Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Fittness suggestions for the broke!!

Fittness suggestions for the broke!!

I know it sounds silly but i am on a tight budget right now and couldn't afford the sky rocketing membership rates at the only gym in my smallville. so i bought a simple bench, a crow bar.... i was shopping for a used eliptical or a treadmill (which i cant afford anyways) to do my cardiac part,that way i figured i would have a complete gym and wont need to pay $60 a month for a stupid gym.. Well i just read the "want to lose fat? L I F T W E I G H T S " mega thread and thought maybe i wont need an Eliptical or a treadmill if i just bench press or life wight everyday... So could someone please tell me if i can get reduce a little fat i have around my abdominal area and build up muscle in chest, biceps, shoulders and back by doing X number of bench presses a day?? This is what i have at home... I appreciate you all.. Thanks

Why the fuck did you buy a crowbar?

nathanbx Why the fuck did you buy a crowbar? I am a newbie man,,,, i just bought it because its easier to get a grib of... but is it a bad deal though??

1. Run or bike outside for cardio. 2. When done, come inside and do sit ups and push ups for muscle work. When you're used to that, you can get a little more creative with your workouts.

you could do curls, tricep kick backs/extensions/skull crushers, bench/incline press, military press, side/front/back raises for delts. dumbbell rows for back and even deadlifts. if you're not wanting to get huge or anything you should be good with this. it'll help you get into shape. also you should run/bike outside like davo said. watch your diet too! should help you to find any workout you want to do with anything in that weight set. im sure it wouldnt be hard to come up with a workout for you, if you think you could put in 1 - 1.5 hours, 4 times a week?

yeah man, get outside and hit the streets. run until you want to die about 3x a week. maybe put the crowbar to use and steal some hubcaps or something

ryazbeck you could do curls, tricep kick backs/extensions/skull crushers, bench/incline press, military press, side/front/back raises for delts. dumbbell rows for back and even deadlifts. if you're not wanting to get huge or anything you should be good with this. it'll help you get into shape. also you should run/bike outside like davo said. watch your diet too! should help you to find any workout you want to do with anything in that weight set. im sure it wouldnt be hard to come up with a workout for you, if you think you could put in 1 - 1.5 hours, 4 times a week? I cant run for shit, i have a very bad knee and it hurts real bad when i do a little running or even biking!! any other suggestions there?? thanks

L I F T W E I G H T S. you got enough in your house there to burn off fat. can you workout as much as i said?

Do you seriously mean a crowbar?

ryazbeck L I F T W E I G H T S. you got enough in your house there to burn off fat. can you workout as much as i said? I really hate to sound like an ignorant here ryzbeck but i dont understand the excersises you mentioned, i'd have to see them in order to know how to work em out!!!

i gave you a link to look up workouts.

I think you mean an EZcurl bar, not a crow bar. BTW, with the weights pictured you arent going to be able to do much. Just man up and get a gym membership.

Dude.... Crowbar: Curlbar: Slightly different

ACURA TL-S Just man up and get a gym membership. not having disposable income doesn't make him less of a man. gym membership costs $400+ a year. If he's tight on budget, he can scrape by a decent setup that'll do 90% of what he needs for $400

i just have a set of weights, and just lift that, in different combinations. So I pretty much just do that and it seems to work

KetchupKing not having disposable income doesn't make him less of a man. gym membership costs $400+ a year. If he's tight on budget, he can scrape by a decent setup that'll do 90% of what he needs for $400 Not for $400 he can't.

if he buys used he can. Especially this time of year when the college kids are heading home, and needs to get rid of their stuff. Even if he buys new.. $250 rack $100 weight set he'll be able to do all the free weight stuff. He should have about 400lb in weights and just about everything he needs to bench squat deadlift etc

KetchupKing if he buys used he can. Especially this time of year when the college kids are heading home, and needs to get rid of their stuff. Even if he buys new.. $250 rack $100 weight set he'll be able to do all the free weight stuff. He should have about 400lb in weights and just about everything he needs to bench squat deadlift etc I don't know where you are planning on getting 400lbs in weights for $100. And he will also need a bench to match that rack.

I see 300lb sets selling for $99 in lots of places. He's got about 100lbs there. He already has a bench he can use

ACURA TL-S Not for $400 he can't. I made huge gains in my basement with under $400 of equipment

ACURA TL-S I don't know where you are planning on getting 400lbs in weights for $100. And he will also need a bench to match that rack. i do have a bench already.. and yeah no one's manhood is determind by their finacial ability.. at this point of time i am spendnig my money on things that are more important to me.. i gave you a link to look up workouts. i really like that site man, do you know of any similar websites ?? thanks

So if you can't do any running or biking because of your knee, why were you looking to buy a treadmill or elliptical? In any sense, with that bench and a good set of dumbbells you should be able to get something going. Keep in mind nothing is free, including weight lifting. Exercise for just about every part you can think of. Their form, like exrx, isn't always great though, so don't treat either as a bible. As for cardio.... you can always do jump rope or bunny hops. They'll get your heart up better than any cardio machine, and are easier on your knees. I think bunny hops are way underrated. The basic Bunny Hop is done by: Starting with your feet shoulder-width apart, legs straight but not locked. With your arms bent slightly at your sides and your forearms facing your body, bend at your knees to sit into a squat so that your thighs are parallel to the floor. Swing your arms behind you and tighten your abdominal. Then at the same time swing your arms forward and push off the floor with your feet, straightening your legs and jumping as far forward as you can. Land softly so your muscles take the shock and not your joints. Continue in a straight line until you have done 8-10 hops. This variation will help with not only strength and toning but with lateral jumping ability for athletes. My favourite variation is with my butt all the way down, then mini-jump up until my knees are parallel. You can try different combinations every dozen hops or so, otherwise it'll get boring after awhile.

Throw some plates on that side of that "crowbar", put it on your back and walk around the neighborhood doing lunges.. make sure to scream LYTEW8!!!!!!!!!!!

^^^ many thanks..

Fittness suggestions for the broke!!

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