Saturday, December 28, 2013

:rofl: letifo being a dumbass *vid*

:rofl: letifo being a dumbass *vid*

might be a repost

WTF.. lol

that is the dumbest thing ive ever seen

Grouch that is the dumbest thing ive ever seen

Watch the goddamn video you meatheaded shit sack.

tize cliffs? Dumbass in banana suit lights himself on fire with rubbing alcohol, and gets burned.


seen it before but it's still funny each time

no worky

I told him it was a stupid idea...

yup, it's a repost, but still pretty funny the world would be so boring without retarded fucks like them

christophers is that really letifo Now you know why he hasn't been around.

Natezilla Now you know why he hasn't been around.

lighting yourself on fire...BRILLIANT

letifo really bulked up then

That totally made my fucking day! EDIT: is that even him, doesn't look like it to me


nah just looks like him lol

that doesnt look much like him at all

:rofl: letifo being a dumbass *vid*

props to fat people who are outside running/biking/etc to get into shape

props to fat people who are outside running/biking/etc to get into shape

seriously.....props to out of shape people who are outside running, biking, jogging, etc. i fucking hate when im with someone who crakcs a joke at them for being big or something.....i only do that kind of shit at mcdonalds when i see fat fucks hovering fries into their mouth....but not when i see people out trying hard to get into shape

those same people that are trying to get in shape are usually the people cramming their face with fries. Now the people that do have dedication and the will to lose it

tommyortom seriously.....props to out of shape people who are outside running, biking, jogging, etc. i fucking hate when im with someone who crakcs a joke at them for being big or something.....i only do that kind of shit at mcdonalds when i see fat fucks hovering fries into their mouth....but not when i see people out trying hard to get into shape I get pissed off at my friends at school who would joke at me eating salads or bringing in protein shakes for lunch, but after I started getting a lot of noticable gains, they would ask me to take them to the gym with me and shit. I'm like . I really wouldn't mind helping them out (I don't know much, but enough to get them started) except for now they'll try to eat healthy at lunch, then go home and smoke weed and eat fast food all day long, then tell me how much buffer they have gotten in the past week.

I give props to them initially, if I see them still doing it a month from now, more power to them. If I see them doing it still and they look about the same, then they're no better than the idiot cramming their face at mcdonalds.

Socrates I get pissed off at my friends at school who would joke at me eating salads or bringing in protein shakes for lunch, but after I started getting a lot of noticable gains, they would ask me to take them to the gym with me and shit. I'm like . That's like people at work, who find it unimaginable that I don't drink sugar beverages. They also wonder why I'm not fat. Uhhhh.....

D-GUy I give props to them initially, if I see them still doing it a month from now, more power to them. If I see them doing it still and they look about the same, then they're no better than the idiot cramming their face at mcdonalds. haha..theres this lady in my sub whos around 50 who isnt obese or anything..but could lose a good 30-40 joke....shes been doing a LIGHT walk around the neighborhood for the past 2-3 years....and i see no physical change in here at all!!!!!! maybe shes just doing it for cardio or to just get outside and look at the nature.....but she hasnt made any progress what so ever ahha

ya I have a lady running in my neighborhood I see every tuesday when I come home from the gym. She is in pretty decent shape and she stays that way. I wonder if others think in this way(noticing others changes and such). I know a bunch of people at the Y I go to probably notice.

I hate walking and running cause I know the shit people say about me when they drive by, but fuck em I figure it will all be worth it in the end.

i'm built and muscular, but i'm definitely chunky. and its not a good chunky like chunky beef stew. i'm a nice guy, and i'm friends with good people, who are usually really cool and what not. however, sometimes they'll throw fat jokes, and i'll laugh it off. but seriously, i dont like hearing them. for example, they'll see me eating a salad during school lunch. (i'm in highschool) "dude, why are you eating a salad...?!" "oh, i'm on a diet. i'm tryin to lose some weight." "HAHAAHA. YOU?! lose weight?! sorry man, but thats just too funny" "heh, yeah." or i'd be at a family gathering with all my relatives...and we'd be getting cake slices from our aunt. she'll give each person a slice of cake, but for me she'll cut it smaller and take off the frosting and say "you don't need that anyway" yeah i'm being a pansy and complaining, but it sure as heck doesn't make my day hearing/watching that crap.

btw, i've lost 8 pounds since mid feb, while seeings gains on my bench/squat/deadlift.

