Monday, December 2, 2013

HP_84 approves quinoa. only grain with complete protein.

HP_84 approves quinoa. only grain with complete protein.

"Quinoa has excellent reserves of protein, and unlike other grains, is not missing the amino aicd lysine, so the protein is more complete (a trait it shares with other "non-true" grains such as buckwheat and amaranth). The World Health Organization has rated the quality of protein in quinoa at least equivalent to that in milk.",74,00.html for canadians to get this shit, hit up your local bulk barn. they sell organic quinoa, it seems expensive for the amount you get, but when you cook it, the shit blows up. also, it doesn't taste bad at all either...has a very nice texture. looking forward to christoff entering this thread to recommend m&m's instead.

i have better lifting technique than you

Grouch i have better lifting technique than you i doubt it. but that's not the point of this thread.

Nutrition Chart Quinoa/1/2 cup dry Calories 318 Total fat (g) 4.9 Saturated fat (g) 0.5 Monounsaturated fat (g) 1.3 Polyunsaturated fat (g) 2 Dietary fiber (g) 5 Protein (g) 11<---complete protein, unlike oats. Carbohydrate (g) 59 Cholesterol (mg) 0 Sodium (mg) 18 Riboflavin (mg) 0.3 Vitamin E (mg) 4.1 Copper (mg) 0.7 Iron (mg) 7.9 Magnesium (mg) 179 Manganese (mg) 1.9 Phosphorus (mg) 349 Potassium (mg) 629 Zinc (mg) 2.8

HP_84 i doubt it. but that's not the point of this thread. no no I really do. even in my diet i still lift more than you. and finally, no one cares what this thread is about because you are a douche bag.

Grouch no no I really do. even in my diet i still lift more than you. and finally, no one cares what this thread is about because you are a douche bag. dont make me come to gilroy. i pay you and goatboy a visit. i doubt it would be hard to find your ugly mug.

HP_84 dont make me come to gilroy. i pay you and goatboy a visit. i doubt it would be hard to find your ugly mug. Come get it you prepubescent little bitch.

Grouch Come get it you prepubescent little bitch. i got some candy for you.

fyi.. i strike like a ninja, you wouldn't even know what hit you.

HP_84 i got some candy for you. No it works the other way around. Remember you're the little girl and I'm the predator.

I'd eat that shit if it makes you strong enough to military press your own bodyweight


Ilyusha:wtfpentuphomosexualdesires: HP_84 is a MAN!!!???

Grouch No it works the other way around. Remember you're the little girl and I'm the predator. HP_84 fyi.. i strike like a ninja, you wouldn't even know what hit you. ninja bitch. you could be 6 feet 10 300lbs for all i care. but when you see that 5'9'' mother fucker pop out of your closet in the middle of the night attacking your head with a baseball bat, then you'll know who the real predator is...bitch.

This is the gayest thread I've ever seen.

Are you 12?

HP_84 ninja bitch. you could be 6 feet 10 300lbs for all i care. but when you see that 5'9'' mother fucker pop out of your closet in the middle of the night attacking your head with a baseball bat, then you'll know who the real predator is...bitch. you really fucked up this thread.

HP_84 approves quinoa. only grain with complete protein.

lifting early in the morning?

lifting early in the morning?

who does it? what's your daily schedule like? here's my problem: getting up early to workout isn't working since my brain isn't awake enough to say "NO DONT GET BACK IN BED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I wake up and hit the snooze at 5:30, 5:39, 5:48, 5:57, etc until about 7am. And this is after going to bed anywhere from 9pm to 11pm. I'm too lazy/unmotivated. The other morning we had to get up early to make a doc appointment for our new baby. I went to bed at 12:30-1am. 5:30, the alarm went off and I was out of bed and in the shower by 5:32. I NEED MOTIVATION... maybe i'm going to have to slap a pic of arnold right behind my alarm clock.

I always lift in late afternoon, usually around 8pm. An hour or so after I eat dinner. More food in me seems to give me more energy, plus im wide awake from being up the whole day. Afterwards I go for a 2 mile jog and come home beat and go to bed

heh, i usually wake up at alike 4:30am and eat breakfast, then hit up the gym around 5:15 or so.

