Monday, January 13, 2014

What's for dinner? v. *PICS*

What's for dinner? v. *PICS*

fish + baked potatoe

that makes me hungry ,damn

I had a can of dis right hurr... And some Reduced Fat Triscuits.

I had 4 double cheeseburgers from Mcdonalds

fish and rice...

^^ the fuck does deer taste like?

i've had deer once.. all i remember about the taste was it being awesome

green beans+oatmeal+6oz chicken+hot sauce

deer is like a turkey/chicken/steak mix, it's kinda dry unless marinated for a long time, but good as hell

no beer no care

Chicken Breast, 1 cup Brown Rice, Bowl of Romaine Hearts

Can of tuna and a cup of brown rice

last meal in memory was a pot of rice with onions and carrots and a bowl of salad

christophers girl I was over 220 I hate dieting

that was an hour ago after my workout. steak, scrambled eggs, peanut butter sandwiches while i waited for reheat. peanut butter vanilla milkshake is up next.

christophers yeah dieting is perhaps the gayest feeling in the whole world i last about a week usually until i feel the estrogen take over

iceburg lettuce with 8oz of lean roasted turkey breast from my mom's deli, with half a cup of cottage cheese as a replacement for dressing. also included in the salad was one hardboiled egg white, some broccoli, red pepper, carrots, took out the cheese, and 20oz of ice water, 3 ON fish caps. that was before my workout. i just had a ON shake. 2 scoops ON Choc + 12oz ice water.

christophers yeah dieting is perhaps the gayest feeling in the whole world i last about a week usually until i feel the estrogen take over Thats why I start dieting monday for a sunday meet

I had some fish, rice, and broccoli + cheese.

angus burger on wheat with a spinach salad

7oz tuna pack, chicken breast, green beans, 5" turkey sandwhich

roasted pork and rice

IN-N-OUT Double patty, one slice of cheese, ketchup, mustard, no sauce, tomato, lettuce, onions AND Triple patty, one slice of cheese, ketchup, mustard, no sauce, tomato, lettuce, onions *excellent*

What's for dinner? v. *PICS*

Reducing Soreness

Reducing Soreness

Is there any way to reduce the length of soreness after working out?

Work out more.

Eat more. Sleep more. Recovery techniques.

Glutamine seems to help me.

Natezilla Eat more. Sleep more. Recovery techniques.

Reducing Soreness

A decent workout regimen to build up and get fit

A decent workout regimen to build up and get fit

Probably a FAQ, but I couldn't find much in the search... basically I'm 6'4" and 165 pounds.. it's been a few years since I've done some proper fitness training so when I run 100m I need 10 minutes to recover.. and I'd like to build up my muscle size and try and get fit.. Does anyone have a good site or something that will help me get started? Cheers

A decent workout regimen to build up and get fit

A decent workout regimen to build up and get fit

Look what I got...

Look what I got...

Makes everything alot easier and it tastes better now

cup + fork = win

how much u pay for it? and wheres u get it?

XsLiCk how much u pay for it? and wheres u get it? $39.95 at SAMS

jonno cup + fork = win thats crazy

fuck i like that nozzle

Blenders take too much time and are a pain in the ass for me. Shaker cup or hand blenders are the shit. Then again I'm just mixing whey and water. If I took the time to make badass shakes with fruit and other shit that thing looks pretty sweet.

cavefish Blenders take too much time and are a pain in the ass for me. Shaker cup or hand blenders are the shit. Then again I'm just mixing whey and water. If I took the time to make badass shakes with fruit and other shit that thing looks pretty sweet. Today I put bananas in it and it ate it up in like 3 seconds

Look what I got...

oatmeal shake?

oatmeal shake?

I don't like to eat oatmeal for breakfast in solid form (the biggest problem is that I can't bring it around with me). I've decided that a good idea would be to make some sort of shake with it, but I have no idea what to put in to keep a decent taste and make it a liquid in the end. Protein isn't a necessity as I get it from my cottage cheese. However, I'd like to keep the fat low since I'm cutting. Any Ideas?

thermos with boiling water + packet of oatmeal = portable oatmeal. or go to a 7-11 or something & get a cup of tea without putting the tea bag in, hense you're paying a buck for a cup of boiling water that'll make a few servings of oatmeal. (if in a jam...)

oatmeal shake?

when you just cant pull anymore reps...

when you just cant pull anymore reps...

So we all have a bad day here or there, and maybe we cant put up the weight that we should be able to, be it a new PR, what we lifted last week or whatever, what is it best to do? Should you just squeeze out 1 or 2 reps for the last 2 sets of the same weight or should you step down a couple of lbs and get in your normal reps? (5, 8, whatever) ibeatmore ibsleepmore ibdontbesuchapussy

i stop and do a different exercise for the same muscle group...bad days turn into experiment days for me

I had one of those days yesterday(legs). I just tried to get a decent workout in for the rest of my exercises. As long as you keep going and finish your workout and don't dwell on a bad day. On stuff I was having issues with I just got some help and did some forced reps.

Do compound exercizes if you've been doing iso Vice versa Use lighter weights. (pyramid)

Some days I start heavy and taper the weight down each set. Some days I push on, making all kinds of sex sounds that turn heads. Depends on how I ate and how I feel

superbri007 snort an animal pak, chase it with the blood of 1000 demons, then rep for 50 more I drop the weight a lil bit and keep on going

superbri007 snort an animal pak, chase it with the blood of 1000 demons, then rep for 50 more

when you just cant pull anymore reps...

How to increase stamina?

How to increase stamina?

I've recently cut-down massively on my smoking....still, i notice that i'm BURNT after doing only 20 mins. of workout. What can i do to keep up my endurance/stamina?

do cardio a few times a week, moderate pace, work your way up to 30-40 minutes... that should help with endurance/stamina and time and stop smoking completely

shastaisforwinners do cardio a few times a week, moderate pace, work your way up to 30-40 minutes... that should help with endurance/stamina and time and stop smoking completely i'm really working on cutting the smoking out...those white stick of love tempt me so much.

i smoke cigs through my pee hole. best buzz evAr

quit smoking completely for at least two weeks and you'll notice a significant improvement. lifting weights is what finally got me to quit for good.

ryazbeck i smoke cigs through my pee hole. best buzz evAr fucking moron n00bs should be restricted to the main forum...

ok, aside from me quitting smoking...what else can i do?`

just gradually up the cardio every week or two

spark plugs. ok, aside from me quitting smoking...what else can i do?` dude, do you want to increase stamina or not? all you can really do naturally without supplements or steroids is gradually work out more and if you want to actually reach your goal, cut out smoking. i smoke a fair amount (weed, cigs, cigars)and i can easily do an hour or more of straight lifting or cardio. maybe yer just pushing yerself too hard

How to increase stamina?

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