Tuesday, December 31, 2013

It's Legs Day :wtc:

It's Legs Day :wtc:

I desperately want bigger legs but I hate working them out because I pay for it the next couple days . I'm just going to man up and hit them hard, pray for me .

Dr. Feel Good I desperately want bigger legs but I hate working them out because I pay for it the next couple days . I'm just going to man up and hit them hard, pray for me . Just man up and do it. The pain goes away after a couple of workouts.

gosideways Just man up and do it. The pain goes away after a couple of workouts.

leg day for me too

I have chicken legs so I am starting to work them twice a week. I love doings legs now.

leg day is the best day

my legs still feel like murder after monday's workout. i just will myself through the next days until they don't hurt anymore.

last time i worked out legs i had a horrible pain behind my thigh, but only on my right leg....was this due to not stretching enough or incorrect form?

sounds like form

They dont really hurt anymore after youve been working out for a while, they'll get sore but it wont be the pain like the day after your very first leg workout

squats > *

evi1eddie squats > *

eliktronix last time i worked out legs i had a horrible pain behind my thigh, but only on my right leg....was this due to not stretching enough or incorrect form? I usually warm up for a minute or two on one of the cardio machines

Just got back from the gym and I'm exhausted! I hit everything really hard today but my legs aren't quivering like they did last week so I don't think I'll be quite as sore as I was last week. I do love the feeling I get after a good legs workout though!

eliktronix last time i worked out legs i had a horrible pain behind my thigh, but only on my right leg....was this due to not stretching enough or incorrect form? i'd go with incorrect form

It's Legs Day :wtc:

Tell me about 'starvation mode' or metabolic slowdown

Tell me about 'starvation mode' or metabolic slowdown

I always read about this 'starvation mode' we go into if we starve ourselves or if our caloric deficit is too high. How exactly does this metabolic slow down occur? If you go 6 hours hungry say during the day would you go into this mode, or does it take a few days of extreme caloric deficit or even a few weeks? I've always wondered about it because when I'm dieting/cutting I don't want to go into it if I could be eating MORE and keeping my metabolism up for better gains. So any detail/ non-technical sources would be great.

starvation mode comes on from various hormone levels dropping - leptin, etc if you go low enough, your body starts shutting down "un-needed" functions, like your reproductive and immune system, since it is trying to conserve as much energy as possible to sustain you till you find food again. metabolic suppression is limited to about 30% of normal.

shastaisforwinners starvation mode comes on from various hormone levels dropping - leptin, etc if you go low enough, your body starts shutting down "un-needed" functions, like your reproductive and immune system, since it is trying to conserve as much energy as possible to sustain you till you find food again. metabolic suppression is limited to about 30% of normal. Ok, and how long does it take to onset at each level of caloric deficit? For instance does it take longer to set in if you have a caloric deficit of 700 vs 1500? How long does it take to set in generally? The metabolic slowdown.

shastaisforwinners your body starts shutting down "un-needed" functions, like your reproductive oh fawk I'd never mess with that

there is a chapter about this in the Rapid Fat Loss Handbook

QBoost Controllers Ok, and how long does it take to onset at each level of caloric deficit? For instance does it take longer to set in if you have a caloric deficit of 700 vs 1500? How long does it take to set in generally? The metabolic slowdown. varies depending on a lot of factors... how sensitive you are to leptin, whether you are using drugs (EC, bromo, etc), whether you were in a caloric deficit prior to this diet, the list goes on. Generally, the more severe the deficit, the more metabolism will slow. Generally takes your body a few days to adapt, even in severe deficits. Leptin levels will generall fall within 3 - 4 days, and takes a solid 2 days (or more) to raise it. That's the idea behind diet breaks and/or refeeds. edit: This is a vary simplified generalization of what happens, btw

Ceaze there is a chapter about this in the Rapid Fat Loss Handbook yeah, read the Rapid Fat Loss Handbook and the Ulitmate Diet 2.0. Both explain this stuff in good detail, but in an easy to understand way. Recommended reading for anyone that plans on dieting.

Any more info I dont have this book...

QBoost Controllers Any more info I dont have this book... www.bodyrecomposition.org Good articles, good forum, just don't fuck around on the forum they're quick on the draw :P.

superbri007 in the age of us having ample amounts of food, ther eis no reason to do this. Cavemens bodies did this, just out of nature when they would go on long periods of starving before they caught food. of course there is no reason for our bodies to do this anymore (well, maybe in Etheopia and whatnot), but physiological adaptations will take thousands, if not millions, of years before 'starvation mode' isn't an issue anymore. Of course the human race will probably be extinct by then, but stil...

mmmmmm.....sushi refeed tonight. Yummy.

Elfling www.bodyrecomposition.org Good articles, good forum, just don't fuck around on the forum they're quick on the draw :P. http://www.bodyrecomposition.com

edmang http://www.bodyrecomposition.com Yeah..or that one..heh. Thanks for the correction :P

i thought it had more to do with eating just one or two big meals a day than with a caloric deficit.

dank i thought it had more to do with eating just one or two big meals a day than with a caloric deficit. no

Flexible dieting, Fat Loss book, UD 2.0 all have this info.

ACURA TL-S mmmmmm.....sushi refeed tonight. Yummy. 40 pieces for me last time. Felt good Couldn't eat the fatty pieces though.

shastaisforwinners no so your metabolism would be the same eating 1 2000 calorie meal per day vs. 5 400 calorie meals?

dank so your metabolism would be the same if you ate 1 2000 calorie meal per day and 5 400 calorie meals? its about the same if you eat 3 versus 6.

AznRyda its about the same if you eat 3 versus 6. so why eat 6 meals?

Individual reasons. People can't eat big meals. People feel better eating tons of small meals throughout the day. People are on a calorie deficit so having 6 tiny ass meals is not satisfying, etc etc. People worry way too much about minor stuff.

dank so why eat 6 meals? if you are dieting it helps to keep you full all day and not have cravings

gsteclipse97 if you are dieting it helps to keep you full all day and not have cravings I guess. I was hungry yesterday, and I ate a small 200 calorie meal and it was nothing. if anything, it made me more hungry.

whatever, any given question on this forum gets a random different answer each time.

Tell me about 'starvation mode' or metabolic slowdown

how long does 1fast400 take?

how long does 1fast400 take?

I ordered my stuff on 3/23 and it still says pending as of right now. I recieved and email that said "Please email us with the physical address and include your order#. Sorry for the delay, but UPS will not ship to P.O. addresses. Thank you." I replied back to that message with a different addy a few minutes after they sent it but nothing has changed. Is this typical?

they've always been really quick with me, guess you know now to not use a PO box.

D-GUy they've always been really quick with me, guess you know now to not use a PO box. I always get my shit like two days later.

Ghost I always get my shit like two days later.


Ceaze The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 1 characters.

sucks for me i guess. i sent them another email but i havent heard anything from them. hopefully they respond on monday or something

i've never had any problems wit them though you won't hear anything on the weekend thats pretty typical

still no email or change in order status

call them?

SoKo call them? yeah ill give them a call tomorrow if nothing has changed still. they have already charged me and everything. im not worried about getting ripped off im just wondering what the hold up is.

I ran into a problem as well. When I placed my order I noticed you could use paypal. When I selected it I got an error from paypal basically saying that they couldnt give the money to them. So when I logged back in to 1fast400 to change the method of payment it says my order was processed but no money has been charged to paypal. I am waiting a few days to see if either my order arrives or if they charge my paypal account.

i finally got my order, and i got a free shaker, a package of watermelon substance wpi and a orange pineapple neuro stim+6. definately worth the wait i will be ordering from them again.

Paypal dicked us over pretty hard. They said any product containing the word HGH violated their use policy. Hence, they shut down my paypal access for 4 days while I explained to them how they were a bunch of idiots. To no avail, now paypal can't be used to buy hgh marketed produts.

1Fast400 Paypal dicked us over pretty hard. They said any product containing the word HGH violated their use policy. Hence, they shut down my paypal access for 4 days while I explained to them how they were a bunch of idiots. To no avail, now paypal can't be used to buy hgh marketed produts.

mask of obsidian I ordered my stuff on 3/23 and it still says pending as of right now. I recieved and email that said "Please email us with the physical address and include your order#. Sorry for the delay, but UPS will not ship to P.O. addresses. Thank you." I replied back to that message with a different addy a few minutes after they sent it but nothing has changed. Is this typical? Typical for most people on here, i think almost everyone at some point has had a problem with their shipping, funny from other places i have never gotten my stuff after a couple days. www.allsportsnutrition.com - lot cheaper than 1fast and i havnt had a problem so far getting my stuff.

Jeff Coleman Typical for most people on here, i think almost everyone at some point has had a problem with their shipping, funny from other places i have never gotten my stuff after a couple days. www.allsportsnutrition - lot cheaper than 1fast and i havnt had a problem so far getting my stuff. UPS has never shipped to po boxes, ever, how is that an issue? I read their policy about UPS, put in a physical shipping address, and have never had a problem with them

1fast400 has been great to me every time ive ordered from them. my frist order with them was on dec 23rd, got my stuff on the 26th

Not an issue with PO boxes, but an issue with shipping time, seems like one time its 2 days, next time its 15 days, trust me many people can relate to this, your not their only customer. Pay 5$ more for your supps, ill order from allsportsnutrition for now on

Jeff Coleman Not an issue with PO boxes, but an issue with shipping time, seems like one time its 2 days, next time its 15 days, trust me many people can relate to this, your not their only customer. Pay 5$ more for your supps, ill order from allsportsnutrition for now on the only person I can vouch for is me, i've ordered from there 3 times and it all shipped the same day

Ive probably had 8-10 orders from there, so i speak from experience my friend.

