Friday, January 17, 2014

so i'm projecting 415g of protein for today

so i'm projecting 415g of protein for today

nothing wrong with this right? granted i'm sure a lot of it won't be used.

Then why so much?

what are you planning on eating?? i'm doing good to get around 120 a day

eat big, get big

dank eat big, shit big fixed

Most profesionnals on this board advice me and others to go around 1g per pound per day . I love high protein foods, so proly go alot more than that

let me guess youre around 150lbs?

You will have to JIHAD the shitter later buddy. It won't be pretty either... probably a case of the green apple splatters.

if your about 300 and 8% your right on track. Keep it up bro

Dos Equis4 You will have to JIHAD the shitter later buddy. It won't be pretty either... probably a case of the green apple splatters. Actually I have the opposite problem with super high protein intake... its like I'm laying down cinder blocks.

im 195. i know it's overboard but i like high protein foods, it's not on purpose

PurEvl if your about 300 and 8% your right on track. Keep it up bro people need to get calories somehow, eating all those damn carbs can be sickening. I consume a little over 500, because it's the only way to get a decent amount of calories for the day

2 cans of tuna, 3 protein shakes, 2 chicken breasts, 15 egg whites .... doesnt sound like too much but it sure as hell adds up p.s. - i cooked 15 egg whites to have over several days, but they were damn good and i was hungry.... i ate em all like a fat kid.

aenz 2 cans of tuna, 3 protein shakes, 2 chicken breasts, 15 egg whites .... doesnt sound like too much but it sure as hell adds up p.s. - i cooked 15 egg whites to have over several days, but they were damn good and i was hungry.... i ate em all like a fat kid. i hard boil 6 eggs a day and then just eat the whites. 3 before work out and 3 after.

SteveO people need to get calories somehow, eating all those damn carbs can be sickening. I consume a little over 500, because it's the only way to get a decent amount of calories for the day bro we cant even use you as an example, I have never needed more the 4500 to grow nor has anyone else I compete with, and we are 220 with sub 5%. Your a genetic freak and not in a good way.

SteveO people need to get calories somehow, eating all those damn carbs can be sickening. I consume a little over 500, because it's the only way to get a decent amount of calories for the day if you're eatting protein in excess just for calories why not consume more healthy fats since per gram it has more caloies?

ST33LR4T if you're eatting protein in excess just for calories why not consume more healthy fats since per gram it has more caloies? I personally enjoy alot of protein. I would only eat meat and eggs if I could.

ACURA TL-S I personally enjoy alot of protein. I would only eat meat and eggs if I could. your toilet would get

ACURA TL-S I personally enjoy alot of protein. I would only eat meat and eggs if I could. Then you would have no to little energy and life would suck

Neo22 Then you would have no to little energy and life would suck The inuit and eskimos lived (and still living) life well enough without carbs

christophers protein is a very inefficient source of fuel But it tastes so good.

Neo22 Then you would have no to little energy and life would suck Ya, I would probably throw some potatoes in various forms in there. Maybe some cereal.

eddscat The inuit and eskimos lived (and still living) life well enough without carbs thgere bodies have adapted centuries to allow them to survive with what they have. For instance, an old geology prof who worked in tehy artic told us there is a meat, raw caribou I think, that they can eat, but the rest of us can't becuase of bactria in th meat

Dragon thgere bodies have adapted centuries to allow them to survive with what they have. For instance, an old geology prof who worked in tehy artic told us there is a meat, raw caribou I think, that they can eat, but the rest of us can't becuase of bactria in th meat All those peeps on the atkins are'nt dieing

do you guys carry fans with you, to dispose of the putrate smell coming from you ass with that much protein?? Try a little brown rice and potatoes with your meals, they are filling and are great energy resources!! I cant afford to shit out that much protein, no matter how good it tastes!

so i'm projecting 415g of protein for today

BSN's NO-Xplode

BSN's NO-Xplode

anyone take this?? i just bought it and am wondering if anyone here takes it and has any feedback on it, thanks.

it made my ass xplode more than my muscles

SilverJettaGLX it made my ass xplode more than my muscles

I tried that shit a long time ago because the guy at the supp shop said that i could try it out and if i didn't like it he would refund me. It did absolutely nothing IMO. The only supps that do anythign for me are weight gainer and protein powder- so basically food.

BSN's NO-Xplode

One of the best workouts I've ever tried

One of the best workouts I've ever tried

I just started Bas Rutten's Mixed Martial Arts work out and it is amazing. I want my workouts to be a challenge everytime, and this one is. When watching the instructional DVD it didn't seem like it would kill me as much as it did. I suggest you all check it out,

I've come close to buying many times, I already have a fairly structured workout so maybe when I make some changes. I've heard only great reviews from it

You too huh? I uh "purchased" it myself and it kicks my ass. Even the 2 minute rounds are killing me, and I'm only doing the boxing/thai boxing routines at this point. The all around fighting workout is HARDCORE.