Atenza6i btw, i've lost 8 pounds since mid feb, while seeings gains on my bench/squat/deadlift. Keep it up

tommyortom seriously.....props to out of shape people who are outside running, biking, jogging, etc. i fucking hate when im with someone who crakcs a joke at them for being big or something.....i only do that kind of shit at mcdonalds when i see fat fucks hovering fries into their mouth....but not when i see people out trying hard to get into shape

As a fattie I've been there done that. I really think 90% of fat people who want to lose weight don't go through with it because they don't know what to expect. People think, "oh man I'll lose 50lbs in like 2-3 months no problem!" Then after week 3 when the initial loss of water weight and truth of the matter hits them they decide that they'll do it later or its "too hard". The thing most fat people forget to realize is that you did not gain those extra 20,30,150lbs over night! It happened over a long time as you gradually became heavier and most likely lazier. I failed at turning my life around atleast 20 times. This time though I changed my mindset. I decided that I wasn't going to pollute and mistreat my body. I quit smoking, got myself a good diet (no starvation for me), figured out a good lifting schedule, started going for walks and 7 almost 8 months later I am 58lbs lighter(255-198) and feeling better than ever. I go home and people stop in their tracks when they see me. Its a great feeling and I wish more people knew what it was like. I also hate the way people, parents and family especially, try and "help" their fat children or relatives. Oh stop eating that.. don't enjoy life... go outside.. do this.. do that.. NOBODY has ever given me decent advice. Everyone just spouted off the myth of the week. Don't eat carbs.. don't eat fats.. don't eat. I had to go about reading about nutrtition and I had to make a lifestyle change to get where I am. I can wait till I can start bulking and if someone had told me that in the future I would want to put on weight I would laugh at them. So umm yeah thats enough ranting for me. Go fatties GO!

Paintballny As a fattie I've been there done that. I really think 90% of fat people who want to lose weight don't go through with it because they don't know what to expect. People think, "oh man I'll lose 50lbs in like 2-3 months no problem!" Then after week 3 when the initial loss of water weight and truth of the matter hits them they decide that they'll do it later or its "too hard". The thing most fat people forget to realize is that you did not gain those extra 20,30,150lbs over night! It happened over a long time as you gradually became heavier and most likely lazier. I failed at turning my life around atleast 20 times. This time though I changed my mindset. I decided that I wasn't going to pollute and mistreat my body. I quit smoking, got myself a good diet (no starvation for me), figured out a good lifting schedule, started going for walks and 7 almost 8 months later I am 58lbs lighter(255-198) and feeling better than ever. I go home and people stop in their tracks when they see me. Its a great feeling and I wish more people knew what it was like. I also hate the way people, parents and family especially, try and "help" their fat children or relatives. Oh stop eating that.. don't enjoy life... go outside.. do this.. do that.. NOBODY has ever given me decent advice. Everyone just spouted off the myth of the week. Don't eat carbs.. don't eat fats.. don't eat. I had to go about reading about nutrtition and I had to make a lifestyle change to get where I am. I can wait till I can start bulking and if someone had told me that in the future I would want to put on weight I would laugh at them. So umm yeah thats enough ranting for me. Go fatties GO! thats the way it has always been for me. i lost 30 pounds my senior year, i definately needed to lose more but it felt great, then i went to college and i fucked everything up. when i was away at college the rest of my family all started doing weight watchers together and my sister and dad both lost a lot of weight, my sister lost like ~60 pounds, yet i still sat around and kept telling her atleast i can eat whatever i want. i regret my previous choices with my weight so much and i really do think that this is the time i change, i can only hope to have the same success you had.

[QUOTE=Paintballny] I also hate the way people, parents and family especially, try and "help" their fat children or relatives. Oh stop eating that.. don't enjoy life... go outside.. do this.. do that.. NOBODY has ever given me decent advice. Everyone just spouted off the myth of the week. Don't eat carbs.. don't eat fats.. don't eat. IQUOTE] So true. i just get angry when people try to tell me how to lose weight. they don't realize that i've been losing weight on my own, with my own will power. when people tell you that you should lose weight or point out whehter you should eat that or not, it doesn't help AT ALL. if anything, it helps me with my lifts b/c i just direct that frustration onto the barbell.

mask of obsidian I can only hope to have the same success you had. In the end its all about how badly you want change. And for me its something I have wanted all my life. I've lived a very privaleged life. I've always gotten the material goods I wanted and I've around the world and back. The one thing money could never buy me though was discipline and self respect. Those are two things I desire and by doing this I am not only creating them but I am also creating the body I've always wanted.