Jeff Coleman Ive probably had 8-10 orders from there, so i speak from experience my friend. 8-10 orders from a company you don't like, who's the dummy now

took me a while to find a cheaper site with dependable shipping

i've made probably 100 orders and it's never taken over 3 days

Ceaze 100 orders lol,

how long does 1fast400 take?

Need some advise about drinking creatine.

Need some advise about drinking creatine.

Should I drink my creatine all before I workout or should I drink some of it then the rest during my workout. I"m thinking maybe if I drink alittle in the begining and then the rest during my workout I'll have energy all throughout my workout.

Creatine = STEROIDS!!!!!

After your workout, tho i take it during and after

cbrpimp [img]images/smilies/gtfo2.gif[/img] you suck at the image linking. But anyways.. I take my creatine about 30min before my workout

mtnbike4522 you suck at the image linking. But anyways.. I take my creatine about 30min before my workout Cool. I just want to know what other poeple do. I don't want to run out of energy so that why I started taking some before my workout and some during.

If you don't want to run out of energy so bad, work out more.

I drink it during

Isnt it best to drink some before, and some after the workout? This way you have the muscles being able to regenarate faster during the work out, and after your done they heal super fast.

damiand Isnt it best to drink some before, and some after the workout? because of all the conflicting information, that's what i do.

Drink it immediatly after. Along with a Protein shake. And eat too. Heres some info. Research it yourself. http://bodybuilding.com/fun/bbinfo.php?page=Creatine

im pretty sure the creatine isnt going to give you energy on the spot bro. i take mine after.

i dunno but once when i took creatine it made me an angry person! but other times i was perfectly fine. dont take any advice from me though =p

i take mine before my 7 am work out and after my night work out

I drink it immediatly after. Follow up with a protein shake and food. Dont forget the food. Your body will absorb all that shit because it needs to be re-fuled.

I take it about 45minutes before. AmCo i dunno but once when i took creatine it made me an angry person! but other times i was perfectly fine. dont take any advice from me though =p

Need some advise about drinking creatine.

When Does Your Cutting Cycle Start?

When Does Your Cutting Cycle Start?

Mine starts May 16th I'm not looking forward to it...I want to continue eating everything in sight

it started monday.

I am having a hard time deciding if i want to start it at the end of the month. Or just say fuck summer and continue to bulk through summer and winter.

almost 2 months ago

8 weeks ago

When I hit 220 ..it's a slow progression. I dipped down to 184 after my fucking wisdom teeth incident, back up to 198

I intend to get my body fat percentage down into the single digits. I would estimate that I m at ~12-16% right now at 6'4" 200lbs

Dr. Feel Good I intend to get my body fat percentage down into the single digits. I would estimate that I m at ~12-16% right now at 6'4" 200lbs i'm about there as well. pics?

at 215lbs then again, I said that about 180, 190, 195....

im not cutting, but i am trying to burn some fat off, so im eating ~1800. will be doing that through summer, then im probably gonna get really fat for the next year bulking starting around october, cant wait.

superbri007 not for a while, from what people keep telling me. I'm 5'8 167, I wanted to go to 180 then cut for the summer, but everyones like, keep bulking. decisions, decisions. same stats as me, cept il be bulking thru to july 15 if i dont get too fat by then.

bulk to 300

i've been cutting for the past 6 years, i eat 1 calorie a day. Ceaze bulk to 300 im actually thinking 240-250ish, im 208 now, 6'1".

when I get to 230ish, so probably late June, early August

aenz i'm about there as well. pics? Unfortunatly I don't have any pics yet I'll try to get my roomates camera soon

ryazbeck i've been cutting for the past 6 years, i eat 1 calorie a day. im actually thinking 240-250ish, im 208 now, 6'1". start now.

dammit i want to, i just want to stay lean over the summer, ugh.

you live in texas, it's summer year round you will be 250 by december if u try hard enough, then cut and by may next year you'll be ripped and huge

Ceaze bulk to 300 ' i will be goign this route after finals are over, T-minus 1.5 weeks

vettedude ' i will be goign this route after finals are over, T-minus 1.5 weeks 300 is a bulk, aren't u like 220?

SteveO you live in texas, it's summer year round you will be 250 by december if u try hard enough, then cut and by may next year you'll be ripped and huge summer year round, who told you that? it avgs like 30s - 50s in the end of fall to early spring. and i'll be on the river atleast twice a week this summer so i want to look decent, not fatty.

SteveO 300 is a bulk, aren't u like 220? indeed

SteveO you live in texas, it's summer year round you will be 250 by december if u try hard enough, then cut and by may next year you'll be ripped and huge It actually gets cold every now and then on the farm. Can't ride my horse to get to work, have to take the buggy

KLoWnPR109 It actually gets cold every now and then on the farm. Can't ride my horse to get to work, have to take the buggy lol'd on that one

I'll reevluate goals on june 1st, I want to be atleast 200 before I decide.

When Does Your Cutting Cycle Start?

Monday, December 30, 2013

Can I take Dietary Pills and Creatine together?

Can I take Dietary Pills and Creatine together?

I want to lose fat but pack on muscle. Is this a smart idea? btw the pill I am taking is Ephidrine EFX.

Losing fat and gaining muscle is impossible. One or the other!

Ugh. Go read all the stickies. And yes, incidentally, you can take Ephedrine and Creatine together, they're two totally different things. But I would suggest thoroughly educating yourself on what both of them *do* before you dive head-long into taking them. And read the stickies :P

Socrates Losing fat and gaining muscle is impossible. One or the other! Yes, you could.

iCe Yes, you could. http://www.fastmusclegain.com/ Myth #1 Not claiming to be right, perhaps the source is wrong! But I doubt it.

Can I take Dietary Pills and Creatine together?

How are trueprotein.com's flavors?

How are trueprotein.com's flavors?

I am thinking 5 lbs of each Pina Colada Mango Vanilla Watermelon All with sucralose as a sweetener

I do not recomend themm, verry bad service, and the flavors are not the greatest...

Butter Cream is the best flavor I have ever had. But I don't think they offer it.

All I've had is chocolate with stevia and it was awful.


vettedude I do not recomend themm, verry bad service, and the flavors are not the greatest... Should I just go with ON? I want my BSL back.

I wouldn't worry too much about it. I put an entire bottle of flavouring into 4lbs of whey and couldn't taste anything. They don't color it either. Your flavour choice is moot at best. And i like the service I got... fastest shipping time I've ever had (less than 2 weeks to recieve... great by canuk standards!)

To be honest, i kinda like the taste of plain whey, and I love how easily it mixes. Just pour water, and that's it.

ever have allthewhey.com's proteins? if so which one is the best? I already know ON's chocolate mint is the best.

brolli ever have allthewhey.com's proteins? if so which one is the best? I already know ON's chocolate mint is the best. Damn you, now I need to decide between that and ON. ON is 48 for 10lbs from mike while the allthewhey.com stuff is 40-43 for 10 lbs. Both have about the same amount of protein per serving.

ACURA TL-S Damn you, now I need to decide between that and ON. ON is 48 for 10lbs from mike while the allthewhey.com stuff is 40-43 for 10 lbs. Both have about the same amount of protein per serving. try syntax nectar, i think... dont get true protein, it blows, go with ON, muscle milk, or try the all the way, i hear it tastes good. but like i said, i don recomend true protein to anyone, dont really taste good, and its shit service.

you can still get bsl flavors proteincustomizer.com carries them

so does trueprotein actually, why not just order unflavored and pay a lil for the bsl flavors you want???

gsteclipse97 so does trueprotein actually, why not just order unflavored and pay a lil for the bsl flavors you want??? I'm cheap.

Ok new question, on or allthewhey?

ACURA TL-S Ok new question, on or allthewhey? ON

for me its either BSL or ON i dont even bother tryin new flavors anymore, i stick to what is good

on is dependable, but i've never had allthewhey. Anyone have experience w/ them?

brolli on is dependable, but i've never had allthewhey. Anyone have experience w/ them? my only experience with them is taht they wanted $70 something bucks to ship it to me

I purchased the Bannana , it was just OK. Not too much flavor. I added some Muscle Milk Bannana to it.

I get allthewhey allthetime Orange, Banana, Mint Chocolate are the best. Chocolate is alright, but it sucks compaired to the others. It's good stuff, got my order 3 days after ordering. Im in IN they are in PA

i got morning mix with orange cream bsl & night time with cherry berry. both were sub par in taste & blending. mixing vanilla whey with orange ultra fuel is way better. or even mixing it with gatorade.

allthewhey mint choclate isolate is better than on, and no gas for like $35 for a 5lb tub. Plus they now offer bulk stuff:50 lb concentrate - 139.99 25 lb concentrate - 69.99 50 lb blend flavored - 179.99 25 lb blend natural - 89.99 50 lb Isolate flavored - 299.99 50 lb Isolate natural - 279.99 25 lb Isolate flavored - 149.99 25 lb Isolate natural - 139.99 25 lb 20/30 flavored - 72.50 25 lb 20/30 natural - 69.99 Thats pretty sweet. Its not up on the website yet but you can email/call them and get it.

vettedude I do not recomend themm, verry bad service, and the flavors are not the greatest... I unfortunately agree.

How are trueprotein.com's flavors?

