Monday, December 30, 2013

exercises to help build forearms?

exercises to help build forearms?

I was naturally blessed with stick-type fore-arms. I have been able to build them a bit over the last few years by doing wrist curls and reverse barbell curls. Does anyone know of any effective exercises to help build this? Thanks


train your forearms in ways they're not used to, specifically radial/ulnar flexion and pronation/supination exercises

incline hammer curls

Ceaze train your forearms in ways they're not used to, specifically radial/ulnar flexion and pronation/supination exercises translation... use more flick in

stop using straps

that bar you use to roll up a weight. my forearms get such an incredible pump from those that it's almost painful

if you sit down and hold a straight bar and put your wrists on your knees and raise your hands, you can do this palms up and palms down. bouldering works really well.


Ceaze train your forearms in ways they're not used to, specifically radial/ulnar flexion and pronation/supination exercises such as?

I'd say some heavy static holds, etc.

i've got pretty small forearms as well, i just do wrist curls and reverse wrist curls and have seen improvement just from that alone. i dont do much else primarily for forearms besides that.

kronik85 i've got pretty small forearms as well, i just do wrist curls and reverse wrist curls and have seen improvement just from that alone. i dont do much else primarily for forearms besides that. correct me if im wrong but doesnt benching and one arm or two arm curls work the forearm?

Opi correct me if im wrong but doesnt benching and one arm or two arm curls work the forearm? corrected.

Taking the plates on and off the bench to the rack is a good forearm workout

dumbbell bench/incline workouts are good too.

forearm curls, wrist roller, wrist curls.


with weights...

F&N's becoming too much like the main forum for me

Ceaze F&N's becoming too much like the main forum for me true and i'm sure i'm not helping it much

Take newspapers and crumple them up with just your hands. That will build stronger forearms and wrists.

farmer's walk

redking Take newspapers and crumple them up with just your hands. That will build stronger forearms and wrists. while your arm is resting on the table. the key is to try not to swing the arm around. also, towel chins, practical shit like carrying cement, hammering.. or, pinch grip a couple reams of paper, the weight on the rope thing, and forearm curls, reverse forearm curls, rubber bands across fingers and spread hands out repeatedly, etc..

exercises to help build forearms?

Going to the doctor...

Going to the doctor...

This was the most appropriate forum to post this in, so here goes... Haven't been to the doctor ever since I was a little kid (28 now). Just got hooked up with health insurance, so I set up an appointment next week to get a routine physical/checkup. I really have no symptoms that would indicate any problems, except for maybe constant allergies/nasal congestion/sinus problems. What would you guys suggest I ask the doctor or what tests should I have done? blood analysis?

350GT This was the most appropriate forum to post this in, so here goes... Haven't been to the doctor ever since I was a little kid (28 now). Just got hooked up with health insurance, so I set up an appointment next week to get a routine physical/checkup. I really have no symptoms that would indicate any problems, except for maybe constant allergies/nasal congestion/sinus problems. What would you guys suggest I ask the doctor or what tests should I have done? blood analysis? cholesterol test, diabetes test(blood sugar), STDs, HIV, lung capacity, heart rate/condition, etc.

Let him know of any recurring injuries, abnormalities or physical problems. He'll probably ask about sleeping habbits, eating habbits, stress, exercise, drugs/meds, etc.

if you havent been since you were a child, then i would suggest EVERYTHING

yeah thanks guys...I guess I should just let the doc do his job first. I just want to make sure I get everything done that should be done.

why are you asking a couple dumb broly's what the doctor should do? ask the doctor what he thinks you should get done. heck, he's the one that went to med school.

oh, and good luck. i hope nothing's wrong with ya.

Going to the doctor...

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Got a game tomorow, possible to recover faster?

Got a game tomorow, possible to recover faster?

I did a chest workout today, and I was wondering if I could do anything to help the soreness (should start to hurt tonight and in the morning) Obviously a warmup tomorow, but anything in the meantime?

ice packs?

sleep tons and eat well. Try to get some blood flowing through those muscles as well.

I can't do a single pushup...chest is just sore

protein and i've always heard stretch but it never does anything for me

time machine

Shaolin_sword36 I can't do a single pushup...chest is just sore I doubt that. If that is true you do to much chest stuff.