Paintballny In the end its all about how badly you want change. And for me its something I have wanted all my life. I've lived a very privaleged life. I've always gotten the material goods I wanted and I've around the world and back. The one thing money could never buy me though was discipline and self respect. Those are two things I desire and by doing this I am not only creating them but I am also creating the body I've always wanted. thats excellent motivation right there.

You know some people just can't help being fat. Some just have a naturally slow... HOLY SHIT IS THAT A ROOSTER BOOSTER?!!!

Atenza6i thats excellent motivation right there. yeah definately

props to fat people who are outside running/biking/etc to get into shape

Most disgusting thing happened today *pool incident*

Most disgusting thing happened today *pool incident*

at least it didn't happen to me 10 laps: everything is fine 20 laps: I see my lane mate going slower 30 laps: I can hear our coach yelling but I'm not giving a fuck about it, I'm not 16 anymore 38 laps: I accidentally hit my lane mate because he's all over the place so I stop, ask him if he's ok (he's looking a bit pale but he says he's fine) and just when I'm about to drag him to the edge he kinda passes out so I hurry the fuck up and drag him out of the pool and when I'm about to lift him out of it he pukes, all over my arm (at this point I felt like joining him ) and into the pool everyone rushed out of the pool like those "Mu" things you see in Discovery channel it was ungodly funny to see What happened? He took his protein shake and oats 15 minutes before going to the pool he cut his digestion process and could have died (either from an Embolism or drowned) That's all, it was a rather interesting afternoon

Isn't that whole digestion thing a bit of a myth?? Not saying he didn't have a problem today!! Just that it was unlikely it was due to swimming after eating.

RenaultFreak What happened? He took his protein shake and oats 15 minutes before going to the pool he must be under pt's tutelage

Elfling Isn't that whole digestion thing a bit of a myth?? Not saying he didn't have a problem today!! Just that it was unlikely it was due to swimming after eating. myth or not it doesn't seem unreasonable to wait or at least try a smaller size snack if you are going to swim right afterwards

RenaultFreak myth or not it doesn't seem unreasonable to wait or at least try a smaller size snack if you are going to swim right afterwards I've experienced it

did you eat it? thats wasted protein

Ceaze he must be under pt's tutelage ahahahahaha is he fat at 205?

PurEvl ahahahahaha is he fat at 205? any updates on this guy?

Do what?

Filmboy44 did you eat it? thats wasted protein I nearly died from the stench in my arm, let alone sucking all the vomit in the edge/pool/arm I don't see you sucking your own sperm when you masturbate, that's also wasted protein

RenaultFreak I nearly died from the stench in my arm, let alone sucking all the vomit in the edge/pool/arm I don't see you sucking your own sperm when you masturbate, that's also wasted protein

RenaultFreak I nearly died from the stench in my arm, let alone sucking all the vomit in the edge/pool/arm I don't see you sucking your own sperm when you masturbate, that's also wasted protein Best quote EVAR!

cut his digestion process.... he should have tried interorectogestion.

Elfling Best quote EVAR! maybe filmy does, who really knows?

you know what really sucks, is the pool has to be drained and refilled before anyone is allowed to swim in it again = at least by our university rules. maybe your's will just skim the chunks out and also, whats with that massive distance?? surely not everyone on your team is a distance swimmer. 1900+ yards is a lil extreme for anyone in one setting.

don't let those calories get away

kronik85 you know what really sucks, is the pool has to be drained and refilled before anyone is allowed to swim in it again = at least by our university rules. maybe your's will just skim the chunks out and also, whats with that massive distance?? surely not everyone on your team is a distance swimmer. 1900+ yards is a lil extreme for anyone in one setting. I regularly do 1500 metres which is about 1630+ yards, must guys there can easily double me 1900 yards doesn't sound a lot to them. edit: and no, there is no need to drain the whole pool, they just "catch" the "big chunks" with some sort of vaccum tool then change the 6 filters, run the pumps for 24 hours (enough to filter the whole pool twice) then replace the filters, stabilize PH levels, add chlorine and check for bacteria/organisms with one of those kits in 6 different points. The pool will be ready next friday. You swim in filthier places most times but since this is a specialized swimming center it needs to meet international standards of sanity and water quality. Oh I asked about this a lot

Most disgusting thing happened today *pool incident*

*~-^ JuMp RoPiNG^-~*

*~-^ JuMp RoPiNG^-~*

HaY GuYs I wAs WonDEriNG HoWz manies jump rOpeS i ShoUld dO aS in rEps and SeTs. Thanks


Fuck off. If you have a legitimate question, don't post it in stupid-ass girly 12 year old AOL speak.