Need help with my workout

Need help with my workout

I need some help on working out. Like things i should do each day. lets say i go to the gym M W Th what things should i do each of those days to gain muscle all around and improve strenght. im about 6'1" 195 right now ...i was alot more but i lost 40 pounds now im looking to gain some muscle and get toned. any help would be appreciated Thanks in advance

Need help with my workout

Need help with my workout

Protein intake during deficit

Protein intake during deficit

Is it as important to hit at least the 1g/lb of protein mark while in a deficit as it is while bulking?

what kind of intake should I be aiming for? Even though I'm not a BB, going off the the bodybuilder diet posted a week or two ago, should I be aiming for 1.4-1.5 (for my body type), and for my BF, would the thermogenic effect of it really make any difference? Mesomorphs - 1.2g/lb - 1.3g/lb. Ectomorphs - 1.4g/lb - 1.6g/lb. Endomorphs - 1.4g/lb - 1.5g/lb.* * I recommend a higher protein intake for endomorph's while dieting because of the thermogenic effect of a higher protein intake and increased protein turnover, not because they need more protein to maintain muscle mass.

Protein intake during deficit

Rotating vs. Non-rotating Handles

Rotating vs. Non-rotating Handles

Does one have any advantage over the other i need a new lat pull down bar and they got one with rotating handles and one without...

Its stops torsion, kind of like an olympic bar compared to a nonolympic bar.


Ceaze http://www.flexcart.com/members/elit...id=155&pid=977 2" handles. 1337

Rotating vs. Non-rotating Handles

excess calories v. bulking

excess calories v. bulking

ok say your maintenence cals are 2000/day and you are bulking and working out burning say 500 extra cals a day, should one eat 2500 cals, or like 200 cals more than that as to gain minimal fat while gaining muscle, or should you add even more? basically how many cals/day over maintenence would be generally accepted as the amount of calories you need to make the most gains?

k thanks for the response, pretty much sums up what i was askin

excess calories v. bulking

Good at baseball crew *sign in*

Good at baseball crew *sign in*

Finally got back in the groove the last couple days of playing (I've played like 7 days in a row). I've got my swing back to where I need it to be and was simply smashing today. Up 4 times, had a triple, single, and two bombs (one was like 325 feet and one was like 385). If I keep playing consistently, I really wouldn't mind playing organized baseball again. I know I could play at a lot of lower division/ junior colleges but since I'm chilling at D1 OSU, I don't know whether they'd give me a chance. In any case I'm getting bigger/stronger as well so it shouldn't be more than 6 months before that 385 foot bomb turns into 400+. By the way, baseball= best sport ever. IBhaters

But right on nonetheless.. Edit: @ edit.

Baseball is fun. But track is the greatest sport ever.

Ilyusha But right on nonetheless.. Edit: @ edit.

I baseball.

I used to be good at it. ended up droping baseball for racing mountain bikes..

superbri007 are you a sprinter? Do you pay attention to anything I ever post?

superbri007 well, i figured your slow as fuck from all this crunking and what not and farmers walks, and DL's, etc. What do you run a 100 in? ib 13 I was running high 12s 2 years ago. In flats even.

superbri007 playing ultimate frisbee all the time and doing a couple sessions of HIIT this past summer has made me soooo much faster. Frisbee is great for building speed, because its not boring to try and sprint after a frisbee that is far out of your reach. Its quite a goal, and having something to chase after makes you all that much faster without having to think about it. now I understand why they have the fake rabbits at dog tracks Goddamn I hate frisbee. Why the hell would you dick around with something homo-riffic like that when you can play football and still keep your balls? Football>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ultimate frisbee

superbri007 I never said frisbee was better then football, i fucking love football. Too bad no one ever wants to play here at my school. They enjoy masturbating, playing wiffle ball, drinking, and occasionally playing b-ball. when I play frisbee, its either, for a pass and I still sprint. or its actually a pretty hardcore game of just pure sprinting up and down the field. damn your school sucks

superbri007 no, the people here suck. They are like zombies. There are plenty of athletes, but everyone else is just disgusting fat bodies who drink all the time and sit around like turds. /rant i wanted to try out for baseball this year for my university, but Its a bit too late for that now, and plus i'm a junior. Not so sure I could compete at the college level Yeah there are plenty of lazy asses around here too. "Hey you wanna play baseball?" "No i uhhh...just don't want to" I mean wtf. If I improve my defense and get up to 240 I am going to try-out next year when I'm a sophmore. I only wish that I had like a real trainer person to help out rather than just doing this shit myself.

It's the only organized sport I was ever good at. God I wish I kept playing. No one plays baseball though, it's always fucking softball. It's a bunch of fat drunks just smashing the ball. Actually, hell you'd think I'd fit right in.

trancezj It's the only organized sport I was ever good at. God I wish I kept playing. No one plays baseball though, it's always fucking softball. It's a bunch of fat drunks just smashing the ball. Actually, hell you'd think I'd fit right in. Same here. In fact we were kicked off our field because some stupid ass softball game was about to take place. I don't even understand why guys would ever want to play a girls sport. And the older dudes get so into it. Talk about

Here are a list of tips that should help you out. First and foremost I always look at the muscles that are the most important for a particular sport and the muscles most likely to get injured. As a baseball player you must always work to strengthen the rotator cuff muscles. Since everything you do in baseball is in front of you so to speak, and you are always internally rotated you need to work the opposing muscle groups. Aside from the external rotators, you must focus on upper back, rhomboids, lower traps, etc. Lats are the most important upper body muscles involved in hitting and of course you should work on forearm strength. Rotational ab work is also of enormous benefit for baseball players. But here is something that you don't regularly hear: A baseball player usually bats either righty or lefty. That player swings in one direction an inordinate amount of times. This can lead to imbalances and problems. Back pain can result because of this. What I recommend is that baseball players swing the bat in the opposite direction as much as they can so as not to develop these kinds of problems. Also during the season, we will focus more of our rotational work in the opposite direction of the way they swing. You always hear about golfers getting back pain and this is the reason why. I think the reason why you don't hear as much about it in baseball is because baseball players tend to be quite a bit more muscular and in shape than golfers. However, there is always that risk, and if it doesn't rear it's head at the current time it will sometime down the road as you get older. As far as being "speed oriented'" goes, you have to focus on improving the strength of your posterior chain and work on running mechanics and multidirectional speed drills. Although the basepath dictates that you run in somewhat of a straigh line, the ability to rapidly change directions when running the bases or trying to steal, and also to react to where a ball is hit when you are playing defense is of the utmost importance. To improve your throwing power from the outfield, you have to do the same thing you have to do to improve your speed- strengthen your posterior chain and torso strenth. That is where all your power comes from, not your arm. -Jason Ferruggia

Ceaze Here are a list of tips that should help you out. First and foremost I always look at the muscles that are the most important for a particular sport and the muscles most likely to get injured. As a baseball player you must always work to strengthen the rotator cuff muscles. Since everything you do in baseball is in front of you so to speak, and you are always internally rotated you need to work the opposing muscle groups. Aside from the external rotators, you must focus on upper back, rhomboids, lower traps, etc. Lats are the most important upper body muscles involved in hitting and of course you should work on forearm strength. Rotational ab work is also of enormous benefit for baseball players. But here is something that you don't regularly hear: A baseball player usually bats either righty or lefty. That player swings in one direction an inordinate amount of times. This can lead to imbalances and problems. Back pain can result because of this. What I recommend is that baseball players swing the bat in the opposite direction as much as they can so as not to develop these kinds of problems. Also during the season, we will focus more of our rotational work in the opposite direction of the way they swing. You always hear about golfers getting back pain and this is the reason why. I think the reason why you don't hear as much about it in baseball is because baseball players tend to be quite a bit more muscular and in shape than golfers. However, there is always that risk, and if it doesn't rear it's head at the current time it will sometime down the road as you get older. As far as being "speed oriented'" goes, you have to focus on improving the strength of your posterior chain and work on running mechanics and multidirectional speed drills. Although the basepath dictates that you run in somewhat of a straigh line, the ability to rapidly change directions when running the bases or trying to steal, and also to react to where a ball is hit when you are playing defense is of the utmost importance. To improve your throwing power from the outfield, you have to do the same thing you have to do to improve your speed- strengthen your posterior chain and torso strenth. That is where all your power comes from, not your arm. -Jason Ferruggia Thanks. I need to work on my core more

I'm not going to brag, but I couldn't list all the amazing shit I did. Get me drunk and I'm fucking Al bundy talking about the glory days. Oddly enough, I wasn't a power hitter. I hit a few out, but they were few and far between.

my baseball coach got murdered

i suck but i also havent played in years

Playing baseball is sweet...i can't stand watching it though I've played back when I was 8 and just quit last year for college..no one plays anymore. like someone said, it's all slow-pitch bullshit..no one plays fastball anymore... psst...pitcher= best position ever...curveballs fucked up my arm though when I was young...

I wasnt bad. If I lifted I would have been better. and Gilga Im playing co-ed softball and soccer

GilgaMesH baseball= best sport ever. now if only my Oakland A's could of started the season off better

im so in this crew

Jeff Coleman now if only my Oakland A's could of started the season off better And the Indians

drunknmunky I wasnt bad. If I lifted I would have been better. and Gilga Im playing co-ed softball and soccer bahaha, did your team happened to get called a bunch of faggots yesterday?

drunknmunky I wasnt bad. If I lifted I would have been better. and Gilga Im playing co-ed softball and soccer you should quit that shit and join the baseball league we are starting

Good at baseball crew *sign in*

Here i am Pic of me Rip me a new one

Here i am Pic of me Rip me a new one

well there i am tell me what I need to work on.


Start heading to the gym

yup everything, keep hitting the gym...... then cut , or you can diet now.

eliktronix everything .

Lol am i really that bad? DO you suggest more cardio. I currently am benching 240 and legs have been out of the picture i strain'd my quad in my alst rugby game. I weigh 175 give or take 3lbs both ways and i am 5.10. I am starting to head tot he gym on a mon tuesday thursday friday schedule now due to no more rugby and no more sports. I read up on the stickies and plan on doing the HIIT and limiting my calorie intake. I was wondering i still go to school and am not able to do 6 meals a day what kind of breakfast and lunches do you guys suggest?

you're really lacking in the chest and trap department. arms look decent i suppose

work on taking a still picture that isnt blurry. I still dont understand how some people can be so terrible at something as simple as taking a picture.

