sound as cool as "iron mikes." You are supposed to rename your favorite excercise to the name of a famous boxer. For example, I call my deadlifts "Sugar Ray Leonards."

dmaestro because it doesn't sound as cool as "iron mikes." You are supposed to rename your favorite excercise to the name of a famous boxer. For example, I call my deadlifts "Sugar Ray Leonards." I call crunking Greg Louganises

superbri007 and no USMC no care Word.

Drill sergeants at my basic training called lunges "iron mikes" as well.

I call masterbating george burns now excuse me while I george burns

mine just called them lunges. stupid back country hicks at ft knox. hehe

dmaestro because it doesn't sound as cool as "iron mikes." You are supposed to rename your favorite excercise to the name of a famous boxer. For example, I call my deadlifts "Sugar Ray Leonards."

at fort benning they called them Iron mikes as well

iron mikes.. they hurt

Anyone on here doing UD2?

Anyone on here doing UD2?

Especially the mass building version? I am trying to plan out my summer. Eating a lot and lifting heavy seems to be so much simpler though.

The more I think about it, the more complicated it seems to be for what I want with my goals. I can always just cut later with a more traditional gain fat + gain muscle routine. There is no need for me to always be at a certain bf anyways. Plus, after dieting for so long, I'm tired of being so fucking anal. :-x

get down with the thickness

Anyone on here doing UD2?

When working doing H.I.I.T...

When working doing H.I.I.T...

What is good amount of time in between 8 week cycles of working out? 1 week? 2 weeks?

i would take at least 2 weeks off. try doing some other form of cardio for a while...it might actually help you lose more weight to switch things up

When working doing H.I.I.T...

omgs :run: free meal night!

omgs :run: free meal night!

What should I make?? I'm thinking steak, twice-baked potatoes, and brownies

just eat a salad girls shouldnt eat like that

How about some real junk food?

You mean Cheat day? Or is it a meal you are getting for free? If cheat day: pizza dipped into chocolate ice cream with fruity pebbles on top. Deep fried twinkies, a bag of doritos, full rack of ribs from a great ribs place and a shit ton of freshly made potato wedges edit: and 12 guinness from draft

i have a wedding, rehersal and tons of stuff...this is like cheat week for me...atleast the tux had to get taken in cuz my cutting is going well

all you can eat chinese buffet

joy division You mean Cheat day? Or is it a meal you are getting for free? If cheat day: pizza dipped into chocolate ice cream with fruity pebbles on top. Deep fried twinkies, a bag of doritos, full rack of ribs from a great ribs place and a shit ton of freshly made potato wedges edit: and 12 guinness from draft oh man that's perfect... down to the guinness. that will be my first meal when i'm done cutting.

evi1eddie oh man that's perfect... down to the guinness. that will be my first meal when i'm done cutting. Yeah I get pleasure from thinking about it in between cans of tuna and wheat bread

Ahaha I think I'd 'splode on that cheat meal..this one is only supposed to be *slightly* bad. So far..bbq chicken and steak and a big buttered roll. Triple-chocolate fudge cake is in the oven

just hit up a buffet while wearing sweatpants, avoid pastas and bread that'll fill you up, avoid soda so the gas doesn't fill you up, and eat tons and tons of meat and fried foods. and wash it all down with ice cream and pie

I'm gonna go to bed now I had all the steak, icecream and cake I could eat. I feel like a peapod!

i ate 1 large papa johns pepperoni pizza for dinner

omgs :run: free meal night!

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