Sunday, November 24, 2013

muahahah captains of crush...

muahahah captains of crush...

mr UPS suprised me with #1 and #2 today. I can get the #1 closed allright, only 2 or 3 times ... #2 ain't moving more than an inch tho I'm happy though considering I couldn't even crush the trainer 5 weeks ago...and for anyone wondering I do notice a difference in any lift where I'm holding onto a bar

joy division mr UPS suprised me with #1 and #2 today. I can get the #1 closed allright, only 2 or 3 times ... #2 ain't moving more than an inch tho I'm happy though considering I couldn't even crush the trainer 5 weeks ago...and for anyone wondering I do notice a difference in any lift where I'm holding onto a bar Good work. That 1 seems like a beast when you first get it. I couldn't close it for the life of me for like a month. The jump to the #2 is a whole nother story. Once you start getting that 1 a dozen times or so star up with the 2. I really liked the over crush once you can get like 7 reps from it squeez the thing as hard and as long as you can. If you want a good inbetweener I'd look at BeefBuilders or Robert Baraban over Heavy Grips. They are both closer in handle spread and feel than the HGs.

Grouch Good work. That 1 seems like a beast when you first get it. I couldn't close it for the life of me for like a month. The jump to the #2 is a whole nother story. Once you start getting that 1 a dozen times or so star up with the 2. I really liked the over crush once you can get like 7 reps from it squeez the thing as hard and as long as you can. If you want a good inbetweener I'd look at BeefBuilders Robert Baraban over heavy grips. They are both closer in handle spread and feel than the HGs. hm i need to invest in a to where they're cheapest?

knucks hm i need to invest in a to where they're cheapest? check archives.

I closed my 200lb heavy gripper today with my right hand. made me happy

muahahah captains of crush...

Does anyone supplement caffeine or drink coffee/tea?

Does anyone supplement caffeine or drink coffee/tea?

For so long I was getting tons of caffeine through soda. Then recently, I took an EC stack for 4 months. 400mg dosing of caffeine at first, and then 600 for 3 weeks or so near the end. After stopping, I feel real lethargic sometimes throughout the day regardless of my food intake (really high and good) and sleep (good most of the time). Is it from the caffeine withdrawal? Will this feeling go away soon? Or should I just take 200 mg before working out?

how long have you not been taking it? a lot of people do experience caffeine withdrawel, should go away in a couple weeks. dont get dependent on those things again.

i used to have much more caffeine per day than that and i never felt any withdrawl symptoms (maybe the weed made it so i didnt notice )

Does anyone supplement caffeine or drink coffee/tea?

All-female fitness forums suck

All-female fitness forums suck

AAARGH. Especially ones that have one male moderator who is consequently worshipped as a god. This is all in addition to the "Tee-hee" factor. I give up,:P


stick to OT F&N

pics of you? teehee omglOL!


I thought it said "all female fitness form sucks" and was going to agree wholeheartedly.

as opposed to this forum in which we all worship you

Nobody would ever get anything done around there. The girls would just sit around complementing each other and then pming every girl calling that girl a nasty bitch.

sr20wop pics of you? teehee omglOL! beat me to it

post your pics and we'll let you stay here

pics fo sho'

christophers well its cuz females are not intelligent. quoted for truth

JoeyCrack as opposed to this forum in which we all worship you Phtt. :P It's more like...I hated all-girl soccer because it wasn't challenging enough, and because all they did was yap. Co-ed soccer was much more fun because people actually PLAYED.

All-female fitness forums suck

anyone ever used a dynaflex?

anyone ever used a dynaflex?

Improve your coordination while strengthening your wrists, hands, forearms, biceps, and triceps with the Dyanflex Power Ball amber gyro wrist exerciser. Designed with a built-in high-performance rotor, the Power Ball wrist exerciser puts out up to 38 pounds of torque. An ideal aid for rehabilitation, it helps those suffering from Carpal Tunnel, Tennis Elbow, and other similar afflictions. Great as a therapeutic device or muscle conditioner, it increases the range of motion of your wrist flexors and extensors. Look to for the hottest deals on all your fitness needs. Features include: High performance rotor with up to 13,000 RPM Up to 38 lbs. of torque Ideal for rehabilitation or conditioning mine should be here today... I hope that it's powerful

I felt it was a waste of time. You get a hell of a pump but never get any real resistance.

Do let us know.... I have wrist problems from snowboarding and would be interested in something to rehab it...

KetchupKing I felt it was a waste of time. You get a hell of a pump but never get any real resistance. I'm not trying to really build, hoping it'll work with all over grip strength, and a bit of wrist rehabilitation (I had weight start to slip on a squat and decided to catch it, kinda did something to one of my wrists, a couple of months ago)

tryfuhl I'm not trying to really build, hoping it'll work with all over grip strength, and a bit of wrist rehabilitation (I had weight start to slip on a squat and decided to catch it, kinda did something to one of my wrists, a couple of months ago) depending on how fucked your wrist is id seek some advice before buying this

anyone ever used a dynaflex?