Glutamine usually helps my soreness for some reason..

Got a game tomorow, possible to recover faster?



lately it seems like no matter what i what i eat, from as simple as an apple to a protein shake mix, i feel bloated constantly.... suggestions



So i visited my SOON TO BE GYM.......

So i visited my SOON TO BE GYM.......

.....well, not really, but i was thinking of joining this local park district gym in the city where ill be moving to in couple days. deal was good....but its too good to be true.....coz the place is a shithole lol. deal was, first 3months = $45.... and $175 for whole year...if i like it, i can just pay for the balance. anyways, i walked in there and i went straight to the FREE weights....first of all, the place was soooooo fucking small...and there was only 1 of each bench. and the thing i was most concerned of (since i use it alot) was the DB....the db was the old school...and it only went up to 80lbs..... from there, i dindt even bother looking around...i just left i havent been to the gym for a week...and im feeling weak and fat again last choices i got is: lifetime = $250 intiation fee, 50/month-----its only 10min away xsport = $400/year---20min away ballys = if its worth it

LS Boy .....well, not really, but i was thinking of joining this local park district gym in the city where ill be moving to in couple days. deal was good....but its too good to be true.....coz the place is a shithole lol. deal was, first 3months = $45.... and $175 for whole year...if i like it, i can just pay for the balance. anyways, i walked in there and i went straight to the FREE weights....first of all, the place was soooooo fucking small...and there was only 1 of each bench. and the thing i was most concerned of (since i use it alot) was the DB....the db was the old school...and it only went up to 80lbs..... from there, i dindt even bother looking around...i just left i havent been to the gym for a week...and im feeling weak and fat again last choices i got is: lifetime = $250 intiation fee, 50/month-----its only 10min away xsport = $400/year---20min away ballys = if its worth it Is this Schaumburg Park district? CRC? I signed up for a month to see how it is ... it was 21 bucks...

futurews6 Is this Schaumburg Park district? CRC? I signed up for a month to see how it is ... it was 21 bucks... its hanover park..... one on barrington and walnut.... this place sucks.. have you heard of this place called PLANET FITNESS? they have one in addison off lake st. i might check it out.. its cheap too

no man, haven't heard of that. You might wanna try calling Schaumburg and see if they allow non-residents for gym membership. Might have to travel a little ways though.. good luck

futurews6 no man, haven't heard of that. You might wanna try calling Schaumburg and see if they allow non-residents for gym membership. Might have to travel a little ways though.. good luck i just called xsport in arlington heights.... imma sign up there tomorrow.... its only 11miles from my house and about 20minutes i know xsport and its worth a drive

whats with these weekly update threads

maybe try to move to a gym close to your work or on the way so its not out of way?

So i visited my SOON TO BE GYM.......

Help with cheat meals!

Help with cheat meals!

Currently cutting. Once a week, if I eat a large pizza (not the crust though) --- but still maintain around +200 of my daily calorie goal, will that fuck up my diet or not really affect it at all?

Its better for you to do that.

A large pizza is like 4000+ calories

i'd actually like to get ideas for "good" cheat meals. I know it's not best to eat what my kids love to eat and call it a cheat meal

Moon A large pizza is like 4000+ calories Shit, are you serious? I was under the impression it was like 1200 .

^^ lol

it's like 2200

jonno it's like 2200 Which is nothing for a cheat meal.

I usually try to stay around maintainence for my cheat day and not consume like 5-6k calories.

a 10 inch 1 lb pizza is about 800 cals... or at least that's what I put down in my fitday log

i've been eating nothing but clean foods and now i'm getting acne because of it, so maybe you're better off. oh the ironing of it all.

christophers then it does absolutely nothing for you physiologically I just do it to keep my head in it and keep going with the diet(and to just enjoy some "bad" food). Though on EC now, sticking to the diet isn't too hard since I have about no appetite now.

DCCapen I couldnt ever think of anything I wanted to cheat with. Now I eat what I want but its all healthy so I dont worry. Man anytime I read anything you post in here I just think " what a fag ", you remind me of want2race.