I don't even know about this one. Part of me wants to say cut for two months or so to get rid of the belly and another part of me wants to say that considering where you are now you might as well bulk.

Bulk to 400, than cut. /Christophers

ACURA TL-S I don't even know about this one. Part of me wants to say cut for two months or so to get rid of the belly and another part of me wants to say that considering where you are now you might as well bulk. I bet at this point if he lifts hard and doesnt alter his diet too much (calorie wise) he'll gain muscle mass like crazy

Shamrock well there i am tell me what I need to work on. chest is lacking and it would look worse if u cut at this point, otherwise you just look a little overweight, no biggie. you have more to start w/ than most people on here so thats a plus.

Shamrock Lol am i really that bad? DO you suggest more cardio. I currently am benching 240 and legs have been out of the picture i strain'd my quad in my alst rugby game. I weigh 175 give or take 3lbs both ways and i am 5.10. I am starting to head tot he gym on a mon tuesday thursday friday schedule now due to no more rugby and no more sports. I read up on the stickies and plan on doing the HIIT and limiting my calorie intake. I was wondering i still go to school and am not able to do 6 meals a day what kind of breakfast and lunches do you guys suggest? max?

deznutz max? that was my last max out, before i went to dumb bells and with those i do about 75 for about 8 reps for 3 sets. I'm really hoping to get stronger My current work out well what i have planned out is Monday: Dumbbell bench press 3x8 seated rows with a straight bar military press with dumbbells and lat pull down Tuesday: Squat calf raises abductors and this other thing for the lower back WEdnesday: HIIT Thursday: Incline on a hammer machine forearm curls the thing where u roll the weight up the rope don't know what it is called and holding the weights up in front of u, and to the sides of u ,don't know what thats called either friday dead lift leg curls leg extension and calf raises with the machine Critique please And i'm currently working on a eating schedule

Arms look good, but you need to eat right and start losing weight. Try doing cardio on your rest days or doing cardio-weight training circuit once a week.

Shamrock that was my last max out, before i went to dumb bells and with those i do about 75 for about 8 reps for 3 sets. I'm really hoping to get stronger My current work out well what i have planned out is Monday: Dumbbell bench press 3x8 seated rows with a straight bar military press with dumbbells and lat pull down Tuesday: Squat calf raises abductors and this other thing for the lower back WEdnesday: HIIT Thursday: Incline on a hammer machine forearm curls the thing where u roll the weight up the rope don't know what it is called and holding the weights up in front of u, and to the sides of u ,don't know what thats called either friday dead lift leg curls leg extension and calf raises with the machine Critique please And i'm currently working on a eating schedule more volume perhaps

sr20wop more volume perhaps volume as in reps sets? or just overall more lifts?

ACURA TL-S I don't even know about this one. Part of me wants to say cut for two months or so to get rid of the belly and another part of me wants to say that considering where you are now you might as well bulk. did you happen to see the thread i made with progress pictures? what would you have recommended for me? i'm bulking now, but i'm just curious what you thought

beer.. less of it

Shamrock volume as in reps sets? or just overall more lifts? add some more exercises

i'd cut until your 13-14%.. then bulk

so what are a few more excerices i like to keep it purely upper body for the days and legs other days i don't like mixing legs and upper body

DCCapen you're like tize....but with clothes oh man that's fucked up.

Here i am Pic of me Rip me a new one

I get drousy (sp) maybe its drowsy

I get drousy (sp) maybe its drowsy

after I take all my shit CEE Whey Shake Fish Oil Multivitamin and something to eat is there something im doing wrong maybe I should eat more when I take them all

are carbs in there with "something to eat"?

let me see how much there is for todays meal

100grams today

FrozynFyre 100grams today yeah. eat. I just had a 130g with lunch alone.

SteveO yeah. eat. I just had a 130g with lunch alone.

breakfast and lunch I'm at 185 gms carbs and 159gm protein so far today

superbri007 when I eat food, i get sleepy, if thats what you mean. Im talking about getting super sleepy after eating and taking supplements I feel good today though I got a really good ngiths sleep last night though

lots of food in your stomach means that your body needs to digest it. so your body sends blood towards your stomach to start digestion, and the more food the more blood needed so less blood in other parts of your body means fatigue, woowee

FrozynFyre Im talking about getting super sleepy after eating and taking supplements I feel good today though I got a really good ngiths sleep last night though Maybe you just answered your own question.

ACURA TL-S Maybe you just answered your own question.

I get drousy (sp) maybe its drowsy

Recommend Some New Supplements or List Yours!

Recommend Some New Supplements or List Yours!

Whatup guys been lifting for like a year and a half now, currently taking protein and creatine. Time to order up some new stuff cause I ran all out and was looking for some input from you guys what you think works well. I don't know much about Gluatamine, which i hear is good, and NO2, which i hear works well also. Has anyone tried either of these and did these help??

N02 = piece of shit supplement. get CEE

malto and flax seed oil if you already dont have it.

fish oil

ryazbeck N02 = piece of shit supplement. get CEE What the hell is CEE

creatine ethyl ester

ryazbeck creatine ethyl ester What's the difference between that and mono. I've only tried mono and that's all i've ever heard of. Thanks for the suggestions

why dont you read up on it?

ryazbeck why dont you read up on it? do you not know?

nope, not a creatine fan, but a few people around here seem to like it.

ryazbeck nope, not a creatine fan, but a few people around here seem to like it. Alright cool thanks anyways, you said something about fish oil though, can you recommend a brand/brands you've tried.

never had it either, just taken flax seed, but you can get cheap vitamins at http://www.puritan.com/

Just get the fish oil at Costco.

At bulknutrtion forums they say CEE is not effective either. Just stick to what your taking right now, nothign replaces hard work in the gym. And also nothing replaces HGH and anabolics.

Russian red actijube training packs. Good shit

Who is saying no2 works well....? For you....id get.... ON 100% Whey Protein http://www.bulknutrition.com/?products_id=62 CEE http://www.bulknutrition.com/?products_id=1533 Multi-Vitamin http://www.bulknutrition.com/?products_id=484

deznutz Who is saying no2 works well....? For you....id get.... ON 100% Whey Protein http://www.bulknutrition.com/?products_id=62 CEE http://www.bulknutrition.com/?products_id=1533 Multi-Vitamin http://www.bulknutrition.com/?products_id=484 thats alot of cash for a multi-vitamin, I just got some centrum performance 75 tablets for 7.somethingrather

ChosenGSR thats alot of cash for a multi-vitamin, I just got some centrum performance 75 tablets for 7.somethingrather 15 bucks for a multi-vitamin? Thats not to bad at all.

Recommend Some New Supplements or List Yours!

exercises to help build forearms?

exercises to help build forearms?

I was naturally blessed with stick-type fore-arms. I have been able to build them a bit over the last few years by doing wrist curls and reverse barbell curls. Does anyone know of any effective exercises to help build this? Thanks


train your forearms in ways they're not used to, specifically radial/ulnar flexion and pronation/supination exercises

incline hammer curls

Ceaze train your forearms in ways they're not used to, specifically radial/ulnar flexion and pronation/supination exercises translation... use more flick in

stop using straps

that bar you use to roll up a weight. my forearms get such an incredible pump from those that it's almost painful

if you sit down and hold a straight bar and put your wrists on your knees and raise your hands, you can do this palms up and palms down. bouldering works really well.


Ceaze train your forearms in ways they're not used to, specifically radial/ulnar flexion and pronation/supination exercises such as?

I'd say some heavy static holds, etc.

i've got pretty small forearms as well, i just do wrist curls and reverse wrist curls and have seen improvement just from that alone. i dont do much else primarily for forearms besides that.

kronik85 i've got pretty small forearms as well, i just do wrist curls and reverse wrist curls and have seen improvement just from that alone. i dont do much else primarily for forearms besides that. correct me if im wrong but doesnt benching and one arm or two arm curls work the forearm?

Opi correct me if im wrong but doesnt benching and one arm or two arm curls work the forearm? corrected.

Taking the plates on and off the bench to the rack is a good forearm workout

dumbbell bench/incline workouts are good too.

forearm curls, wrist roller, wrist curls.


with weights...

F&N's becoming too much like the main forum for me

Ceaze F&N's becoming too much like the main forum for me true and i'm sure i'm not helping it much

Take newspapers and crumple them up with just your hands. That will build stronger forearms and wrists.

farmer's walk

redking Take newspapers and crumple them up with just your hands. That will build stronger forearms and wrists. while your arm is resting on the table. the key is to try not to swing the arm around. also, towel chins, practical shit like carrying cement, hammering.. or, pinch grip a couple reams of paper, the weight on the rope thing, and forearm curls, reverse forearm curls, rubber bands across fingers and spread hands out repeatedly, etc..

exercises to help build forearms?

Going to the doctor...

Going to the doctor...

This was the most appropriate forum to post this in, so here goes... Haven't been to the doctor ever since I was a little kid (28 now). Just got hooked up with health insurance, so I set up an appointment next week to get a routine physical/checkup. I really have no symptoms that would indicate any problems, except for maybe constant allergies/nasal congestion/sinus problems. What would you guys suggest I ask the doctor or what tests should I have done? blood analysis?

350GT This was the most appropriate forum to post this in, so here goes... Haven't been to the doctor ever since I was a little kid (28 now). Just got hooked up with health insurance, so I set up an appointment next week to get a routine physical/checkup. I really have no symptoms that would indicate any problems, except for maybe constant allergies/nasal congestion/sinus problems. What would you guys suggest I ask the doctor or what tests should I have done? blood analysis? cholesterol test, diabetes test(blood sugar), STDs, HIV, lung capacity, heart rate/condition, etc.