ECY and sleep patterns

ECY and sleep patterns

After doing a lot of research, I began taking ECY yesterday and I've had trouble falling asleep. How long does it typically take before the sleep patterns return to normal?

What time did you take it? I had trouble sleeping for a day or two.

edmang What time did you take it? I had trouble sleeping for a day or two. YC morning EC afternoon EC night (about 4 hours before I sleep) but I plan on adding one more EC around early evening in a few days. I want to take it slow and see how my body reacts.

Jago YC morning EC afternoon EC night (about 4 hours before I sleep) but I plan on adding one more EC around early evening in a few days. I want to take it slow and see how my body reacts. thats why yc at 8-9 am ec 11-12 pm ec 1-2 pm ec 3-4 pm

tize 12-14 days Wow, much longer than I thought. I'm worried about crashing in the middle of the day from fatigue (though I haven't felt any yet).

Jago YC morning EC afternoon EC night (about 4 hours before I sleep) but I plan on adding one more EC around early evening in a few days. I want to take it slow and see how my body reacts. Lyle McDonald In general, you should make sure your last dose of ephedrine comes no later than about 6 hours before your normal sleeping time (i.e. no later than 4pm if you normally go to sleep at 10pm); the stimulant effects keep many people up. So you might take a dose at 8am upon awakening, at 12 pm, and again at 4pm (assuming a 10pm sleep time). Just spread the three doses throughout the day, assuming you can tolerate all three. Note again that the stimulant effects tend to decrease with regular use (so do the appetite blunting effects, unfortunately) but the calorie burning effects continue unabated with at least one study suggesting that they increase with regular use. My last dose is usually at 4 pm.

Thanks guys, I'll try spacing the doses closer together (and all before 4 PM) and see how it works for me.

The only thing that makes my sleeping patterns fucked up is because I have to wake up so early to take yohimbine. Since its stacked with caffeine I can't fall back asleep. Since I can't eat anything I am hungry as shit. Hope its worth it!

Could it possibly have to do with the 25mg of E 4 hours before bed? I would take your first dose 45 minutes before lunch and your second dose 45 minutes before dinner. Although I still don't condone ECY due to its effect on the body and willpower.


AznRyda willpower? It makes you think that you can eat more because you are taking a magic pill.

ACURA TL-S It makes you think that you can eat more because you are taking a magic pill. the appetite suppressant effect keeps that from entering my mind

ACURA TL-S It makes you think that you can eat more because you are taking a magic pill. I've actually been eating less than I should since starting the stack.

I don't notice appetite suppressent effects, but I do eat a little cleaner because I want to make use of the benefits of the yohimbine. A lot of stuff on avant's board is against taking oral yohimbine, so I want to maximize effect and not need to take it for so long.

Lyle doesn't seem to be too enthralled with it either. But I have so many bottles, so I might as well use it. Damn stubburn fat.

I began adding a 3rd EC dosage today as planned and I felt slight chest pains afterwards. My heart rate was at 80 bpm though. I was kind of nervous about adding the dosage so I'm guessing it might have just been brought on by anxiety. Is this normal for the first few days with the additional dosage or should I go back to just 2 EC dosages a day? At this point, my plan is to try the 3 dosage EC schedule again tomorrow. If my body doesn't like it, I'm going back to just 2 EC dosages a day. On a related note, in the last 4 days I have lost 5 lbs. and a half inch off my waist. My energy level has been great and I don't feel fatigued or lethargic like I used to. My appetite has been much more suppresed that I had thought it would be on the stack. Believe it or not, I have to consciously remember to eat, I'm just so focused on work now I can easily forget to eat a meal since I don't really feel any hunger. Honestly, it's a little scary how effective ECY is.

Jago I began adding a 3rd EC dosage today as planned and I felt slight chest pains afterwards. My heart rate was at 80 bpm though. I was kind of nervous about adding the dosage so I'm guessing it might have just been brought on by anxiety. Is this normal for the first few days with the additional dosage or should I go back to just 2 EC dosages a day? At this point, my plan is to try the 3 dosage EC schedule again tomorrow. If my body doesn't like it, I'm going back to just 2 EC dosages a day. On a related note, in the last 4 days I have lost 5 lbs. and a half inch off my waist. My energy level has been great and I don't feel fatigued or lethargic like I used to. My appetite has been much more suppresed that I had thought it would be on the stack. Believe it or not, I have to consciously remember to eat, I'm just so focused on work now I can easily forget to eat a meal since I don't really feel any hunger. Honestly, it's a little scary how effective ECY is. ibwaterweight. your energy level isn't b/c of proper nutrition or improved metabolism. its b/c caffeine and ephedra are stimulants. of course they'll give you more "energy" personally for me, im not going to take ECY until i can keep a clean and successful cutting diet consistent for at least a few months. then the next time around, i'll know i have enough discipline to do it without ECY. good look anyway bro.