I get up at 4:30am, lift at 6:15, finish around 8, shower, and I'm at work by 8:30-9. I go to bed around 9-9:30 and I still have problems getting out of bed, but I know if I don't, I won't have time to go in the afternoon and I'm not the type of person who can just skip a workout without a good reason

I can't lift early in the morning, my body is not ready to go and my joints just ache when I try to go heavy

Jeg1983 I can't lift early in the morning, my body is not ready to go and my joints just ache when I try to go heavy

Jeg1983 I can't lift early in the morning, my body is not ready to go and my joints just ache when I try to go heavy yeah. it sucks. thats why i used to do at night. but i only seem to have time early now. so i'm kinda stuck not knowing what to do

I wake up at around 8am and workout around 9 or 9:30. I think I'm the only one here though that never has breakfast before I workout. Actually experimented with breakfast before workouts and just felt lethargic

timberwolf I wake up at around 8am and workout around 9 or 9:30. I think I'm the only one here though that never has breakfast before I workout. Actually experimented with breakfast before workouts and just felt lethargic when i have made it to the gym in the morning, it's never after eating. i hop out of bed, put shoes and workout clothes on, head to the gym.

I can't even wake up for my 11 o clock class. I can't imagine trying to do something physical any earlier than noon

I get up at 4:30 for my first hour session of cardio on the stepmill

timberwolf I wake up at around 8am and workout around 9 or 9:30. I think I'm the only one here though that never has breakfast before I workout. Actually experimented with breakfast before workouts and just felt lethargic There's no way I could do that. I eat around 5:15 and it takes me about another hour to get dressed, walk the dog, and get to the gym next to my work. I'm well on my way to being digested at that point, but not sleepy.

With the nice weather slowly coming on, I'm feeling less and less inclined to go to the gym after work cause I would rather spend the time on/tinkering with my bike. I've started slowly getting my body used to working out in the morning before work. Last week I woke up early once, this week it will be twice, etc, until my body gets used to getting up before 6 every day.

KLoWnPR109 I can't even wake up for my 11 o clock class. I can't imagine trying to do something physical any earlier than noon i know your pain....just imagine having to get up for an 8am ever morning for a semester because thats the only time the classes you need are being offered

timberwolf I wake up at around 8am and workout around 9 or 9:30. I think I'm the only one here though that never has breakfast before I workout. Actually experimented with breakfast before workouts and just felt lethargic you're crazy dude.. i could never work out with nothing in me. but obviously it's workin for ya

timberwolf I wake up at around 8am and workout around 9 or 9:30. I think I'm the only one here though that never has breakfast before I workout. Actually experimented with breakfast before workouts and just felt lethargic wtf, no preworkout food at all? damn, that could mean everything i know about weight training is bullshit if you can get away with that and be in the shape youre in. or maybe you have freaky genetics and you'd be 100 lbs bigger if u actually ate before you worked out

Give me your modship, then be a real borly and hit the gym. Once your prove your broliness we can oil wrestle for it.

you can't blame yourself most people won't get up after a workout on 5 hours of sleep

up at 6:30, in the gym by 6:50 or so, and then at work by 9. im a nite person, i hate mornings but i wanna succeed so i do it cause it works best for my schedule. i grumble and cuss all around the house in the morning as i am getting ready

Undefined wtf, no preworkout food at all? damn, that could mean everything i know about weight training is bullshit if you can get away with that and be in the shape youre in. or maybe you have freaky genetics and you'd be 100 lbs bigger if u actually ate before you worked out:dunn: I sip a protein shake throughout my workout. And still eat immediately after...

I used to lift in the morning. Biggest issue was the pre-workout meal. I'd have my breakfast of oats and 6 eggs at about 6, work out at about 7:30-8.

