Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Someone Please Help Me

Someone Please Help Me

Hi. My Name is Patrick and I'm 17 yrs.old. I weigh 210 and want to burn fat but I don't have a strict diet to follow can anyone just put something together or tell me what you do. Thanks.

we've done this already

are your eyes to fat to read a sticky?

Someone Please Help Me

squats and box squats in the same day good idea

squats and box squats in the same day good idea

trying to add box squats to my routine and wondering if it was a good idea to put them together.

whats the point of both?? just pick one

squats and box squats in the same day good idea

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Dumb question

Dumb question

I recently started a new job and I dont have access to a fridge/cooking equipment. Its bag and box lunches all the way. Since I dont feel like eating cold chicken all the time I was considering makeing my diet staple eggs. Is this a good or bad idea? Lets say I eat 5 hard boiled eggs for lunch everyday whats the calories going to look like? I already eat 5 for breakfast with a slice of toast. I looked on my egg cartons and there is no dietary info so any help would be great. I am thinking of just makeing it a nice dozen eggs that I eat everyday. IE 6 for breakfast w toast, 6 for lunch, baked chicken/tuna/salad something like that for dinner. CLIFFS : how many calories are in a egg with yolk, and without yolk if at all possible.

I did a quick google and found this does it appear accurate to all you f&ners? Egg White 17 calories Egg Yolk 59 calories Fried Egg 92 calories Hard-Boiled Egg 76 calories Poached Egg 76 calories Scrambled Egg 100 calories (includes addition of milk in recipe)

youre gonna get sick of eggs fast

sounds about right

there are between 60-70 calories per egg

crucialkc youre gonna get sick of eggs fast no i wont i love eggs. then again im only eating 2.5 dozen a week right now. Are there any negatives i should be worried about eating so many eggs?

Filmboy44 there are between 60-70 calories per egg Yeah but believe it or not, whenever you cook eggs, the amount of calories increases very very slightly

the protein to cal seems a little low should I maybe throw a can of tuna in at lunch to?

Silver85327 no i wont i love eggs. then again im only eating 2.5 dozen a week right now. Are there any negatives i should be worried about eating so many eggs? you're only eating 2.5 doz per week, and you're talking about eating 7 doz per week. HUGE difference. other than salmonella, which I doubt you'll get, I don't see what could be wrong with it

crucialkc Yeah but believe it or not, whenever you cook eggs, the amount of calories increases very very slightly which is why I said between 60-70...everything is variable

Silver85327 the protein to cal seems a little low should I maybe throw a can of tuna in at lunch to? never can get too much tuna

crucialkc you're only eating 2.5 doz per week, and you're talking about eating 7 doz per week. HUGE difference. other than salmonella, which I doubt you'll get, I don't see what could be wrong with it I give him a week before eggs make him sick, 7 dozens is too much, that can't be healthy. I say suck it up and eat your cold grilled chicken sandwich and other cold foods.

RenaultFreak I give him a week before eggs make him sick, 7 dozens is too much, that can't be healthy. I say suck it up and eat your cold grilled chicken sandwich and other cold foods. i back this

how much protien does an average chicken breast have? a can of tuna?

RenaultFreak I give him a week before eggs make him sick, 7 dozens is too much, that can't be healthy. I say suck it up and eat your cold grilled chicken sandwich and other cold foods. right, and there are more things out there other than eggs and chicken to eat for protein sources.. get yourself a damn tub of protein, some turkey and fish for crying out loud

Inferno69 how much protien does an average chicken breast have? a can of tuna? both are around 35ish

Inferno69 how much protien does an average chicken breast have? a can of tuna? dunno about hte tuna...cause I dont' eat it, but chicken...8oz = 40-50grams

RenaultFreak I give him a week before eggs make him sick, 7 dozens is too much, that can't be healthy. I say suck it up and eat your cold grilled chicken sandwich and other cold foods. i only work 4 days a week 10 hours a day. so im talking 5 dozen a week

alright, so I should get tons of protien a day... do lots of cardio and some shit with freeweights (still need an answer to my question in my other thread) and I'll be loosing weight fast? What about carbs? Should I try eating as little as I can or what?

Silver85327 i only work 4 days a week 10 hours a day. so im talking 5 dozen a week his post still applies

Inferno69 alright, so I should get tons of protien a day... do lots of cardio and some shit with freeweights (still need an answer to my question in my other thread) and I'll be loosing weight fast? What about carbs? Should I try eating as little as I can or what? you're a long ways off from losing weight fast my friend...first spend a few days in the archives reading about weight gain weight loss and working out and cardio and nutritional facts, diets, etc.