Atenza6i ibwaterweight. your energy level isn't b/c of proper nutrition or improved metabolism. its b/c caffeine and ephedra are stimulants. of course they'll give you more "energy" personally for me, im not going to take ECY until i can keep a clean and successful cutting diet consistent for at least a few months. then the next time around, i'll know i have enough discipline to do it without ECY. good look anyway bro. Oh yeah, I definitely think it's mostly water weight I'm losing right now. Just my body becoming adjusted to the stack. I've been on a cutting diet for a few weeks now. I just need to find more time to hit the gym to really feel the full effects. I've had a very inconsistent schedule for the last few months.

I still love my baton..

Jago Oh yeah, I definitely think it's mostly water weight I'm losing right now. Just my body becoming adjusted to the stack. I've been on a cutting diet for a few weeks now. I just need to find more time to hit the gym to really feel the full effects. I've had a very inconsistent schedule for the last few months. yeah, its tough but it'll become more routine the longer you do it. make sure you put up some progress pics in a bit.

Ilyusha I still love my baton.. Atenza6i yeah, its tough but it'll become more routine the longer you do it. make sure you put up some progress pics in a bit. Update, took 3 dosages today and no pain. Must have been anxiety last night.

ECY and sleep patterns

What's the best drink for your health?

What's the best drink for your health?

Some say water... my mother says cranberry juice. So what is it?


terse water g

ask your mother why or what evidence she can present in favor of cranberry juice

Cranberry juice... mostly good for women have yet to research more on it

water cranberry juice has too much sugar over all, and its really only good for helping a few internal organs out, when you're sick.

superbri007 ... that and breast milk, but it be weird to suck on a chicks tits for milk that's disgusting!

Thing is i hate drinking water. always detested it.


I only drinks the finest breast milks.

sugar free orange tang

drinkdran0 Thing is i hate drinking water. always detested it. same here.. i <3 gatorade

tang?? you got to be kidding.

mike same here.. i <3 gatorade but is gatorade technically good for you? besides "quenching your thirst"

drinkdran0 tang?? you got to be kidding. yes i am fucking kidding. all i drink is water or some variation such as sugar free tang, crystal light, coffee or tea

drinkdran0 tang?? you got to be kidding. sugar free tang is amazing

Because I know i shouldn't be chugging coffee or any regular fruit juices when i feel like drinking something and water just BORES me.

drinkdran0 Because I know i shouldn't be chugging coffee or any regular fruit juices when i feel like drinking something and water just BORES me. well theres isnt much else that is healthy so to say. the only other thing i will buy and drink is the sugar free sobe leans. other than that water is just fine with me i dont like soda

water/green tea

drinkdran0 but is gatorade technically good for you? besides "quenching your thirst" lots of sodium and sugar, but it's not bad for you if you're not unhealthy...

thanks yall

superbri007 ... that and breast milk, but it be weird to suck on a chicks tits for milk it's actually quite enjoyable

superbri007 well, first off she has to be lactating. And to be lactating she has to be either your sucking your pregnant wife's/girlfriend's tits or someone elses girls lactating tits

very disgusting guys...

What's the best drink for your health?



Why is it that everytime I post something, I gets locked? I still would like some answers to my questions...


How much protein do you need per day (Bulking)? and why? Why is Nautilus so, unliked on this forum? Why is it everytime I challenge one of you all's thoughts my thread is locked? therefore my question is never answered.

JuggetEQ How much protein do you need per day (Bulking)? and why? Why is Nautilus so, unliked on this forum? Why is it everytime I challenge one of you all's thoughts my thread is locked? therefore my question is never answered. Try 1-1.5g/lb. I don't know. Because we are always right.

Hip Hippo Try 1-1.5g/lb. Why so much?

because you're always wrong NO FRENCH BENEFITS!?

1-1.5g/lbm would be the recommended minimum. its really not that much

JuggetEQ Why so much? actually, i might have to agree w/ jugget on this one. 1-1.5 always seemed unnecessary to me and i haven't seen any papers that conclusively say otherwise.

I think 1g per lb is fine. If you go over that, it's fine, but I wouldn't go under on a consistent basis.

This thread wasn't locked...

timberwolf This thread wasn't locked... True. But my question wasn't answered either. People kept saying the opposite of each other.

shut the fuck up.

Grouch shut the fuck up!. .

Wow thx....just tell me to shut up. This will answer my questions Nicely!

How old are you?

trancezj How old are you? it's the man, you guys had better shape up!


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