Thursday, January 2, 2014

Anyone ever try Powerblocks?

Anyone ever try Powerblocks?

I'm getting tired of going to the gym (to far away). I figured I could still get a good workout with dumbells and a bench. Anyone try or one powerblocks? How are they compared to traditional dumbells? May have to pick some up.

why don't you join a gym thats closer?

i watch powerblock on spike TV saturday morning just bumping for ya

theyre good if you dont have alot of space to work out in very easy to add/remove weight in 2.5 lb increments you can buy addons up to 150lbs each i think expensive as hell though

Anyone ever try Powerblocks?

Ballly's total fitness sucks compared to Gold's

Ballly's total fitness sucks compared to Gold's

I'm in a 3 year contrack with bally's total fitness and I tried Golds gym resently. Golds is much better. They have more equipment more room and better supplyments. In Bally's your always have to wait for somebody to get done with a bench or anything else. Gold's has so much shit that everyone could be doing something and not waiting. I'm going to cancle Bally's. Golds for me.


the fuck you say?

Sigh... have fun paying Bally's cancellation fee which I am sure is very high.

I tried out a Bally's one time, everything was divided in different rooms. Didn't like it at all.

better supplyments?

no gym for home?

Yea screw buying the supplements from the gym, just get em from somewhere online like 1fast400.

So at Ballys, is 20 pound for the weight like 30 pounds if a guy lifts?

Fabian So at Ballys, is 20 pound for the weight like 30 pounds if a guy lifts? never gets old hahah

Ballly's total fitness sucks compared to Gold's

Wednesday, January 1, 2014



Can i take nitro tech and Thermo gain all in the same day or will that be 2 much? i have one glass of nitro teck in the morning then one after i work out and then iam just going to to take 1 thermo gain befor i work out? just wondering thx.

take those suppliments and throw them out the window and never buy celltech again.

Take one English lesson and call me in the morning.

pokesteve he already threw his money out the window, might as well keep the supplements... Could just do it out of spite btw never make your subject a question mark again.

You should follow the lee priest diet posted in the magazines meal, nitro tech, nitro tech, meal, nitro tech, meal, nitro tech, nitro tech, sleep

Jeff Coleman You should follow the lee priest diet posted in the magazines meal, nitro tech, gram of test, nitro tech, meal, nitro tech, 3000iu of gh, meal, nitro tech, nitro tech, 3000iu il5, sleep fixed

Peal fixed

lol well thx but i got them for free... so i was just wondering about... and i forgot this a a english class. iam shure pretty much everyone understood me, but thx n ways

bml lol well thx but i got them for free... so i was just wondering about... and i forgot this a a english class. iam shure pretty much everyone understood me, but thx n ways hardly

Peal fixed huh? i thought Lee Priest was natural? Thats what the artical said

be careful with 2 many supplements u can mess up ur livers

Jeff Coleman huh? i thought Lee Priest was natural? Thats what the artical said ronnie is too, drugs are unsafe

Ceaze be careful with 2 many supplements u can mess up ur livers


are ppl working upper/mid back into CP?

are ppl working upper/mid back into CP?

im sure ill get flamed, is anyone working mid/upper back into CP? maybe on me bench day, you can swap bb row for lat pulldown or something? (btw yes i added bb row. i think its an important movement for bench) im still at 5 movements for the day, so i figured it cant hurt. from what i gather, CP is designed to find weakspots, and id like to work this area. is it ok? also, on ME bench day.. how the hell are you supposed to do shoulder presses? im beat. where i normally use 50-55s, im down to 35s and hurting!! can i substitute bb press on occasion for db presses?

yeah thats fine. Pretty much with accesory work you can do whatever you want as long as it doesnt effect your other primary movements in successive workouts. I do some type of pulldown as well as rows for lat work twice a week. You don't see it too much I think because all the guys that are posting logs weight ~300 and that doesnt make for a pretty pullup. Also rows are alot more supportive of benching and deadlifting which is the main goal of powerlifters. As far as overhead pressing goes you can do what youd like but just make sure its not degrading performance in your other areas. Overhead pressing occasionally would be fine but it doesnt really help bench out that much given its not a weakpoint of yours

just got to elitefts and start reading all the articles more and all the training logs youll get a great idea of what you can do

cool.. thx for the advice

people should just say westside rather than conjugated can do a conjugate routine that looks nothing like the westside template

why am i following westside to a tee, or am i utilizing CP principles?

are ppl working upper/mid back into CP?

