Saturday, December 7, 2013



Ever heard of a guy with the last name Ericsson (sp?). He was working out at my gym in Okc, OK. 325x56 on bench, doing shrugs with over 900lbs.


325x56? That's got to be a record


yes -- I'm lying.

mmm unless you saw it i would have to call bs. i think that would be a well known feat.


Martial Arts help

Martial Arts help

Ok, I'm looking to do some discipline of martial arts but I don't know which one to do. I want something that isn't too hard, so I'm looking at Aikido, but I also want something that attacks (from what people have told me all Aikido is, is defensive moves). I've been told to do jujitsu and I'm looking into that but are there any other "effective" martial arts that aren't hard to learn?

Muay Thai is very simple to learn, and very effective. If by simple you mean easy to learn, and not easy to go to class without working hard. It is one of the quicker styles to be effective in. You won't have to go to a years worth of classes before learning everything you need to be productive.

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and Muay Thai

Section 8 Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and Muay Thai could also substitute Jeet Kune Do in there (encompasses both to at least some degree), but for the most part a combination of those two will make you a monster

what are your goals? to be a tough ass or develop mentally spiritually as well?

From an offensive point of view, I've found the combo of Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to be the most effective. If you can find a Vale Tudo gym near you, you're set (it's a Brazilian hybrid of both styles). This is my personal favorite. If you want something more defensive, aikido or Krav Maga are good choices. Aikido relies more on bodily harmony, while Krav Maga is quick, brutal and effective. If you're a sadist and want to get your ass kicked, try Tae Kwon Do or Shotokan Karate.

What about some good ole boxing?

Just do mix martial arts. Find a instructor who can teach you the basics of a few different ones. My instructor teaches arnese ( filipino knife/stick fighting ) JKD, Samba ( grappling ) and basic 1 on 1 stand up fighting techniques. Maritals Arts is great for cardio workout. Running and biking gets boring real fast but martial arts is fun and interesting.

thawk408 What about some good ole boxing? That's fine. Try kickboxing too.

How do you think boxing would do in a street fight scene?

depends, alot of BJJ schools flaunt the police report saying that 95% of all street fights go to the, i havent seen this report and often wonder about its validity, two, ground fighting is ONLY good in a one on one fight with no weapons.....whereas boxing keeps you on your feet and gives the ability to stay aware of those around you (if your clear enough mentally while fighting) and allows you to run when needed.....but limiting youself to just boxing makes you vulnerable in other boxer has ever faired well in an NHB match (no holds barred)....simply cuz in a one on one fight it does go to the ground nearly every time.....muay thai fighters do well because of the clinch as well as cross training in jits.... in other words, focusing on only boxing, will hurt you when you get tackled by a wrestler.....and tackling someone to wrestle them will only work until their buddy punts you in the face

get in over a 100 fights bouncing, you get good at lots of styles

What is the martial art that bruce lee made up?

Aikido is defiently worthwhile, it teaches you the importance over balance and accuracy over power, it also teaches you very quickly how to break fall as from your first lesson you will be flat on your ass. I do a style called tomiki aikido which is sport aikido, I'm not sure how well it would all apply in the real world but a lot of people who do aikido take other arts such as Judo or Ju-jitsu as Aikido is a development of these arts. Personally you may find Kempo Ju-jitsu enjoyable, or if you are interested in aikido then the Tomiki style is certainly one to pursue as it is very effective. MY instructor is a 5th dan however who has been doing it for over 30 years and trains local law enforcement arrest techniques, it defiently helps to have an experienced trainer. The philospophy of aikido is to show an attacker the error of his ways by disarming but not injuring permently. Of course due to the nature of its locks and grips it is extremely easy to break peoples arms, wrists, strike blows to the head and other nerve points of the body. Personally I love aikido, but would like to investigate Kempo Ju-jitsu at a later date. Also aikdio is not easy to learn, your movements and grips and locks have to be very accurate in order to be effective, you have to have good coordination of hand and feet and be prepared to get hurt. If you are looking for the best defensive art in the world then take up Track Sprinting if you are looking for the best Offensive art in the world go buy a sniper rifle . I hope that helps someway

thawk408 What is the martial art that bruce lee made up? Jeet kune do. It's not a martial art, it "became" one after he died and people tried to cash in on his legacy. JKD is really just an ideal or outlook on martial arts. The first "mixed martial arts" approach.

superbri007 Wushu Kung Fu, i'll be taking that in the next month or so looks really challenging! bad example but i think thats the art they modelled after in the movie kill bill.

superbri007 Aikido sucks cock, don't take it. Take TKD /Kung-fu/ Kickboxing over aikido not true, aikido is very difficult, just not as much 'anger' as other arts, for lack of a better term. makes a great supplementary art..

learn everything there is that u can! mwahahahah...nice suggestion there on the BJJ and muay thai as an awesome practical starting point

Martial Arts help

this restaurant really cares about you!

this restaurant really cares about you!