I'm getting seriously tired of your bullshit, cut it out or I will definitely fuck you up.

I get to have a 2 time iranian pancrase champion /former olympic wrestler yell at me during conditioning- at least in the rutten tapes you can cheat and take a rest

they make you do pretty hard stuff for martial arts. this week just to warm up it was holding a med ball over your head and then hopping in a squat about 60ft. everyone was dead by 30ft and we've done this lots of times before

cavefish I'm getting seriously tired of your bullshit, cut it out or I will definitely fuck you up. thats great

Aluyminyum they make you do pretty hard stuff for martial arts. this week just to warm up it was holding a med ball over your head and then hopping in a squat about 60ft. everyone was dead by 30ft and we've done this lots of times before todays training: warm up/stretch/etc. 14 rounds- 3 minutes each, 15 seconds in between Rounds 1-2 = shadow boxing Rounds 3-6 = bag work Rounds 7-10 = pad work Round 11 = sprints w/stepping Round 12 = sprints w/shuffleing Round 13 = jump rope w/knee ups Round 14 = Jump rope w/single leg (5 on each leg) Then 45 minute non-stop "road work" consisting of: Jogging, reverse jogging, sprinting, shuffle in/outward, sidestep in/outward, bear crawls, crab walks, toe ins, toe outs, hops (feet together), zig-zag inward/outward all around the room, never stopping - clockwise then counter clockwise... then jog to the center and 15 more minutes of: Front/back, side to side, switch hips, quick steps, dive bombers, mountain climbers, hops (in place). My legs hurt

cavefish You too huh? I uh "purchased" it myself E. link?

joy division todays training: My legs hurt you should start a training log

velamint you should start a training log Kind of impossible to recreate it in a thread on account of our trainer tells us when to do things, its always timed...also alot of the lifts/movements require proper form that you don't want to attempt without being shown but... for example the strength training day is all oly lifts with special weights (one handed); snatch/press/cleans/etc. etc....then there are things like slaloms and turkish getups which have multiple steps to them and are really hard to explain.

I wish there was an mma gym around here...although when I'm not injured any more I'd like to start taking bjj and boxing

yeah I've never seen any place that was so serious about conditioning. Classes are at least 3 hours long, 3 times a week. It takes lots of dedication

joy division Damn! That's a pretty serious routine. How long have you been training? I'm just now making the switch from boxing to MMA.

thats intense. 3 hours, you better be sore!

illmatix Damn! That's a pretty serious routine. How long have you been training? I'm just now making the switch from boxing to MMA. I trained for over a year at the same place back in 2003-2004. I just started up again in january of this year after taking time off for school/work/personal deals. Yeah soreness pretty much rocks me if I don't get proper sleep and nutrition- the trainer makes us go to a nutrition class and we have to set up our own diet. Right now I'm eating ~380g carbs, ~230g protein and ~67g fats.

One of the best workouts I've ever tried

Mechanical or Digital Weight Scale

Mechanical or Digital Weight Scale

What type of scale is more accurate? One of the professional mechanical ones that you see at the doctor's office that cost around $50 USD or your above average digital scale that costs around $50-60 USD that measure in 1/2 lb (0.2kgs) increments? Thanks.

those dr scales have to be calibrated to make sure the weights are correct. often it will lose accuracy as metal chips away. a digital scale is not as accurate, but it's consistent--however some things can change the accuracy, such as how hard/soft the floor is that you have it on and the elevation of your city.

Mechanical or Digital Weight Scale

is it okay to go out and tan again if im sunburnt

is it okay to go out and tan again if im sunburnt

inquiring minds want to know

No. The tanning beds I go to suggest you wait until the tan is gone because it will be very damaging to your skin. Plus, it would hurt like a bitch.

i doubt it.

Socrates No. The tanning beds I go to suggest you wait until the tan is gone because it will be very damaging to your skin. Plus, it would hurt like a bitch. thats what i figured thanks though


Absolutely not.

Seems to me that trying to tan while being sunburnt already would just make the current sun burn even worse? Go for it man!

sweetcheeks Seems to me that trying to tan while being sunburnt already would just make the current sun burn even worse? Go for it man!

is it okay to go out and tan again if im sunburnt

Cutting Progress *Pics*

Cutting Progress *Pics*

Before:Sept 04 Now:May 05

everyone is gonna say it, you shouldn't be cutting. Good progress though, look a lot better

yeah i just want to add that im not going for the huge bodybuilder look, just the fit, athletic look...for now

Looking much better!

nice playboy boxers

nonplus nice playboy boxers

OH SNAP IS THAT YOO, BRAD PITT?!!111lc edit: You actually do look a ton better though

