Friday, December 6, 2013

Now this is some strong hands. Blowing up a 12 pack.

Now this is some strong hands. Blowing up a 12 pack. Download the vid, it doesn't even look like he is stressing at all.

woo thank god it is only miller highlife

damn, that definetly needed a video with background music

Wouldn't it be cheaper to buy generic soda at the super market?

AznRyda Wouldn't it be cheaper to buy generic soda at the super market? beer is more carbonated...shake the cans for a good 20 seconds and start squeezing...they arent that hard to bust IMO.

i bought some grippers today (seem pretty basic) and it is too i maybe doing something wrong?

Z PYRATE beer is more carbonated...shake the cans for a good 20 seconds and start squeezing...they arent that hard to bust IMO. have you done it?

SpeedyGST i bought some grippers today (seem pretty basic) and it is too i maybe doing something wrong? which grippers?

AznRyda Wouldn't it be cheaper to buy generic soda at the super market? men dont drink generic soda.

look like this...called TKO extreme? they seem awfully easy but for like 8$ i wasnt expecting much.

SpeedyGST look like this...called TKO extreme? they seem awfully easy but for like 8$ i wasnt expecting much. A) those are weak B) you paid to much Check on the links in the grip thread in the archives for some real grippers.

i bet peal could crush that easy after all the work he's done on his hands for satifying his fellow powerlifters penis.

Mu5c1e_Boi i bet peal could crush that easy after all the work he's done on his hands for satifying his fellow powerlifters penis. God you are a fucking fag.

Grouch men dont drink generic soda. from what I can tell, you guys aren't drinking shit.

N-Word-Jim from what I can tell, you guys aren't drinking shit.

Now this is some strong hands. Blowing up a 12 pack.

I need to gain weight

I need to gain weight

hey everyone. I currently play High school baseball and Im a catcher. The only problem is that I am too small. I am 5 feet 9 inches and I weigh 147 pounds. I am a junior by the way(11th grade). I am not worried about my height. What I am worried about is my weight. I have been working out forabout a year now and I have gained a little bit of muscle but not much. I have taken NO2 pills. I have taken Protein. I have taken muscle milk, and none of them seem to work for me. I have really started taking it serious now for about a week. I workout with my friend who really knows what he is doing, an he told me to get some weight gainer and NO explode, so i did. I really want to get up to at least 170 pounds by the end of the summer. I really need some help, so please tell me what I can do to get up to 170 pounds A.S.A.P.


Read stickies


how much should I eat a day and wat?

Peety7 how much should I eat a day and wat? Ok seriously now......

maybe you should just eat more...

eat until you cant anymore then eat a lil bit more

i know this kid personally and i want someone to give him advice besides me him hearing that he needs to eat all the time from me so then he realizes that it is true.....ive tried and i think he needs to hear it from someone else like you alll who know what you are doing

Peety7 so please tell me what I can do to get up to 170 pounds A.S.A.P. lots of steriods

animal pak vitamins.

eat everything in sight. eat until you can't eat anymore. then pause for awhile.. and eat again. it's not like you have this special condition that doesnt allow you to gain weight. if you eat enough you will put on the lbs.

Peety7 how much should I eat a day and wat? 15,000 calories and 600 grams of protien

twofourtysx 15,000 calories and 600 grams of protien Thaat lol

Start with a minimum of 18 calories per pound of bodyweight. Get at least 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. The rest doesn't mean jack shit. If you're still not gaining weight, jack the calories. Take a multi-vitamin. Supplement with whey as needed to hit your protein goals, but at a caloric excess like that you shouldn't have any trouble gettin all your protein from whole foods. Fuck the NO products and spend that money on food. Supplement essential fatty acids, fish oil and or flax oil.


thanks guys

i need a happy sad smiley... you have gotten serious in a week? that's your first problem...

see food diet.

seriously, eat like crazy. even if you're not hungry. say you go into your kitchen and look in your pantry. you see a new loaf of bread? get 4 slices, not 2, and get tons of peanut butter and jelly and make a quad-decker. something to wash it down. you see some milk. nope not good enough. get 3 scoops of whey and mix it in and use tha to wash it down. feels gross? go look for some spam. get 2 cans, open em up. be careful not to cut yourself. slice the spam in pieces, fry them on a skillet , go back to that loaf of bread. get a few more slices and make yourself some spam and mustard sandwiches. dessert? look in your freezer. 12 pack of haagan daz ice cream bars from costco? eat 6 of em. then eat the other 6. get the picture? good, now eat 8 eggs scrambled with olive oil.

