Thursday, January 2, 2014

Caffeine = Bloody Noses?

Caffeine = Bloody Noses?

Everytime i drink caffeine, i get a nose bleed. i dont know what's wrong. When I drink Sprite, I feel fine. When I drink Coca-Cola (or even worse.. Bawls, Sobe, RedBull) I get nosebleeds. When I drink high-caffeine drinks (Bawls & Sobe) I get nose bleeds at least twice a day for the next three days. I don't eat a lot of sugar. This has been going on ever since I can remember drinking Coke... 4? Any ideas?

Caffeine, being a stimulant, coupled with blood vessels that are on the verge of popping by way of genetics or what have you, would contribute to a bloody nose.

coke would give me blood nose as well. But since i got older it happens less frequently. But i don't drink it often though. Just mostly water.

AmCo coke would give me blood nose as well. no shit.

well why not stop drinking coke, and bawls, and red bull? problem would be solved

Caffeine = Bloody Noses?

fat loss concerns

fat loss concerns

does a diet and excercise break down fat before you lose it? I'm on week 4 of my diet and excercise. I've been eating good and everything except for the morning. I usually just eat a banana or something light since I'm not hungry in the morning. for lunch I have a tuna sandwhich and for dinner a chicken breast or some more tuna. not soda or junk food at all. I do cardio twice a day. once before lunch and once at night. 15 minutes a piece. Now the thing, I notice my pants fit looser but my love handles are starting to hang more then before . is this normal? Its not all the time, only sometimes. Is it in my head or something? also, I haven't felt this good in a long time. oh and I do the cardio 5 days a week. also, I notice I get full very quick. is this normal also? Like I can't even eat much even if I wanted to.

sounds like you need to eat alot more

I'm not quite understanding the question /boggle Are you lifting? Or just doing cardio? Go read all the stickies

haha yeah I read all the stickies. just doing cardio. The thing is though, I guess I got use to not eating alot and get sick if I eat too much. What about the breaking down of fat? or is it in my head that my love handles hang more :O

you don't lose fat everywhere at the same time...

In my experience the fat gets soft and loose as you lose it, so yeah, your love handles could be hanging down more. If what you are doing works than keep doing it though some weight lifting would be good to add to your routine.

etech In my experience the fat gets soft and loose as you lose it, so yeah, your love handles could be hanging down more. If what you are doing works than keep doing it though some weight lifting would be good to add to your routine. Yeah I have noticed that too but could just be in my imagination

I guess its true then. thanks again. I know that I should be eating a little more but trust me, I can't. I guess I started out wrong but my body is use to it now and I get sick if I eat more then I do now. I know cause I've had a couple of days that I eat a little bit more and end up nausous(sp).

Ivan I guess its true then. thanks again. I know that I should be eating a little more but trust me, I can't. I guess I started out wrong but my body is use to it now and I get sick if I eat more then I do now. I know cause I've had a couple of days that I eat a little bit more and end up nausous(sp). if you get sick from eating too much then just up your calories a little bit at a time until you have a healthier amount of calories. Shouldnt be too hard, just have like a spoonful of natty peanut butter or an extra 2 or 3 eggs.

Ivan I guess its true then. thanks again. I know that I should be eating a little more but trust me, I can't. I guess I started out wrong but my body is use to it now and I get sick if I eat more then I do now. I know cause I've had a couple of days that I eat a little bit more and end up nausous(sp). are you drinking enough water?

And why aren't you lifting?? Out of curiosity..

bclimn are you drinking enough water? of course. thats all I drink.

Elfling And why aren't you lifting?? Out of curiosity.. I wanna lose some fat first then Ima start lifting when I feel I have lost enough.

Ivan I wanna lose some fat first then Ima start lifting when I feel I have lost enough. Reread the sticky on lifting to assist in losing weight... it changed how I think for weight loss (granted I haven't started lifting yet because of my stupid busy schedule )

Ivan I wanna lose some fat first then Ima start lifting when I feel I have lost enough. I used to think the same thing where I would do only cardio and trust me when I say that lifting is so much better then cardio. If you only lift you will lose jsut as much if not more weight then if doing only cardio and you will gain strength and some muscle as well. Lift now or you will regret it later.