*~-^ JuMp RoPiNG^-~*

Is this routine fine?

Is this routine fine?

Monday - Triceps, Chest, Deltoids, Shoulders Tuesday - Legs, Abs Wednesday - Biceps, Back Friday - Triceps, Chest, Deltoids, Shoulders, Abs (Anything wrong with working out Triceps, Chest, Deltoids, Shoulders twice a week while only working out the other 2 areas once a week, or should I add another Biceps, Back day in there?) On the weekends I do a lot of elliptical and bike riding up hill for extra leg exercise. Help

How long do you plan on spending in the gym on Mondays & Fridays?

NickStam How long do you plan on spending in the gym on Mondays & Fridays? 60-75 minutes --- I come home and work my abs.

Is this routine fine?

Congrats TheProwler , wd broly

Congrats TheProwler , wd broly

just goes to show, the curls get the girls.

WTF screetch? j/k What'd he do pop the question, I think I remember reading about that.

yep and yer he definitely needs a new hair cut for the wedding

is that soul glo in his hair

Was that the wedding in the "still a virgin" thread? That's fairytale like, she's really hot. Congrats to them both!


Peal the curls get the girls. it's true.


More like "jheri curls get the girls" am I right people?

Not bad work, I can see some definite progress in your tri's and delts. bi's seem to be lagging behind a bit though. congrats broly

i wonder who wins the fights


you look much smaller in clothes.

Peal just goes to show, the curls get the girls. wtf jerry curl juice

You two getting married or what?


he proposed there was a huge thread in main about marriage at his age congrats anyways!

Grouch you look much smaller in clothes. funny you should mention that. I found some old pics of her and I :shudders: when I was 115 pounds. I looked like a paperweight. I'll try to get those later. The curls are real, but usually a bit wilder, but I had it pretty tight with gel for the big night. Yeah, we just got engaged, and she just e-mailed me that she spent 3 hours writing a short paper night because the sparkles are distracting.

Congrats dude!!! I'm in the same situation as you....started at 115 pounds, bulking up and got curly hair - I only hope I get a girl as hot as you did! Congrats again.

TheProwler The curls are real, but usually a bit wilder, but I had it pretty tight with gel for the big night. Yeah, we just got engaged, and she just e-mailed me that she spent 3 hours writing a short paper night because the sparkles are distracting. Congrats.

congrats broly

congrats again matey!

i'm going to go to your wedding and just yell lytew8 and crunk

Congrats TheProwler , wd broly

I got a very unprovoked email from someone on MySpace that I think is funny

I got a very unprovoked email from someone on MySpace that I think is funny

Email one you have the average bodybuilder type of exercise modality without assessing how to properly execute a movement (you don't tell a beginer to simply do squats without first teaching form!) and only a bodybuilder works a single muscle group in one day. For most of us, who want to be in good functional strwenght or who do athletics and are more concerned about power, strenght, endurance and coordination than simply being "BIG" A good lesson in Kinesiology might help you. Or do you read? My response ou are a close minded fool. First off, I am a senior chem major with a biology minor and on the waiting list for med school (due to lack of hospital experience not education). I am not here to teach a person how to squat, in fact doing that over the internet would be damn near impossible. I am telling what is the best way to go about causing hypertrophy of the gluteus muscle group, which is what she asked. I actually consider myself a mix between a bodybuilder and powerlifter, by the way. I do not only promote one group per day once per week lifting. As you can see if you read some of my other threads, I have also talked about westside training and 3 day splits. I can guarantee my methods increase power strength and endurance. Just because I don't prescribe to your methods does not mean that my methods do not work and in the same I am not saying anyone elses methods don't work, to a point. Now when someone wants to work every muscle every day of the week, of course I am going to say something. -Michael P.S. Get off your high horse. Email two before I even responded to the first Hey sorry about the you can't read comment, but bodybuilding is not a sport! Who cares what you look like what can you do? Asia wrestling weight 110 and 105 after really cutting "to make weight not to put on some shinny skivies" 22 years lifting weights (for strength, power and muscular endurance) Hey that's longer than you have been alive. Eight marathons, six under 3 hrs, 20 min. wrestled 12 years - US national team Climbed three peaks in Peru and Bolivia over 18,0000 feet. Rock climb Yosemite Mountain Bike through northern California What can you do? Response #2 Get off your damn high horse. In the last two weeks, I have helped build a house for habitat for humanity, cleaned up my campus, worked at the animal shelter, along with finishing up my research, presenting it at a national ACS meeting and presented a paper for publication. You need to realize that physical accomplishments are not everything, I have. The fact that I have been lifting for less than 3 years probably says something about my motivation. But if you don't think that size is impressive, also note that my lifts put me over a 1200 total for the big three. Oh, and I am also pretty good at hockey. I don't know what I have said to perturb you, maybe it is just that you are a bitch looking for someone to praise you, maybe it is because you haven't been laid in a while, I don't know, but the fact is that there is so much more to life than what you have listed for your "accomplishments". -Michael Why do I keep going back? I think I need a 12 step program