Pizza's calories very alot for obvious reasons, use you're common sense. The whole answer to you're question is you're own common sense...will it fuck you up? Depends on you're maintance calories that day, you're goals, if you're willing to the cardio to burn that extra pound you've put on. In the end, it's healthier to not have the pizza, but if it's like a meal with you're GF or some mates then don't sweat it.

christophers you guys are so fucking anal its hilarity sometimes you said anal

from what i read having 1 day a week for high carb or cal day is fine.

if you're gonna do a cheat meal, i'd recommend something high carb but relatively low in fat (no pizza). maybe something like 5 bowls of sugar cereal or some Jujufruits or something. I believe the physiological benefit of a cheat meal comes from glycogen replenishment, which fat does nothing for. psychologically, if a large pizza helps, then go for it

eddscat Pizza's calories very alot for obvious reasons, use you're common sense. The whole answer to you're question is you're own common sense...will it fuck you up? Depends on you're maintance calories that day, you're goals, if you're willing to the cardio to burn that extra pound you've put on. In the end, it's healthier to not have the pizza, but if it's like a meal with you're GF or some mates then don't sweat it. that was almost painful to read. you're = you are...your = your. if you're trying to say "you are", use you're not your. if you're trying to say "your", say your.

Plato Currently cutting. Once a week, if I eat a large pizza (not the crust though) --- but still maintain around +200 of my daily calorie goal, will that fuck up my diet or not really affect it at all? Oh, well if you don't eat the crust THEN its ok

heres my cheat meal

DCCapen my god I want that DCCapen I couldnt ever think of anything I wanted to cheat with. Now I eat what I want but its all healthy so I dont worry. /

disblohs that was almost painful to read. you're = you are...your = your. if you're trying to say "you are", use you're not your. if you're trying to say "your", say your. Look dude, it is readable and the points still there This is F&N not 3rd Grade English, it's not my fault I'm a little spelling handicapped, plz don't be a grammar nazi, it ain't cool .

DCCapen dude....aint isn't a word fuck off

eddscat Look dude, it is readable and the points still there This is F&N not 3rd Grade English, it's not my fault I'm a little spelling handicapped, plz don't be a grammar nazi, it ain't cool . the first sentence wasn't readable. you spelled grammar correctly though

Help with cheat meals!

I found a fast food winnar for cutters

I found a fast food winnar for cutters

Jack In The Box's southwest chicken pita. I had one today and it was damn good. Chicken, black beans, corn, lettuce in a pita. 260 cals, 20g protein, and fiber as well. Only problem is the price: $3.50/per. Two would make a nice meal, but not for $8. Still though, it tasted great.

They're pretty good for a late night snack at the local 24 hour JITB.

if it tastes great, and is touted as a "health" meal from jack in the box....something has to be wrong with it


Werdna Jack In The Box's southwest chicken pita. I had one today and it was damn good. Chicken, black beans, corn, lettuce in a pita. 260 cals, 20g protein, and fiber as well. Only problem is the price: $3.50/per. Two would make a nice meal, but not for $8. Still though, it tasted great. how is a meal geared towards people who slit their wrists? i kid i kid

mcdonalds dollar menu is cheap as fuck

gsxtasyd 2x3.50=7 yeah, but with tax, you end up handing the guy $8 and since we all know change is worthless, well there ya go

I get those sometimes, but I also get a few tacos with it.

vettedude mcdonalds dollar menu is cheap as fuck for cutters?

FYI, at Carl's Jr. you can order a plain chicken breast patty for about $2 (I think it comes out to be something like $2.34 with tax), and it's a pretty big piece of meat too... I don't know about how many grams of protein... but I'm pretty sure it's a lot more than 20g. it's NOT written on any menus... you just have to ask for it, they usually know where it is on the register's key pad... but you have to make sure they understand it's just a plain piece of chicken patty, and NOT the chicken sandwich veggie wrap... cause then, they'll charge you the price of a regular chicken sandwich... which I believe is almost $4!! I know it's kinda plain... but I usually order'em if I'm going low carbs and I didn't have time to cook the night before.

vettedude mcdonalds dollar menu is cheap as fuck Yeah I would think most dollar menus are cheap as fuck

I found a fast food winnar for cutters

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