"it's what i eat and what i doT . i'm lovin' itT" McDonald's® Launches New Worldwide Balanced, Active Lifestyles Public Awareness Campaign "The new balanced, active lifestyles platform is designed to inspire McDonald's customers to improve their overall well being" I dont support mcdonalds financially(ex- buy their food), but i do support thier new ad campaign. kudos, to you, mcdonalds. You can help us all with positive reminders to stay active.

They're only doing it because they created a fast food generation that's addicted to sugar and caffeine and are finally feeling the pressure. No matter what they do today in the effort of better health, they'll still be making the same shitty burgers tomorrow.

Well if they don't keep their insanely obease demographic alive, or atleast barely clinging to life, how can they expect to make profits in the future. Smart bussiness plan is all it is.

Mugwump They're only doing it because they created a fast food generation that's addicted to sugar and caffeine and are finally feeling the pressure. No matter what they do today in the effort of better health, they'll still be making the same shitty burgers tomorrow. I wouldn't give McD's that much credit. They didn't create a fast food generation, they're just supplying what people want. Unless of course they have been secretly putting some highly addictive substance in their burgers.....

What I would like to know is why does a SALAD cost 4-5 bucks??? If they cared about me they'd stop charging so much for some lettuce tomatoes and frozen chicken shit.

nic379 frozen chicken shit

mcdonalds needs to develop an appartus much like the beer hat, so we can drink nice frosty chocolate milk shakes, and still have 2 hands free to do curls...

nic379 What I would like to know is why does a SALAD cost 4-5 bucks??? If they cared about me they'd stop charging so much for some lettuce tomatoes and frozen chicken shit. it's still shit anyways so why bother even paying for it?

D-GUy it's still shit anyways so why bother even paying for it? convenience easyness

they started this ad campaign shortly after the release of supersize me

D-GUy it's still shit anyways so why bother even paying for it? awe it tastes ok, don be that hard on em...

The hard part of making a good salad in a place like mcd's is training the kiddies to be conscious of quality. Theres a reason the dont dress the salads for you... it would be to much of too little most of the time. clinging to life

evi1eddie they started this ad campaign shortly after the release of supersize me a wrestling buddy of mine had an idea regarding that. He was going to call up McDonald's and ask them to pay him $10,000 to eat their food every day, for 30 days, and he would lose 5 pounds. :lol:

Do you really think they care about you or anybody? They will do whatever is necessary to make money, even sell salads

this thread is a joke. mcdonald's giving a fuck? ha

superbri007 fuck mcdonald's

superbri007 FUCK MCDONALD'S lc

Heh... McDonald's is my friend ever since I started bulking. $1 double cheeseburgers own, I scarf down 2-3 at a time.

the negative people will hate mcdonalds wether they do responsible or irresponsible deeds. although, you can try to see it from their angle. Health is the new s*it. Theyre listening and responding to feedback. ....and fuck mcdonalds.

gosideways Heh... McDonald's is my friend ever since I started bulking. $1 double cheeseburgers own, I scarf down 2-3 at a time. weak

this restaurant really cares about you!

How much water should I be drinking everyday

How much water should I be drinking everyday

stupid question for you guys i guess but i would like to know

i would drink at least a gallon

.66 times your bodyweight (ounces) 5 clear pees a day (at least)

Socrates .66 times your bodyweight (ounces) 5 clear pees a day (at least) all i would be doing all day is drinking water!

drink drink! i love water but i hate having to pee all the time.

but i know i drink about 1 1/2 gal a day

nic379 all i would be doing all day is drinking water! No it really isn't as hard as you think. While you are at home at night, just keep sipping on some ice water, drink drink drink, but not too fast to where you will feel like you are getting really full (of water...). When I do it, I piss about once every 45-50 minutes. Fun to watch it clear out your system .