Let him know of any recurring injuries, abnormalities or physical problems. He'll probably ask about sleeping habbits, eating habbits, stress, exercise, drugs/meds, etc.

if you havent been since you were a child, then i would suggest EVERYTHING

yeah thanks guys...I guess I should just let the doc do his job first. I just want to make sure I get everything done that should be done.

why are you asking a couple dumb broly's what the doctor should do? ask the doctor what he thinks you should get done. heck, he's the one that went to med school.

oh, and good luck. i hope nothing's wrong with ya.

Going to the doctor...

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Got a game tomorow, possible to recover faster?

Got a game tomorow, possible to recover faster?

I did a chest workout today, and I was wondering if I could do anything to help the soreness (should start to hurt tonight and in the morning) Obviously a warmup tomorow, but anything in the meantime?

ice packs?

sleep tons and eat well. Try to get some blood flowing through those muscles as well.

I can't do a single pushup...chest is just sore

protein and i've always heard stretch but it never does anything for me

time machine

Shaolin_sword36 I can't do a single pushup...chest is just sore I doubt that. If that is true you do to much chest stuff.

Glutamine usually helps my soreness for some reason..

Got a game tomorow, possible to recover faster?

constant bloat....help

constant bloat....help

lately it seems like no matter what i what i eat, from as simple as an apple to a protein shake mix, i feel bloated constantly.... suggestions


constant bloat....help

So i visited my SOON TO BE GYM.......

So i visited my SOON TO BE GYM.......

.....well, not really, but i was thinking of joining this local park district gym in the city where ill be moving to in couple days. deal was good....but its too good to be true.....coz the place is a shithole lol. deal was, first 3months = $45.... and $175 for whole year...if i like it, i can just pay for the balance. anyways, i walked in there and i went straight to the FREE weights....first of all, the place was soooooo fucking small...and there was only 1 of each bench. and the thing i was most concerned of (since i use it alot) was the DB....the db was the old school...and it only went up to 80lbs..... from there, i dindt even bother looking around...i just left i havent been to the gym for a week...and im feeling weak and fat again last choices i got is: lifetime = $250 intiation fee, 50/month-----its only 10min away xsport = $400/year---20min away ballys = if its worth it

LS Boy .....well, not really, but i was thinking of joining this local park district gym in the city where ill be moving to in couple days. deal was good....but its too good to be true.....coz the place is a shithole lol. deal was, first 3months = $45.... and $175 for whole year...if i like it, i can just pay for the balance. anyways, i walked in there and i went straight to the FREE weights....first of all, the place was soooooo fucking small...and there was only 1 of each bench. and the thing i was most concerned of (since i use it alot) was the DB....the db was the old school...and it only went up to 80lbs..... from there, i dindt even bother looking around...i just left i havent been to the gym for a week...and im feeling weak and fat again last choices i got is: lifetime = $250 intiation fee, 50/month-----its only 10min away xsport = $400/year---20min away ballys = if its worth it Is this Schaumburg Park district? CRC? I signed up for a month to see how it is ... it was 21 bucks...

futurews6 Is this Schaumburg Park district? CRC? I signed up for a month to see how it is ... it was 21 bucks... its hanover park..... one on barrington and walnut.... this place sucks.. have you heard of this place called PLANET FITNESS? they have one in addison off lake st. i might check it out.. its cheap too

no man, haven't heard of that. You might wanna try calling Schaumburg and see if they allow non-residents for gym membership. Might have to travel a little ways though.. good luck

futurews6 no man, haven't heard of that. You might wanna try calling Schaumburg and see if they allow non-residents for gym membership. Might have to travel a little ways though.. good luck i just called xsport in arlington heights.... imma sign up there tomorrow.... its only 11miles from my house and about 20minutes i know xsport and its worth a drive

whats with these weekly update threads

maybe try to move to a gym close to your work or on the way so its not out of way?

So i visited my SOON TO BE GYM.......

Help with cheat meals!

Help with cheat meals!

Currently cutting. Once a week, if I eat a large pizza (not the crust though) --- but still maintain around +200 of my daily calorie goal, will that fuck up my diet or not really affect it at all?

Its better for you to do that.

A large pizza is like 4000+ calories

i'd actually like to get ideas for "good" cheat meals. I know it's not best to eat what my kids love to eat and call it a cheat meal

Moon A large pizza is like 4000+ calories Shit, are you serious? I was under the impression it was like 1200 .

^^ lol

it's like 2200

jonno it's like 2200 Which is nothing for a cheat meal.

I usually try to stay around maintainence for my cheat day and not consume like 5-6k calories.

a 10 inch 1 lb pizza is about 800 cals... or at least that's what I put down in my fitday log

i've been eating nothing but clean foods and now i'm getting acne because of it, so maybe you're better off. oh the ironing of it all.

christophers then it does absolutely nothing for you physiologically I just do it to keep my head in it and keep going with the diet(and to just enjoy some "bad" food). Though on EC now, sticking to the diet isn't too hard since I have about no appetite now.

DCCapen I couldnt ever think of anything I wanted to cheat with. Now I eat what I want but its all healthy so I dont worry. Man anytime I read anything you post in here I just think " what a fag ", you remind me of want2race.

Pizza's calories very alot for obvious reasons, use you're common sense. The whole answer to you're question is you're own common sense...will it fuck you up? Depends on you're maintance calories that day, you're goals, if you're willing to the cardio to burn that extra pound you've put on. In the end, it's healthier to not have the pizza, but if it's like a meal with you're GF or some mates then don't sweat it.

christophers you guys are so fucking anal its hilarity sometimes you said anal

from what i read having 1 day a week for high carb or cal day is fine.

if you're gonna do a cheat meal, i'd recommend something high carb but relatively low in fat (no pizza). maybe something like 5 bowls of sugar cereal or some Jujufruits or something. I believe the physiological benefit of a cheat meal comes from glycogen replenishment, which fat does nothing for. psychologically, if a large pizza helps, then go for it

eddscat Pizza's calories very alot for obvious reasons, use you're common sense. The whole answer to you're question is you're own common sense...will it fuck you up? Depends on you're maintance calories that day, you're goals, if you're willing to the cardio to burn that extra pound you've put on. In the end, it's healthier to not have the pizza, but if it's like a meal with you're GF or some mates then don't sweat it. that was almost painful to read. you're = you are...your = your. if you're trying to say "you are", use you're not your. if you're trying to say "your", say your.

Plato Currently cutting. Once a week, if I eat a large pizza (not the crust though) --- but still maintain around +200 of my daily calorie goal, will that fuck up my diet or not really affect it at all? Oh, well if you don't eat the crust THEN its ok

heres my cheat meal

DCCapen my god I want that DCCapen I couldnt ever think of anything I wanted to cheat with. Now I eat what I want but its all healthy so I dont worry. /

disblohs that was almost painful to read. you're = you are...your = your. if you're trying to say "you are", use you're not your. if you're trying to say "your", say your. Look dude, it is readable and the points still there This is F&N not 3rd Grade English, it's not my fault I'm a little spelling handicapped, plz don't be a grammar nazi, it ain't cool .

DCCapen dude....aint isn't a word fuck off

eddscat Look dude, it is readable and the points still there This is F&N not 3rd Grade English, it's not my fault I'm a little spelling handicapped, plz don't be a grammar nazi, it ain't cool . the first sentence wasn't readable. you spelled grammar correctly though

Help with cheat meals!

I found a fast food winnar for cutters

I found a fast food winnar for cutters

Jack In The Box's southwest chicken pita. I had one today and it was damn good. Chicken, black beans, corn, lettuce in a pita. 260 cals, 20g protein, and fiber as well. Only problem is the price: $3.50/per. Two would make a nice meal, but not for $8. Still though, it tasted great.

They're pretty good for a late night snack at the local 24 hour JITB.

if it tastes great, and is touted as a "health" meal from jack in the box....something has to be wrong with it


Werdna Jack In The Box's southwest chicken pita. I had one today and it was damn good. Chicken, black beans, corn, lettuce in a pita. 260 cals, 20g protein, and fiber as well. Only problem is the price: $3.50/per. Two would make a nice meal, but not for $8. Still though, it tasted great. how is a meal geared towards people who slit their wrists? i kid i kid

mcdonalds dollar menu is cheap as fuck

gsxtasyd 2x3.50=7 yeah, but with tax, you end up handing the guy $8 and since we all know change is worthless, well there ya go

I get those sometimes, but I also get a few tacos with it.

vettedude mcdonalds dollar menu is cheap as fuck for cutters?

FYI, at Carl's Jr. you can order a plain chicken breast patty for about $2 (I think it comes out to be something like $2.34 with tax), and it's a pretty big piece of meat too... I don't know about how many grams of protein... but I'm pretty sure it's a lot more than 20g. it's NOT written on any menus... you just have to ask for it, they usually know where it is on the register's key pad... but you have to make sure they understand it's just a plain piece of chicken patty, and NOT the chicken sandwich veggie wrap... cause then, they'll charge you the price of a regular chicken sandwich... which I believe is almost $4!! I know it's kinda plain... but I usually order'em if I'm going low carbs and I didn't have time to cook the night before.

vettedude mcdonalds dollar menu is cheap as fuck Yeah I would think most dollar menus are cheap as fuck

I found a fast food winnar for cutters

so i'm talking to my buddy, who is pretty big/cut, about the ECY...

so i'm talking to my buddy, who is pretty big/cut, about the ECY...

and he mentions that he's taken some pretty serious stimulants... then he goes back into the kitchen, comes back and tosses this little bottle to me. CLENBUTEROL for scientific research only not for human consumption it was still half full

i know a little about this stuff, and have read some experiences with it. anybody done this before? he said its the most foul tasting shit known to man.

