Wednesday, January 15, 2014



I heard they're high in pottasium. why does pottasium do ?

but on a bad side they have a medium-high gi

They're good for your poops.

have had 2 of them today, one of my fav fruits

wheres conans little dog picture.. for me to poop on!

That Shit Is B-a-n-a-n-a-s

superbri007 Potassium helps prevent heart disease and regulate heartbeat, and helps in muscle contractions True Story. Are they medium-high on the GI?

yes, but I wouldnt worry to much about gi

Peal yes, but I wouldnt worry to much about gi yeah because insulin plays no role in fat gain, just ignore the gi

SteveO yeah because insulin plays no role in fat gain, just ignore the gi Right, so avoid everything healthy that has any glucose in it because it may raise your insulin a pinch, screw the vitamins and antioxidants.

SteveO yeah because insulin plays no role in fat gain, just ignore the gi so I'm guessing after your workout you have some low gi steal cut oats? steveo as always, you're stressing to much edit: whoa

fine, I stress too much, who am I kidding I eat them too, and no where did I say to AVOID them... I just mentioned they have a fairly high GI and should be limited. When someone says don't worry so much about the gi, that's just stupidity. I guess this is where a bodybuilders view to a powerlifters view will strongly vary. I learn the proper and best way, and have stuck with it for a couple years. Maybe you're right that it is very minimal, but why take the chance?

christophers more ridiculous than my blatant jokes of eating m&m's for pre workout foods. Those were jokes!?!

bananas = the win for running. helps avoid cramps

christophers dude, it has nothing to do with being a pl'r or a bb'r. do you forget that my nutritional knowledge is up there too? both in experience with myself and people who i have worked with? i've helped a variety of people, from "ectos" to "endos" to "obese" to dangerously skinny. do i need to list people i've taken to higher levels than you are at while being leaner? i'm not trying to be a dick, but one shouldn't attempt to discredit me because i powerlift. it's like trying to discredit lyle mcdonald beacuse he isn't big, yet he is one of the brightest minds in the _entire world_ nutrition wise. of course, i am not saing i'm anywhere near lyle, but the point still stands. I'm not denying your nutrition knowledge, but I am saying that you're too lenient on your diet. I would like to know about these people that you have taken from low to high and what you did recommend to them. I know you didn't say "just ignore the gi, it doesn't mean anything" OR recommend shitty foods to these people. It's not about powerlifting or bodybuilding, but in general majority of powerlifters seem less concerned about their diets than bodybuilders.

christophers i never said gi doesn't matter at all, but it's effects on body composition are exagerrated as most things are. your posts are like a walking t-mag article. the funny thing about t-mag is they fucking suck at science and dont back up anything they say at all here's one, i'll ask for pics but no guarentees, i dont really care enough: start: 137 lb's bench: 85 squat: n/a deadlift: 105 bodyfat: n/a now: 227 lb's bench: 375 squat: 555 deadlift: 605 bodyfat: 13.5 in dunk tank time period: about 2 years, same time as you. he's a rl friend of mine. his diet is was very basic, 5.5-6k/cals, protein at 1.5g/lb, fat @ 25-30% of total cals, rest carbs. his carb sources varied. at first, he ate mostly high gi carbs in the form of potatoes and such. why? because he was puking nearly everyday attempting to eat enough low gi food. you seem to forget i've been down your path. i was more anal than you are now. i lived on pubmed and in nutritional books, dud. i could point out flaws in your diet based on the absolute miniscule of details of you want me to. in the end, if you arent absolutely retarded, small things dont matter as much as lifting heavy weight and eating enough food do. I hope to be there by the end of this year I wrote up a reply, but figured it was pointless. Steveo have you had any tertiary education on human movements etc?

I know majority of the flaws in my diet and could fix them if I had the time and rescources to do so, but it's not going to happen. I work 2 jobs and goto school, this shit is already hard enough as it is. Until I see proven facts that the gi really doesn't effect fat gain much, I won't beleive it. small things dont matter as much as lifting heavy weight and eating enough food do. exactly, but when these are accomplished the small things do count This forum is to teach people the proper way to do things, not give them the idea the sport is easy and you can just eat everything in site. Small things over long periods of time add up. Get in the habit of doing things right and you won't ever look back. Nice job with your friend, and I already beleive you know what you are doing. Like I said before though, this forum is to tell people how to do things the right way. I'm off to bed.

You should eat a banana a day. If nothing else it will help your muscles from locking up.

Peal I hope to be there by the end of this year I wrote up a reply, but figured it was pointless. Steveo have you had any tertiary education on human movements etc? No just reading reputable sites for information. Everyone is biased off the sites they learned their information from. I for one follow strongly off of, they always support information and they are a very smart group of guys

well there's the reason they probably hate on lyle

SteveO I for one follow strongly off of oh shit, if you had any credibility on this site, it just went down the drain.

Jeff Coleman oh shit, if you had any credibility on this site, it just went down the drain. yeah, because apparently I have nothing to show for it. Go sit down I have gained 70 lbs in a matter of 2 years following that site, you want to chime in with all your information? Chris has room to talk, I don't even know you

You must be a born again christian? do you collaberate with other people on the site to meet for sunday school?

Jeff Coleman You must be a born again christian? do you collaberate with other people on the site to meet for sunday school? lock this stupid shit You're a fucking idiot, so are you going to hate all christians that lift? They promote a christian lifestyle, big deal. They are good people and provide good information.

SteveO lock this stupid shit yep make the humiliation stop. the shit is bananas b a n a n a s


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