Damn you look A TON better. You actually look bigger too!

how long have you been cutting for? weight in the beginning and weight now?

been cutting since sept 2004, before weight was 175 now i weigh 142

jkklim been cutting since sept 2004, before weight was 175 now i weigh 142

lol im only 5'4" man

Good improvement, but you should be bulking.

looking good mini-broly

what do/did you eat? a can of tuna and an apple each day? cutting down to 140 would mean like 1300 cal/day looking better though

crap you're short

terse what do/did you eat? a can of tuna and an apple each day? cutting down to 140 would mean like 1300 cal/day looking better though well i multiplied my weight by 10-11 and ate that many calories. heres an example of a day Diet:7:45am- General Mills whole grain berry cereal and skim milk- 265 cals 10:45am- turkey and reduced fat cheese sandwich w/lettuce- 205 cals 1:45pm- turkey and reduced fat cheese sandwich w/lettuce- 205 cals 4:45pm- lean cuisine(lowcarb)- 220 cals -preworkout 7:45pm- oatmeal + protien - 210 cals - postworkout 10:30pm- tuna and lettuce wrap- 185 11:30-protien shake- 110 cals Total cals- 1400

yap, great progress, but you're too small to cut

jkklim well i multiplied my weight by 10-11 and ate that many calories. heres an example of a day Diet:7:45am- General Mills whole grain berry cereal and skim milk- 265 cals 10:45am- turkey and reduced fat cheese sandwich w/lettuce- 205 cals 1:45pm- turkey and reduced fat cheese sandwich w/lettuce- 205 cals 4:45pm- lean cuisine(lowcarb)- 220 cals -preworkout 7:45pm- oatmeal + protien - 210 cals - postworkout 10:30pm- tuna and lettuce wrap- 185 11:30-protien shake- 110 cals Total cals- 1400 holy christ, eat more please

Werdna yap, great progress, but you're too small to cut What's your story man!? Have you started cutting yet or are you still bulking?

jkklim been cutting since sept 2004, before weight was 175 now i weigh 142 i lost more weight than that in three months dude, u are doing somethign wrong

Good job...that's some impressive progress.

I'm actually quite suprised 142 pounds doesnt look a lot bigger on you.

jkklim lol im only 5'4" man 5'4 here, too

I'm wearing the same boxers right now

Cutting Progress *Pics*

Another deadlift with questionable form

Another deadlift with questionable form 475

what a douche.. IBbutatleasthegotitup

Ilyusha what a douche.. IBbutatleasthegotitup You should see what that guy is saying on ls2. He's like omg so what if i used my back more than my legs. I'd still be legal in competition.

His spine is hating him right now and will in the future. Talk about shit form, dude in the end even cheered him on?

Neo22 You should see what that guy is saying on ls2. He's like omg so what if i used my back more than my legs. I'd still be legal in competition. link?

with that lift at his weight, he wont have to worry about competitions

christophers well thats true Ya, I didn't see any type of hitch so it would be legal in comp, just probably not the best for your back.

i heard the lightweight in the background looks like a stiff-legged deadlift?

christophers steve goggins is arguably the best squatter in the world and he good mornings his squats basically first guy to hit a 1k squat Like I said, legal. But still probably not great for your spine.

looks like a white version of my lift

That is damn awful. It also makes me want to videotape my form to make sure it's ok. It feels ok, and I don't feel like I'm rounding out my back or anything. But I dunno.

his arms look like they were about to dislocate

umm my legs are outside of my hands which makes me use my legs to get it up. Am I doing the wrong form?

so we are talking about how is back is so horribly rounded correct its ok to use the back if it is straight with the chest out, thats a sldl correct

Shamrock umm my legs are outside of my hands which makes me use my legs to get it up. Am I doing the wrong form? no, its called Sumo. hands outside legs is called Traditional.

looks alright to me. not perfect but passable.

Grouch looks alright to me. not perfect but passable. i dunno man, his back is really curved

sans_pants i dunno man, his back is really curved backs have a tendency to cruve when you max out. I doubt most peoples form here looks all that great when they do. The only really bad thing that jumped out was that he let the bar drift way to far infront of him.

He did it with a double overhand grip too, not bad.

Thread failure. Neo is an idiot again.

yeah my upper back had a tendency to round a bit with maximal loads, the weight just pulls my arms forward and my traps/rhommies are strong enuf to counter the load.

looks like my dl

Grouch Thread failure. Neo is an idiot again.

cavefish He did it with a double overhand grip too, not bad. he used straps. very anti-impressive. backs have a tendency to cruve when you max out. I doubt most peoples form here looks all that great when they do. The only really bad thing that jumped out was that he let the bar drift way to far infront of him. gouch speaks the truth and tells no lies. if you are going to criticize someone post a video of you doing the same ratio weight lift.

Another deadlift with questionable form

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