No...no lock, i'm interested. Don't they give that to live stock to make them bigger?

im not going to do it or anything, i just thought we could have some discussion on the topic... the ECY is kicking my ass hard enough.

You can barely taste it seeing as to how you only take like a half a ml at a time. Check the archives, I believe there's a thread about clen in there. EDIT: here it is http://forums.offtopic.com/showthread.php?t=963745

dank im not going to do it or anything, i just thought we could have some discussion on the topic... the ECY is kicking my ass hard enough. good good

GilgaMesH You can barely taste it seeing as to how you only take like a half a ml at a time. Check the archives, I believe there's a thread about clen in there. EDIT: here it is http://forums.offtopic.com/showthread.php?t=963745 i think he might have been taking more. he said he would mix it in a huge container with whatever, and he could still taste it. he used it to gain lean muscle mass without fat. he said he put on about 5 lbs of lean muscle with about 2lbs of fat in 4 weeks. he was using prohormones at the time too.

please refrain from using that shit...for your own good unless you've read up on it and know exactly everything there is to know about it and more so, how to use it properly many think that you can use it in ketosis

Filmboy44 please refrain from using that shit...for your own good unless you've read up on it and know exactly everything there is to know about it and more so, how to use it properly many think that you can use it in ketosis listen to filmy.

Filmboy44 please refrain from using that shit...for your own good unless you've read up on it and know exactly everything there is to know about it and more so, how to use it properly many think that you can use it in ketosis dank im not going to do it or anything, i just thought we could have some discussion on the topic... the ECY is kicking my ass hard enough. anyone know where i can get some DNP?

dank anyone know where i can get some DNP? http://www.tpg.com/downloads/images/building.jpg

dank anyone know where i can get some DNP? yeah while you're looking into that look into these: http://www.jsdart.com/finearts/photo...20showroom.jpg

Filmboy44 yeah while you're looking into that look into these: http://www.jsdart.com/finearts/photo...20showroom.jpg

Filmboy44 yeah while you're looking into that look into these: http://www.jsdart.com/finearts/photo...20showroom.jpg

chadhova What's so bad about clenbuterol? nothing, if used correctly

Gutrat No...no lock, i'm interested. Don't they give that to live stock to make them bigger? You only give it to cows if they want to see their six pack, or their sex muscles.

chadhova What's so bad about clenbuterol? well theres the danger of using too much... and apparently the side effects can be a little intense. it raises your body temperature 2-3 degrees, gets the heart going pretty fast... you sweat a lot, possible insomnia, nausea, nerviousness. stuff like that.

dank well theres the danger of using too much... and apparently the side effects can be a little intense. it raises your body temperature 2-3 degrees, gets the heart going pretty fast... you sweat a lot, possible insomnia, nausea, nerviousness. stuff like that. just to name a few.... I've used it...personally and had never experienced any harsh sides *knock on wood* however you have to build your tolerance to it slowly. I, the first time using it took 1.25 in stead of .20

dank well theres the danger of using too much... and apparently the side effects can be a little intense. it raises your body temperature 2-3 degrees, gets the heart going pretty fast... you sweat a lot, possible insomnia, nausea, nerviousness. stuff like that. Personally clens sides were much less harsh than ECY to me.

sprite You only give it to cows if they want to see their sex muscles. I laughed.

GilgaMesH Personally clens sides were much less harsh than ECY to me. depending on your bodyweight, that will determine your dosage. Where you taking the recommended amount?

GilgaMesH Personally clens sides were much less harsh than ECY to me. reeeeeallly...

Filmboy44 depending on your bodyweight, that will determine your dosage. Where you taking the recommended amount? I was about 215 and pyramided up from about 40mg to 120.

sprite You only give it to cows if they want to see their six pack, or their sex muscles. Clenbuterol and Livestock You may have read recently about Clenbuterol being used illegally in livestock. This drug is not approved for use in the United States. But, if it is used, it may cause problems for people consuming meat of the animal if residues remain at the time of slaughter. It is also a very good repartitioning agent which of course improves lean tissue deposition. More of the animal's weight gain becomes muscle instead of fat. This is the area that has received the most attention. Adverse effects in people consuming products with high levels of residue or inhalation of products may be increased heart rate (tachycardia), heart palpitations (cardiac fibrillation), muscle tremors and increased blood pressure. Residues may be found in the liver even at 1ppb. The ocular fluid of the eyeball is now considered to be the tissue of choice to find residues as this fluid will store this drug for an extremely long time. (KP) Source: Jerry Stokka, Extension Veterinarian, Department of Animal Sciences and Industry, Kansas State University. from http://www.clenbuterol.com/livestock.htm

so i'm talking to my buddy, who is pretty big/cut, about the ECY...

Critique my workout plz

Critique my workout plz

Mondays-Biceps/Legs alternating curls 4x10 preacher curls 4x10 hammer curls 4x10 squats 3x10 leg press 3x10 stiff-legged dead lifts 3x10 (we're REALLY weak on legs, once they get built up more, we'll be doing 4 sets 10 times) Wednesdays-Triceps/back Tricep pushdowns 4x10 reverse pushdowns (same thing but pulling down with my hands facing up) skullcrushers 4x10 overhead extensions Tate press Decline bench 4x10 Lat pull-downs 4x10 Seated rows 4x10 Deadlifts 3x10 T-bar rows 4x10 Friday-Chest/Shoulders Flat bench DB press 4x10 Incline bench 4x10 Deltoid Flys 4x10 Shoulder press 4x10 Shrugs 4x10 I increase weight after each set. Am I pretty much covering everything adequately? I know I need to start doing cardio really bad....

It would help if you said how many sets and reps you are doing of each exercise. I can see a few flaws, such as having more bicep work than tricep work, and only having one true shoulder movement.

How about you work legs before bi's and back before tri's...

Natezilla How about you work legs before bi's and back before tri's... Does it matter? We usually do a bicep/tricep workout then a leg/back workout and go back and forth. Is it better to do all the workouts for say...legs together?

TQ Does it matter? We usually do a bicep/tricep workout then a leg/back workout and go back and forth. Is it better to do all the workouts for say...legs together? Big muscles first, small muscles last.

Ilyusha It would help if you said how many sets and reps you are doing of each exercise. I can see a few flaws, such as having more bicep work than tricep work, and only having one true shoulder movement. Thats weird. My triceps are f-ing huge compared to my biceps. The guy I go to the gym with lifts the same as me on biceps but 30lbs less on triceps. What other should movements can I do?

TQ Does it matter? We usually do a bicep/tricep workout then a leg/back workout and go back and forth. Is it better to do all the workouts for say...legs together? I don't understand any of that.

Ilyusha Big muscles first, small muscles last. So I should do all my leg work first AND together? right?

TQ Thats weird. My triceps are f-ing huge compared to my biceps. The guy I go to the gym with lifts the same as me on biceps but 30lbs less on triceps. What other should movements can I do? Tate press, close grip bench, skullcrushers, rope pushdowns, overhead extensions, etc.

TQ So I should do all my leg work first AND together? right? Not necessarily. Before doing my current 4 day split, I was doing: M: Chest/Tris W: Back/Bis F: Legs/Shoulders Listed in order of body part done.

Natezilla I don't understand any of that. ok.... I do one leg workout then I do one bicep workout then I do another leg workout then another for biceps.... get it?

Ilyusha Tate press, close grip bench, skullcrushers, rope pushdowns, overhead extensions, etc. shit, i forgot about overhead extensions.... I already do skullcrushers and pushdowns...as well as reverse pushdowns

TQ shit, i forgot about overhead extensions.... I already do skullcrushers and pushdowns...as well as reverse pushdowns Tate Presses > * x11tybillion It's a trade secret, but I'm letting you in on it..

Ilyusha Tate Presses > * x11tybillion It's a trade secret, but I'm letting you in on it.. unfortunately I have no clue what tate presses are. edit: i figured it out through google

TQ unfortunately I have no clue what tate presses are. http://www.weighttrainersunited.com/tatetri.html

so generally speaking....am I getting a good balanced workout? my gym buddy seems to think we don't do chest/arms often enough

Ilyusha http://www.weighttrainersunited.com/tatetri.html wow those look good i just added them to my routine

TQ so generally speaking....am I getting a good balanced workout? my gym buddy seems to think we don't do chest/arms often enough nah i'd say yur chest/bi has enough volume... but then again im a noob broly

sr20wop wow those look good i just added them to my routine Just watch the weight you start with.. they are surprisingly difficult.

anything else I should add?

Ok just for reference....why exactly do I need to work the bigger muscles first?


TQ bump ummmm... big > small

sr20wop ummmm... big > small well is my routine adequate or what? I wouldn't bump my thread if my questions were answered

TQ Mondays-Biceps/Legs alternating curls 4x10 preacher curls 4x10 loose one of these hammer curls 4x10 squats 3x10 leg press 3x10 stiff-legged dead lifts 3x10 (we're REALLY weak on legs, once they get built up more, we'll be doing 4 sets 10 times) Go heavier, a few more sets, less reps Wednesdays-Triceps/back Tricep pushdowns 4x10 reverse pushdowns (same thing but pulling down with my hands facing up) skullcrushers 4x10 board press, lockouts, and CG bench/ maybee decline would be good here too overhead extensions Tate press Lat pull-downs 4x10 Seated rows 4x10 BB/DB rows would be another good exercise, along with hypers Deadlifts 3x10 Friday-Chest/Shoulders Flat bench DB press 4x10 Incline bench 4x10 Decline bench 4x10 maybee better on tricep day Shoulder press 4x10 Shrugs 4x10 I increase weight after each set. Am I pretty much covering everything adequately? I know I need to start doing cardio really bad.... if u are bulking u dont have to do cardio, although it is not a bad idea, be sure to eat mroe. I would change the reps up some, and ad abs, u do not have one ab exerciser there. change ur shit up to something like this legs/shoulders Chest/tris back/bis and start with movements liek Squat Deadlift, Benchpress Compund>>> accesory

Critique my workout plz

Sup F&N

Sup F&N

Quick question, since im starting to calorie count I notice all my vegtables have like an assload of sodium in them. Is there anything wrong with getting that much sodium? I was thinking about just eating veggies for lunch other than a can of Tuna but I dont know how all the sodium would affect me. Also it seems like my tuna has alot of fat in it compared to the protein. Like there is 13 g of protein per serving of tuna. 2.5 servings in a can, but there is also like 8 g of fat. WTF is this normal or do I need to buy higher quality tuna?