You need to eat like mad. Supplements wouldn't hurt either.

lots of olive oil, fry everything in olive oil, fruits, vegetables, meats, eggs, bread, seriously, its good. but remember, dont get the olive oil too hot otherwise it turns to trans fat. just make sure the OO isnt smoking, so like just above medium heat is good. get Extra Virgin Olive Oil, its the best for you

Cobra Commander i need a happy sad smiley... you have gotten serious in a week? that's your first problem... wats that suppossed to mean. What im saying is that I finally realized that I need to not only work out, but eat right in order to gain weight

I need to gain weight

Neck strains while working out... :wtc:

Neck strains while working out... :wtc:

So yesterdya and today, I went to work out, but soon into it my neck feels really strained (with pain) and I get a little lightheaded, so I stop when this happens. Yesterday I was doing leg extensions and was ing when it happened. And today, I was doing bench and it happened again. yesterday was 10x worse though, I was buckled over holding my neck in pain for a good while. Today I recognized it and stopped before that happened. Also, lately, my neck has been pretty tense and I've been popping it more than I probably should. I quit soccer in December and just started getting back into shape recently. Anyone know what the issue might be?

I think you answered your own question: it's probably a strain. I had this problem -- a while back -- whenever I lifted anything it would strain my neck, and give me an instant headache.

were you looking at yourself in the mirror while lifting?

Gutrat I think you answered your own question: it's probably a strain. I had this problem -- a while back -- whenever I lifted anything it would strain my neck, and give me an instant headache. I'm hoping so. This sudden motivation isn't getting used! superbri007 doing anything differently, taking any supplements, do you feel you have high blood pressure? Nope, nope, and nope. Odd thing is, it's fine when I do pushups and whatnot, it's just on apparatus, form what I've experienced. I'll wait it out and just do lots and lots of pushups. call me mick were you looking at yourself in the mirror while lifting? Nope.

I had this problem when I was using machines, then I switched to free weights and I was fine for the most part. Mostly happend when I couldn't get a weight up and resorted to poor form to get it there.

i do neck rolls before i do any benching or deadlifting. you just do that exercise they teach you when you are 5, trying to touch your ear to your shoulder, stretching your neck back and foward a few times and it will loosen it up. When i did get strained, moving my neck around slowly did ease the pain and did help me recover quicker than when i just left it alone

Neck strains while working out... :wtc:

First day of Cutting

First day of Cutting

Plus/minus a few calories here or there. Very low calorie intake...and I'm still going to have a shake before I go to bed.

bulking?!?!? how much do u weight like 100 pounds?

what in the fuck

edited the title

ok nm i thought it said bulking


5'6 @ 148. Gained 15pounds since end of wrestling. I'm hoping to cut for a month-month and a half and then bulk again.

hehe @ the raw lettuce

made myself a salad with the chicken breasts + lettuce i need to find more foods to eat tho..that pear really pissed me off

DCCapen GOD DAMN YOU FRESH HEALTHY FRUITS!!!!!!! lol. stupid carbs. oh well..i guess i can tak eit

whats that website? that helps you keep track of contents etc?

chlywly whats that website? that helps you keep track of contents etc?

I would try to eat as much lean protein as you can to reduce muscle loss.

im at about 750 give or take a couple something about how sick and twisted psmf gets me off

I had 1/2cup of cottage cheese and a banana now as well. I'm @ 1318 total cals. 22 fat, 98 carb, 184protein. I will most likely have another shake tonight which will put me at ~ 1500, 24, 98, 230. what's my ratio lookin like?

you guys are starving yourself. Nerds

drunknmunky im at about 750 give or take a couple something about how sick and twisted psmf gets me off how long have you been doing that?

nic379 how long have you been doing that? I did a psmf for 5 weeks and like 5 days.

AznRyda I did a psmf for 5 weeks and like 5 days. how much weight did you lose?

nic379 how long have you been doing that? day 1 Today wasnt bad couple chicken breasts celery and spinach. Im probably gonna be on it for atleast 5 weeks. Just an estimate I say he lost probably close to 40 pounds.

nic379 how much weight did you lose? I think about 30-35 lbs or so. Didn't measure exactly.

