Thursday, December 12, 2013

Help me remember something v.1fast order

Help me remember something v.1fast order

A short while back a fellow f&n member posted some pics of his 1fast400 order. In that order there were a couple of different flavors of Isolate, Grape and watermelon. I'm about to place an order but I can't find that product anywhere. I looked in the past threads but I can't find it there either. Does anyone remember this post??? or am I just crazy.

christophers substance wpi? thats it, i havent tried watermelon but i tried grape. flavor is good but it doesnt mix very well

that's it...Thanks brolys

Help me remember something v.1fast order

Anyone have a problem with their stomach being too big?

Anyone have a problem with their stomach being too big?

I wish it were a little smaller. Not the actual outward appearance, but the capacity for food. I like to eat until its painful, that limit is way too high for me. I can hold an ass load of food. it was smaller when dieting, but its huge now. :-x Anyway to make it smaller aside from eating smaller meals throughout the day?

AznRyda I wish it were a little smaller. Not the actual outward appearance, but the capacity for food. I like to eat until its painful, that limit is way too high for me. I can hold an ass load of food. it was smaller when dieting, but its huge now. :-x Anyway to make it smaller aside from eating smaller meals throughout the day? drink alot of liquids, should help to keep you feeling full, i know the feeling i could eat a large pizza and 12 wings and not think about it.

christophers thick waist = big squat he wasn't referring to waist size, if you read his post

christophers ah shit

hot dog eating contest!

I eat truck loads of food like its nothing! I think all this drinking of water made my stomach huge. I drink a liter in a couple minutes. ;o

AznRyda I wish it were a little smaller. Not the actual outward appearance, but the capacity for food. I like to eat until its painful, that limit is way too high for me. I can hold an ass load of food. it was smaller when dieting, but its huge now. :-x Anyway to make it smaller aside from eating smaller meals throughout the day? I feel the same way. I sometimes wish I didnt have to eat so damn much to get full. Not only am I always the last one eating but it gets expensive too. And its also sucks when you are on a diet, but good when you bulk.

Anyone have a problem with their stomach being too big?

Working out in the morning > workout out in the afternoon

Working out in the morning > workout out in the afternoon

With nice weather finally starting to show up here, the last thing I want to do is waste my afternoon ion teh gym, so recently I started going to the gym before work at 6:30am and wow, what a difference. I've found I feel a lot better and have lots of energy throughout the day. And I have the afternoon/evenings to enjoy the weather.

Dragon With nice weather finally starting to show up here, the last thing I want to do is waste my afternoon ion teh gym, so recently I started going to the gym before work at 6:30am and wow, what a difference. I've found I feel a lot better and have lots of energy throughout the day. And I have the afternoon/evenings to enjoy the weather. I might try working out a little earlier

I used to go workout at 5am in the morning before work. It was great getting it over with. But I found I am less likely to push myself in the morning. In the afternoon I can push myself to failure, but in the morning I find my self giving up and not getting those extra reps.

Im going to go eat and take my CEE then workout peace out punk ass bitches

I like waking up, dicking around for a few hours, then going to the gym. But when I start working, I don't think I'll have that luxury.

hells no. no way. id die.

I prefer working out about 8 at night on mon/wed then on friday i work out about 3ish. (due to the gym shutting early) but on sundays (when i do legs) i'll go down about 2 and work out. I don't think i could work out in the morning.

I dont see how anyone could ever workout in the morning, i am so damn tight, How the hell do you ever get loose? And I also have a bsolutely no motivation in the mornings. UGH

i used to work out at 5am, 3 times a week during the swim season. man that was a pain in the ass. everyone was pretty groggy, but if you got a good nights rest u were fine.

Heavy lifting early in the morning = teh lose..... cardio is another story

I find my motivation in the great weather I can enjoy afterwork now that I'm not going to the gym. As for having energy, caffeine and gatorade work wonders

Dragon I find my motivation in the great weather I can enjoy afterwork now that I'm not going to the gym. As for having energy, caffeine and gatorade work wonders Cool. When we have the TO meet, we'll drag everyone into the gym in the morning.

Puppet Master when i join the gym again i'll be a morning whore too. not mega early but like 7am I like going after 8:30am usually because all the working stiffs are still there before that.

timberwolf Cool. When we have the TO meet, we'll drag everyone into the gym in the morning. on a weekend? not bloody fucking likely

timberwolf I like going after 8:30am usually because all the working stiffs are still there before that. some of us have to work to pay for things like gym memberships. besides, its the punks without jobs hanging around the gym all day that cause most of the probs!