BuckNut I used to think the same thing where I would do only cardio and trust me when I say that lifting is so much better then cardio. If you only lift you will lose jsut as much if not more weight then if doing only cardio and you will gain strength and some muscle as well. Lift now or you will regret it later. i agree. it sounds like you're in a severe calorie deficit. what you'll end up doing is losing a ton of weight, but still being flabby. its cause you're burning muscle, probably more than fat. i made the same mistake 2 years ago, i ended up being skinny as hell, but not cut at all. you should be doing what the rest of us "cutting" guys are. eat about 1900-2000 calories (depending on body weight) split up into 6 meals. keep protien intake at atleast 1g per lb of body weight (to help retain muscle) and eat clean otherwise. you probably dont need cardio 10x a week either, maybe do cardio 3x a week and a solid 3 day weight training split (workout 3x a week). otherwise i just dont think you'll be happy with your results, and it will just take you longer to reach what you think you should look like. this is all coming from personal experience.

fat loss concerns

HOLY SHIT why haven't i started this sooner!

HOLY SHIT why haven't i started this sooner!

today was day 2 of me wandering the gym randomly trying out equipment and stuff and i tried to cover every part of my body... and my body is painful all over.. but DAMN i feel good. working out > * i can't wait for the fat to burn and muscle to show.

That'll be me in a few days, only I have a routine set up. What gym did you join? Were there a lot of people there?

xpinchx That'll be me in a few days, only I have a routine set up. What gym did you join? Were there a lot of people there? dont worry about who is there, we're all self-centered assholes who pay no attention to anyone else in the gym..dont be emberassed about anything in there, we all started off somewhere.

great thread!

everyone at the gym has one goal in mind, to lift some weight. the only reason people will look down on you is if you're trying to do an exercise and your form is absolute crap. if you're lifting weight, even though it's not a ton, they really just dont care. i remember my first couple times in a gym, was my freshman year in highschool. i was nervous and almost afraid just because everyone else knew what they were doing and were so much bigger than me. i would suggest having a friend show you how to do a basic run down of several diff exercises for each body part/muscle.

mike dont worry about who is there, we're all self-centered assholes who pay no attention to anyone else in the gym..dont be emberassed about anything in there, we all started off somewhere. unless you're a girl at my gym. anytime I go near the freeweights or anything over there I get stared at. It's embarrasing

nic379 unless you're a girl at my gym. anytime I go near the freeweights or anything over there I get stared at. It's embarrasing its all in your head. everybody is there to workout.. yeah.. they might be looking.. maybe cause they are resting between sets or something and it happens you see them looking in your direction... they probably arent specifically staring at you just cause your new

nic379 unless you're a girl at my gym. anytime I go near the freeweights or anything over there I get stared at. It's embarrasing the real reason that we're staring should make you feel proud, not embarrassed

get a pt or a good routine going so youre not wandering around the gym like that

nic379 unless you're a girl at my gym. anytime I go near the freeweights or anything over there I get stared at. It's embarrasing i get stared at and prefer to use freeweights. sometimes i just stare back

Yeah, what noXen said. You need to isolate body parts and work them seperatly

NoXeN get a pt or a good routine going so youre not wandering around the gym like that my pt put my on the machines

nic379 my pt put my on the machines well if he got some sort of routine and had a PT show him the basics of the routine it would be good

NoXeN well if he got some sort of routine and had a PT show him the basics of the routine it would be good i know..i was just making fun of my trainer

too many are like that try to find a PT that works with athletes and not housewives

EVERYONE LOOKS, ITS LIKE AM I BIGGER THEN HIM? let them look for a sec or two and they wont care, unless you skinny ma fucka grunting at doing a 100lbs bench

nic379 my pt put me on the sauce dot

NoXeN too many are like that try to find a PT that works with athletes and not housewives my trainer treats me like a guy and I like it like that.

Sh0kka EVERYONE LOOKS, ITS LIKE AM I BIGGER THEN HIM? let them look for a sec or two and they wont care, unless you skinny ma fucka grunting at doing a 100lbs bench what if you're a fat woman grunting at doing a 100lbs bench?

~*Pogovina*~ what if you're a fat woman grunting at doing a 100lbs bench? depends on your fetishes

princess0fdiabl0 depends on your fetishes

johndoe1999 its all in your head. everybody is there to workout.. yeah.. they might be looking.. maybe cause they are resting between sets or something and it happens you see them looking in your direction... they probably arent specifically staring at you just cause your new not because she's new, but if she's hot, then they're definitely staring.

just don't act like a cocky bastard when you are doing your exercises....i really hate when little weenie guys do curls and then walk around for 10 minutes flexing in the mirror

willg133 just don't act like a cocky bastard when you are doing your exercises....i really hate when little weenie guys do curls and then walk around for 10 minutes flexing in the mirror It's like the commercial where that guy weighs himself in the gym then runs a lap around all the exercise equipment, then weighs himself again.