AznRyda I think about 30-35 lbs or so. Didn't measure exactly. wow, did you feel like shit? did you still work out? did you put the weight right back on afterwards?

drunknmunky day 1 Today wasnt bad couple chicken breasts celery and spinach. Im probably gonna be on it for atleast 5 weeks. Just an estimate I say he lost probably close to 40 pounds. What are you supplementing with? Are you doing full body work out twice a week? I did an ass amount of cardio (which some people don't recommend) but it worked for me.

nic379 wow, did you feel like shit? did you still work out? did you put the weight right back on afterwards? Yes I still work out. I gained water weight during my 2 week maintenance. After that I started cutting again, and I weigh less than before and my strength/energy levels are outrageously improved.

AznRyda Yes I still work out. I gained water weight during my 2 week maintenance. After that I started cutting again, and I weigh less than before and my strength/energy levels are outrageously improved. hmm, i dunno. i'm scared about doing something that drastic because I just started lifting a couple weeks ago and I can already tell that if I don't eat well the day before, i feel soo weak at the gym the next day. I don't want to get weaker..i want to be stronger. but with a much lower bf%

First day of Cutting

Chiseled Jawline?

Chiseled Jawline?

Anyone have tips/suggestions for losing small amounts of fat around the face/neck? I have a pretty low body fat percentage, but I want my face to look less round and have a more distinct jawline...Anything more than just dropping down to lower body fat levels (which im doing at the moment)?

o god here we go READ THE STICKIES!!!!!!!!!

Read 'em...I was talking about any extra tips.

chandojmc Read 'em...I was talking about any extra tips. talk alot? chew bubble gum? do the stupid thing where you move your head front and back like a chicken?

beef jerkey gave me massive facial striations

nic379 talk alot? chew bubble gum? do the stupid thing where you move your head front and back like a chicken? haha.

i hear sucking dick helps, maybee u should try...

vettedude i hear sucking dick helps, maybee u should try... served me right in the past

nic379 talk alot? chew bubble gum? do the stupid thing where you move your head front and back like a chicken?

vettedude i hear sucking dick helps, maybee u should try... wrong, i and other females do this alot and we do not have chiseled jawlines but quite the opposite. you see..from having our mouths open so much it has corroded bone to make it rounder actually given women a more softer looking face

juice. A telltale sign of a juicer is a protruding jaw line.

ACURA TL-S juice. A telltale sign of a juicer is a protruding jaw line. Jay Leno juices I'll just stick with the cutting for now...

facial implants


blue steel!

What if uh i want them and im already skinny?! :O

chandojmc I'll just stick with the cutting for now... Eh, genetics is a large part of it too, so don't think a BMI of 11 is going to get you chiseled and all.

SpeedyGST blue steel! but can he pull off.... the magnum?

Ceaze facial implants point

genetics? maybe if you werent retaining water and you didnt have a balloon head? you're a fat ass, lose some fat, chubby?

lower bf=less face/neck fat

ryazbeck genetics? maybe if you werent retaining water and you didnt have a balloon head? you're a fat ass, lose some fat, chubby? dont be an asshole.

~*Pogovina*~ dont be an asshole.

Chiseled Jawline?

Usnic Acid

Usnic Acid

Anyone know where i can buy them already capped or in tab form as i put my orderin with ip but he wont send them to Australia They are legal in Australia


Usnic Acid

Can anyone here belly dance?

Can anyone here belly dance?

wondering, can any of you like, roll your abs in and out from top to bottom...I can aim my belly button on like a 170 degree this just incredible oblique control

my gf belly dances

I am taking this as a big fat no, considering the lack of response...go me!

guy belly dancing... what is the world coming to these days...

XsLiCk guy belly dancing... what is the world coming to these days... seriously...just add a male belly button ring.... oh god...

idunno, I can push my stomach out with a 175lb guy standing on it...can you?

i can..but i'm a chick. i don't think i helped you look less ghey.

I don't mind looking gay...women dig that sometimes anyways, here is something similar, although I'm like 10 times this chick's size... After searching on google I think I am a rare, what you refer to as, sex muscles, are huge when I want them to be

sorry, but i don't think women dig guys that look gay.

stfu faggot

welcome to california

I lived in Kommiefornia .. and guys belly dancing was

i've got the control to roll up and down (not really fluid, but well enough).... but i've never tried it until this thread....

my belly fat jiggles when I shake it, does that count as belly dancing?

Dragon my belly fat jiggles when I shake it, does that count as belly dancing? .

yea guys, I'm definitely gay, DCCapen wanna fuck? thanks kronik for a useful answer. I can do handstand pushups too, and I'm a heavy bitch.

Can anyone here belly dance?

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