I have noticed when i work out in the morning, i am always tired and the afternoon i am so pumped its ridiculous, but with classes, i HAVE to work out in the mornin'

Dragon on a weekend? not bloody fucking likely On the weekends I usually get to bed at 4 or 4:30 because of the bar. I can usually still go in at 8:30 or 9 am though of course I have to crash for 2-3 hours in the afternoon.

Leo95SE some of us have to work to pay for things like gym memberships. That's what gf's are for. If she likes the way you look... she should pay for it.

deznutz I have noticed when i work out in the morning, i am always tired and the afternoon i am so pumped its ridiculous If I don't work out at night I get so restless and my body aches for not moving weight. timberwolf That's what gf's are for. If she likes the way you look... she should pay for it.

I love lifting in the morning, but there's no way i'm getting out of bed at 6 to go to the gym. I hvae a hard enough time getting up at 7:30.

Puppet Master when i join the gym again i'll be a morning whore too. not mega early but like 7am Get yourself down balance Fuck going that early. i normally get down there about 7:30 at night on mon/wed.

i prefer night when its not as busy

Working out in the morning > workout out in the afternoon

Burning sensation just above groin when squatting

Burning sensation just above groin when squatting

I have started squatting heavier recently as my herniated disc is no longer causing much pain. Yesterday however, I felt for the first time a burning sensation above my groin when I was at the bottom of my squat. I had a belt on at one point, and took it off at another, both caused the sensation. A buddy mention herniation in the front, is this possible, and why the burning?

2000GT I have started squatting heavier recently as my herniated disc is no longer causing much pain. Yesterday however, I felt for the first time a burning sensation above my groin when I was at the bottom of my squat. I had a belt on at one point, and took it off at another, both caused the sensation. A buddy mention herniation in the front, is this possible, and why the burning? PENIS LESION?!?!

Dude I've gotten the same sensation while deadlifting or squatting heavy Its like the between my groin and my thigh I still don't know what causes it, but whenever it happens I take some load off or just stop. Hasn't happened in a while though

I just got that yesterday for the first time, I can still feel it. Really weird. I had pain in my lower abdominals doing squats a few days before that, friend said it could be a hernia, I stopped.

My groin burns when I squat real wide

hummm... the pain is above my groin, feels deep in my lower abdomen almost.

i doubt it is a hernia, but go get checked out by a doctor just in case.

SpeedyGST i doubt it is a hernia, but go get checked out by a doctor just in case. quoted to troof... doubtful that its a hernia, but thats the region and continuing to lift with a hernia is bad news

Jeg1983 My groin burns when I squat real wide do you wear briefs?

I pulled my groin (area between thigh and pelvis) squatting heavy. I keep agitating it, so I have to take a break off.

Had the exact same thing. Ends up it was epiditymitis.

Welsh0913 Its like the between my groin and my thigh I used to get pain in that area as well when I first started squatting. I've worked on my form though and it has gone away.

i get this sometimes, im not sure if its the cause of it, but usually ill pull my pants/shorts down below my waist and my underwear a little above. This way the band of the pants or underwear doesnt get in the way of where the body bends which i think could be the cause of the burning.

I got it too.... It might sound odd... But it might be your skin pinching, or getting pinched by boxers or shorts... Its like a really hot pain... few inches long for me usually...

Ceaze do you wear briefs? now I do

princess0fdiabl0 i get this sometimes, im not sure if its the cause of it, but usually ill pull my pants/shorts down below my waist and my underwear a little above. This way the band of the pants or underwear doesnt get in the way of where the body bends which i think could be the cause of the burning. Interesting, I thought it could be this.. When I have the belt on it seems to be hightened pain too. I will play with this idea.

Burning sensation just above groin when squatting

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Do sumo wrestlers do any weight training?

Do sumo wrestlers do any weight training?

ibsumodeadlifts I heard all they do is just eat and eat....huge bowls of noodles and small animals at every meal.