Good god, I couldn't imagine lifting/doing anything physical when I first wakeup in the morning. I am a zombie until maybe the 2nd or 3rd hour of being awake.

i lift at around 8pm, by the time it gets to 8pm i feel real tired/sluggish

went again this morning, and with the help of some caffeine, had a pretty good fuckin workout.

lifting early in the morning?

Is it OK to work the......

Is it OK to work the......

small muscles first?? Ive been doing the usual routine since I started 2 years ago (eg. chest then triceps,back then biceps). Since you're not supposed to stick to the exact same routine as far as large first then small, I was thinking of doing the smaller muscles first for a change.

you've been training for 2 years? stats?

i always train large muscle group first. so if chest/tris, go with chest first. If you train tri's first your presses will lag

werd, why would you do this. you just change exercise/order of exercises. your chest and back would lag horribly.

If you train the big parts first, you wont have to waste time warming up the smaller parts. if you arent going to do that, why not split up the days... i.e. bis/chest day somethin day backs/tris day that way you get to hit the same body parts twice as often with the same effort. You still get to hit each bodypart full force each day without any other part lagging behind.

Jeff Coleman i always train large muscle group first. so if chest/tris, go with chest first. If you train tri's first your presses will lag If there is anything lagging its my bi's and tri's. My chest, back and traps are of good size and I dont think my arms are proportioned with the rest of my body.. Maybe because Ive been sticking to the same routine?

Ro Cobra If there is anything lagging its my bi's and tri's. My chest, back and traps are of good size and I dont think my arms are proportioned with the rest of my body.. Maybe because Ive been sticking to the same routine? Do rack presses for tri's.

only time i train small muscles first before the large muscles is when i do circuit training.. but if not, you should finish your bigger muscles first though.. but you are right, you need to constantly change your routine, do different things! why don't you train chest and back one day, shoulders and arms(bis, tris) the other day, for example.

really depends on what you are trying to achieve if by smaller muscles you mean isolation exercises, and you are trying to be a bodybuilder then sure why not....for a little while. One situation where working component muscles first in a powerlifting/oly lifting situation is when you have a clear weakness. Obviously if you are failing in a squat or the receiving phase of a clean because of a lack of core stability, you would want to devote more training time and effort to things like gm's, weighted hpers, saxons, standing crunches, zerchers, rev hypers, etc.

devilangel why don't you train chest and back one day for example.

Jeff Coleman i was suggesting changing his routine to something else.. although i can see why your face cuz back alone is pretty intense anyways.

NHB_GnP really depends on what you are trying to achieve if by smaller muscles you mean isolation exercises, and you are trying to be a bodybuilder then sure why not....for a little while. One situation where working component muscles first in a powerlifting/oly lifting situation is when you have a clear weakness. Obviously if you are failing in a squat or the receiving phase of a clean because of a lack of core stability, you would want to devote more training time and effort to things like gm's, weighted hpers, saxons, standing crunches, zerchers, rev hypers, etc. yup, i agree. all depends on your goal!

NHB_GnP really depends on what you are trying to achieve if by smaller muscles you mean isolation exercises, and you are trying to be a bodybuilder then sure why not....for a little while. One situation where working component muscles first in a powerlifting/oly lifting situation is when you have a clear weakness. Obviously if you are failing in a squat or the receiving phase of a clean because of a lack of core stability, you would want to devote more training time and effort to things like gm's, weighted hpers, saxons, standing crunches, zerchers, rev hypers, etc. hey, nice av, you post on sherdog?

Is it OK to work the......

new routine

new routine

i was talking with some guys at the gym and they say my routine doesnt really fit my goals, and my goals are power what are some good routines for power?

post up yours so we can see what we're working with.

giblit i was talking with some guys at the gym and they say my routine doesnt really fit my goals, and my goals are power what are some good routines for power? WSB. Google "conjugated periodization."

is this what you are saying? so far im 150 pounds i have squated 315, benched 225, and deadlifted 365, but ive been workin about 12-16 hours a day between 2 jobs and i can barely squat 275 right now.

new routine

Sunday, December 1, 2013



In case some of you gave up on the shirts and stopped checking the thread...the quote is in and my address is posted. 10 bucks a shirt plus s/h...i got a good deal seeing is how theres a flip charge and second screen charge for 2 sided print If you said 'in' own up to it and get your shirt so im not left with a ton of trying to do you guys a favor by making these for no profit


see thread for design

Sgt. Ownage see thread for design mmm... i saw red x's. ill look again

nope, no pics.

can a mod sticky this for the time being so everyone can see that the orders need to be placed

what color is it?