BTW, here is her profile, there are some NWS pics in there for you horny bastards (Christophers I am looking in your general direction).

maybe christophers can help up my strwenght.

holy shit. what a fucking cunt. an ugly cunt too, i mean i'd still bang her but it would be out of rage.

Grouch holy shit. what a fucking cunt. an ugly cunt too, i mean i'd still bang her but it would be out of rage. :hatefuck:

and that emo fag in the other forum is a douche too.

You play hockey? Its kinda funny that the general OT population probably has about 0.0001% hockey players but theres a number of F/N regulars who play.

Grouch holy shit. what a fucking cunt. an ugly cunt too, i mean i'd still bang her but it would be out of rage. Yes, this whole thing or should I say both things, were written because when some girl asked how to work her ass and everyone else was saying buns of steel videos and the such, I said "squat".

therealdeal You play hockey? Its kinda funny that the general OT population probably has about 0.0001% hockey players but theres a number of F/N regulars who play. I don't play regularly anymore. I played in high school and now I do alot of reffing with some playing on the side.

Grouch and that emo fag in the other forum is a douche too. Thats ok, I still have yet to convince this one girl, who has gotten through the anatomy portion of her PT book and thinks she knows everything, that the food pyramid is bullshit and that 6 meals a day does nothing that 3 proportionally larger meals wouldn't.

ACURA TL-S I don't play regularly anymore. I played in high school and now I do alot of reffing with some playing on the side. How come you don't play regularily anymore?

therealdeal How come you don't play regularily anymore? Lack of ice and time constraints. Hopefully I will have some time after I graduate in two weeks, plus they are in the process of putting in two new sheets 5 minutes from my house. Right now there is only one near Memphis.

ACURA TL-S BTW, here is her profile, there are some NWS pics in there for you horny bastards (Christophers I am looking in your general direction). Oh god.

dude no joke...that bish wants to devour your pen0r

what in the gayshit got up her nasty ass cooter?

"First off, I am a senior chem major with a biology minor and on the waiting list for med school (due to lack of hospital experience not education). " Not to bust on your laurels but this really has nothing to do with how much you know about lifting/diet.

Stupid bitch.

Elfling "First off, I am a senior chem major with a biology minor and on the waiting list for med school (due to lack of hospital experience not education). " Not to bust on your laurels but this really has nothing to do with how much you know about lifting/diet. shut it woman and get back to the kitchen As for acura....why the fuck are you arguing with a woman in the first place. Tell her to bleed for a week and then come back

I am telling what is the best way to go about causing hypertrophy of the gluteus muscle group, which is what she asked. You should have told the bitch that you're response was appropriate because what was asked was how to shape the gluteus (bodybuilding question) not on how to get a more functional gluteus.

what a cockly ugly broad

Bitch looks like a she-male that got smacked in the face with a 12" frying pan. She's prolly one of those new-age E-Thugs... watch your back.

I have recieved a couple of fairly good e-mails too, they really dont like us overthere acura... LOL's

I'm scared

ACURA TL-S Thats ok, I still have yet to convince this one girl, who has gotten through the anatomy portion of her PT book and thinks she knows everything, that the food pyramid is bullshit and that 6 meals a day does nothing that 3 proportionally larger meals wouldn't. I like how that one argued with the pier reviewed studies, and said that they where too old, cause they where like 8 years old...

Elfling "First off, I am a senior chem major with a biology minor and on the waiting list for med school (due to lack of hospital experience not education). " Not to bust on your laurels but this really has nothing to do with how much you know about lifting/diet. I was more referring to the assumption that bodybuilders cannot read.

I got a very unprovoked email from someone on MySpace that I think is funny

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