AmCo drink drink! i love water but i hate having to pee all the time. sometimes i piss a couple times a hour, but i just love it so much

Socrates No it really isn't as hard as you think. While you are at home at night, just keep sipping on some ice water, drink drink drink, but not too fast to where you will feel like you are getting really full (of water...). When I do it, I piss about once every 45-50 minutes. Fun to watch it clear out your system . well i know that I of all people should be drinking alot of water because I get kidney infections all the time. i never drank alot of water when i was younger..just juice and koolaid and such. i had major kidney surgery when i was why my mom didnt make me drink gallons of water is beyond me...but o well. so now when i drink alot of makes me nauseated. is that weird? i'm up to about 60-80 ounces of water a day...which is much better than the 20 i was getting

A gallon.

drink lots of water every meal, depending on your activity level and shit will vary. I take 32oz a meal @ 9 meals a day

5 clear urinations a day at min, 2 of them post workout

i drink a lot my pee is clear

I drank 2 gallons in about 6 hours while at work yesterday just for fun. I peed 5 times an hour.

you guys know that you can drink TOO much water right? If you overhydrate yourself you can die I believe.

I know that I don't drink enough.. it's the last component of cutting that I am trying to wrangle.

64oz a day

nic379 you guys know that you can drink TOO much water right? If you overhydrate yourself you can die I believe. you need to drink ALOT of water to do that, torture/drugs is the only way i see it happening.

nic379 you guys know that you can drink TOO much water right? If you overhydrate yourself you can die I believe. yeah... but you hafta drink and undrinkable amount of water to overhydrate

I follow the "8 glasses minumum" rule. I keep my water bottle with me at all times (almost, i'm still a little forgetful). it makes it a ton easier to drink the water if it's right there all the time. GND taught me a neat trick- put a few drops of lemon juice in the water to give it a little flavor. I just drink refrigerated tap water so it helps a lot.

nic379 you guys know that you can drink TOO much water right? If you overhydrate yourself you can die I believe. true story had a breifing on that when i was in the army

, i'm going to go get a glass of it right now.

nic379 you guys know that you can drink TOO much water right? If you overhydrate yourself you can die I believe. The problem is in the mineral content. It is possible to flush out your system of valuable vitamins/minerals. One of the symptoms is a craving for more, believe it or not, water! The type of water we drink directly affects us. Dehydration can reduce athletic performance and lead to fatigue, and it is vital for those who are exercising to drink enough water. A general rule is to drink twice as much water as is necessary to quench thirst. Exercise also increases needs for electrolytes, sodium, chloride and potassium. Magnesium and calcium needs may also be greater. You said you feel nauseated when you drink water? Are you on any meds?

Elektra The problem is in the mineral content. It is possible to flush out your system of valuable vitamins/minerals. One of the symptoms is a craving for more, believe it or not, water! The type of water we drink directly affects us. Dehydration can reduce athletic performance and lead to fatigue, and it is vital for those who are exercising to drink enough water. A general rule is to drink twice as much water as is necessary to quench thirst. Exercise also increases needs for electrolytes, sodium, chloride and potassium. Magnesium and calcium needs may also be greater. You said you feel nauseated when you drink water? Are you on any meds? meds. I was on a decongestant a week ago...but it's been making me nauseated for years. I sucked it up though and this last 2 weeks, I've been drinking alot of water..and I love it now. It sucks that my tap water is kinda nasty, and i can't afford enough bottles...but I just keep making myself drink the tap water becaue it's better than none.

tize 5 clear pees and 1 wet shit i don't shit everyday. That's only normal for some people..not everyone. O wait..I'm a girl, I never shit

How much water should I be drinking everyday

Friday, December 6, 2013

Increasing vertical leap?

Increasing vertical leap?

Hey guys I'm kind of new here sorry if this thread has been done before. But what kind of thinks can I do to increase my jumping height/ability? Do you guys know of any exercises?

white men can't jump.

actually, i can't think of any, but would assume anything that strengthens the hamstrings and calves would help.

Read this:


this thread is your most accurate

Ilyusha Read this: I can vouch for this program. 50-rep squats are killer!! They'll make a man out of you In the several weeks I've been doing them (in addition to plyometric routines), I've put a good 2 inches on my jump.

Deadlifts, squats, good mornings, glute ham raises. You dont need anything other than that

KLoWnPR109 Deadlifts, squats, good mornings, glute ham raises. You dont need anything other than that

Ceaze any reason for that face?