Filmboy44 you're a long ways off from losing weight fast my friend...first spend a few days in the archives reading about weight gain weight loss and working out and cardio and nutritional facts, diets, etc. I've been doing that for the whole weekend

Filmboy44 his post still applies so ya think i should rotate? like 6 eggs on monday chicken breast for lunch dinner. then eggs for b eggs for l the like eggs for b t for lunch etc? im concerned with my food going bad sitting in 100 degree weather for 6 hours rather than the protein i am getting.

Silver85327 Are there any negatives i should be worried about eating so many eggs? you're gonna have alotta nasty farts. edit : on that note, i just farted. and it was pretty sulpherous.

Silver85327 so ya think i should rotate? like 6 eggs on monday chicken breast for lunch dinner. then eggs for b eggs for l the like eggs for b t for lunch etc? im concerned with my food going bad sitting in 100 degree weather for 6 hours rather than the protein i am getting. OT: how many workers? dunno there but here if the company has over 10 workers they need to supply a good eating/heating/fridge room, maybe you all should ask for at least a fridge and a microwave. Even hard boiled eggs can go bad after 6 hours on 100 degree weather. I think you should rotate them with another 5-6 different meals, cold sandwiches, cold salads or take in consideration not carrying your own food but eating in a nearby restaurant/dinner.... edit: 5 dozens per week is still too much

Dumb question

Post your MOST and LEAST worked out areas

Post your MOST and LEAST worked out areas

Most - other than forearms indirectly, shoulders Least - abs and calves

Most: back & Grip Least calves biceps

most: lower back, posterior and hams (I love to deadlift) least: forearms

most: tris, shoulders least: hamstrings

most: tri's least abs/chest, because my bench sucks

i dont train abs as much as i should but i just started

GTPBR most: lower back, posterior and hams (I love to deadlift) least: forearms but replace forearms with traps

Most: pretty much all lower body (besides calfs) Least: calves abs I <3 squats

most: hams, quads, pecs, tris, delts, post. chain, lats, traps least: biceps and the pen0s.

Most :Tris (just because they are worked in so many exercises that don't target them) Least: Forearms (never, unless you count gripping DBs and barbells for various exercises)

Most: back, quads/hams Least: calves, biceps

most:abs least:forearms, calves

Spyde|2 "Why did Lisa dump me? Is it because of my small calves? They're the hardest place to add mass!" /Milhouse Most: Chest Least: Everything else

most: back least: penis

Most: Legs (squat) Least: Calves

most:lats least:chest(cant bench or fly cuz of bum shoulder )

Most: Chest Least: Legs (i run a lot, and have genetically large,strong legs)

Post your MOST and LEAST worked out areas

Give me the run down on CEE?

Give me the run down on CEE?

old fashion creatine worked fine, what is this new stuff?

Give me the run down on CEE?

Give me the run down on CEE?

3 months off, and i was owned. a thread of my laziness.

3 months off, and i was owned. a thread of my laziness.

lets hope this thread becomes my reminder that its bad to get lazy. feel free to chime in and remind my sorrowfull ass of this. finally dragged myself into the weightroom today. figured id go light, spend an hour to remind my muscles what it means to move. did a mini full body workout, just hitting mostly compound movements. i hate the first day back after a break. i lost so much damn strength! squats-2x8@275. compared to max of 405. and my form bites ass. my hams are so weak. thats a problem area for sure. dl-3x3@315. couldnt hold the bar. compared to 405. surprisingly, the form and weight felt much better than the squats. maybe ill focus more on these, sldl and gm's bench-1x3@275. 2x3@225. max was 335, so not too far off. but damn its gonna take some work from my arms shoulders and back. since my arms were doggin on bp, thought id focus on tris a bit. db bench-2x8@90s. form wasnt hot. elbows started to flare. skull crushers-3x8@60. felt ok, more on joints than muscles. think my body is just tight. supersetted with:db curls-3x6-8@50. easy, but whatever. just curls. really wanted shoulder work, but they were starting to burn from bench. so just did side and front lateral supersets-2x6-8@35. big big drop there. normally use 50-55. def affecting my bench. ended with db shrug-2x8@75. just completely depleted. almost threw up, went home. at least this was a good gauge for letting my body know time to get back into it, and a decent idea of some weak(er) spots. thanks for listening. like you cared. carry on now.

it's been 3 weeks for me I'm scared.

just came back from a long drought and it feels good!

i just came back not so much from heavy lifting, but most any heavy activity at all. although my break was only a month and a half. but after 3 days i've already noticed my muscles are harder and a bit fuller. i'm excited about the future.

ceaze whats happening to you man? recent pics?

