Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Leg Cramps during workout?

Leg Cramps during workout?

weird shit, the last two leg days i've been getting cramps primarily in my calves, but also in the top of my quads. i went pretty heavy on the leg press to start out the day, it felt good. then while doing decline situps my quads started to cramp. my partner said its cause im pulling myself up with them, but i couldnt feel it. then on leg curls my right calf cramped on my 2nd to last rep. by then i was getting a little worried, cause sitting calf raises were next. this time both calves cramped on both sets. it sucked. why is this happening? i had similar problems last week during leg day, but it was a lot worse this time. is it my calorie deficit? i kinda have a cold now, could that be it? or the EC?

Leg Cramps during workout?

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