Shaolin_sword36 ibsumodeadlifts I heard all they do is just eat and eat....huge bowls of noodles and small animals at every meal. I could go for a small animal right now This thread also reminds me of the fight from UFC 3

Sammo I could go for a small animal right now This thread also reminds me of the fight from UFC 3 rofl who won that fight???

dmaestro rofl who won that fight??? the small guy

Sammo the small guy did the fat guy even put up a fight

dmaestro did the fat guy even put up a fight yeah, he tried the fat guy got knocked down at one point, but then was able to get ontop of the small guy but the small guy escaped

Sammo yeah, he tried the fat guy got knocked down at one point, but then was able to get ontop of the small guy but the small guy escaped man i need to see a vid of that i remember when I was in Taekwando as a kid one of my instructors went on UFC and got OWNED by some 6'8" polish guy. Think it was like UFC 5 or 6 maybe? his name was Cal Worsham or something.

dmaestro man i need to see a vid of that i remember when I was in Taekwando as a kid one of my instructors went on UFC and got OWNED by some 6'8" polish guy. Think it was like UFC 5 or 6 maybe? his name was Cal Worsham or something. wow, neat

Sammo wow, neat thats him! thats the guy who owned him omfg...this guy is a general contractor here in Sacramento, my boss does business with him all the time

Sammo I could go for a small animal right now This thread also reminds me of the fight from UFC 3 I saw that shit... white dude ran up on him a few times and finally knocked him down.. then started pummeling his fucking face in until the black guy quit

lol, back in the early 90s, nobody really knew what they were doing in the UFC. Emanuel should definitely have done some serious thinking before fighting.

I heard the newer guys who are starting to weight train more have been getting injured more. Saw it on a tv show.

eman's a dude

Do sumo wrestlers do any weight training?

Hi, my name is

Hi, my name is

Hi, my name is filmy. i'm posting this from jail or something. look for my new thread "made peace in my gym part 11tybillion", which hopefully nobody really reads anyways

hi my name is bateman and i say im at 192.. but im clearly at 165

hi my name is a shitload of people and we're all MIA

Hi my name is tize and I don't know how a hi my name thread works

hi my name is chizzle. i cant bench press.

tize i just thought it was quite redundant being as last thread starter was who this thread starter hi my name is's and that other one had same hi my names is's as this one is gonna have if i dont break the cycle of gaydom hi my name is tize and english is obviously not my first language

nukegoat hi my name is tize and english is obviously not my first language beat me to it..

hi, my name is nukegoat and i enjoy a good ot bandwagon.

Hi my name is nukegoat and I want to suck off Alan Greenspan.

jonno hi my name is bateman and i say im at 192.. but im clearly at 165 dood who are you to talk you are like 130 if that, and if you ever want proof of my weight i welcome anyone to train with me, i dont bullshit like 97% of this board about lifts, weights or anything else for that matter.

im in jersey, if anyone from this fuckin board ever wants to train with me and weigh up, ill be more than happy to i could use a spotter some days.

hi my name is cavefish and i've had the same av/usertext for eleventy billion years

Hi my name is Patrick Bateman and I take Hi, my name is threads WAY TOO SERIOUSLY. And I'm too cheap to buy a new avatar. I'm not paying money for that shit.

Hi my name is mEds and people think Im crazy because I excercise everyday and lift 4-5 times a week. Yet i still have these skin flaps (around waist) from being a fat fuck so I don't take my shirt off in public.

jonno hi my name is bateman and i say im at 192.. but im clearly at 165 Hi my name is jonno and I like subway but I do not use "teh coupons."

Hi my name is zeromagnus and I think I just caused a trainwreck.

Hi my name is b-stevens and I live in a suburb of Chicago where they card people who are over 75+ years of age.

Hi my name is UncleJohn and if you look outside you will see me standing in your front yard wearing a cute red hat.

ACURA TL-S Hi my name is UncleJohn and if you look outside you will see me standing in your front yard wearing a cute red hat.

Hi my name is HP_84 and you guys are all weak and have horrible form if you cant standing shoulder press your body weight.

ACURA TL-S Hi my name is UncleJohn and if you look outside you will see me standing in your front yard wearing a cute red hat.

Patrick Bateman Hi I'm a metrosexual douche bag.