I'm not reading 9 pages of shit...

Sgt. Ownage goddamn guys GO TO THE TSHIRT THREAD you yourself in there said that the pics were not there anymore, i read the whole damn thing

2WHT4U I'm not reading 9 pages of shit... shut the fuck up you worthless piece of shit

Sgt. Ownage shut the fuck up you worthless piece of shit

Sgt. Ownage shut the fuck up you worthless piece of shit arent you the salesman, i still want the cardio? is that spanish t shirt and the shirt that says its call a deadlift now quit starring.

giblit arent you the salesman, i still want the cardio? is that spanish t shirt and the shirt that says its call a deadlift now quit starring. Motion to scrap "no gym for home" t-shirt and use this.

i tried to email you but you have it blocked

i dont have anything blocked

giblit arent you the salesman, i still want the cardio? is that spanish t shirt and the shirt that says its call a deadlift now quit starring. im not trying to sell making no money and this is the shirt...we all know everyone wants there own personal tshirt but tough luck man

can i get one in XS?

tize fuck that shirt i woulda been down for the cardio one but fuck that bullshit who wants that gay shit Awfully hateful tonight, aren't we?

make a thread that's more organized with less crap in it and i'll sticky it

done. delete this shit


correct form for an arnold press?

correct form for an arnold press?

I'm a relative noob to serious lifting. short bio - 5'11" on a good day. Former fatty who went from 240 of fat to 180 - . relatively lean, but anemic looking. Started lifting, got addicted. I'm back up about 195-200 from added muscle. For the past 18 monthes or so I've been seriously lifting and IMO made some great gains. I was sitting there doing my shoulder workout tonight and I realized that I'd only been shown the arnold press by one buddy, one time and I don't see too many other people at the gym doing it (university rec center) - and there's only half a dozen people out of the dozens I see that I would ever take advice from. Anyone have pics or explain proper technique on this? I want to make sure I'm doing this correctly.

Welp, thats what I'm doing. I guess I'm good to go. Thanks

i do arnie presses about 3x a week...i keep the db's facing forward through the curl and turn them to press up through the shoulder movement. i keep the db facing fwd all the way down in the curl movement too. edit: unlike the animation there, i bring the db down to a hanging position at my sides, just like doing a regular bicep curl...then curl up and press overhead. hope this helps.

.maximum. edit: unlike the animation there, i bring the db down to a hanging position at my sides, just like doing a regular bicep curl...then curl up and press overhead. hope this helps. why? it's supposed to be a shoulder workout, why incorporate biceps?

correct form for an arnold press?



Would nicotine gum be good for bulking? I know nicotine gum coupled with caffeine is supposed to bump metabolism up somewhat but it's also supposed to have a nutrient partitioning effect, so if you just ate more calories to make up for the supposed metabolism bump, would it be beneficial?

I think you need your head examined if you're thinking about using nicotine to help with bulking. Most people would use it for cutting, I believe it also has some appetite suppressing qualities which would be counter productive to bulking.

cavefish I think you need your head examined if you're thinking about using nicotine to help with bulking. Most people would use it for cutting, I believe it also has some appetite suppressing qualities which would be counter productive to bulking. ness

It doesnt effect my appetite whatsoever for some reason

when i bulk, i find food and lots of it work the best.

i dont know of any benefits it could have for bulking. i thought it was purely an appetite suppresant(for those of us who dont smoke that is)

Undefined i dont know of any benefits it could have for bulking. i thought it was purely an appetite suppresant(for those of us who dont smoke that is) I already stated the benefit,nutrient partitioning

Perhaps this is not the board to ask. You should try


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