If you know your going to get totally trashed tonight...

If you know your going to get totally trashed tonight...

What would you do? Take a few protein shakes before? I know im going to be drunk tonight

protein shake with 4 tablespoons of olive oil in it, and drink another protein shake after you drink and like 3 glasses of water. you'll be super duper a-okay

just mix 12oz beer with 1 scoop of whey and enjoy x 10 when i get drunk i remember to eat something, usually some cottage cheese or some sort of protien before i pass out, and drink one big glass of water and take another to bed with me.


i wouldnt worry about it.. just get plenty of water before bed. maybe down some milk?

jonno i wouldnt worry about it.. just get plenty of water before bed. maybe down some milk? Im lactose intollerant.... thats why i switched from water to milk for my protein shakes.....

deznutz Im lactose intollerant.... thats why i switched from water to milk for my protein shakes..... scratch that then

honestly... this is all you need to know about hangovers etc.

deznutz Im lactose intollerant.... thats why i switched from water to milk for my protein shakes..... soy milk!

Lots of water while drinking and lots more right before bed. Take 2 advil before you hit the sack as well. One of my most successful drinking nights happened when I was about 18 - I had 2 big macs right before my friend's party, and drank like a fucking beast and felt smooth all night (no crazy spikes and dips in drunkedness) and felt great in the morning. So drink lots of water and eat more than you normally do before the party and you're all set.

Children's Ped-A-Lite. Best stuff ever created for eliminating hangovers. Drink some before going to bed/passing out. Wake up and have some more.

im not worried about hangovers....more about the nutrition aspect... maybe i should eat less for dinner, that way i can have more cals when i drink?

1 beer is barely more alcohol than a shot = 100 - 150 cals 1 shot of liquor is barely less alcohol than a beer = 70cals, 0carbs,0fat,0protein. Alcohol is its own calorie.

I wouldnt even waste my time trying to eat right or goto the gym that night or the next 2 days...its pointless

Smoke a joint in the morning...

I am always fine to work out the day after I drink. Just eat good and drink lots of water and you are perfectly fine.

"Headaches result from dehydration because the body's organs try to make up for their own water loss by stealing water from the brain" man fuck that

Alcohol + Dairy = bad news For me at least

PurEvl I wouldnt even waste my time trying to eat right or goto the gym that night or the next 2 days...its pointless


As an experience alcoholic take my advice- protein slows the synthesis of alcohol, so eat that before you start drinking (usually a bunch of tuna or a steak or some chicken wtfever...). Before you go to bed, and if you are really drunk this can be hard to do, but try to get 4-5-6 glasses of water pounded. Thats all there is too it, if you don't drink the water you are fucked. Eating tons of bread won't soak it up or anything so don't bother. Another thing I found that helps out is to have pre-made healthy foods out for when you get the munchies, with your inhibitions down its easy to want to go grab fast food or something will regret it the next day and feel like a fat ass. Just make something and put it in the fridge so later when you are stumbling around it will seem like a burried treasure and you can devour it

alcohol is 7 calories per gram, but the body doesnt use it for exercise. It's also a diuretic. Being drunk won't do anything do your muscles, just factor in the calories, and make sure you drink water and burn the Cals. eat less today so you are more easily affected by the alch...then eat more tomorrow after you've pissed it out.

joy division As an experience alcoholic take my advice- protein slows the synthesis of alcohol, so eat that before you start drinking (usually a bunch of tuna or a steak or some chicken wtfever...). Before you go to bed, and if you are really drunk this can be hard to do, but try to get 4-5-6 glasses of water pounded. Thats all there is too it, if you don't drink the water you are fucked. Eating tons of bread won't soak it up or anything so don't bother. Another thing I found that helps out is to have pre-made healthy foods out for when you get the munchies, with your inhibitions down its easy to want to go grab fast food or something will regret it the next day and feel like a fat ass. Just make something and put it in the fridge so later when you are stumbling around it will seem like a burried treasure and you can devour it as an experienced alcoholic I can say that just chugging water before bed and not eating anything works just fine. fuck the protein you're body doesnt want to digest MORE while you're sleeping...its already working hard on the alcohol.

Z PYRATE as an experienced alcoholic I can say that just chugging water before bed and not eating anything works just fine. fuck the protein you're body doesnt want to digest MORE while you're sleeping...its already working hard on the alcohol. and when you wake up with piss all over yourself, remember that

if you really care about the nutrition aspect of it, don't drink

If you know your going to get totally trashed tonight...