Mike McDermott lol

ACURA TL-S Hi my name is UncleJohn and if you look outside you will see me standing in your front yard wearing a cute red hat. You win the thread.

hi my name is immortal and... what? you don't remember me? seriously i used to lift weights. oh well, ima get high

Hi, my name is

for the record. I hate strong noobs

for the record. I hate strong noobs

wtf...I was at the gym on saturday and I saw a guy I used to work with. After attempting to make small talk with me, he said that he was training shoulders. Now, when I worked with him about 5 months ago he really wasn't into working out at all...he's a decently built guy...very short and stocky. anyways, he gets on the military press(free weight) and puts on 135...reps it out with the worst form in the world. Brings it down to his chest. Then 185 ...then 225 all with the same form. Then 245 and gets it 6 times. I'm really surprized that he didn't tear his rotator cuff out on those presses...but he was doing them pretty easily. his other exercises were shit form tho...and weak weight. But his power is pretty damn impressive.

Where did you expect him to bring it down to?

Filmboy44 wtf...I was at the gym on saturday and I saw a guy I used to work with. After attempting to make small talk with me, he said that he was training shoulders. Now, when I worked with him about 5 months ago he really wasn't into working out at all...he's a decently built guy...very short and stocky. anyways, he gets on the military press(free weight) and puts on 135...reps it out with the worst form in the world. Brings it down to his chest. Then 185 ...then 225 all with the same form. Then 245 and gets it 6 times. I'm really surprized that he didn't tear his rotator cuff out on those presses...but he was doing them pretty easily. his other exercises were shit form tho...and weak weight. But his power is pretty damn impressive. maybe he's not a noob and he just has atrocious form

Neo22 Where did you expect him to bring it down to? ass cheeks of course... thats the only way we roll here

incubimmer maybe he's not a noob and he just has atrocious form no, he's noob...I've talked to him about working out before and its always the "i need to start training" deal. oh well

yeah you think you have it bad, try gaining strength with a 6'6" wingspan just waiting for the day a girl can lift more than me...thats probably when ill do a cycle...haha

i hate them too. and freshmen who threw farther then me in highschool. too they blow.

christophers my gym owner squats 550 @ 130 lb's bw at 40+ yrs old, female cycle time? shes probably run a few herself

christophers my gym owner squats 550 @ 130 lb's bw at 40+ yrs old, female cycle time? lol nice try, i said girl iblinktochinesegirlwarmingupwithmymax

Neo22 Where did you expect him to bring it down to? your chin, elbows should never break 90

PurEvl your chin, elbows should never break 90 =-o even for dumbell presses? and does anyone still do behind the neck presses? those are murder to my shoulder joints

and wtf, if i bring a bar/my hands to chin level, my elbows have already broken 90

KingGargantuan and wtf, if i bring a bar/my hands to chin level, my elbows have already broken 90 apeboy

PurEvl apeboy I could just see him demonstrating that in his office

PurEvl apeboy

Filmboy44 I could just see him demonstrating that in his office my brother is going to erase the memorys of fighting he gave you thru ancient chinese fighting memory erasing technique.

KingGargantuan my brother is going to erase the memorys of fighting he gave you thru ancient chinese fighting memory erasing technique. I was right wasn't I?

90 degrees would place the bar around my forehead.

cavefish 90 degrees would place the bar around my forehead. agreed

PurEvl elbows should never break 90 all my pressing moves would have a range of 3 inches then

size18boarder yeah you think you have it bad, try gaining strength with a 6'6" wingspan just waiting for the day a girl can lift more than me...thats probably when ill do a cycle...haha 6'9" wingspan here.

PurEvl your chin, elbows should never break 90 how the fuck does that work. that means i dont even come down to the top of my head.

size18boarder yeah you think you have it bad, try gaining strength with a 6'6" wingspan just waiting for the day a girl can lift more than me...thats probably when ill do a cycle...haha im 6'5 and have a 6'7 wingspan. i used to train shoulders a lot and that helped overall size. its sucks at first but the results are well worth it. 6'6 and Jacked > 5'6 and Jacked

i've always done shoulder presses only going down to elbows at like 80' barely past 90 and my shoudlers grow fine.

Sh0kka im 6'5 and have a 6'7 wingspan. i used to train shoulders a lot and that helped overall size. its sucks at first but the results are well worth it. 6'6 and Jacked > 5'6 and Jacked oh yeah dude when people see me in person i get ridiculous compliments and im not even jacked by any means...i was talking about strength though...thats a real bitch and plus am a whatever-morph that is all lanky and shit and not naturally strong

for the record. I hate strong noobs

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