Are these vegetables canned? The fat content in the tuna is very high. What kind do you have?

Yes they veggies are canned, and the Tuna is a generic brand called " Chunk light tuna " I fail to see anything light about it.

mehh, i woukld not stress over the sodium unless u have heart problems or somethuing..

vettedude mehh, i woukld not stress over the sodium unless u have heart problems or somethuing.. Im fat that is a heart problem no? LOL

Silver85327 Im fat that is a heart problem no? LOL how fat? i would not get too anal about it, chances are ur sodium intake eating this will be less than otherwise.

vettedude how fat? i would not get too anal about it, chances are ur sodium intake eating this will be less than otherwise. 6ft 285 im going to take pics so I can see a differance one of these days as soon as I find batteries for my camera.

i had tuna earlier..it had a total of 2.5 g of fat in the whole can...with about 33 g of protein i thikn you got some messed up tuna

its ok, i started out at 284 and i eat a lot of tuna and canned vegetables, ive lost around 60lbs so far

eliktronix its ok, i started out at 284 and i eat a lot of tuna and canned vegetables, ive lost around 60lbs so far how long you been doing it? What does your work out routine look like?

Silver85327 how long you been doing it? What does your work out routine look like? since october/04 , my routine mostly consists of intense cardio with weight training 5 days a week on average. i actually follow real closely to 'christophers' sticky regarding fat loss

nic379 i had tuna earlier..it had a total of 2.5 g of fat in the whole can...with about 33 g of protein i thikn you got some messed up tuna i'm with her, there isn't much fat in tuna...

I need to correct myself. The tuna is hill country fair chunk light tuna. serving size 2 oz drained. calories 110 fat cal 50 total fat 6 g sat fat 1 g cholesterol 30 g sodium 250 mg total carb 0 protein 13 g

eliktronix since october/04 , my routine mostly consists of intense cardio with weight training 5 days a week on average. i actually follow real closely to 'christophers' sticky regarding fat loss Nice thats the routine I hope to follow. any idea on your BF %?

cbrpimp and they call that LIGHT tuna!! Switch to the bumblebee i listed above so am I correct in assuming I should throw the 12 ish cans I have of this crap left away and buy something else?

Silver85327 so am I correct in assuming I should throw the 12 ish cans I have of this crap left away and buy something else? You can still eat it, it's not poisonous or anything. I'd recommend eating that and just getting better stuff next time.

Davo You can still eat it, it's not poisonous or anything. I'd recommend eating that and just getting better stuff next time. I think im going to feed it to my dog She likes tuna and im sure all the fat will help her coat.

you got the can with the dolphins in it

8g of fat in that tuna? did you get tuna in oil? you should get tuna in water. oh and, fresh veggies, not canned.

Sup F&N

So I need gain weight v.adviceforskinnybastage

So I need gain weight v.adviceforskinnybastage

First off, don't laugh guys Now honestly, I'm not too worried about bulking strictly muscularly, because I'm just really that goddamn skinny, but I would obviously prefer muscle over fat. I calculated it through stuff in the archives, and I need to eat roughly ~3000-3200 calories per day to maintain, and let me reiterate that I'm pretty skinny and I eat only 3 meals per day right now, which is a light breakfast before school (cause I'm always running late - ~200 calories max), a cafeteria lunch (I have no clue, maybe ~500-600 calories?), and finally a semi decent meal for dinner which would probably max at about 900 calories. So on a typical day, as you can see, I'm hitting about 2000-2500ish calories (including snacks and stuff). I know that's probably nothing compared to you guys Oh and also I need to point out that I don't have a workout routine right now, but I'm going to be starting that soon (more on that below). Here's where my questions/concerns come in. What kind of meals/etc can I make for myself that have high caloric content? I don't have very much time in the mornings, and even if I boil/fry myself some eggs that's still like 200ish calories yeah? As far as the cafeteria lunch, I don't have much of a choice there because of my meal plan/money constraints. Dinner, yeah. So by typing this out I've kind of answered my own question that I just need to eat more in between meals, which is going to be hard because it's hard for me to get myself to eat when I'm not hungry. Any suggestions there? I guess it's just a mental thing. Now this is going to seem dumb to you guys, but that's kind of my point, I want you guys to point out the flaw in my thinking here Since my main goal is to just gain weight, I'm hesitant to have a regular workout routine because that'll just be burning calories that I'm desperately trying to eat. Plus doesn't working out boost your metabolism? Mine's plenty fast right now Right now I was planning on trying to gain weight as fast as possible, and then work out to tone up/bulk up... is that stupid? As you guys can see I'm a pretty big noob, but I've been through the archives some and I'm still trying to figure out how I'm gonna do all this, so I appreciate any and all responses

newb thread/archives edit and since u have a subs, search for bulking foods, stuff like that


Ilyusha Height/weight/pics? 5'7" 115 maybe 120 I haven't weighed myself in a bit I don't have pics cause I'm self conscious

CaseLogic 5'7" 115 maybe 120 I haven't weighed myself in a bit I don't have pics cause I'm self conscious Eat until you vomit.

Ilyusha Eat until you vomit. That sentence implies you stop eating after you vomit. Not so. Swallow down your vomit and continue eating (Yes, I'm serious.)

KetchupKing That sentence implies you stop eating after you vomit. Not so. Swallow down your vomit and continue eating (Yes, I'm serious.) What was I thinking..

Wow I'm so excited about doing this

You're not going to lift?.. Have fun being as skinny as you are right now, with a massive gut. It's gonna look extremely funny.

Phlab You're not going to lift?.. Have fun being as skinny as you are right now, with a massive gut. It's gonna look extremely funny. Please leave the thread

CaseLogic Please leave the thread hes right... why do you want to pack mass on so quickly? sports? just eat a ton and lift, you'll be happy you did

NoXeN hes right... why do you want to pack mass on so quickly? sports? just eat a ton and lift, you'll be happy you did He's not 100% right because I asked you guys to tell me what was wrong with my thought process, not to tell me I'm a dipshit/flame me for not working out I was probably gonna be lifting anyways. And I'm not in a particular hurry, I just want to weigh more

CaseLogic He's not 100% right because I asked you guys to tell me what was wrong with my thought process, not to tell me I'm a dipshit for not working out I was probably gonna be lifting anyways. And I'm not in a particular hurry, I just want to weigh more I called you a dipshit? PS, if you want to put on a load of fat (which is exactly what those extra cals will turn into if you don't lift), then go for it. You'll gain "mass", just not any muscle. If you want to improve the way you look, then lift.

Just make sure to get some extra calories on days you lift, problem solved.

Phlab I called you a dipshit? PS, if you want to put on a load of fat (which is exactly what those extra cals will turn into if you don't lift), then go for it. You'll gain "mass", just not any muscle. If you want to improve the way you look, then lift. My point was you didn't have to seem like such an assbag, there are more polite ways of saying things But I appreciate your advice anyways.

Like everyone else said, eating more and not working out will just make you skinny fat. I know this from first hand experience . I like snaking on almonds. They don't fill me up and are pretty calorie dense. A half a cup of almonds has around 300 calories. They should also be easy for you to put in a baggy and bring to school. I also drink shakes for breakfast because I'm not much of a breakfast person. If you mix in the right stuff(oats, flaxseed oil, protein powder) you can get some easy calories.

So I need gain weight v.adviceforskinnybastage

question about ephedrine..

question about ephedrine..

i was looking through the archives and was reading about the yohimbine hcl/ephedrine/caffeine combination and was curious about ephedrine. i'm a college athelete and ephedrine is on the ncaa's banned substance list. how long does ephedrine stay in the body? and when i quit using it (in season) will my body fat loss remain, or will i bounce back to my original bf% (i'll still be dieting/working hard)?

not sure about lifespan, but you won't lose teh gains you made while on ephedrine. As long as your diet doens't go to shit, the fat burned off will stay off. If you have the time and aren't grossly out of shape for your sport, I'd suggest skipping teh ephedrine, just in case. As an athlete, don't you get tested in teh offseason as well, or is that just the pro's?

I believe the half life is only a few hours.

i swam division III and we got tested once, for like physicals and shit. never again for the rest of the season. i'm transfering to a division I school and gonna swim there as well as possibly run track (sprinting). i duno how the drug testing is done there, but here we were told we might randomly be tested... but never were (besides that initial testing)

Not sure about half life either but you will look softer after going off ephedrine...

isnt it hard to find stuff with ephedrine in it these days?

oh... my b... not really up on stuff like that...

question about ephedrine..

stupid question about losing fat..

stupid question about losing fat..

sounds weird and i've been wondering hypothetically lets say you only take protein shakes and your vitamins throughout the day for a while probably really hard to do but you take about lets say 1000 cal worth of shakes and you work out normally and in the morning get like a tbs of peanutbutter to get you going would you lose body fat quicker? and would this be bad for the muscles... i know you are lacking nutrients and its hurting the body in the long run but this is just a hypothetical question.

sounds like a psmf

eh would it work tho?

i know if you do psmf in cycles but the refeed process... like what would you take in?

but seriously any thoughts on this... like i'm about 16 percent bf wondering if i did it how much would i probably cut down (this is in a perfect situation where i have a high metabolism)

www.bodyrecomposition.com Basically, a PSMF is 1.5 g/lb of LBM (not total body weight, just your lean mass), veggies, and fish oil for your essential fats. It's not meant to be long-term without a schedule refeed or some time eating at maintenance in there, but it's not too complicated.