Post your abs :)

Post your abs :)

I weigh 123 right now


Mike McDermott 123 I was at 99 a few months ago

Mike McDermott 123 i wonder how tall he is... thats sooooo light

5 foot 3

Ceaze i see sex muscles

Fabian 5 foot 3 you're the breast height

~*Pogovina*~ you're the breast height Tall women rock my panties...or at least I wish they did

Fabian Tall women rock my panties...or at least I wish they did 5'8" here

~*Pogovina*~ you're the breast height

~*Pogovina*~ 5'8" here ggggrrrrrrr

Fabian ggggrrrrrrr

sr20wop makes for good huggin

looked good until you said 123

SteveO looked good until you said 123 Well, genetics was never on my side. My fault I guess

223 lbs

Fabian Well, genetics was never on my side. My fault I guess nah it looks good, a solid looking stomach. Just fuckin with u

Fabian Well, genetics was never on my side. My fault I guess ignore him. 123 at 5'3" is NOT that bad. he thinks everyone should weigh 200 lb except me. I should weigh 90

I can't find my abs

go_duke21 I can't find my abs same here. I have too much fluff on my belly. I can feel them but I can't see them

~*Pogovina*~ same here. I have too much fluff on my belly. I can feel them but I can't see them abs aren't that important to me anyway, sure they are nice to have but people still manage to look good without them

go_duke21 abs aren't that important to me anyway, sure they are nice to have but people still manage to look good without them i dont want a 6 pack, but to have my belly more toned than it currently is would be nice

~*Pogovina*~ i dont want a 6 pack, but to have my belly more toned than it currently is would be nice

i suck

Post your abs :)

I bet you can't make a workout for me.

I bet you can't make a workout for me.

I need a workout that is a 3 to 4 day split. I need compound exercises. This workout needs to focus on muscle tone more than actual mass.

you're right, i can't

day 1: upper body 1) flat bench- 4-6 sets of 4-6 reps 2) heavy triceps - 4-6 sets of 5-8 reps 3) barbell rows-4-6 sets of 8-10 reps 4) rear/side/front raises-4-5 sets of 10-15 reps 5) biceps - pick a movement and do 4 sets of whatever reps day 2: lower body 1) full squats-4-6 sets of 4-6 reps 2) romanian deadlift-4-5 sets of 8-10 reps 3) reverse hypers, pull through's, or back raises-4-5 sets of 8-12 reps 4) heavy ab work 5) optional extra quad movement if you want "burn", but 100% not neccesary day 3: upper body #2 1) dumbell bench-4-5 sets of 8-12 reps 2) volume triceps-pick an extention, 1/4 dips, etc-4-5 sets of 10-12 reps 3) chin ups/pullups-4-5 sets of 8-10 reps, weighted or not 4) overhead pressing once every 2 weeks-3-5 sets of 6-10 reps 5) biceps, pick one movement for 4-5 sets day 4: lower body #2 1) deadlifts or sumo deadlifts - 5-6 sets of singles, or triples. dont deadlift every single week. for those weeks you don't, take it easy. 2) step ups, single leg squats, lunges-3-5 sets of 8-12 reps 3) leg curls-3-6 sets of 10-12 reps 4) heavy abs

What's a reverse Hyper? Wouldn't that be almost like a situp?

TrickyDick8806 What's a reverse Hyper? Wouldn't that be almost like a situp? No.

Nevermind i just looked reverse hypers up, anyway to do that without a machine?

Ceaze you're right, i can't haha. muscle tone.



Ilyusha day 1: upper body 1) flat bench- 4-6 sets of 4-6 reps 2) heavy triceps - 4-6 sets of 5-8 reps 3) barbell rows-4-6 sets of 8-10 reps 4) rear/side/front raises-4-5 sets of 10-15 reps 5) biceps - pick a movement and do 4 sets of whatever reps day 2: lower body 1) full squats-4-6 sets of 4-6 reps 2) romanian deadlift-4-5 sets of 8-10 reps 3) reverse hypers, pull through's, or back raises-4-5 sets of 8-12 reps 4) heavy ab work 5) optional extra quad movement if you want "burn", but 100% not neccesary day 3: upper body #2 1) dumbell bench-4-5 sets of 8-12 reps 2) volume triceps-pick an extention, 1/4 dips, etc-4-5 sets of 10-12 reps 3) chin ups/pullups-4-5 sets of 8-10 reps, weighted or not 4) overhead pressing once every 2 weeks-3-5 sets of 6-10 reps 5) biceps, pick one movement for 4-5 sets day 4: lower body #2 1) deadlifts or sumo deadlifts - 5-6 sets of singles, or triples. dont deadlift every single week. for those weeks you don't, take it easy. 2) step ups, single leg squats, lunges-3-5 sets of 8-12 reps 3) leg curls-3-6 sets of 10-12 reps 4) heavy abs What the fuck are you doing? Don't give him shit. For one thing, he said 'tone'. He doesn't know any exercises and he'll probably end up hurting himself anyways. If he really wanted our help, he would ask F&N PROPERLY instead of " " I bet you can't ... "