Fabian Yeah, what noXen said. You need to isolate body parts and work them seperatly No.

HOLY SHIT why haven't i started this sooner!

Anyone ever try Powerblocks?

Anyone ever try Powerblocks?

I'm getting tired of going to the gym (to far away). I figured I could still get a good workout with dumbells and a bench. Anyone try or one powerblocks? How are they compared to traditional dumbells? May have to pick some up.

why don't you join a gym thats closer?

i watch powerblock on spike TV saturday morning just bumping for ya

theyre good if you dont have alot of space to work out in very easy to add/remove weight in 2.5 lb increments you can buy addons up to 150lbs each i think expensive as hell though

Anyone ever try Powerblocks?

Ballly's total fitness sucks compared to Gold's

Ballly's total fitness sucks compared to Gold's

I'm in a 3 year contrack with bally's total fitness and I tried Golds gym resently. Golds is much better. They have more equipment more room and better supplyments. In Bally's your always have to wait for somebody to get done with a bench or anything else. Gold's has so much shit that everyone could be doing something and not waiting. I'm going to cancle Bally's. Golds for me.


the fuck you say?

Sigh... have fun paying Bally's cancellation fee which I am sure is very high.

I tried out a Bally's one time, everything was divided in different rooms. Didn't like it at all.

better supplyments?

no gym for home?

Yea screw buying the supplements from the gym, just get em from somewhere online like 1fast400.

So at Ballys, is 20 pound for the weight like 30 pounds if a guy lifts?

Fabian So at Ballys, is 20 pound for the weight like 30 pounds if a guy lifts? never gets old hahah

Ballly's total fitness sucks compared to Gold's

Wednesday, January 1, 2014



Can i take nitro tech and Thermo gain all in the same day or will that be 2 much? i have one glass of nitro teck in the morning then one after i work out and then iam just going to to take 1 thermo gain befor i work out? just wondering thx.

take those suppliments and throw them out the window and never buy celltech again.

Take one English lesson and call me in the morning.

pokesteve he already threw his money out the window, might as well keep the supplements... Could just do it out of spite btw never make your subject a question mark again.

You should follow the lee priest diet posted in the magazines meal, nitro tech, nitro tech, meal, nitro tech, meal, nitro tech, nitro tech, sleep

Jeff Coleman You should follow the lee priest diet posted in the magazines meal, nitro tech, gram of test, nitro tech, meal, nitro tech, 3000iu of gh, meal, nitro tech, nitro tech, 3000iu il5, sleep fixed

Peal fixed

lol well thx but i got them for free... so i was just wondering about... and i forgot this a a english class. iam shure pretty much everyone understood me, but thx n ways

bml lol well thx but i got them for free... so i was just wondering about... and i forgot this a a english class. iam shure pretty much everyone understood me, but thx n ways hardly

Peal fixed huh? i thought Lee Priest was natural? Thats what the artical said

be careful with 2 many supplements u can mess up ur livers

Jeff Coleman huh? i thought Lee Priest was natural? Thats what the artical said ronnie is too, drugs are unsafe

Ceaze be careful with 2 many supplements u can mess up ur livers


are ppl working upper/mid back into CP?

are ppl working upper/mid back into CP?

im sure ill get flamed, is anyone working mid/upper back into CP? maybe on me bench day, you can swap bb row for lat pulldown or something? (btw yes i added bb row. i think its an important movement for bench) im still at 5 movements for the day, so i figured it cant hurt. from what i gather, CP is designed to find weakspots, and id like to work this area. is it ok? also, on ME bench day.. how the hell are you supposed to do shoulder presses? im beat. where i normally use 50-55s, im down to 35s and hurting!! can i substitute bb press on occasion for db presses?

yeah thats fine. Pretty much with accesory work you can do whatever you want as long as it doesnt effect your other primary movements in successive workouts. I do some type of pulldown as well as rows for lat work twice a week. You don't see it too much I think because all the guys that are posting logs weight ~300 and that doesnt make for a pretty pullup. Also rows are alot more supportive of benching and deadlifting which is the main goal of powerlifters. As far as overhead pressing goes you can do what youd like but just make sure its not degrading performance in your other areas. Overhead pressing occasionally would be fine but it doesnt really help bench out that much given its not a weakpoint of yours

just got to elitefts and start reading all the articles more and all the training logs youll get a great idea of what you can do

cool.. thx for the advice

people should just say westside rather than conjugated can do a conjugate routine that looks nothing like the westside template

why am i following westside to a tee, or am i utilizing CP principles?

are ppl working upper/mid back into CP?

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