XsLiCk sounds weird and i've been wondering hypothetically lets say you only take protein shakes and your vitamins throughout the day for a while probably really hard to do but you take about lets say 1000 cal worth of shakes and you work out normally and in the morning get like a tbs of peanutbutter to get you going would you lose body fat quicker? and would this be bad for the muscles... i know you are lacking nutrients and its hurting the body in the long run but this is just a hypothetical question. that is a horrible idea. You WILL be hungry all the time, even with EC. You won't learn good eating habits. etc. yes, you will lose fat quicker but it is ONLY because you have a huge caloric deficit. You are much better off doing it with real food for a variety of reasons. About the only workout you can do on a diet like this is maintenance: full-body, 2 sets per muscle, 2-3 times a week. Any more and you're just fucking yourself.

you'll lose a ton of muscle even with all the protein because your glycogen will be so low/non-existant it's why atkins people lose so much weight

I've heard of this diet. Basically flax seed oil and protein shakes and vitamins. It would work really good if you dont mind losing muscle.

Werdna you'll lose a ton of muscle even with all the protein because your glycogen will be so low/non-existant it's why atkins people lose so much weight Muscle and water wieght I think.

stupid question about losing fat..

I am pathetic

I am pathetic

17 almost 18, no job, no liscense, 100% out of shape, 250lbs, 5'11", all fat, tired and burnt out all day, can only do 3 sets of 10 with 70lbs on the bar, that is a struggle... so how many of you think that i need to join a gym?


you're about where i started from.. only i was even weaker

Don't get discourage. You complaining is not helping either -- instead, you should do some research ask some questions and set up a routine and better eating habits. We got lots of pros here (Christophers, the most well known, but certainly not the only one), that know alot of stuff.

Lem6687 17 almost 18, no job, no liscense, 100% out of shape, 250lbs, 5'11", all fat, tired and burnt out all day, can only do 3 sets of 10 with 70lbs on the bar, that is a struggle... so how many of you think that i need to join a gym? Just think, if you start now by the time you are 20 you will be completely changed. If you have the dedication, of course.

no just stay the way you are. it will make me look better.

Grouch no just stay the way you are. it will make me look better. ass lol nah man get on a routine and eat healthier... i mean read the newb guide to fat loss... and stick to it... it'll be hard but it depends how determined and motivated you are.

christophers i would pay money to see you ellipticaling it away The girls at the gym already stuff dollar bills down my gym shorts.

superbri007 yea, they are payin you to get the fuck out hey I'm making money ain't I.

I see you killing yourself within 2 years unless you change at least 3 of those things in your life.

Ilyusha I see you killing yourself within 2 years unless you change at least 3 of those things in your life. good motivation

Yah, tahts where I was a year ago only...I was at 300 tho and im 6'1" tall. I was like fuck this shit, and boom 3 months later 100 pounds lighter, few months after that muscle in places I never had visible muscle before, hehe...Now...Im happy/feel great have girlfriend na dhave other friends that are girls =)

Lem6687 17 almost 18, no job, no liscense, 100% out of shape, 250lbs, 5'11", all fat, tired and burnt out all day, can only do 3 sets of 10 with 70lbs on the bar, that is a struggle... so how many of you think that i need to join a gym? Post some pics. I can't really remember what Jonno looked like 18 months ago and those would be like perfect before shots.


Lem6687 17 almost 18, no job, no liscense, 100% out of shape, 250lbs, 5'11", all fat, tired and burnt out all day, can only do 3 sets of 10 with 70lbs on the bar, that is a struggle... so how many of you think that i need to join a gym? Wow dude you're a loser

jonno ^^ jonno pics of how you look now?


Did you fill that hoodie, or was it baggy on you?

Ilyusha Did you fill that hoodie, or was it baggy on you? sleeves are obviously baggy.. middle wasnt really tight but not loose either

Looks pretty filled

jonno sleeves are obviously baggy.. middle wasnt really tight but not loose either no you have fucking 500lb woman arms..

White Yah, tahts where I was a year ago only...I was at 300 tho and im 6'1" tall. I was like fuck this shit, and boom 3 months later 100 pounds lighter, few months after that muscle in places I never had visible muscle before, hehe...Now...Im happy/feel great have girlfriend na dhave other friends that are girls =) how in the fuck did you lose 100 lbs in 3 months?

nic379 how in the fuck did you lose 100 lbs in 3 months? I had a friend who did something similar, Starvation and Ephedra were what helped him.

jonno what were you eating? i'm cutting right now. i just had a snack. a small peach and 16oz of ice water. needless to say, i'm still hungry. it looks like a chiggin' wing. yum.

I am pathetic

Fast, Medium and Slow Protein Questions

Fast, Medium and Slow Protein Questions

alright, so I got the BV index infront of me, along with the amino acid score sheet. Now, what I need to know is if there is anyway to tell how fast the protein will be absorbed by observing these numbers? If I were to guess, the higher the BV, the faster it is absorbed and the lower the BV the slower it is absorbed, right? One last question, in a meal, what % of protein should be "fast", "medium" and "slow"? This is assuming that we are eating the 6 meals a day.

holy fuck....

HOLY SHIT DUDE!lc stop asking questions and start lifting and eating. you are 140lbs. eat and lift

wait, so if I were jewish, should I stay away from the protein in German Bratwurst?

shastaisforwinners wait, so if I were jewish, should I stay away from the protein in German Bratwurst? it'd probably be a good idea

and I thought I was bad

read the protein sticky


shastaisforwinners wait, so if I were jewish, should I stay away from the protein in German Bratwurst? dont be silly, jews cant eat bratwurst edit: come to think of it, it probably isnt kosher neway

christophers this is a tricky question. the speed of protein you need is highly dependant on a variety of factors. sensitivity to light, sensitivity to animal protein, how long it's been on a plate, how long it's been microwaved, the total weight, your total weight, your bodyfat. hair color can also play a role as studies show the color of your hair, pubic hair, or eyebrow hair plays a significant role in the absorprtion of various proteins. blonde haired folk do not do well with casein based proteins, most theorize this has to do with the history of germans and nazi's.

Fast, Medium and Slow Protein Questions

The Ultimate Fighter

The Ultimate Fighter

The UFC's first "reality" TV series starts tonight on Spike TV at 11pm. If you are at all interested in martial arts it'll probably be worth a watch. 11pm EST, as in... 20 minutes from now.

flippin over right after family guy

I'm going to be missing it because of gymtime. I guess I'll check back here for a review.

Got the DVR set!

12 more minutes

haarago Got the DVR set! Upload to internet?

few more min to go

no cable

MikeTheVike1 no cable

watching it now

It's on now

at that drunk tard pissing over the guy's bed and pillow

a bit boring to watch but damn id love the experience... anyone wanna train???

I always enjoy watching people train in anything. Makes me wanna go work out the next day fired up and ready to go.

man to bad i quit martial arts in 1st grade could ahve been like these guys lol

For being ufc guys/coaches, I'm surprised at how nice and supportive they are in the training. Granted it's the first day, but I for some reason would've thought these guys to be a little more tough on these guys. Also, cauliflower ear sucks...

superbri007 that red headed fuck is a tool, i hope he's the first to go He finished the sick treadmill routine they had set up. 5mph@5mins 6mph@6mins 7mph@7mins 8mph@8mins 9mph@9mins 10mph@10mins it was something like that?

superbri007 yeah, and no one else did, so props to him for that. Maybe he's not all talk. it was 5,6,7,8,9,10 mphs @ 5 mins each btw ughh, thats nothing to write home about really. just doing quick math in my head, i think thats 3.5 total miles in 30 minutes.

superbri007 its easier to run 3.5 just strait-up instead of that pyramid conditioning shit they had them doing but, that was the point, to see who could do it, and who could not. are you sure it was the 5,6,7,8,9,10 mphs @ 5 mins each? think about it man, i know i can do that and im hardley in ultimate fighter shape, it had to be what the first guy posted with the time intervals increasing along with the pace if it was actually hard enough where only one guy finished it.

Undefined ughh, thats nothing to write home about really. just doing quick math in my head, i think thats 3.5 total miles in 30 minutes. ................. those motherfuckers were sprinting near the end, and it was nonstop

it 5 for 5 minutes 6 for 6 minutes 7 for 7 minutes and so on not 5 minutes for each

btw the ear is cauliflower ear...comes from grappling.

Undefined ughh, thats nothing to write home about really. just doing quick math in my head, i think thats 3.5 total miles in 30 minutes. While curcuit training boxing, grappling, and muay thai... it is nothing to sneeze at.

superbri007 they had 2 treadmills goin for 16 guys. for 30 mins each, which is a total of 4 hours...that gym session was only like 3 hours +/- They also had a buncha guys quit. Only one went for 30 minutes.

That drunk asshole is probably gonna win the whole thing (middleweight), but his best compitition is the yoga guy. They are both accomplished MMA fighters. Their Muay Thai coach is a BADASS coach from the Fairtex gym. Their grappling coach is also a stud. REPLAYS are on Friday, 12:00 AM, Saturday, 7:00 PM, and Sunday, 5:00 PM.

The Ultimate Fighter

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