Now that I think of it. I feel like an idiot because this is probably a parody or something. Right?

OH NOES!!!11 Your advanced reverse psychology is too advanced for our feeble meathead minds.... clever boy!

Gutrat Now that I think of it. I feel like an idiot because this is probably a parody or something. Right? no, the guy just wants a brad pitt look

TrickyDick8806 Very tasteful. i will shit on your chest

SteveO no, the guy just wants a brad pitt look What? Brad Pitt? Well, then he'll have to get a leg double also.

Sgt. Ownage i will shit on your chest cleavland steamer style ??

Sgt. Ownage i will shit on your chest

Gutrat What the fuck are you doing? Don't give him shit. For one thing, he said 'tone'. He doesn't know any exercises and he'll probably end up hurting himself anyways. If he really wanted our help, he would ask F&N PROPERLY instead of " " I bet you can't ... " Yeah, lets treat every new person like shit.

oh.. if you want to tone just do 63 reps of every exercise

By the way, for the record, he edited his post after I replied. If I saw the whole toning thing in there, I wouldn't have helped.

Ilyusha day 1: upper body 1) flat bench- 4-6 sets of 4-6 reps 2) heavy triceps - 4-6 sets of 5-8 reps 3) barbell rows-4-6 sets of 8-10 reps 4) rear/side/front raises-4-5 sets of 10-15 reps 5) biceps - pick a movement and do 4 sets of whatever reps day 2: lower body 1) full squats-4-6 sets of 4-6 reps 2) romanian deadlift-4-5 sets of 8-10 reps 3) reverse hypers, pull through's, or back raises-4-5 sets of 8-12 reps 4) heavy ab work 5) optional extra quad movement if you want "burn", but 100% not neccesary day 3: upper body #2 1) dumbell bench-4-5 sets of 8-12 reps 2) volume triceps-pick an extention, 1/4 dips, etc-4-5 sets of 10-12 reps 3) chin ups/pullups-4-5 sets of 8-10 reps, weighted or not 4) overhead pressing once every 2 weeks-3-5 sets of 6-10 reps 5) biceps, pick one movement for 4-5 sets day 4: lower body #2 1) deadlifts or sumo deadlifts - 5-6 sets of singles, or triples. dont deadlift every single week. for those weeks you don't, take it easy. 2) step ups, single leg squats, lunges-3-5 sets of 8-12 reps 3) leg curls-3-6 sets of 10-12 reps 4) heavy abs I was wondering why not DL every week?

jonno oh.. if you want to tone just do 63 reps of every exercise and make sure you keep track, any more or less and teh workout will be worthless because of over/under training

Day 1: 1 hour of elliptical Day 2: 1 hour of running on treadmill Day 3: 1 hour of running outside Day 4: 1 hour of HIIT running outside Day 5: 1 hour of running long jump exercises Day 6: 1 hour of running through the sand on a beach Day 7: 1 hour of jumping off highest building you can find Make sure to take 7200 steps (2 per second) to get maximal toneness, there's your weekly routine, repeat as needed. edit: Oh damn you're a tricky one mr dick.

ralyks Day 1: 1 hour of elliptical Day 2: 1 hour of running on treadmill Day 3: 1 hour of running outside Day 4: 1 hour of HIIT running outside Day 5: 1 hour of running long jump exercises Day 6: 1 hour of running through the sand on a beach Day 7: 1 hour of jumping off highest building you can find Make sure to take 7200 steps (2 per second) to get maximal toneness, there's your weekly routine, repeat as needed. edit: Oh damn you're a tricky one mr dick. I hope your not being serious.

I bet you can't make a workout for me.

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