KLoWnPR109 any reason for that face? Yeah, those exercises only cover limit strength, you have to train explosive strength as well. And the snatch is the the weightroom exercise with the highest correlation to vertical jump.

hardcore deadlifts, squats. raised mine from 36ish to what had to be over 40" in a few months

Ceaze Yeah, those exercises only cover limit strength, you have to train explosive strength as well. And the snatch is the the weightroom exercise with the highest correlation to vertical jump. I've actually never seen much results from anything other than those exercises that I listed above. Never done cleans though. I've always felt that I've been doing them wrong and have never really found anyone to show me how to do them properly. Plyometrics never did anything but hurt my knees.

all through yo' body..blows like a 12 gauge shotty

AmCo polymetrics? Plyometrics: exercises that help develop quickness, agility, and vertical leap. In other words, exercises that mainly work your fast fibers.


Ceaze Yeah, those exercises only cover limit strength, you have to train explosive strength as well. And the snatch is the the weightroom exercise with the highest correlation to vertical jump. you can train squat and deads with explosive strength

When you do leg work (Squats, leg press, calf raises, etc.) do it with explosion.

Increasing vertical leap?

For the PL people here...

For the PL people here...

What kind of ab exercises do you guys do to strengthen your core? I don't know much about abs because I haven't done them ever until a month or so ago, but all I do is decline crunches, knee raises, and some weighted machine crunches. My abs are relatively week, so maybe some of the advanced exercises, like dragon flairs, aren't for me. What do you guys recommend?

im no pl'er but i can tell you that ab wheels, leg raises, cable crunches, and side bends have worked well for me

"You want a great CORE workout? Drink a bottle of tequila and spend 8 hours puking over a pube-covered toliet bowl. Your abs will never be more sore." -JW

Jeg1983 "You want a great CORE workout? Drink a bottle of tequila and spend 8 hours puking over a pube-covered toliet bowl. Your abs will never be more sore." -JW Been there.. except not with Tequila..

i do hanging leg lifts & dragon flages as a staple warmup. i do rocky style situps with punching at the top. but my core ab movements are weighed situps & weighed ab extentions.

edmang Side bends eh.. will add ASAP.

some ghr situps, so like sitting the opposite way around on ghr, weighted.

What is a dragon flair?

Hip Hippo What is a dragon flair? dragon flag

shastaisforwinners dragon flag Oh, those.

For the PL people here...

Is the BodyFat Measurement on my Home Scale accurate?

Is the BodyFat Measurement on my Home Scale accurate?

I got a 50 dollar digital scale. it is one of those good kinds, the multi-cell technology.. anyways it has a BF measurement function and i was wondering if it is accurate. Does it measure my bodyfat by sending electronic pulses through my body or something?

No. Yes.

If it asks for your height, it's measuring it by BMI.

No, they aren't accurate at all. You might as well be using an online BF% calculator. There are too many changing variables to accurately check BF% through any type of electrical pulses. It can give you a decent ball-park figure, but I've heard they can be off by more than 15% sometimes.

Ilyusha If it asks for your height, it's measuring it by BMI. it asks for my height, age, and sex. if its measuring by BMI is that accurate or not? if thats not accurate what is an accurate way to measure my bodyfat?

I've been told by those things that I'm around 25%

damn if only i knew that earlier i wouldnt have wasted money on getting one with this feature.

RLiu818 it asks for my height, age, and sex. if its measuring by BMI is that accurate or not? if thats not accurate what is an accurate way to measure my bodyfat? multi-point caliper test, bare minimum

RLiu818 it asks for my height, age, and sex. if its measuring by BMI is that accurate or not? if thats not accurate what is an accurate way to measure my bodyfat? BMI is okay for deciding if you really need to workout/diet in the first place. To get your BF% checked, go to your gym and have a PT do a caliper test. It's still not 100% accurate, but it'll give you an idea of what it is and will also give you something to judge your progress better than just your weight. If you want a very accurate reading you can get some sort of liquid displacement test at a hospital. I hear they're expensive, though.

jump on your BF scale right after you wake in the morning, even if the % is off, those scales are supposed to be consistent. So you can note change if your going up or down. But you cant compare if you use the scale like in the morning one day and then after a big meal another day, etc

Is the BodyFat Measurement on my Home Scale accurate?

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