Peal ceaze whats happening to you man? recent pics? someone tried to steal my car and the parts to fix it have been backordered

I've been off for six weeks due to working too much, tomorrow will be my first day back. I've probably lost ten pounds

hernia surgery has set me back a few weeks. sucks

update one day later. my traps hurt. my legs hurt even more. its going to be a rough night. i love day 2 soreness

I feel like I want to cut everything but my torso off, first day back from a few breaks. Probably about 3 weeks, worked out for a week before that, then maybe even another 3 weeks before that. Oddly though, my strength hasn't suffered THAT much. I think its mostly because I don't push myself hard enough though. Squats I always get nervous because I don't have anybody spotting me. I switched gyms and they have these queer ass hexagonal or octagonal plates that make it kinda fucked up to do deadlifts Bench I actually feel about the same after incorporating some leg drive and a little arch. I still have to get it down a little more but I tried lots of variations and seem to have found one that worked fairly well for me. I'm more happy with myself for going than pissed off about my losses in strength.

i took last summer off it sucked im hoping this summer wont be like that

i wonder what ceaze drives

nukegoat i wonder what ceaze drives minivan

jonno minivan i'm guessing an older bmw 3 series

im guessing bang bus

i havent done shit all for practically the whole winter. maybe hit the gym handful of times in that 3ish month time. today i went in and no strength loss on main movements...none. i only noticed a 2 rep decrease on my hammer curls. but during that layoff period i did maintain a fairly decent high protein diet so i think thats what helped me most. im feel fresh as fuck too, cns really feels nice, feels like i think i'm almost gonna make some explosive noob gains. im really starting to think extended layoffs from working out are beneficial.

thank christ, dont ever want to drop the weight on the hammer curlzzzz

HP_84 i havent done shit all for practically the whole winter. maybe hit the gym handful of times in that 3ish month time. today i went in and no strength loss on main movements...none. i only noticed a 2 rep decrease on my hammer curls. but during that layoff period i did maintain a fairly decent high protein diet so i think thats what helped me most. im feel fresh as fuck too, cns really feels nice, feels like i think i'm almost gonna make some explosive noob gains. im really starting to think extended layoffs from working out are beneficial. but, CAN YOU STANDING MILITARY PRESS YOUR BODYWEIGHT?!?! LIGHTWEIGHT!!!@@@!!

GuOD but, CAN YOU STANDING MILITARY PRESS YOUR BODYWEIGHT?!?! LIGHTWEIGHT!!!@@@!! you come to windsor and i military press you? this sounds good?

nukegoat i wonder what ceaze drives VW golf

Ceaze someone tried to steal my car and the parts to fix it have been backordered Why not bike there?

3 months off, and i was owned. a thread of my laziness.

Hello to F&N

Hello to F&N

How's it going F&N? I decided to stop being a lurker, get a sub ,and make my frist post here. I don't have any progress pics for you right now but I have gained 25 pounds since January after reading up on bulking here. (160-185 at 5'11) Personal Bests for the big three are:Dead: 400 Bench: 200 Squat: 250 These are from highschool when I was on the powerlifting team in the 165 class and we did our deadlifts straddle Right Now Dead: 320 Bench:195 Squat: 245 Got a bit weaker due to laziness and lack of knowing what I'm doing. Will get some pics up soon.

Will do soon. My last final is in approximately 5 hours so I will be able to get back into my routine more consistently.

superbri007 i have one more week of classes then like 4 finals Yea I just finished all that bullshit and am currently ruining my diet with a 2 liter of mountain dew to stay awake and study for this anthropology crap. On the bright side summer is here and I plan on breaking 200 lbs here soon. Hopefully I don't get too fat since I used to be a Cross Country runner and when I don't look like an ethiopian I feel fat. I'm like a woman sometimes.

Yea today convo with mom :Mom: You're starting to look chunky Me: Mom: Well it's true Me: gonna go purge myself and run the minimarathon. Bye.

superbri007 slap her with your deltoid good idea

Hello to F&N

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